- Nigeria
- Nonprofit
Our solution is more or less the simplest way to solve the mass out-of-school children population in Nigeria.
We are a small registered NGO operating one at a time in poor neighborhoods and self sponsored.
Our main goal is to have the government of Nigeria, the corporate and international bodies to adopt our concept and the pilot scheme we established in order to metaphorically create each of our digital education center and Tech hub in every corners and Streets in the poor neighborhoods in Nigeria.
So far so good, our pilot scheme established shows that our solution is achievable and scalable to spread across the length and breadth of Nigeria using AI technology as teachers for formal education instead of building schools and hiring many teachers.
Our solution is intended to serve over 20million out-of-school children in Nigeria.
We believe that where and the government of Nigeria, corporate bodies and international bodies adopts our solution strategies, the impact will be insurmountable and will end illiteracy in Nigeria and Africa at large.
Our team leader and the team representatives lives within the poor neighborhoods with large numbers of out-of-school children.
We do understand and well positioned to take this solution with a hands on monitoring and evaluation (M&E) to scale up our solution.
- Provide the skills that people need to thrive in both their community and a complex world, including social-emotional competencies, problem-solving, and literacy around new technologies such as AI.
- 4. Quality Education
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- Pilot
We have built a pilot scheme FREE EDUCATION CENTER AND TECH HUB on our own in a poor neighborhood in Nigeria.
The response from the community is overwhelming and we believe that it is a solution that can work across the length and breadth of Nigeria and Africa at large.
We are looking for visibility, networking and recognition by the international bodies like UNICEF, UNESCO and the Nigerian government to fund and give financial support for this innovative solutions program whereby we can take education to the poor children in their communities without building a school or hire many teachers.
On the technical front, we will always need new computers equipments and AI softwares to continuously update and monitor our solution in all different poor neighborhoods we are established.
- Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design)
To briefly describe our innovative solutions:
First. The titled name of our program is called. FREE DIGITAL EDUCATION AND TECH HUB FOR CHILDREN IN NIGERIA. Second. The pilot scheme of this innovative solutions was self sponsored, equipped and launched on 24th December 2023 and operating till date.
Third. The program still remains one of its kind in Nigeria if not Africa based on our Google search for any similar programs for solutions to children education.
Fourth. According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) statistics that Nigeria has over 20 million out-of-school children roaming the streets.
Fifth. Our innovative solutions program not build a school or hire many teachers. Rather we plan to scale up to bring a free digital education center and Tech hub to the out-of-school children in their respective neighborhoods with Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology designed for formal education training and one IT teacher to teach the children on how to use computers.
Sixth. We would have to do our innovative programs under a big Tree or any existing Religious facilities in any neighborhood in Nigeria until NO CHILD IS NOT LEFT OUT-OF-SCHOOL.
Seventh. The foregoings will be our strategies to our innovative solutions to our communities in Nigeria.
Our solution will have an everlasting impact on the problem by changing the narratives and the dynamics of building schools and hiring many teachers before educating over 20 million out-of-school children in Nigeria
At the same our solution will impact the lives of the children with computer skills in various ways including learning formal education through AI Technology.
The impact goals of our innovative solutions is quality education for all children Nigeria and Africa at large by the year 2030 as required by the United Nations Sustainable Goal No. 4. (Quality Education for all).
We are measuring the progress of our innovative solutions program through our self established pilot scheme as follows:
1. We noticed that the out-of-school children that are no longer interested or have any hope of getting education are suddenly interested and have hope of getting education because of their interest to learn how to use computers and learn formal education with AI technology.
2. Also because its FREE, the kids parents at our pilot scheme neighborhood are full of prayers an are glad to release their children to attend our program without even the cost of transportation.
3. Our pilot scheme program also provides light menu like biscuits and drinks during break time for the children attending our digital education center and Tech hub during break times.
AI Technology .
Notably AI technology has taken over a substantial part of human for the knowledgeable individuals to use in part and input the human feelings which the AI technology doesn't have.
In Nigeria we do not have enough human teachers and we are adding AI technology to augment where there's a lack of human teachers.
- A new application of an existing technology
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Nigeria
- Nigeria
Full time staffs: 0
Part time staffs: 1
Contractors or other workers: 12 unpaid volunteers.
7 years
Ours is a small registered NGO operating in local poor neighborhoods and communities. We are diverse with about 80percent of our unpaid volunteers are women living in the communities we operate.
We fully understand that we have to provide our services and solutions under equity and fairness to all in any neighborhood or community we serve.
We are non profit organization.
- Government (B2G)
We are non profit organization. However we intend to scale up by approaching first the federal government of Nigeria whose one of its primary duties is to provide free quality education to its children citizens.
Secondly, we intend to approach the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) to partner with us and the Nigerian government to fund our programs through out Nigeria and possibly the entire African countries.