Smart and Sustainable Cities Cohort
- Pre-Seed
Our program provides instruction, preparation and testing for LEED Green Associates, LEED Neighborhood Development and EcoDistricts to minority and women-owned small businesses in communities across the continent. With these accreditations our members will create sustainable communities focused on equity, resilience, resistance to climate change and food and water protection.
The Smart & Sustainable Neighborhood Development Program takes a cohort of local minority and women small businesses and provides training for 3 top sustainability accreditations, providing the tools to design and develop sustainable infrastructure needed that addresses the needs of an ever-growing urban population.
EcoDistricts- A framework for development focused on 3 imperatives: equity, resilience and resistance to climate change. Accredited Professionals guide communities in certifying an EcoDistrict by addressing all 3 imperatives with objectives that have quantifiable and measurable goals.
LEED Green Associate (GA)- The initial accreditation for LEED, the most recognized standard for green building. Green Associates training focuses on the most current green building principles and practices and introduces the rating system for certifying a building in LEED.
LEED Neighborhood Development (ND)- Extending the LEED standard to the design and development of ble community-scale development to drive the creation of better, more sustainable, well connected neighborhoods.
LEED is the global market standard for green building; certified projects emit 34% less greenhouse gas and have diverted 80 millions of waste from landfills. With the accreditation our cohort will be able to deliver cutting-edge sustainable building and neighborhoods around the world.
Ecodistricts allows our cohort to lead communities in designing solutions that directly address sustainable production of drinkable water and healthy food. The protocol focuses specifically on food and water as key objective categories. Healthy and affordable fresh food is a must, with local production encouraged. Potable water must be readily available and care taken to protect water supply from contaminants. Moreover, EcoDistricts provides an online platform with hundreds of illustrative indicators so no program has to start from scratch. The platform combined with the non-prescriptive, community-driven nature of implementation means the EcoDistricts protocol is scalable to any locale looking to address their food and water issues.
As urban migration continues, cities will be tasked with providing critical resources while dealing with shocks and strains caused by climate change and increased population. Current city design has failed to address these issues; food deserts and lack of potable water plague even the most resource-rich countries like the United States. To solve these problems on a global scale city infrastructure must optimizes food production and water usage while containing low-footprint, sustainable buildings that reduce strains on resources and the environment. Our program tackles both design and construction of cities where food and water scarcity are issue of the past.
Our #SmartCohort addresses normally over-looked issues of finance and governance. This affects technology roll outs, on boarding of public sector and residents, cybersecurity and privacy; and smart infrastructure investments. It is a cross sector training that uses agile, human centered design, rapid prototyping to tailor to each city’s needs into developing into a "Smart City". The program especially focuses on digital and social equity, digital transformation, innovation economy, local living economy and mitigation of negative externalities of increased automation and urbanism. This leads to building scaleable and equitable solutions to water & food accessibility.
Our target outcome is having minority and women-owned businesses LEED GA, LEED ND and EcoDistricts AP accredited and brought into the $1T national pipeline for sustainable and smart cities urban development. In each community we scale we will deliver 20+ professionals to lead local citizens and leaders in designing their new neighborhoods, helping them address their biggest problems. Our members will then shift from design to constructing the new infrastructure according to the community’s plan, preserving their seat at the table. From sustainable buildings to food production we will deliver experts driving equity at the neighborhood level.
Track enrollment of cohort in each city and monitor pass rates of accreditation exams, access to contracts, government committees & Community/economic development opportunities. - Have 100 professionals pass through our cohort by 2018
Track progress of planned cohorts in Victoria, Montreal, San Leandro, San Francisco and Monterey - Scale to 5 locations by 2018
Track community engagement of Accredited Professionals and monitor adoption of protocol through certification process on EcoDistricts platform - 5 EcoDistricts certified projects by 2020
- Adult
- High-income economies
- Bachelors
- Non-binary
- Urban
- US and Canada
- Management & design approaches
No other training program has combined EcoDistricts and LEED GA/ND into one executive course. Delivering the accreditations in this format presents a comprehensive holistic sustainability training. Our Smart program goes beyond green buildings to include natural resource protection, food production and even the shift to digital infrastructure within cities. Professionals completing the program will understand the incoming technology ushering a new era of smart cities and will have the framework needed to incorporate that into the design of truly smart and sustainable communities.
Each cohort interacts with communities at the human level. Every engagement begins with in-person meetings to understand the issues citizens truly want to address. Once training begins, instructors are flown in to teach material face-to-face and all guides notes and prep materials are given in a physical binder as well as digitally. We understand that each person has their preferred method of learning and we work to accommodate it. Upon completion graduating members will be able to interface with the community combining their training with the wants of a neighborhood to design and build the future they envision for themselves.
Prospective members can access our solution through a website specific to their city. Our solution will be deployed through in-person training, test preparation and examination. Each cohort will have a certified EcoDistricts professional and LEED Faculty member teaching the EcoDistricts and LEED GA/ND portions of the program respectively. The program will be no cost to members and completely funded through partnerships and in-kind donations. Within each community we will leverage community leaders and respected organizations to engage citizens and professionals, introducing them to the program and its benefits.
- 4-5 (Prototyping)
- Not Registered as Any Organization
- United States
Our plan for financing our prgram includes company partnerships that leverage our work and allow them to meet their internal CSR goals, fiscal sponsors in each cohort city, grants from local and national foundations and corporate investments.
As we have piloted and scaled our program we've see our greatest difficulty has been finding funding. Another issue is our difficulty engaging with foundations and sustainability organizations that would make natural partners and strong allies. The high cost of LEED is prohibitive not only for professionals in low income communities but for potential funders as well.
- 4 years
- We have already developed a pilot.
- We have already scaled beyond pilot.
- Financial Inclusion
- Post-secondary Education
- STEM Education
- Built Infrastructure
- Transportation
Throughout the pilot and growth phases of our program we have felt like outsiders looking in as well established organizations in sustainability continue down their decided path, rolling out top-down solutions to issues facing our world, ignoring outside innovation. Solve understands the importance of collaborative community-based, human-centered design in solving the resource and equity issues in cities today.Together we forge cross sector partnership to maximize our impact. We can overcome the social and economic barriers inherent in sustainability and provide communities the knowledge to design their own solutions to the most basic and personal right: access to food and water.
Our current partners include:
- U.S. Green Building Council
- EcoDistricts
- FedEx LAC
- GreenBiz
- Next City
- University of Miami
- The Spinnaker Group