Bio Electron Impulse
- Pre-Seed
Syphon energy through the usage of microchips.
Stimulate the nervous system from the microchip.
Enhance biological functions. Brains, body, biological organs function better with introduction of dissipating energy in a biological makeup. It is what makes us go. We just do not have sources of it. It isn’t electricity.
I hypothesized that electricity is dangerous on biological structures. It is not simply an electrical shock that can kill. I developed prototypes of a device I patented called a BPTMD (Braithwaite Particle Trap Medical Device). The prototypes are mocked down versions of the original BPTMD because I could not develop fully working models of the device with my budget. I made entirely, 6 BPTMD prototypes. The last 2 worked best. The devices Syphon energy and Stimulate biological tissue. Biological organisms, malfunction as they are exposed to dangerous amounts of electricity. Dissipation of the energy is a useful talent.
One experiment involved the BPTMD Devices used to treat arthritis. The treatment worked. I suffered from arthritis for about 3 years until I treated all of it. My back, my neck, even my lower back was treated of the arthritic pains. I do not know how the problem arose. My doctor mentioned that it may be because of my scoliosis. Anyhow; This is about brain therapy. Whatever it is that I suffered from, affected my brains. I suffered from headaches to a point where I felt my brains were dying. Treating, throat, forehead, and back of skull, fixed the problem.
Health organizations can benefit from my solution. My idea (Invention) can be licensed for development and research, by researchers, then implemented into medical fields, as a treatment for many diseases and disorders.
Win a contest like this - I get publication
Get the BPTMD Developed, and Researched in many ways - Device safety optimized, and the devices can be safely used
Get the BPTMD marketed - Financial wealth and the wealth of satisfaction
- High-income economies
- Masters
- Doctoral
- Male
- Female
- US and Canada
- Biotechnology (genetic engineering, new biomolecules)
- Digital systems (machine learning, control systems, big data)
- Electrical engineering
- Physics
- Something so new it doesn’t have a name
When I first theorized, and hypothesized about the solution, there weren’t many scientists interested in the theory or hypothesis. There was one person (Dr. Robert Bob Beck) that I found online as I tried seeking out if such research existed. I was just devastated at what I saw of that sort of research. The development of such ideas seems to be growing very much, and many scientists went the way of electricity as the theorized hypothesis that solve biological problems. I knew otherwise.
“…All biological organs function better with introduction of this unique form of dissipating energy in a biological makeup. It is what makes us go. We just do not have sources of it…”.
2 devices can do a lot of good. The devices may be sterilized as needed, and even shared. That is not important, because I don't think anyone wants to know that. What's important is that the devices can be reused. Whether they are accessible through doctor prescription, and or over the counter, it can still be reused. The devices may be fabricated as tiny microchips; Therefore, they may get lost. That would mean an open market for more products. The important thing is that, no one should want such a thing to get lost. A detectable device is a plus.
- 1-3 (Formulation)
- For-Profit
- United States
I have no research plan. I have been trying to be awarded a government grant. I think the government have settled on the idea that my invention concerns electricity, and a device as such, can be easily fabricated. I have been rejected more than 10 times by the US government concerning research grants for all my projects. With award granted, my research plan, was to simply research and develop the BPTMD Devices, then pay a research institution to research stable and safe fabrications of the BPTMD Devices on volunteers.
The technology is dangerous. low current BPTMD, generates a few megawatts of power, current through the devices’ battery may be 100Amps—Reinventing the battery; It is device positions, powering the devices via charges—. Making a prototype is having the potential of walking around with "2" power plants in your pocket. I figured out many ways of devices prototyping. I simply have not settled for any in particular. When I am ready to get started on prototyping, I will still have to find the right device from all I own. Battery current, output variables must be kept in check.
- 5+ years
- 12-18 months
- 12-18 months
- Human+Machine
- Neurodegenerative Disease
- Chronic Diseases
- Communicable Diseases
I am just curious. Maybe soon I will get something done. I keep wondering about solutions and why people desire them. It truly shows how much people are interested in anything. It shows me the honesty of humanity. Thus far, I don't think I understand humanity. I personally want something in life. From my failures, I just see that no one wants a thing or I just do not know what they desire, because from all I proposed, no one seems to get it. I don't believe anyone is that intelligent when they ignore exactly what needs to be seen.
When I am excluded; The winners of these competitions were my competitors. There is nothing else...