Transformational Home
- Yes
- No
- No
- Growth
- Georgia
As of the 2020 Census, Griffin, Georgia has a population of over 23,000 residents, this of course does not touch the homeless community because of no record of residency. So the numbers are in the thousands of who we serve, as they come through the city to relocate for services that are made available to them. As a concrete number of homeless is impossible to navigate because of no permanent address, we serve women and children in this area. This a five pillar of learning, the women and children enter the home for six to twelve months. They are provided mental health counseling, life and survival skills coaching. As we attempt to remove one family at a time from the streets of our community by training. We partner with community leaders, businesses, churches, and schools to provide a well balance resource within the community for families to move towards permanent housing. This will in turn provide success levels to increase in economics, youth development in schools, victims becoming self sustaining, and other underserved populations of people benefit from our programs. Our program while serves a specific number at a time, is available to aid in the success of homeless women.
Rahab's Women and Children Home, Inc. provides transformational housing for women and children through a training based module that offers learning in five key components/areas: Faith-based learning, Self care and parenting skills, Nutrition and housekeeping, Financial literacy, and Employability/training. These are key areas that will help to sustain a positive and productive community as the citizens continue to grow and add value to its growth, economically, socially, educationally, and emotionally. Homeless women once they agree to the program for at least six months, they begin the journey of improving their mental and emotional health and they learn how to be a productive citizen of society and how to teach their children how to be productive in learning and growing. Computers are utilized for the growth process, Author specific books, bibles, and community leaders. During the program, the women learn the importance of budgeting, saving, shopping on minimal means, and how to grow resources and utilize the community resources that are made available. There are measurables designed for each woman based on goals set as they enter the program. These goals are monitored throughout the program and timelines are set. Guidance to meet each measurable goal happens with coaching sessions.
Rahab's Women and Children Home, Inc. works directly and meaningfully to improve the lives of homeless women and mothers with children. The work they put in while living in the home will benefit not only the mother, but the next generation (their children). This program focuses on helping the women to shift their minds so they can see the world through a different lens to improve their future, by doing the work in the present. Homeless women are currently underserved because many of the behaviors have been passed down through generations and until women work on themselves so growth can take place. The women we serve 100% come with trauma induced backgrounds that have not been handled carefully by getting the necessary help. So whatever is not transformed, is transferred. So negative life experiences and trauma without healing is transferred to the next generation. This is the reason we incorporate mental health and life coaching to undercover the reasons they can be stuck in a life that was designed for them by how they were raised and without the necessary education and application, homeless can be inevitable for some, unless caught early.
Rahab's Women and Children Home, Inc. has engaged with the homeless women population and we know that mental health and emotional coaching is absolutely necessary for the success of getting them off the street. The women of Rahab's are required to give back to the community, so although they are in transformational housing, they help to serve women and children who are currently homeless. They are able to serve at food pantries and kitchens that serve low socioeconomic communities. We partner with organizations, churches, and other non-profits who engage with this population so we are in the trenches to address the problem of the lack of dignity and whole help this population receives in our communities. There must be a balance of all things needed to shift the mindset of the homeless and get them back on their feet, with more than just a band aid fix. We have made adjustments to our intake process and the program requirements to ensure the ladies have a mind, body, and spirit experience while living in the home.
- Wraparound Services – Supporting unemployed and underemployed individuals on their journey to economic mobility through innovative and comprehensive resources including transportation support, childcare, mentorship, mental health services, and more.
- Growth
With Rahab's Women and Children Home, Inc. we have provided over 1200 hours of mental health counseling, over 1200 hours of life and survival skills coaching. The women have served in community service hours of over 500 hours. Since our establishment, we have served more than 15 women and more than 20 children. We have provided over 1200 hours of faith based education.
- 11 - 100
- Yes
Rahab's Women and Children Home, Inc. is different from others in that we provide a more of a wholistic view on how to help reduce the homeless population. We utilize parts of the community to come in and teach the homeless how to be self sustaining and how to grow in areas they may not have ever received knowledge or education on, such as financial literacy, parenting skills, and mental health counseling, all while living in the home and working towards accomplishing personal and professional goals. We focus on the current needs but the futuristic needs as well that will impact the next generation.
Rahab's Women and Children Home, Inc. looks to impact this underserved population by assessing mental and emotional needs. We conduct assessment every month to ensure positive impact happens for each individual. These measurables are taken by surveys and assessments. First assessment is given when they enter the home. The next assessment is given as they complete the first initiative of mental health counseling through group counseling which is four weeks after entering the program. Then after each training module is complete, an assessment of comprehension is given. One on one coaching session are biweekly and an assessment is done every month. For Financial literacy, phase four actually happens after four weeks entering the home to ensure comprehension, this takes place in the one on one coaching sessions. To measure comprehension on financial literacy, bank statements are submitted, savings accounts are submitted, direct deposits and assessments are given after four weeks of financial literacy of learning.
- A new business model or process that relies on innovation or technology to be successful
- Audiovisual Media
- Behavioral Technology
- Crowd Sourced Service / Social Networks
- Internet of Things
- Software and Mobile Applications
Contractors - 2 part time, 1 full time
We have been working on this solution since April 2023. 1 1/2 years
Rahab's Women and Children Home, Inc. leadership team is diverse in that our board of directors includes 3 men, 4 women, 5 Black/brown persons. Our staff consist of 1 - black/brown woman, 1 - Hispanic woman, 1 - white woman
Key Resources: Monthly expenses of $11,340 covers for families ($2200), utilities ($1120), staff ($5750), food ($200), cleaning products ($150), lawn care ($220), house maintenance, computers for residents, attend virtual meetings, apply for jobs, telehealth, transportation vehicle ($200) for residents, and household items ($1500 Sam's Credit Card). Partners + Key Stakeholders are Board of Directors, Residents in the home, Coaches, Counselors, Therapist, Community Experts. Cost Structure: Biggest expenditure areas are: rent/mortgage, vehicle maintenance, utilities, coaching materials, and fundraiser events. These cost will increase as we enlarge space to house more homeless women and children and as we purchase property, utilities will increase, more residents will increase addition of coaching supplies and materials. Key Activities: mental health counseling, weekly group coaching, weekly one on one coaching, family activities, four main fundraiser throughout the year (Annual Prayer Luncheon, Annual GALA, Annual Board Meeting, Annual Onboarding event to Empower, Thanksgiving Dinner, Christmas Dinner and family gifts), Mother's Day Outing, Summer Fun Activities for Children, After school Program and Tutors onsite, Barber visit for children, Hairdresser for women and children, Arts, Music, Crafts for Children.Types of Intervention:one on one coaching sessions, weekly group coaching sessions, weekly or biweekly mental health counseling sessions. Channels: we are reaching our donors, clients, volunteers, supporters via email distribution list, table pop up tents in public venue, speaking at venues, Surplus: profits will be invested back into programs and property for more locations. Segments: Residents benefit from interventions. Customers: Residents, Community residents, community businesses, faith-based organizations. Value Proposition:Upon graduation out of the program, women will have a home, furnished, and skilled in financial literacy. Residents want to have a home, solid foundation in finances, improved mental and emotional health. Revenue sources: 70% grants, 15% private donors, 10% businesses/foundations, 5% residents.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
What is your plan for becoming financially sustainable, and what evidence can you provide that this plan has been successful?
We have four primary fundraising events throughout the year: Annual Prayer Luncheon where we invite pastors, ministers, church leaders, and community leaders to join us for a time of prayer for the year, post their promise pledge and donations to fund the organization for the first half of the year. Annual GALA will bring in new and current donors to celebrate the graduation of the residents out of the program, providing an auction of items donated by community leaders, and the selling of tables for organizations to attend. Annual 5K/1K Fun Run to encourage health and wellness among families and the community. Onboarding of new residents at a Women's Empowerment event to introduce more community to Rahab's Women and Children Home as new homeless women enter the program.
Foundations donations in the amount of $1000
Private donors: $ $38,840
Organization donations: $3,750
Residents (monthly program fee): $14,650
By partnering with Truist, Rahab's Women and Children Home, Inc. will become known to more individuals throughout the community whose heart is into giving. We want to connect on a larger scale with foundations, organizations, business who are looking for ways to pour into the community on how to increase job employability and career transition, helping our children receive opportunities to be in the Math, Arts, Crafts, and Educational learning in after school programs. We want so many people to know about Rahab's Women and Children Home that one can raise up in each region of the world, not each state because we want to bring a solution to homeless problem. If we can have a Rahab's in every state, it would be to educate, train, improve mental and emotional health, financial literacy, economic intelligence on investing and learning how to shape the community through utilizing all knowledge gained. Yes, the monetary will help us with the resources, however the awareness and connections will be even greater.