- Kyrgyz Republic
- Other, including part of a larger organization (please explain below)
LLC- Limited liability company
Any commercial activity until almost the end of the twentieth century, and even at the beginning of this century, was mostly aimed at maximizing profits and minimizing costs. Gradually, the international community began to realize that this leads to the degradation of natural resources, environmental pollution, and social inequality. Thus, by the end of the twentieth century, a rethinking of the concept of development began in the academic environment, at the intergovernmental level and at the UN site. Ultimately, in 2015, the UN developed the 2030 Goals for Sustainable Human Development, which were supported by the leaders of 193 countries around the world. In this regard, the governments of these countries, at the head of strategic documents on the development of their countries, have set these goals as the highest priority, including in Kyrgyzstan.
Moreover, it is very important to start with educating the population, increasing the potential of all participants in the economy, including small and medium-sized businesses. It is necessary that all business entities of the republic realize exactly how they themselves affect the environment and realize that they can not only harm, but also preserve and even improve it. It is necessary to offer enterprises, people, and the private sector an alternative and opportunities to reduce emissions and energy consumption, in particular coal consumption. Perhaps, to begin with, improve the energy efficiency of production and production facilities, switch to gas heating, and subsequently to alternative sources of energy and heat.
The main stages of the upcoming project:
Stage 1.
Identify the range of problems for the implementation of the ESG agenda in the business environment, prepare a roadmap with the participation of business associations and credit and financial institutions (including MFIs) Kyrgyzstan and Central Asia.
Expected results of the 1st stage:
1. Roadmap for the implementation of the ESG agenda in the business environment.
2. List of topics and academic disciplines for the business environment on the ESG agenda in the Kyrgyz Republic and Central Asia.
3. Terms of reference for the 2nd stage of research.
The term is 3 months.
Stage 2.
Preparation of educational and training materials for the implementation of the ESG agenda in the educational process of the Kyrgyz Republic. A team of expert trainers is hired to prepare training materials (UTM) on a given topic of the ESG agenda.
Expected results:
Educational and training materials (UTM) have been prepared for the training of trainers and teachers of ASUPCR, universities and colleges, experts and consultants of research institutes and consulting companies.
Duration: 3 months.
The 3rd stage.
Conducting ToT (training for trainers and teachers) and pilot trainings for the target group of the project. Based on the results of the pilot trainings, special educational programs will be prepared that can be accepted for implementation by governments, international donor organizations and educational institutions in Central Asian countries. It is possible that these programs will be the basis for the creation of a special educational institution for the business environment in the region.
The period is 3 months.
The target group of the project will be representatives of business associations and their associations, as well as representatives of small and medium-sized businesses in Kyrgyzstan and Central Asia. The project coverage regions will be determined after the first stage of the project implementation.
We will not be able to abandon the "brown" economy overnight. However, a gradual transition to a "green economy" and sustainable development is inevitable, since today representatives of small and medium-sized businesses understand how quickly and intensively the environment is changing, including due to anthropogenic impact. Over a 20-year period, it is possible to trace the trend of significant environmental degradation, reduction of natural resources, degradation of soil and pastures, as well as other changes in the environment. We are used to waiting for outside help, but it is only in our hands to change the situation, through changing ourselves and educating the population and business representatives through the educational process.
- Provide the skills that people need to thrive in both their community and a complex world, including social-emotional competencies, problem-solving, and literacy around new technologies such as AI.
- 4. Quality Education
- 7. Affordable and Clean Energy
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- Concept
Interested parties on the part of the State: Ministry of Economy and Commerce of the Kyrgyz Republic.
On the part of business structures: the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic, business associations, and possibly business associations of Central Asia through the CCI of the Central Asian countries.
The beneficiaries of the project are representatives of small and medium-sized businesses in Kyrgyzstan and Central Asia.
Difficulties in implementing any innovations, as a rule, are associated with the need to improve the skills of personnel, with a lack of relevant information and expertise. The lack of necessary knowledge will slow down this process, no matter how strong the desire of commercial enterprises and the state as a whole to move towards sustainable development within the framework of the "green economy" policy. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research and identify the main topics for the preparation of educational and training materials for the introduction of the ESG agenda for business entities and large businesses into the educational process.
- Business Model (e.g. product-market fit, strategy & development)
1. Shamkeev Baktybek Abylkasymovich- team lead
2. Alymbekova Nuraiym Alymbekovna -manager
3.Beishembi kyzy Aizat- manager
1.5 year
Honesty with your team. Honesty inspires trust, and trust breeds respect.
The ability to take work seriously and at the same time find moments for appropriate jokes.
Communication skills. It means being able to listen and understand other people's thoughts, even when there are disagreements. The ability to spread bad and good news in a way that looks objective.
Difficulties in implementing any innovations, as a rule, are associated with the need to improve the skills of personnel, with a lack of relevant information and expertise. The lack of necessary knowledge will slow down this process, no matter how strong the desire of commercial enterprises and the state as a whole to move towards sustainable development within the framework of the "green economy" policy. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research and identify the main topics for the preparation of educational and training materials for the introduction of the ESG agenda for business entities and large businesses into the educational process. In this direction, international financial and investment funds, large commercial banks and MFIs of Kyrgyzstan, as well as Central Asian countries, are already adhering to the ESG agenda in their lending activities. In this regard, in general, this project will cover three stages of possible research and further implementation of conclusions and practical recommendations in a pilot mode to increase the level of knowledge among Kyrgyz entrepreneurs on sustainable development and compliance with the ESG agenda in their activities.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
After the end of the startup project period, it will switch to self-financing, at the expense of funds received for the educational process, from the provision of certification services, consulting activities, as well as joint programs and projects with donor organizations and relevant government agencies.