EduWise AI
- Brazil
- Not registered as any organization
Concern about education has been growing on a global scale. In this sense, Brazil's indices are alarming on the global stage. The PISA test, carried out in 2022, showed that Brazil has a very high average of low-performing students in mathematics, reading and science, when compared to the international average. Similarly, few Brazilian students achieved high performance in the test.
Meanwhile, on the national stage, there is a chasm between private and public education. This difference is increasingly clear when looking at the ENEM (National High School Exam) scores, which is the entry method for public universities. The highest scores are achieved by students from private schools, while those from public schools often don't achieve 50% of the total exam score.
IDEB is also an index that measures the quality of public education in the country. This index is based on the application of a test, SAEB, which covers the subjects of mathematics and Portuguese. Even with the clear disadvantage that public education presents, some public schools end up standing out in their regions.
The question we should ask ourselves is: what is different about these schools?
EduWise AI is a database linked to the main indicators of Brazilian education. The AI will be able to analyze the indicators and form a large database with the results, so that every principal, teacher, student or parent can see the indices of the school to which they are linked. It is also through this platform that the strengths and weaknesses of each institution are analyzed. As a result, teachers will be able to identify more quickly which points need to be worked on with their students.
Finally, EduWise AI also allows each school to connect with another to exchange experiences. In other words, you can find a school, through the indicators and analysis, that is extremely good at one of its weaknesses and then try to improve with the help of those who are already good. This creates a national community focused on education and the biggest difference between this community and others is the connection behind it.
EduWise AI is a solution aimed at the entire community that cares about Brazilian education.
The solution embraces everything from researchers who have difficulty finding data and indicators on Brazilian education or schools to the schools themselves.
For schools, there is the possibility of a better understanding of their own teaching, i.e. their strengths and weaknesses. And from there, search for solutions. In this sense, EduWise AI aims to be a bridge between schools with the same needs, or else to connect those that are able to help each other. EduWise AI aims to form a large network of contacts between Brazilian schools.
Our team is made up of business students from FGV EBAPE, located in Rio de Janeiro, an important economic center in Brazil. In addition, Rio de Janeiro is characterized by enormous social and, consequently, educational inequality.
In addition to this awareness and perception within the team, there is also the regional factor, since the team is made up of people from different regions of Brazil: Rio de Janeiro and Rio Grande do Sul. This makes the view of Brazilian education much more global than regional.
In addition, the team is made up of people who have studied in both public and private schools. The members come from public education institutions that are prominent in their regions.
- Provide the skills that people need to thrive in both their community and a complex world, including social-emotional competencies, problem-solving, and literacy around new technologies such as AI.
- 4. Quality Education
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
- Concept
EduWise AI is in the ideation phase, since its idea is based on needs identified within the Brazilian education sector.
These needs are: the integration of indicators in one place, as it is very difficult to find them in the databases made available by the Brazilian government; the lack of contact between schools.
Thus, the platform was designed based on these points so that it could meet the needs presented.
Since part of our team studied in public institutions, they had to live with the gap between public and private education on a daily basis. This awareness developed even more when we came into contact with students from the best schools in the country, i.e. private schools, during their undergraduate studies at FGV.
Thus, the discussion about education became more and more present in the team's daily routine. So we looked for a way to try to reduce the gap that exists without the need for government intervention.
And so EduWise AI was born.
- Financial (e.g. accounting practices, pitching to investors)
- Human Capital (e.g. sourcing talent, board development)
- Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design)