Automatic modified neonatal oncubator,embranes nest,and angle markt,
New born thermal control company
- Tanzania
- Tanzania
From 2004 to 2016, under-five mortality has decreased in Tanzania, but there has been no change in neonatal mortality. Hypothermia due to prematurity and low birth weight, birth asphyxia and neonatal infections account for 40% of neonatal deaths in the country. Hypothermia is a medical emergency that occurs when the body loses heat faster than it can produce, causing low body temperature incompatible with life. About 57% of neonates in the entire East African region are hypothermic.
Many factors contribute to this challenge, including:
Environmental factors such as the temperature in newborn try care areas and remoteness of health facilities
Social factors such as low level of health education among members of the society
Financial factors. There are no sufficient funds to buy medical tools and equipment for health facilities.
Current State Stakeholder System
In Tanzania, the main stakeholders are the government and the non-government sector that include non-government organizations and the private health sector. The Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children (MoHCDEC) is responsible for policy-making. In contrast, the President's Office Regional Administration and Local Government (PO-RALG) implements such policies. All the money for health-related activities from the Ministry of Finance and Planning is deposited directly to the public health facilities bank accounts. The money sent depends on the budget that is previously set by health facility governing committees. The committee decides on how to spend the money, including the decision to obtain essential health equipment. Non-government health facilities decide independently depending on their revenues and on the number of patients they attend. Local organizations such as CCBRT support other health facilities to provide better care to prevent disabilities. International organizations such as UNICEF provide support in knowing the pressing issues. Public and private research institutions support in giving scientific evidence on what is working.
From 2004 to 2016, under-five mortality has decreased in Tanzania, but there has been no change in neonatal mortality. Hypothermia due to prematurity and low birth weight, birth asphyxia and neonatal infections account for 40% of neonatal deaths in the country. Hypothermia is a medical emergency that occurs when the body loses heat faster than it can produce, causing low body temperature incompatible with life. About 57% of neonates in the entire East African region are hypothermic.
Many factors contribute to this challenge, including:
Environmental factors such as the temperature in newborn try care areas and remoteness of health facilities
Social factors such as low level of health education among members of the society
Financial factors. There are no sufficient funds to buy medical tools and equipment for health facilities.
Current State Stakeholder System
In Tanzania, the main stakeholders are the government and the non-government sector that include non-government organizations and the private health sector. The Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children (MoHCDEC) is responsible for policy-making. In contrast, the President's Office Regional Administration and Local Government (PO-RALG) implements such policies. All the money for health-related activities from the Ministry of Finance and Planning is deposited directly to the public health facilities bank accounts. The money sent depends on the budget that is previously set by health facility governing committees. The committee decides on how to spend the money, including the decision to obtain essential health equipment. Non-government health facilities decide independently depending on their revenues and on the number of patients they attend. Local organisations such as CCBRT support other health facilities to provide better care to prevent disabilities. International organizations such as UNICEF provide support in knowing the pressing issues. Public and private research institutions support in giving scientific evidence on what is working.
- Other
- Growth
we have tested our product to users and until now we save more than 2000 p neonate which could ever being died due to hypothermia and birth asphyxia
also, we recognized by WHO as the strong allies for the improving primary health care facility through creativity and innovation
to get more ideas and skills which i can invest in the organization goal
urrently, we are the only four people to take-off the startup. We have gaps that must be filled as soon as possible as observed in the organogram. We will immediately look for manufacturing expert, supply chain expert and accounting personnel and later have marketing and sales managers. Depending on the cost of running the startup, we could take them on as partners.
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
SDG Targets & Indicators
We are addressing SDG 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.
Target: End all preventable deaths under five years of age.
- 3.2.1: Under-5 mortality rate (number of children per 1,000 live births who die before their 5th birthday)
- 3.2.2: Neonatal mortality rate (Number of newborns per 1,000 live births in a given year who die before reaching 28 days of age
Theory of Change: Logic Model
-Physical space for production (Factory building)
-Materials for production
-Machines such as Acrylic binder and driller
-Stakeholder engagement
-Fabrication of the tools (Modified incubator, angle mark and embrace nest)
Number of primary healthcare facilities with (and using) the modified incubator, embrace nest and angle mark tools.
Life savinng
Improved health system in managing and improving quality of care of neonates
- A new innovation or technology
Every year about 1 million infant in the developing word die due to prematurity
complications. Premature infants are born before the organs mature enough to
allow normal postnatal survival as such the premature infants are at risk to develop
hypoxia, hypothermia and many other associated adverse conditions. These infants
need special care and attention. One of the major problems that newborns face is
improper thermalregulation.The temperature inside inside the mother wombis
380c leaving the warmth of the womb at birth, the wet new born finds itself in a
much colder environment and immediately starting losing heat. In the first10-20
minutes, the new born who is note thermal protected may lose enough heat for the
body temperature to fall by 2-40c with even greeter fall in the following hours if the
proper care is given.If heat loss is not prevented and is allowed to continue, the
baby will develop hypothermia and is at increased risk of developing health
problem and that of death.Therefore,an infant incubator is necessary which
attempt to create necessary environment for baby’s survival. The available neonatal
incubators mostly imported in developing countries are complicated, and expensive
particularly for least developed countries. For example in Tanzania the imported
incubators cost 9 times more than the Tanzania made under the present invention.
The object of the present invention is to provide a simple, automatic, suitable and
affordable neonatal incubator.
ANGLE MARK device for obtaining optimal head-tilt in c-supine position for
resuscitation in neonates (angle mark), comprising of wood, sponge and
leather plastic. The wooden material forms the frame work of the device
and at the position where the head lies; it is formed at an angle af
between 1440 and 1500. This angle is very important as it assist in
maneuvering during the resuscitation process.The sponge and leather
material cover the frame work and provides comfort to the neonate
during the resuscitation process. The infant is covered with dry clothes
and nylon and cotton material cap in its head in order to prevent heat
losses during the resuscitation process. This device helps in reducing
tongue retraction during resuscitation procedure and mild glossopteris in
newborns. This discovery is a solution to the global challenge of birth
asphyxia, which causes approximately 717,000 newborn deaths each
year, or 23
percent of
the global
burden of
- Embrace nest: To keep the baby warm in the movements within the health facility and during a referral to a more advanced health facility
Emmanuel mushi founder /CEO of new born thermal control with the leadership skills ,disign skills, fighter in the reduction of maternal and neonatal death at the primary health care facility in Tanzania recognized by WHO thought creativity and innovation for 12 years
Susana george lupenda head of maternal and neonatal word mererani health center nursing midwife experience 12 years
Doricus kiya heard of RCH services and matron mererani health center 10 years
Mercy mare kessy company social workers
Damasi beda minja company secretary with industrial and manegement skills
6 years working including testing phase
Vision, Mission & Values
Vision: All newborns in peripheral health facilities in sub-Saharan Africa stay alive and thrive.
Mission: To be the best local manufacturer of modified incubators and other tools to enhance health systems in sub-Saharan Africa using locally available materials to end preventable neonatal deaths.
- Proactivity: We act in advance; we do not react.
- Integrity: We uphold the values of honesty, truthfulness and sincerity while remaining fair and ethical.
- Responsibility: We accept responsibility and accountability. We don't make excuses. We support others inside our company and in our networks to obtain positive results.
- Transparency: We keep our teams and stakeholders informed on issues that may affect them directly or indirectly.
- Respect: We respect diversity and dignity.
Designed for:
Designed by:
Business Model Canvas
New born thermal control
New born thermal control
Key Partners
Key Activities
Value Propositions
Customer Relationships
Customer Segments
Private healthcare centres(product co-creation)
Public healthcare centres(product co-creation).
MSD(For supply of angle mark,embrane nest,and baby incubator
IHI & PDP(For startup incubation and networking).
TMDA & TBS(Product license).
NIMRI( Medical research).
Nurses & Doctors Associations(TANNA).
Neonatal & Maternal NGO(Project HOPE).
Subcontractors & Manufacturers.
Research and Development.
Product design.
Legal permits acquisition.
Manufacturing of the product.
Website building.
Marketing & Managing orders.
Maintenance services.
Warms the baby at 36.7degrees.
User friendly,easy to access baby warmer.
Aesthethics,safe and comfortable.
Simple to use and maintaining.
Affordable price.
Embeded with backup power supply.
Maintenance Service guarantee and spare parts.
Low energy consumption and environmental friendly.
Portable and robust in design for local/remote areas.
Personal assistance.
The use of automated services,website.
Use of co-creation(new born Team and Helthcare providers).
Feedbacks and review collection.
Technical support.
Users ;
Newborn babies.
Biomedical Engineers.
Public healthcare centres through Medical Store Department(MSD).
Private healthcare centres.
NGOs and social entreprises.
Key Resources
Intellectual property,IP.
Capital(shares from founders & Grants).
Human resource(2 Engineers, 1 medical doctor , 1 accountant & 1 sale & markerter).
Channel type:
-Sales force, web sales,own stores.
-Partneship with distributors .
Cost Structure
Revenue Streams
1.Variable costs: Logistics, taxes, Utilities,storage,trainings,
2.Purchases for manufacturing:
Product= Raw materials,Components,devices.
Service= Assembly and testing.
3.Investment: Computers, machines, furnitures, equipment and devices.
Sales of new born products.
Maintenance service(subscription/contract based).
Training Charges.
Commissions from Subcontractors.
Designed by: The Business Model Foundry ( Word implementation by: Neos Chronos Limited ( License: CC BY-SA 3.0
- Organizations (B2B)
Direct beneficiaries are premature newborns, newborns with hypothermia, and newborns with birth asphyxia in settings where there is no modern equipment to support new lives. Literature informs that more than 50% of newborns in the East African regions suffer from hypothermia and many are born asphyxiated, causing cerebral palsy which hinders their normal daily functions. In turn, it causes psychological, economic and social distress in their families.
Tanzania has about 8083 health facilities, 96.5% being primary healthcare facilities. Almost all primary health facilities have no tools to provide proper care for the newborns with hypothermia. Therefore, these facilities will be benefiting through improving the quality of health services with an eventual reduction of mortality and morbidity in neonates.
The situation is similar to most countries in the sub-Saharan Africa region.
Early Adopters
Direct beneficiaries are premature newborns, newborns with hypothermia, and newborns with birth asphyxia in settings where there is no modern equipment to support new lives. Literature informs that more than 50% of newborns in the East African regions suffer from hypothermia and many are born asphyxiated, causing cerebral palsy which hinders their normal daily functions. In turn, it causes psychological, economic and social distress in their families.
Tanzania has about 8083 health facilities, 96.5% being primary healthcare facilities. Almost all primary health facilities have no tools to provide proper care for the newborns with hypothermia. Therefore, these facilities will be benefiting through improving the quality of health services with an eventual reduction of mortality and morbidity in neonates.
Clinician/founder/ CEO of new born thermal control company