Mobile organization and care of patients with rare diseases.
Organisation Yinéyinédian pour la Nature et le Développement Durable (OND).
- Burkina Faso
- Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso has a population of more than 22 million inhabitants, particularly vulnerable to climate-related health impacts. More than three thirds of the population live in rural areas, where 90% of districts face a serious shortage of water for sanitation and hygiene. The country has more than 3 million people suffering from rare diseases, who have difficulty making a diagnosis, it takes on average more than 3 years to obtain a diagnosis, they have to travel long distances and often without having an appointment. with a caregiver. Even after diagnosis, treatment can be difficult due to lack of products.
This is a mobile service for census and establishment of patient registers and databases particularly in hard-to-reach areas and everywhere in order to facilitate collaborative research and accelerate new treatments while establishing a collaborative link between patients and their caregivers.
This will involve playing the role of interface and placement of diagnostic and treatment appointments for patients while facilitating transport for patients far from diagnostic and care centers.
In a nutshell, it is the establishment of a large-scale mobile health ecosystem, connecting researchers, clinicians and communities in order to better serve patients.
Our solution, the mobile health ecosystem integrating a community health platform and more specifically the dashboard, is designed so that more than 4,000 public health officials and 8,000 community health workers can use it directly and benefit to at least 3 million patients. The Integrated Community Health Platform and Mobile Health Ecosystem applications will also be used to obtain information on climate-sensitive health factors in their own communities. In total, the platform seeks to drive data-driven commitments to improve the lives of more than 22 million people in Burkina Faso.
- Improve the rare disease diagnostic journey – reducing the time, cost, resources, and duplicative travel and testing for patients and caregivers.
- Growth
We selected the step above because our solution aims to set up a mobile census service and establish patient registers and databases particularly in difficult to access areas and everywhere , including a community health platform to facilitate collaborative research and accelerate new treatments while establishing a collaborative link between patients and their caregivers.
This will involve playing the role of interface and placement of diagnostic and treatment appointments for patients while facilitating transport for patients far from diagnostic and care centers.
In a nutshell, it is the establishment of a large-scale mobile health ecosystem, connecting researchers, clinicians and communities in order to better serve patients.
By establishing a mobile census service and establishment of patient registers and databases particularly in hard-to-reach areas and everywhere, including a community health platform to facilitate collaborative research and accelerate new treatments while establishing a collaborative bond between patients and their caregivers, our solution addresses the problem in new and significantly improved ways. This makes it possible to provide lasting solutions to the problem while involving all stakeholders.
We face financial and technical obstacles, which the Amgen Prize will help us overcome if we are selected for the prize.
We are well placed to propose and implement this solution being qualified, close to the stakeholders with whom we already work, we know the field and we have a good collaborative working relationship with local authorities, NGOs, local communities , public health professionals, community health workers, patients and the private sector.
- Nonprofit
5 years
Notre équipe est composée de 6 femmes, 6 hommes parmi lesquels vous avez des personnes vivant avec un handicap, des personnes issues de minorités et des groupes vulnérables.
Nos valeurs sont : la participation et l'inclusion sociale à tous les niveaux et nous luttons contre les discriminations sous toutes ses formes. Nous promouvons les personnes qui font partie de l'équipe.
Notre modèle économique repose sur la mobilisation, l'implication et la responsabilisation des acteurs pour qu'ils se prennent en main à travers la mise en œuvre de projets sociaux, culturels, environnementaux, climatiques, sanitaires, éducatifs et économiques au bénéfice des communautés locales, des professionnels de santé, des agents de santé communautaires. , les groupes vulnérables et les plus démunis.
Nous travaillons avec les communautés autochtones et locales en renforçant leurs capacités, en les soutenant, en leur fournissant des services dans les domaines de la santé, de l'éducation, de l'environnement, du social, de la culture, de l'économie, du changement climatique…
Ceux qui manquent de nos services ont besoin de nos services car ils répondent à leurs besoins. besoins et attentes.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C) (e.g. patients or caregivers)
Nous avons réussi à créer des centres de santé et de promotion sociale, des écoles primaires publiques et à mener des campagnes contre l'hépatite, le VIH/SIDA, le paludisme, la tuberculose et d'autres maladies.
Nous avons également réalisé avec succès des projets dans les domaines de la gestion des ressources naturelles et de la lutte contre le changement climatique et nous mettons à votre disposition quelques liens à cet effet :
et :
Nous travaillons actuellement sur la dose à la naissance contre l'hépatite au Burkina Faso avec le Financement de la Coalition pour l'Elimination mondiale de l'Hépatite B, basée aux Etats Unis, en cas de besson, nous vous donnerons plus amples informations. .
Coordonnzteur Général de l'OND