The Environment Show
The UN's intergovernmental panel on climate change has recently made some dire predictions. We are rapidly running out of time to mitigate the disastrous effects of global warming. The Trump administration has exited the U.S. from the Paris Accord and has rolled back regulations dealing with Obama's Clean Power Plan. Andrew Wheeler, a coal industry lobbyist, now runs the EPA. Since environmental issues involve long term planning and ultimately effect all of us, the public needs to be more involved. Fifty years ago Public Access TV was created to share information and foster community relations. These airwaves, paid for by fees on our cable bills, need and quite often lack public generated content. "The Environment Show" will build viewer interest and participation in this critically important discussion. Formats developed could be applied nationally and reinvigorate the importance of this underutilized media outlet.
Environmental stewardship is a vast and complex field that includes the recycling of dwindling resources in its many forms. Recycling itself has to be refined and made more efficient. Garbage needs to be composted. Basic fibers like cotton need to be collected and reused. All products need to be made of recyclable materials. This will be one of many challenges for future generations. The importance of all this must be taught to them. In so many ways, current public apathy endangers all of us. If we believe the science, we don't have time to ignore the looming threat. Everyone is effected. PEG (Public, Education, Government) TV is an existing, underutilized media outlet that could be used to immediately educate and promote environmental stewardship programs. The content must compete with existing content that is more focused on entertaining. But there is a growing awareness (fires, droughts, floods etc.) that trouble is up ahead. As the threat intensifies, audiences will grow and become more challenged to get involved.
Once an effective marketing plan and show format is established, "The Environment Show", using different local hosts and guests, can be distributed and broadcast across the country. Every community can take advantage of the information that the show can provide to its local audience. The show can solicit local feedback and be a forum for airing and solving local environmental issues. The show will be designed by professionals to build community in the markets that it serves.
Some environmental issues must be dealt with without delay. The United Nations' intergovernmental panel on climate change states that the world could be facing devastating climate impact by as soon as 2030. Scientists are documenting the degrading conditions in all areas. We must immediately get more public involvement with this global threat. At the very least, an informed public must vote for candidates who prioritize and address our environmental challenges. "The Environment Show" can be immediately aired on an existing media outlet with relatively little cost. It uses technology that is already in place. It can be marketed locally in print media to attract initial viewership. It offers a forum for public discussion and involvement without the constraints usually imposed on television by commercial interests. It can be used to develop effective formats that can be duplicated worldwide.
- Increase production of renewable and recyclable raw materials for products and packaging
- Enable recovery and recycling of complex products
- Concept
- New application of an existing technology
PEG TV was initially used by unskilled amateurs mostly for their own amusement. It became the basis for numerous Saturday Night Live comedy skits. ( Wayne's World, etc.) "The Environment Show" is clearly a new application of existing technology to serve a new population. Because of the dire consequences of inaction dealing with the subject matter, communities will welcome serious discussions designed to generate effective solutions.
PEG ( Public, Education, Government ) Television. While it has been around a long time (almost fifty years), it has not created a big following because it can't compete with the production quality of commercial television. It is still on the airwaves only because it is legislatively funded by a small fee added to everyone's cable bill. For that reason, it is only broadcast on cable stations. It offers a noncommercial format which is perfect for educational programing and available airtime is almost always in need of content. Our threatened environment couldn't be a more timely and relevant topic to focus on.
Environmental problems must involve a greater number of people for effective solutions.
- Other e.g. part of a larger organization (please explain below)
"The Environment Show" will be aired on already existing PEG television. PEG television is always in need of educational content and offers ample opportunity for free airtime. Because PEG TV is public access TV, the public is invited to participate.
The interview format is relatively simple. The show would be modeled after Amanpour & Company on PBS. Initially a part-time volunteer staff could produce the show. Good research and writing would be essential. The show will need a manager, a director, a producer, research and writing people, and a skilled and appealing host. Initially, people would be recruited on a volunteer basis.
I am a retired UMassAmherst graduate in management. I could initially dedicate the time required, on a volunteer basis, to get the project rolling. This project needs planning and directing. It needs feedback and input from all sources. In the end it needs educators to help teach the public about the imminent environmental threat. This project needs good management that can bring together a team of talent necessary to produce a quality show.
The North South Rivers Watershed Association (NSRWA) in Norwell, Massachusetts offers a valued opportunity for connecting with educators and scientists who are involved with environmental issues.
Happiness can be measured by a person's level of contentment. Contentment involves connecting with real people (Facebook doesn't count) and contributing service beyond ones self, to a greater good. By raising the level of community involvement, "The Environment Show" helps fulfill these needs. People can get involved in the conversation with other people who have similar concerns. Even donating a check helps one to participate. This is not, however, a revenue soliciting venture. The entire project counts on a volunteer involvement by the community. The growing seriousness of the problems will help motivate people to participate.
Donations will be forthcoming if the program successfully grows a public viewership and participation.
Our environment is seriously threatened in all areas. A general public apathy and the inability of the majority of media outlets to raise public awareness is leading us to disastrous consequences. I would welcome feedback from the Solve community. PEG TV is an existing resource that invites public participation. Doesn't it make sense to use this low cost media outlet to generate greater public involvement with environmental issues. PEG TV is already on the air. There would be very little delay in producing a good show and getting it on PEG TV. We live in an area of serious research. The scientists are frustrated and want to help. They see the problems. What are we going to do about it? The science must be proven. The public must fear the consequences of inaction. I'm not worried about funding. I'm hoping that people will want to volunteer to help create effective content. According to a lot of research teams, we don't have a that much time to act.
- Business model
- Talent or board members
- Media and speaking opportunities
- Other
North South Rivers Watershed Association, Norwell Public Schools, Woods Hole Research Center, Mass Audubon Society, League of Women Voters of Massachusetts, Boston Youth Environmental Network, Environmental League of Massachusetts, et cetera! The "Environment Show" could be a clearinghouse for the really important issues. Yes, there are other shows that deal with environmental topics. More is urgently needed.