Ollystar Educational Foundation
- Nonprofit
- Nigeria
Our activity is to ensure that all talented vulnerable children and youths who hail from communities in Africa have access to quality education.
We work to build and run free world class Elementary, Secondary and university education for vulnerable children and youths, with a suitable infrastructure that supports sustainable development, which will allow them to rise out of abject poverty, eradicate illiteracy, create job opportunity for them and their families. And to instill values such as; honesty, integrity, respect for others, self-worth, confidence, and good work ethic.
Our mission includes empowering and inspiring children and youths, so they are free to act on their own and become leaders of their communities.
Our projects are designed to alleviate; poverty, illiteracy, uplifting Children living in extreme poverty, mitigate the high rate of school dropouts, and to reduce the high rate of poor knowledge in science and technology.
And to provide digital and remote learning networks that will make education available to pupils and students in crisis environments where violence, riot, insurgency are the businesses of the day, to reduce cost of feeding, transportation, insecurity, and many more. Which is less risky, safe, and protective for marginalized children, especially girls.
- Program
- Benin
- Ghana
- Niger
- Nigeria
- Togo
- No
- Pilot
. Inspection of all Statutory & Non-Statutory records and offices.
. Establishment and maintenance of effective administrative procedures and control, necessary for the progressive running of the institution.
. Recruitment of employees.
. Coordination of the major activities of the institution.
. Effective Supervision of Project and Staff
Preparation of job analysis for Procurement of Equipment.
. Giving Situation Report of project activities from time to time.
. Preparation of Job order and assistance to other Institutions
•Project Director (full time)-Responsible for hiring project staff, overseeing project development and operation, establishing and maintaining links with Local and International Government agencies, and budget.
•Project Coordinator (full time) Responsible for establishing the Resources & Faculty Center, developing working relationships with formal and informal Project leaders, establishing links to sponsoring organizations, and scheduling of programs.
•Volunteer Coordinator (full time) -Responsible for recruiting university student volunteers, establishing and maintaining a working linkage with the Department of Education, developing and offering training programs for volunteers, scheduling volunteers for service at the Center.
•Project Evaluator (part time) Responsible for collecting entry level data regarding project development and information and conducting periodic assessment of changes in their level of knowledge, comprehension, and application of that information. Also responsible for developing and implementing a system for periodic formative evaluation of the work of the students.
•Center Assistant (part time) -Responsible for maintaining the structure and appearance of the Center, routine correspondence, and other forms of communication with stakeholders in the community.
•Graphic Artist (part time) -Responsible for creating illustrated posters to teach about project information, layout/design of project publications, and development of students’ recruitment and training materials.
•Governing Board Made up of both community leaders and university staff. Responsible for sanctioning the operation of the Project and providing feedback to the Project Director on Center policies and operation.
The project is designed to alleviate: abject poverty, high leve of illiteracy, poor knowedge in science &
technology, and school dropouts.
Giving quality education to the world poorer children/youth will alleviate; abject poverty, illiteracy, uplifts children living in extreme poverty etc. Provide job opportunity, bring development to communities, and it will revive the hope of the hopeless children/youths in the area of access to quality education, also in the area of global citizenship opportunities.
The solution will provide millions of Children and Youths across the globe a free standard Kindergarten, elementary, Secondary and
University education, with a suitable infrastructure that will support sustainable development, and it will also
allow them to rise out of poverty, and it will make the world to be harmonious and peaceful, and there wil be job/career opportunity for them and their families.The Project will instil values such as; honesty, integrity, respect for others, self-worth, confidence, good work ethic and teach them if they
dream big and work hard, they can achieve anything! The Project wil empower and inspire them so they
are free to act on their own beiefs, advocate for themselves and others and become leaders of their
communities. Because to educate a child = change a Community = change the world.
To ensure equitable opportunities for all African children and young people at all levels of learning.
- Women & Girls
- Pre-primary age children (ages 2-5)
- Primary school children (ages 5-12)
- Rural
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Level 1: You can describe what you do and why it matters, logically, coherently and convincingly.
• Formative Evaluation - Primarily qualitative in nature, the formative evaluation will be conducted through interviews and open-ended questionnaires. Staff and students will be asked about the day-to-day operation of the Project, the topics covered in the training program, the attractiveness of the training materials, and other questions to provide feedback for the ongoing improvement of the operation of the Project. The Project Evaluator will meet regularly with project staff to share findings from the formative evaluation effort. Periodic reports will be prepared that identify the major findings of the formative evaluation and how they have been used to improve Project operation.
• Summative Evaluation - Primarily quantitative in nature, the summative evaluation will begin with the establishment of baseline data at the beginning of the Project (using a random sample of US & UK education to assess their departmental knowledge) and then be conducted at 6 month intervals (just prior to each group of volunteers completing their Project service).
Noting the bottlenecks and barriers in the enabling environment, We collaborated with the Ministry of Education and other educational actors to strengthen the aforementioned determinant.
Noting data and information coordination issues, in that there is duplication of data collection and reporting and a lack of ease of accessing necessary information, despite a plethora of quantitative data, we integrates data systems into one system for ease of data management. The work aims to meet the need for a comprehensive, digitalized information management system in the education program. And the work will build upon the development of a real-time monitoring system within local and international education authorities, which will enable continuous updates of key indicators and will drive the improvement agenda.
Will provides support for overall teacher training and development. We supported Education on the development of the Teacher Management Information System, and teacher database that enhances the management of the teaching workforce. To take this forward at the systems level, and to strengthen overall planning, we will partner with the Ministry of Education and other stakeholders to ensure a systematic approach to utilizing the data that can inform decisions pertaining to student enrolment and course offerings at the pre-service level.
supports that may include implementation, monitoring, and supervision for any of our programs to provide free access to quality education for marginalized children and youths in Africa
What are the most effective strategies for increasing knowledge in science and technology in poorer communities.
What are most effective strategies to save children/youths whose economic , political and social factors have affected their education?
- Formative research (e.g. usability studies; feasibility studies; case studies; user interviews; implementation studies; process evaluations; pre-post or multi-measure research; correlational studies)
- Summative research (e.g. impact evaluations; correlational studies; quasi-experimental studies; randomized control studies)
• Formative Evaluation - Primarily qualitative in nature, the formative evaluation will be conducted through interviews and open-ended questionnaires. Staff and students will be asked about the day-to-day operation of the Project, the topics covered in the training program, the attractiveness of the training materials, and other questions to provide feedback for the ongoing improvement of the operation of the Project. The Project Evaluator will meet regularly with project staff to share findings from the formative evaluation effort. Periodic reports will be prepared that identify the major findings of the formative evaluation and how they have been used to improve Project operation.
• Summative Evaluation - Primarily quantitative in nature, the summative evaluation will begin with the establishment of baseline data at the beginning of the Project (using a random sample of US & UK education to assess their departmental knowledge) and then be conducted at 6 month intervals (just prior to each group of volunteers completing their Project service).
One priority of the Education Sector Strategic Plan is to ensure equitable opportunities for all African children and young people at all levels of learning. However, only approximately 70 per cent of children with disabilities are enrolled in school. The study on Children with Disabilities and their Right to Education: Most African Countries identified several critical bottlenecks for children with disabilities in accessing quality education.
To address these issues, we will continue to partner with key stakeholders to promote inclusive education as a model of teaching and learning that meets the education needs of all children, with particular focus on ensuring access for children with disabilities. Moreover, the work will address demand-side barriers to reduce stigma and discrimination through community awareness campaigns and other initiatives.
millions of Children and Youths will access to free world-class Kindergarten to University education, with a suitable infrastructure that will support sustainable development, and will allow them to rise out of abject poverty, and will also breed a harmonious and peaceful World, and there will be job/career opportunity for them and their families. The Project will instill values such as; honesty, integrity, respect for others, self-worth, confidence, good work ethic and teach them if they dream big and work hard, they can achieve anything! The Project will empower and inspire them so they are free to act on their own beliefs, advocate for themselves and others and become leaders of their communities. Because to educate a child = change a Community = change the world.