Radio Frequency Car Horns With Using AI
In many cities around the globe, noise pollution due to the car honking is a big and scary issue. Each and every year millions of healthy lives are being affected by it. Many strict laws are made. But still it is a burning issue in many portions of the world.
My solution to this problem is to implant radio frequency horns with modified normal horns operated using artificial intelligence. RF horns for alerting vehicles and modified normal horns for alerting living beings and AI for pointing difference between them and more. Details in the solution section.
Traffic related noise will be reduced in a larger scale. Millions of people around the globe will get rid from unnecessary car honking. Noise pollution will be reduced without taking bolder legal steps. Accident rate will also be decreased.
The stated problem within the challenge is //How can urban residents design and live in environments that promote physical and mental health?//
In India the cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata and many cities are going through one of a burning issue of noise pollution. Car honking have a huge contribution towards it. Not only in India, but also USA, west Europe, South African countries and many others are been affected by it. Till now many strict laws are adopted. But still car honking have unnecessary impacts on the people living in urban areas.
My solution to this problem is targeting that the car honking made for alerting another car will only be heard by the driver of that specific car, not by others who are unnecessary for that. Not only hear but also that person can visualize the distance of the honking car. It's also will be usable for bikes as well. By this process unnecessary noise pollution will get reduced.
Most of the days while I walk through the footpath of a busy road for going to my college, I hear loud honking of buses and cars. It's really annoying and also unnecessary to me and my co-walkers. So if my concept could implanted it will serve road walkers, bikers, people live or work beside busy roads and also the people who travel in open window vehicles(mainly public transports).
While I was checking my mail box, I came to know about this challenge. When I see the challenge "Healthy Cities", the background image reminded me about the car honking problem. I started thinking about that and this solution came into my mind. It's totally is in conceptual stage. And due to lack of resources I have no option to implant it into vehicles.
My solution will reduce unnecessary noise from car honking at a large scale. So affected people will able to live a healthier life.
My solution works in the following way:
In the model vehicle there would be two types of horn installed. One, which is able to generate radio frequency and another, which is able to generate monitored normal sound. The type of frequency generation will be decided by the AI installed in the proposed honking system. There would be a camera installed in front of the vehicle. Which will capture the real time data of the objects in front of the vehicle. This data will be processed by the AI. For living being (such as humans, dogs or else) if the driver blow the horn, it will emit normal sound frequency according to the distance. And for vehicles it will emit the radio frequency which will be captured by the receiver of the another vehicle(s). And then the signal will be processed to normal sound which could hear by the driver of the targeted vehicle (at a metered scale). The distance of the omitting vehicle will be shown in the cars screen. For bikes there would be wireless sound system installed inside the helmet. So, by this way it will reduce unnecessary noise.
That's my proposed solution of the mentioned problem.
- Promote physical safety by decreasing violence or transportation accidents
- Concept
- New application of an existing technology
How far I researched in this topic, there not exits such application for solving this particular problem. This solving method is promoting healthier life using AI and "frequency transmitter and receiver" system by solving our daily life issue. So it is a effective new application of the existing technology.
My concept utilizes both hardware and software application. As I mentioned previously.
- Artificial Intelligence
I think my solution towards the problem will be beneficiary for the affected people in a larger scale. Because it will address the exact problem in a effective way. Through this solution the unnecessary health loss will get reduced. Only the strict law is not enough for resolving that issue. And it's also compatible with modern driver less cars.
- Peri-Urban Residents
- Urban Residents
It's in conceptual stage.
I hope every vehicles that are operated in cities will have this technology.
I don't have any resources for practically working on this project. And I don't have any idea how much it will cost for implanting this technology into the operable vehicles.
The main barrier for testing this concept is the lack of guidance and proper resources.
- Not registered as any organization
Only me.
Unfortunately now I don't have any business model for this project.
Actually when I see the MIT Solve's global challenges, the challenge "Healthy City" reminded me about the problem of car honking. Suddenly this solution came into my mind. I'm not sure about it's performance or it's potentiality. When I see others are posting many solutions about many problems I decided to post it to the SOLVE. I think SOLVE is a perfect platform for reviewing my solution. And also I will get constructive comments on this concept. I don't have any resources for implanting or testing it's effectiveness. More specifically if this concept has a good potentiality then through this platform it will be visible to people. Which could lead us to a healthy city life.
- Technology
- Legal