Wholistic Way to Brighter Future for Kids Via Dads
- Yes
- No
- No
- Growth
- South Carolina
The challenge Midlands Fatherhood Coalition(MFC) is solving the problem of children living in poverty and having poor life outcomes due to absent fathers. Children are three times more likely to live in poverty if they have an absent father, and 81% of those who are incarerated do not have involved fathers. In South Carolina 41% of households are comprised of single parent families. In the midlands of South Carolina, there are about 50,000 fathers who could benefit from our intervention, impacting approximately 125,000 children. In America, about 25% of children live without a father in the home. There is much data on the impact of fatherhood absence at www.fatherhood.org,(which is the National Fatherhood Initiative), that reports that absent fathers can impact childrens'health,school performance, obesity, teen pregnancy, etc. Fathers are often not involved because they did not have a father role model, they don't understand healthy relationships, they have mental health or substance abuse issues due to lacking coping skills. They also don't understand the responbility of fatherhood, or have the eduction or job aptitudes to earn a living wage. For social programs to be effective, certain elements need to be in place and our solution includes all of these elements.
Midlands Fatherhood Coalition (MFC) has an effective, wholistic approach that starts with root cause issues. It is customized to each father, who sets individual goals. Intervention Specialist come along side the fathers and offer support. They are available around the clock. The program consists of weekly peer group sessions- six weekson each topic or in a fasttrack program that coincides a state family reunification plan. Topics include: parenting, healthy relationships, economically mobility (financial literacy), health (physical and mental and includes a health screening) and job placement.
Fourty one percent of fathers who enter our program are unemployed or underemployed and we provide GED tutoring, microcrendials certificates, free classes at technical colleges and teach soft skills for workplace success. We have vast employer networks to that will provide jobs for our participants. Technology is used for assessment, data quality mangement using tracking platforms- Apricot and Inform, microcrendialing program (Aperion Global Institute and Blaze Fire Games Parternship) and we have a computer lab for job searches, to help kids with homework, etc.
For programs to be successful, they need to have targetted and measurable outcomes, effective program design, monitoring key performance indicators, evalution and ability to adapt quickly, which MFC does.
Our solution serves fathers with children from birth to eighteen years of age. Any father can participate in our program at no cost The average age of fathers we serve is thirty-three and the average age of their children is 8 years old. Most fathers come to us in crisis- perhaps their co-parent won't let them see their child, or the co-parent has the children living in a dangerous situation, or maybe they feel love for their child but have no idea how to engage. Many dads feel unworthy to be dads and don't believe they can have a child who will have a successful future. The majority of dads we serve are at or below the poverty level. Some don't even have any legal rights to their child. According to the US Census about 25% of fathers do not live with their children. According to Child Trends, one-third of children with lower incomes do not reside with their children.While there are national and state programs that serve to support women and children, there are fewer for fathers. While fatherhood programs are growing, it is important that they have customized solutions, where MFC provides programming aimed specifically at their needs.
Midlands Fatherhood Coalition has three sites and two emerging sites. The Richland, Lexington and Sumter sites are well positioned to public transporation and in communities where the fathers that we serve live. These sites have are run fully by MFC and have Intervention Specialists, Job Developers a group room and Dad's Dens, kitchens, etc. Everything needed to provide a warm and inviting space for dads to thrive. In Orangeburg County, an area of great need and lower resources, we have an office in Family Solutions, where several agencies and non-profits provide "one stop shopping" for families in need of services. We are providing services out of the Odel Weeks Center in Aiken County, while looking for a permanent office site. Our Site Manager are all male fathers, ranging in age from the thirties to early fifties. They are all fathers. The majority of people we serve (71%) are black and our leadership reflects that 100%. MFC works with the community greatly- law enforcement, State and County Departments of Social Services, state and local government, non-profits and other community organizations to ensure that we can serve fathers based on community needs and have good referall networks. We have held fatherhood focus groups with the United Way and other facilitating organizations, with current fathers we serve and adjust programming to meet their changing needs. We have engage with dads in schools, we provide father-child activities and Back to School events. We participate in community events, job fairs, festivals, etc. We work with SC Center for Fathers and Families- a seperate but related non-profit, who refines the curricilum by getting feedback from MFC, studying trends in effective fatherhood programming. We listen, we don't judge and because each father comes to us with specific and personal goals, we are not a cookie cutter program.
- Coalition Building – Generating greater buy-in and support for workforce navigation efforts through coalitions, promoting communication and collaboration across diverse sectors and stakeholders including businesses, nonprofits, and government entiti
- Growth
Because we have an effective, evidence-based program with documented outcomes for over twenty years; we are ready to grow more. While the program is constantly tweaked and community partnerships have been developed and strengthened. We create mindset shifts and change the trajectory of people;s lives.
While most referrals come from Department of Social Services, we get many from word of mouth from program graduates, family court and we have been working with the justice system more frequently, just completeing a cohort about to be released from incarceration.
We started with an office in Richland County, our headquarters. We moved into a larger space in 2020 and the Leadership Columbia organization built a Dad's Den, which is an amazing space for dads and children to work, play and enjoy. We added sites in Lexington and Sumter with two new sites in their infancy.
We have relationships with over 100 employers and have forged parnterships with local technical schools for free education and with Asperion for microcrendials. While we have been successful in generating revenue with a mix of state and local government, foundations, corporations and individuals. We are always working to sustain and grow our resources so we can serve more.
- 101 - 1,000
- Yes
Technology is critical in addressing solutions. In our field, it starts first with a personal relationship. Many non-profits have a program- you participate and you are done. Our program is customized and we have to focus first on building trust with those who seek our services. Men, who are in crisis are often not quick to ask for help. There is also a lot of mistrust from those who have sought social services, in the past. Once trust is built and people feel safe, the next step is a mindset shift. Embedded multi generational trauma and cycles run deep! We offer a new perspective and a mind set shift. The biggest initial challenge is convincing men that they can think of things differently, do things differently and experience successes they never thought possible. Once this happens and they can set very specific life goals- many revolve around relationships, health, education employment and sometimes custody and visitation issues. Our Intervention Specialists can be reached in person or by phone 24/7 and we are there for dads as they struggle and experience ups and downs in their fatherhood journey. Our program is effective because we take a very personal, multi-faceted approach that starts with "a man in the mirror" evaluation and a mind-set shift, we deal with root cause issues and lead fathers in their pathway of goals and offer support and solutions, in addition to information in peer group sessions. Not only could other fatherhood programs be successfull, but other human services organiztions could use this model to serve better and change future trajectories. While we use technology for tracking, evaluating and for teaching and communication, job evaluation, education and job applications, we know there are other ways we can improve in this area and are excited to develop this.
Key Performance Indicators Measuring Impact
63% of people entering unemployed to find employment while enrolled.
66% of people who state they are dissatisfied with the amount of time spent with children to increase the time spent with their kids
65% who state they are dissatisfied with the relationship with the mother of the children to improve that relationship
83% of DSS Participants to have their children returned or keep their children in their homes
Program Enrollment Goals:
DSS Enrollment - 385
Participants Completing the Program - 120
Outreach Service Enrollment - 235
Organizational Goals:
Opening Offices in Orangeburg and Aiken (identify permanent office space, hire staff and begin full programming)
Computers for both Orangeburg and Aiken and new Outreach Laptops for Lexington and Richland.
Using Inform and Apricot and with a Data Quality Director and a Data Quality Specialist, we insure that Intervention Specialists properly record all data and that it is recorded properly. After a monthly data audit, data is reviewed and plans are made to include changes and adaptations, or find new ways to address identified issues, where there are we are behind goals.
- A new business model or process that relies on innovation or technology to be successful
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Audiovisual Media
- Big Data
- Crowd Sourced Service / Social Networks
- GIS and Geospatial Technology
- Software and Mobile Applications
There are twenty-one full time staff- CEO, Program Director, Fidelity Director, Data and Quality Management Director, Human Resources Manager, Intervention Specialists, Job Developer, Program Assistants
Two Contracted Staff- Social Media and Marketing Director, Senior Development Consultant
Part-Time (funded by another organization) Nurse Practitioner
We have a Board of Directors with eleven members and other program volunteers and subject matter volunteers
Midlands Fatherhood Coalition has been in existence for twenty-two years and our CEO has been with the organization for the entire time. This program was initially responding to a RFP that was seeking to address poverty in children in a new and innovative way. The fatherhood factor was idenfied as big issue. South Carolina is known nation wide for innovative and successful fatherhood programming. To stay relevant and to maxamize impact, MFC has tried different delivery methods and programming over the years. Our newest adaptations include a fast track (alligns with DSS family reunification plans) and a microcredential program.
MFC is committed to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, as well as providing a sense of Belonging for everyone on our team and that we serve. Regarding DEIB, we have a statement for both services and employment that we adhere to. Many of our staff have completed formal DEI training.
The majority of our staff, are Blacks/ African American, which reflects both the communities we serve and the communities where we have offices. We have five female employees and the majority of men, which is due to the fact that we are a fatherhood program. Ages of staff and contractors is twenty-five to sixty years old.
We have staff that are a variety of ages, educational, socio-economic, ages and religious backgrounds. We are always open to more diverse aspects. Our Human Resources Manager, who reviews all applications, participates in interviews and approves all hires has participated in and promoted DEIB practices in our recruiting and hiring. We currently have two fatherhood program graduates who serve as Invervention Specialists.
When we have meetings and brainstorm ideas, everyone is heard and their opnions are valued. Just like in our peer group sessions for fathers, everyone feels safe speaking up, asking questions, providing input and sharing ideas. We are also a safe place to talk about hard things. We are very inclusive in all aspects of our work and we see that when we have fun team building activities. Fatherhood creates a warm environment for all. We respect each other, listen, make eye contact for all staff and everyone who comes to our office. Our CEO has said that showing respect to each other and the fathers and families we serve is the most important thing.
At MFC, our business model looks at our team, the market place and opportunities, the benefit to our recipients and the community at-large, program effeciveness, development and implementation and related costs, the financial health,revenue mix, capital and sustainability, outside influences and contingencies.We also have a Strategic Plan that is focusing on awareness, program growth and financial development. We are focused on social impact to both the direct beneficiary of our program,which is fathers and their children, as well as the impact to society at large. By making communities safer, well and economically mobile, reducing poverty, incarceration and teen pregnancy, tax payers save significantly, as well.
We have a primary customer- the father, who benefits from personal development and growth, but the real beneficiary is his children, who will experience brighter outcomes now and break generational cycles negative cycles. The product we provide is information that can be immediately applied, resources and wrap around services to help them reach their goals and the support needed to weather the ups and downs, but move positively and stay on course. Father child activities provide for positive learning, growth, bonding and creating memories.We can also provide transportation, housing assistance, emergency financial assistance, navigation of custody and visitation issues, job assessments and training, GED tutoring, education- whatever an individual needs to succeed. While they graduate, many continue coming to peer group sessions, seeking advise from Invention Specialists and mentoring current program participants. The are provided with peer group sessions (with workbooks), goal setting, fatherchild activities and Intervention Specialist support, We use technology with intake, assessments, Group Sessions (AV) tracking participant progress and outcomes, education and job attainment- Kuder Assessments, KEYS, Inform, Apricot, to name a few programs that we use.They want/need this due to a their desire and inability to provide and see their children.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
MFC receives about 70% of funding from federal grants and the SC Department of Social Services that comes through the SC Center for Fathers and Families as via an MOU, as a contractor that provides Direct Services.. The remainder comes from state and local governments, foundations- public and private, corporations and individuals. Our Annual Development Plan is to generate $300,000 in unrestricted giving/general program support. We utilize online giving (local Giving Day, Give Day 8/28, Giving Tuesday), two annual appeal letters and tools to introduce people to MFC via Lunch and Learns. We consistently receive funding ($60,000) from Sumter City and County and and receive funding from $5,000-$50,000 from the counties we serve, that vary year to year. We do annual reports and monthly news letters to keep donors informed, as well as facilitate many face to face meetings throughout the year. While granted in 2024, MFC has secured $600,000 in one time funding from the State of South Carolina to launch our offices in Aiken and Orangeburg Counties. Our donor retention rate is 34%. Fortunately, it is our top donors who tend to consistently remain with us. Top donors for 2024 include the following
Key Donors from 2024, in addition to $30,000 from individuals:
AFLAC, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of SC, Sumter County, Sumter City, Columbia Fireflies, Dominion Energy Charitable Foundation ($10,000), Eastminster Presbyterian Church, Shealy, Inc. O'Neill Charitable Foundation ($100,000),Womans Club of Columbia Endowment, Richland County ($50,000)
We have dedicated Development staff to oversee this program, with great support from the MFC Executive Team and the Board of Directors.
We would appreciate support in all the areas that you are offering! Value would be added in pushing us forward with new information, thinking and resources to ultimately help us improve and grow services to our beneficiaries.
Our organization would greatly benefit from a comprehensive needs assesment to fully understand and uncover any trending barriers to effective fatherhood engagement and economic mobility. The accountability of a monthly check is is great. It is common for social service providers to be fatigued by their daily work and giving us this construct will keep us from missing the "forest for the trees".
Learning and development modules aimed at refining business model, theory of change, and plans for scaling. This would be especially helpful! Our Leadership Team has served our organization long term, which is a great asset, but also it is easy to rely on the comfort of the familiar and operate more in a silo. Change is slow in fatherhood but is needed.
As we know, a strong peer-to-peer network to build a community of practice is a key element of success and we value this opportunity
Workshops focused on refining the finalist solutions and pitch consultation to help prepare for the Inspire Awards event. We practice for everything thing we do and any refinements would be greatly welcomed!
The Truist Leadership Institute Retreat could be life changing for MFC!