Healthie Yoga
World Health Organization (WHO) has stated that NCDs will approximately kill 40 million people each year globally. United Arab Emirates (UAE) residents are part of this statistic. In the UAE every one death from four deaths is from cardiovascular disease, and NCDs are the cause of 67 percent of all deaths. Also, the top four NCDs among children are obesity, cancer, diabetes, and diseases linked to substance abuse and smoking.
We are building an initiative that combats NCDs and the lack of physical activity. The starting point is from Abu Dhabi, the world’s artificial intelligence (AI) hub. We are developing a yoga app that uses AI, Internet of Things (IoT), and motion sensor technology to analyze the data from the yoga clothes that contain sensors while the user exercises through the app. The yoga lessons will be organized based on what NCD that individual wants to tackle.
In 2008, approximately 3.3 billion people worldwide lived in cities, and this rate has continued to rapidly surge. A study researched the correlation between urbanization and non-communicable diseases (NCDs) from 173 countries from 1998 to 2008 and found that urbanization increased BMI and cholesterol levels. We want to reduce the amount of NCDs in urbanized cities, starting in Abu Dhabi, by tackling the problems with lack of physical activity.
The UAE has a population of 9.54 million where 84% live in urban areas (around 8 million). WHO found that in the UAE:
- Cardiovascular diseases was responsible for 30% of deaths
- Cancers for 13% of deaths
- Other NCDs for 16% of deaths
- Diabetes for 3%
- Chronic respiratory diseases 3%
Abu Dhabi is the capital and second most populated city in the UAE with a population of around 1.4 million. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the city, and is the cause behind 37% of all fatalities. A specialist cardiologist has stated that cardiovascular deaths are rising globally and in the UAE because of risk factors including unhealthy diet, sedentary lifestyle, etc.
The UAE population is 9.54 million where 88% (8.4 million) are expats. These expats are from all over the world:
- 27% from India (2.6 million)
- 17% from other countries (1.7 million)
- 12% from Pakistan (1.2 million)
- 7% Bangladesh (0.7 million)
- 5% Philippines (0.5 million)
- 4% Iran (0.4 million)
- 4% Egypt (0.4 million)
- 3% Nepal (0.3 million)
- 3% Ski Lanka (0.3 million)
- 2% China (0.2 million)
For the past seven years we have partnered with health and yoga practitioners to host monthly seminars. Around 5-10 seminars happened each month at universities, conferences and parks where awareness about various health and yoga topics would be raised. Online sessions would happen too. Our focus regions were Southwest and South Asia. We managed to get around 20,000 participants.
Many people lacked motivation with physical activity. Some had time constraints, some were not comfortable going the fitness center and others found it challenging to sustain their motivation. Healthie Yoga restores motivation by offering various lessons and timeframes based on NCD type. For instance, a person can select classes best for asthma, and take the 10 day lesson. Also, the user gets one-to-one guidance at home with smart yoga.
Healthie Yoga uses an app and smart yoga clothes to provide a personalized and easier yoga experience for the user at home. The clothing has been carefully designed with micro sensors that wirelessly communicate with the app about the user’s body position. The multiple sensor system lets the app know where the major bones on the body are located, the angles, the distance, and it detects various body movements. Also, these clothes have built-in batteries that can be charged.
Before using the app, the user first changes into the yoga pant and shirt. The next step is picking a class from the app based on what sort of NCD they want to focus on and reduce. Also, there are lesson recommendations for people who are in a danger of developing a NCD in the future. These lessons will state that they help in, for instance, asthma prevention. For example, Sam picks an easy level class that helps with diabetes, and decides to choose the three day lessons because he is returning to exercise after a long time. He is uncertain if he can sustain a month long workout so he makes selections based on his requirements.
There is a warmup session that lasts for a few minutes. This allows the user to do basic stretches and warm up the blood. This helps in reducing the chances of bruises and muscle cramps that can appear after the workout. Meanwhile, the app can understand where the user’s body is, and load the user’s avatar next to the instructor on the screen. If the user moves their arm to the right, the avatar will do the same.
The lesson will start and the user can follow the teacher. The user can ask the teacher for feedback on their pose, and the teacher will provide step-by-step instructions on how to fix the pose. This is possible through the combination of AI, IoT and a biomechanics system that understands the human body movement.
- Reduce the incidence of NCDs from air pollution, lack of exercise, or unhealthy food
- Prototype
- New application of an existing technology
Healthie Yoga is a new application of an existing technology, and this has potential to expand internationally and reach millions of people. This app concept is new according to worldwide standards because it is a great evolution from the current yoga app market where people just watch yoga lessons on the laptop or app.
The sensors in the yoga clothes allow the app to notify the user about their yoga position, and correct the user if a mistake is detected. For example, if the person’s leg is not straight, then the app will send an alert and guide the user into the correct position. The user will be able to see their avatar on the screen next to the instructor. The user is receiving one-on-one lessons, and these sort of lessons are expensive at fitness centers. In addition, the instructor would be able to reach more clients through this app, and the lessons would be designed in a new manner due to the interactive process of the whole experience.
The yoga app uses AI, IoT and motion sensor technology. There have been great advancements in all three areas. There are IoT sensors with minimal hardware that can track pets, items or people (Dodeja, 2018). For instance, from the airport to the desired location, and this is done through a cellular network and Wi-Fi by transferring information to the cloud. This allows the user to get conclusions from all the data collected from all sensors. Another advancement is that sensors can be as small as the tip of the needle. In addition, there are seven AI tools that help with sensor systems (Sanders, 2013):
- Knowledge-based systems
- Fuzzy logic
- Case-based reasoning
- Ambient-intelligence
- Genetic algorithms
- Neural networks
- Automatic knowledge acquisition
Motion sensor technology is being used to map the user’s motion on the avatar in the app. AI helps in making sure the body movement is tracked accurately (Valerio, 2018).
For this yoga app we are taking a technology that exists, adding our variations, and serving it to a new region with the focus on NCDs. Currently, this technology is yet to be released and it will only be available in the USA and Canada. We have added more elements to the technology by customizing it to NCDs. Our system will show reports on exactly how the user has improved in terms of flexibility, speed, stance, etc.
- Artificial Intelligence
- Machine Learning
- Big Data
- Internet of Things
- Behavioral Design
A study finds that poor dietary intake (e.g. low fruit and vegetable consumption, high salt intake, and high saturated and trans fat intake) and low physical activity are key reasons behind NCD development. WHO states that in the UAE the lack of exercise is the fourth leading risk factor for NCDs. This risk factor ranks higher than obesity.
Lack of physical exercise is responsible for:
- 27% of diabetes
- 30% of heart disease
- 25% of breast and colon cancers
Also, a study finds that 50% of women and 33% of men do not exercise enough in the UAE. WHO highlights that the Eastern Mediterranean Region, where the UAE is located in, falls second place when it comes to low activity rates. America being number one. Common reasons behind the lack of exercise are:
- No time
- No energy
- Not a developed habit
- Competing interests
- Too overwhelming
- Lack of guidance on workout routines
- Lack of results
Healthie Yoga has been designed to eliminate most of these reasons. An individual is able to learn without the need to go to a fitness center. The user has complete control over their exercise routine and pace at home. By organizing lessons based on NCDs, the user can approach exercise from a new perspective and motivation. The app updates the user on various improvements seen between sessions. It is key for people to realize that even spending 15 to 30 minutes exercising daily will leave a sufficient impact for the long-run.
- Women & Girls
- Pregnant Women
- Children and Adolescents
- Elderly
- Rural Residents
- Peri-Urban Residents
- Urban Residents
- Middle-Income
- United Arab Emirates
- United Arab Emirates
Healthie Yoga is serving 0 customers at the moment. After one year, we will be serving 0 customers. After five years, we should serve 70,000 customers. This is because this product would be officially released by the third year. The third and fourth should allow us to gain momentum.
Currently, we have another project that is reaching completion. The first yoga center is being constructed within 6-12 months in Faisalabad, Pakistan. Faisalabad is one of the five cities in Pakistan that is experiencing rapid urbanization. This city is the third most populated city in Pakistan with a population of around 3.2 million. We can gain customers from here.
We are using the Technology Adaption Life Cycle to understand the various users throughout the business growth stages. The current aim is to establish ourselves in the niche market but with precision and attentiveness. A middle-term goal is to serve millions of people; however, we want every individual to receive great customer service and attention. In these five years we hope to move from Innovators to Early Adaptors as shown in the Tech. Adaption Life Cycle. In the Early Adaptors phase there is a chasm that is most challenging to cross. If any business is able to pass through the chasm then they can serve the Early Majority. The Early Majority is when a business can reach millions of customers, and make a scalable impact. We hope to successfully cross the chasm within these five years.
Before starting_2019
- Have a detailed business plan with set monthly goals for the upcoming years
- Find AI, IoT and motion sensor technology experts
First Year_2019-20
- Create different prototype versions for yoga app
- Recruit more yoga instructors (We already have a few)
- Finalize the official prototype for app, and create the Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
Second Year_2020-21
- Finalize the development of the MVP
- Test the MVP with 30-40 people, and make needed corrections
- Formulate marketing plan
Third Year_2021-22
- If MVP is successful, then launch yoga app in the UAE. If not successful, then make corrections on MVP and test it with 30-40 people.
- Launch the product early in the year
Fourth Year_2022-23
- Manage the startup (marketing, human resources, operations, finance, etc.)
Fifth Year_2023-24
- Launch the yoga app internationally (multiple countries).
There are financial and technical barriers.
Before starting_2019
- Have funding from family and friends; however, more is needed.
- Technical guidance from artificial intelligence (AI) and motion sensor technology experts is required for the next few years
First Year_2019-20
- Need funding for creating MVP for the app
Second Year_2020-21
- Need funding to launch the yoga app, and manage the beginning year of operations
- The yoga center profits can be used to help the beginning year of operations
Third to Fifth Year _2021-24
- Once profit comes in, it will be invested in scaling the business
In 2017, the UAE appointed the world’s first ‘minister of AI’ and announced its AI strategy that would lead in transforming many sectors such as healthcare, education and transport. The country is spending billions of dollars into AI and tech. startup incubation funds. All this is happening because the UAE strives to become center of disruption in the AI field, and AI plays a great role with the country’s Centennial 2071 project. In 2019, the country announced the ‘Think AI’ initiative where many workshops, roundtables, and panel discussions took place. By 2030, the government strives to have AI contribute to 14% of the national GDP.
Currently, there are 29 registered AI startups in Dubai and each one of them gains support from the city through partnerships, tech programs, etc. The UAE is the testing ground for AI development, and we hope to overcome the technical barriers by partnering with AI firms in the UAE.
We are overcoming the financial barrier by gathering funds from various places. Friends and family have helped us, and we want to gather the remaining needed funds by applying to fundraising competitions. Also, we have set yearly goals in a manner that lets us use profits generated to cover future financial needs. This way we only need funding for the MVP development and launching the product.
- For-profit
Full time staff: 4 (including the two founders)
Part-time staff: 2
Haniya Sarfraz is an entrepreneur and product developer. At age 21 she published two scholarly journals on leadership. Recently, she completed three executive education programs. She attended Oxford University’s Social Finance program. The Postgraduate Diploma in Digital Business from Emeritus Institute of Management in collaboration with MIT and Columbia Business School. The last program was a Professional Certificate in Entrepreneurship and Innovation from Stanford University. Haniya has four years of experience in management in Saudi Arabia. Currently, she is pursuing a masters in data science.
Hassan Sarfraz is the Director at AusPak International in Faisalabad for the past 14 years. AusPak International is the largest education consultancy in Pakistan, and is the only one to hold a license from AusTrade (an Australian Gov. Department). Hassan has been a Fellow at the Charted Management Institute (CMI). CMI is the UK’s only chartered professional body that focuses on management and leadership excellence. He is a marketing expert, and has experience with human resources, operations, and strategic management.
The two full time members have vast experiences in their fields. One of them is a yoga instructor in for the past 15 years. The second member has around 15 years of experience with nutrition, health and DNA analysis. One of the part-time members has 20 years of experience as an IT analyst and software engineer.
We have a strong team with great experiences, skills and backgrounds in their respective fields. Also, each member believes in Healthie Yoga’s vision and mission.
Healthie Yoga offers smart yoga through special yoga clothes and the app. The yoga lessons are divided based on various NCDs and timeframes. The customers are people who lack motivation to exercise due to various reasons, and the people who want step-by-step guidance throughout their workout. Healthie Yoga is different from what is currently offered in the market because the user is:
- Picking lessons based on their health need
- Choosing classes based on their needed timeframe (e.g. 3 day vs. 1 month class)
- Gaining personalized attention for every second of the workout because the yoga clothes have sensors
- Receiving detailed feedback from the AI system hence precise correction for mistakes
- Doing this at home and not having to go to the yoga studio
We are disrupting the traditional value chain where an individual signs up for the services offered at yoga studios. We are bringing this experience at home, and our go-to-market strategy is the direct to consumer strategy.
The special yoga clothes will be available for purchase, and the subscription revenue model will be used for the app. People have to pay a monthly subscription fee to use the app. The key driver of profitability is the volume of users. The business costs would be fixing any software glitch, and if the sensors malfunction for some yoga clothes. Also, creating prototypes to improve and advance the technology.
We are planning to use a combination of:
- Personal finances
- Family and friends
- Startup fundraising competitions
- Bootstrapping
Based on the progress with the above combination, we might use:
- Crowdfunding
- Angel investors
- Venture capital
Solve will help us overcome the technical and financial barriers. Also, during the 12- months we would need the mentorship, media and conference exposure, business training, and evaluation. Technical mentorship is greatly needed because the whole business depends on the design of the AI, IoT and motion sensor technology. The technological concept behind Healthie Yoga is new, and has not been released by anyone in the world yet. This is why this aspect of the company is first priority.
The other key aspect is deriving a strategy that helps us successfully crosses the chasm from the Technology Adaption Life Cycle. Solve could evaluate and refine our current strategy where we use marketing and customer service.
- Technology
- Distribution
- Talent or board members
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Media and speaking opportunities
We are interested with partnering with:
- Emirates AI – This is Abu Dhabi based company that strives to be the leading supplier and channel for AI solutions in the Middle East. They have a team of AI experts, and they partner with the best so they can tackle big worldwide problems.
- Smart Dubai – This is a government office in the UAE that strives to make Dubai a smart city. They do partnerships with the government and private sector to achieve technological innovation.
These organizations have AI experts in the UAE, where we are headquartered, so these sort of partnerships would be greatly beneficial.
Healthie Yoga uses AI, IoT and motion sensor technology to help combat NCDs. We want to use the prize money to cover out technological expenses for finalizing the prototype and developing the Minimum Viable Product (MVP).
Healthie Yoga uses AI, IoT and motion sensor technology to help combat NCDs. We want to use the prize money to cover out technological expenses for finalizing the prototype and developing the Minimum Viable Product (MVP).
Healthie Yoga uses AI, IoT and motion sensor technology to help combat NCDs. We want to use the prize money to cover out technological expenses for finalizing the prototype and developing the Minimum Viable Product (MVP).
Healthie Yoga uses AI, IoT and motion sensor technology to help combat NCDs. We want to use the prize money to cover out technological expenses for finalizing the prototype and developing the Minimum Viable Product (MVP).