Interoperable Browser Cache
Caching is a technique that stores a copy of a given resource and serves it back when requested.
My solution is a new interoperable browser cache for common resources (e.g. jQuery), available and shareable to all web site. I don't think it's innovative as it is a bit like Christopher Columbus's egg.
This solution would save user device data, improve the loading performance of web pages and reduce Co2 emissions .
More data = more CO2, 1 Gigabyte sent by wired network = 3 kg CO2, 1 Gigabyte sent by wirelessly (3G/4G) = 35 kg CO2.
If this solution will be adopted as a standard protocol by the main browser developers (Google, Mozilla Foundation, Apple, Microsoft) it will be scaled soon globally.
This solution would save user device data, improve the loading performance of web pages and reduce Co2 emissions.
In reality this solution would be an agreement among the main web browser company. But it would need someone with a voice more amplified than mine to spread it.
Why is it necessary to download a same common resource from every web site or from a CDN every time ?
Why, if I download a resource from a website (e.g. jQuery) and put it in the cache I can't reuse it for another website that uses the same resource using the cache, rather than downloading it again and putting it back in the cache ? jQuery like many other public resources is a common resource to many web sites.
This new cache management will simply take a resource from a website by caching it once and will share it with all other different websites that require it without needing to be cached again by all other websites.
More or less between 3,2 billion and 5,1 billion global web users.
Everyone would benefit from this solution. First of all the planet, with fewer CO2 emissions and the economy as it would speed up the loading of web content.
A normal browser cache works like a container that stores resources that are used multiple times over time. So the first time you connect to a website, the website downloads these resources, the next time instead of downloading resources from the server they are already available and ready in our browser.
This new interoperable browser cache, a new cache management policy by all major web browsers, instead of being exploited for a single website would work for all websites for those resources that are common to all websites. In this way a common resource, in this interoperable cache, downloaded from the website, will be reusable for the site, etc, without needing to be downloaded again in cache from the site, etc .
This new sustainable browser cache management policy, a new algorithm for browser cache management, aligns with the specific focus and dimensions of the Circular Economy Challenge because it could, by making PWAs (Progressive Web Apps) faster, leading developers to prefer the PWAs over Native Apps with the advantage of greater web diffusion for low cost and low-end, mobile devices and therefore to the benefit of developing countries and low-income people.
This solution allows to download less data from a website.
The less data we download, the less data centers consume energy and the less we produce CO2.
From the point of view of smartphone devices and tablet devices, the less data we download the less the devices use cpu, ram and battery, so even less energy consumed to recharge the devices battery.
The benefits will also be global.
- Enable recovery and recycling of complex products
- Concept
- New application of an existing technology
More than an innovative solution, mine is a protocol, that is, a set of rules and agreements between the software houses that own the browsers.
A new cache management policy for some specific public resources common to many websites, which can only work if this new policy is implemented globally by all major web browsers.
A practical example could be the one related to jQuery but many other resources are, like jQuery, common to many websites.
It is decided that JQuery, being a common resource to several CMS (Content management system like WordPress, Magento, etc ...), can be downloaded in this interoperable browser cache of common resources from any web source that contains it and can always be reused through this particular cache for all the other different web connections that require it.
Let's think of how many CMSs (Content Management System) like WordPress, Magento, Joomla, Drupal use e.g. the jQuery framework .
And not only CMSs but also CRMs (Content Relationship Management) like e.g. SalesForce or E-Learning Platform, etc, etc. Today almost all the software have a web version accessible from a web browser.
Let's think of how many resources like JavaScript framewoks, Css framework, fonts, analytic could be considered common and public and be included in this new and particular interoperable browser cache.
There is no particular technology, it is a different management by cache browsers for some specific common resources.
- Indigenous Knowledge
- Behavioral Design
This solution will work because the benefits of the normal operation of current browser caches in terms of data saving and speed performance are evident. This new cache, which as a technology is identical to the others and which, as a difference, shares and exploits the common resources of the web, would further increase loading speeds, greater data savings, therefore less costs for companies and users and less CO2 production.
We know that 1 Gigabyte sent wirelessy (3G/4G network) = 35 kg of Co2 and
1 Gigabyte sent by wired network = 3 kg of Co2
Making some approximate calculation, only the jQuery script weighs 47kb. Let's suppose that a single user during the day, on average, on the web, visits 10 websites that contain jQuery. So we get 470kb per day per single user, that for 365 days is 171,000 kb.
The global web user are: 3,200,000,000
Online every day are: 70% of 3,200,000,000 = 2,240,000,000
Multiplying 171,000 kb by 2,240,000,000 around: we reach: 383,040,000,000,000 KiloByte = 365,295,410.16 GigaBytes, that are in Co2: 12,785,339,355.6 kilograms if they were all on 3G/4G and if they were all on wired network the Co2 is: 1,095,886,230.48 kilograms.
This only for the 47kb jQuery, if we consider that in addition to jQuery there are many other common resources (other JavaScript libraries, frameworks , fonts, analytics, etc etc) the numbers become even more enormous.
- Women & Girls
- Italy
- Italy
At the moment this solution, which I don't like to call it solution would be more appropriate to call it cache management protocol for web browsers, is only a hypothetical concept that if it finds favor with the builders of the web browsers it can serve the global web users in the coming years.
I am a full stack web developer and I deal with web performance optimization and web development and a field that I'm really passionate about. It's like working in a car or motorcycle racing team, you experience the same emotions.
When the optimized web project comes out with loading times of less than 3 seconds for each web page on the 4G network I feel I have done something good and valuable for the client company, for its customers and for the sustainability of our planet.
The first obstacle would be to spread this solution and be able to reach the main decision makers.
Giants like Google would have everything to gain because a large portion of Google's turnover depends on advertising and the more page loading speeds increase, the more Google increases revenue.
Then they could turn up the nose of telephone companies, power companies and all those who make money with CDNs (Content Delivery Network).
As for the earnings of telephone companies, electrical and CDNs in the initial phase probably, if this solution will be adopted globally they will have lost profits. It is also true that if free space, kilobytes, relative to common resources (JavaScript Frameworks, Css Frameworks, Common Fonts, Analytics etc etc) this space will surely be replaced by more uncommon web graphics resources (images, videos, animations).
Without the need to use advanced web performance optimization techniques, more or less, if a web page complete with frameworks, fonts, analytics, text, images etc etc, does not exceed 400kb it will open within two seconds on 4G Network.
Furthermore, the trend of new web users is increasing (View data by GSMA Intelligence).
My solution, obviously, has no working example, because it would be a new cache management policy by the main web browsers. If it were implemented in a single web browser it would not work, it should be implemented globally as a policy on all web browsers. On my website there are many useful info about advantages of the:
- Not registered as any organization
Only me
I am an MBA degree, a full stack web developer (lemp/lamp), cloud computing, web performance optimization, search engine optimization.
Being a freelancer I have a low cost and very flexible business structure. Work independently on order.
Each website has a weight and a consumption of data that is perceived more by users when they connect via 3G / 4G network. So in fact there are no free websites, a well-optimized website saves data to users and this is an important value key.
Through Solve this solution can reach the web browsers software house and could be implemented.
- Other
Probably Google would be most catalytic for this solution.
I love working alone with my times in absolute and religious silence :)). Often the best ideas and insights come to me when I put my mind into things other than work.
Generally I make external collaborations with graphic designers on web projects.
I am looking for external partnerships with Art Directors, Graphic designers, Wacom designers willing to marry a minimalist design philosophy, not extreme but of common sense, and the basic concepts of web performance optimization
Hom many questions? :-)) I will utilize the prize to invest in new equipment and training courses.
As written above this solution can only be adopted by the main web browsers software house.
There are other web performance optimization techniques that allow to optimize the loading of external resources but this solution, in addition to solving the problems related to the loading speed of web pages, will also reduce the production of CO2 and save the cost of data consumption (3G/4G network) by users (5.1 billion people) .
Here some updated data about mobile economy by GSMA Intelligence.