CMC EcoHub Solutions
- United States
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
Our solution will address the short falls that are higher than the national average on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in health ,food and wealth prosperity within our communities. Our solutions will build on the platform of generational wealth building through innovative construction based on cultural bridging of our current living lifestyle and the modern adaptation of our homes as a connection.
Our solution will be set up to integrate the 3 elements of building our solutions hub and bring the members together to aid in solving some basic needs in preparedness.
1. Identify local resources for research eg. trailer homes , livable to abandoned, can the materials be repurposed for construction use will be the tangible part of the solution.
2. Educate the work force on management of resources for living in today's economic cycle for wealth building opportunities.
3. Build a working Model of the CMC Ecohub solutions site as a startup for future development projects around the Reservation and the surrounding native nations.
Our target is the members as a whole being that poverty affects all who live within the parameters of broken systems meant to bring prosperity.
Our Tipibiz hub concept of will have a support team that will engage the people through demonstrations in model building of how their business would look from design to build concepts meant to bring the management forward to succeed at the development of their dream.
`The delivery of our product will be set forth by a team who have helped with the development of this prototype however the future brings vision of hope as I have seen as a life long member of Pine Ridge.
The action of our knowledge will be the key component in driving forward the 3 elements of our Tipibiz hub solutions pilot as we grow from our solutions building data.
- Strengthen sustainable energy sovereignty and support climate resilience initiatives by and for Indigenous peoples.
- 1. No Poverty
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- 7. Affordable and Clean Energy
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- Concept
The prototype is still in the construction kit design phase as we develop a simpler user friendly system for consumer purchase for a home and business startup.
Our goal here is to bring forth solutions that are within reach on a scale that is not bogged down by a red tape process that can be hurtful in the short term development of startup projects.
Our need is to bring forward the technology of today and process it through the uneducated gaps within our social redevelopment of learning to feed,cloth and prosper in a healthy way.
Our request for support is to show the people what is possible through technology and the development of a new way of living within your communities by growing your food , building your homes, sharing your prosperity locally .
- Financial (e.g. accounting practices, pitching to investors)
- Public Relations (e.g. branding/marketing strategy, social and global media)
- Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design)
I am the developer of the tipi prototype concept and have lived here for 20 plus years and have started a construction business hoping to bring innovative designs to the forefront of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.
Our design of the Tipi concept unit uses high wind resistant construction methods and materials with less drag properties are being developed as a final finish on the unit for added protection from the extreme wind and hail.
Our concept will save building materials that can accumulate after a natural disaster like tornado, down force winds, bigger hail from the stronger storms. The survival of the home with limited damage is important now that our need for more lumber increases .
Our solutions impact is to bring about the tangible models for the public to engage in as we try to show case our innovative solutions abroad.
Our units will use the green energy approach once the units are fully capable of sustaining the plan that was developed for its startup phase as it becomes viable in the enviroment it is designated to be in.
- A new business model or process that relies on technology to be successful
- Ancestral Technology & Practices
US- Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, South Dakota
Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, South Dakota
1 Foreman-part time
2 Laborers- part time
The building has been developed over the past 10 as a working model concept because of the design changes to find the look of well out together structure
Our teams goal is to bring together the minds of equality prosperity thinking thus eliminating the need to drive the wealth away from the places that hold people wealth, working wealth is what we a setting out to accomplish.
Our team is still reviewing our market survey approach as the trends in our communities have changed. The business model numbers are not as stable for a break even at this point because of some rising costs.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
Development phase.