If you can’t master personal innovation, you won’t master any other Kind. The world is full of challenges and problems, and it needs to up skill and systems aren’t going to change until we do. At R.T.I.A, we have programs that bring change in Africa and across the world. Our Design/Moonshot thinking training aims at building the capacity and engage marginalized, at risk youths and communities in Slums and transform them into change makers. Our world faces many complex problems, and the best people to find solutions to those Issues are often within local communities, organizations, Companies and Private institutions. With unique insights, they can design for Specific contexts and think of new technologies, business models, and ways to drive Change.
At Rippple Tech and Innovation Academy,we work towards Design/Moonshot where we train youths on how they can identify challenges and be able to solve them.We realize that Kenya has a high rate of Unemployment youth and they have great ideas to bring something out of them. Unfortunately they lack a structural model on how they can turn their ideas into something tangible.At R.T.I.A,we train them on design thinking and turn their ideas into solutions through solving the challenges we face.
We serve youths in urban slums and rural communities,also women girls and elderly.Currently we have trained more than 2500,youths and have Skills to bring change.
Ripple Tech and Innovation Academy is a two (2) Day training on design thinking for marginalized and underprivileged youths in slums and rural communities.They are undertaken into design process,where they identify challenges and design innovative solutions to solve them.
- Prevent infectious disease outbreaks and vector-borne illnesses
- Enable equitable access to affordable and effective health services
- Pilot
- New business model or process
Our solution is very innovative,these where we identify a community and through interviews by community dwellers,we design a solution with them owning the idea and solutions fully.In most cases,participants have been able to be better achievers after coming up with the most workable strategies and solution which one of our major success indicators
Ripple Tech and Innovation Academy is a business model or process that relies on technology as a key component,to help in designing innovative solutions.Our participants are able to come up with innovative solutions such as Mobile apps,website and many more that are implemented to SOLVE global problems.
- Artificial Intelligence
Since our world faces many complex problems,we realize that people are the one to find solutions to those Issues and are often within local communities, organizations, Companies and Private institutions. With unique insights, they can design for Specific contexts and think of new technologies, business models, and ways to drive Change.At Ripple Tech and Innovation Academy,ou goal is to solving the problem we face such as
“How might we empower Fistula women to seek medical attention”, how might we empower caregivers to fully seek and utilize immunization services in their societies OR How might we empower girls to realize their full potential.,and its done through design thinking.
- Women & Girls
- Children and Adolescents
- Elderly
- Very Poor/Poor
- Low-Income
- Botswana
- Tanzania
- Uganda
- Kenya
- Botswana
- Tanzania
- Uganda
- Kenya
Currently we have trained more than 3,000 youths in Universities and colleges,we have also trained women and elderly approximately 1100 in Urban slums and rural communities of Bungoma Western Kenya.
As young people graduate from Universities and Colleges,they lack jobs and yet their are alot of challenges that we face in our communities and societies.I want to improve and create an impact towards design thinking to train more than 300,000 Youths in Kenya,Uganda,and Tanzania,equipping them with technical skills and be change makers who can solve problems and challenges we face.
The barriers that really exist for me to accomplish my goals,technical support,where i need much Skills,Knowledge,and Training on design Thinking.I also need financial support to help implement the solutions we design.
I am planning to overcome these barriers through attending one of SOLVE events where i can learn,share,and connect with other solvers and also get an opportunity for funding that will help me to scale and implement the solutions that i design.
- Nonprofit
3 Young leaders.
We are young leaders in East africa,and we posses small Skills in Design
We are in the process of partnering with YALI EAST Africa and help us with technical support.
My solution is to serve the Livelihood of mathare slums dwellers who suffer due to poverty, anarchy, prostitution, lack of basic amenities among a myriad of social complexities.Is to design and implement an innovative solution that will solve their needs towards creating a sustainable change.
To facilitate the workshop, we normally Charge Ksh 1,500 per learner and open to negotiations.
To be a Partner with Solve.Where you will give me the platform I require to meet my dreams as Social innovation is concerned.
- Technology
- Funding and revenue model
- Talent or board members
SOLVE AT MIT.I will love to partner with these organizations,as i believe it has the mind of young leaders at heart.
I would like to apply for the AI Innovations Prize,These prize will help us to scale and give us an opportunity to implement the solution we create in our societies and communities.
The innovative Prize for Healthy Cities,will help us to do a research in urban slums and be able to design a solution with the help of slum dwellers themselves.The prize will help us to implement the solutions designed at the slums thus solving the pressing challenges.