Brain Health

Neurolab Seed

Building a more inclusive understanding of the human brain

Team Leader
Tara Thiagarajan

Solution Summary

Brain function is highly dependent on life context. To fully understand the human brain, we must expand research to diverse communities around the world. Sapien Labs’ Neurolab Seed, a globally distributed lab, expands research by making it quick and cost-effective to administer electroencephalogram (EEG) tests.

Neurolab Seed provides a research kit that includes EEG equipment, training and tutorials, analytics tools, and access to Brainbase, a research management platform with good data standards. Researchers around the world pay to use Brainbase as a common platform to upload EEG data. Sapien Labs uses this income to subsidize the “seeding” of hardware to universities in underrepresented regions, thereby increasing the volume of EEG data from people in those regions.

Market Opportunity

  • Recent work shows brain dynamics can differ up to a thousandfold across global populations.
  • 75 percent of human neuroscience research is conducted in the USA and Western Europe, often on university-educated students—which is representative of less than 10 percent of humanity.
  • Studies typically consist of 20-50 subjects and lack standardization, making it difficult to aggregate and compare data.


  • Beta version launched in 2017
  • Existing operations in six countries

Organization Goals

  • Seed additional labs around the globe
  • Attain sustainable revenue through subscription model

Existing Partnerships

Sapien Labs currently partners with:

  • Public Health Foundation of India
  • Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Argentina
  • Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul, Brazil
  • Hoa Lac Hi Tech Park, Vietnam
  • Macquarie University, Australia
  • University of Khartoum, Sudan

Partnership Goals

Sapien Labs seeks:

  • Additional grant funding
  • Universities, pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, and neurologists to expand kit distribution
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Solver Team

Organization Type:

Arlington, VA, USA

Company Stage:

Working in:
SE Asia, S America, E Africa



Solution Team:
Tara Thiagarajan
Tara Thiagarajan
Founder and Chief Scientist