- India
- Nonprofit
one -sixth of the children increased to almost two third during pandemic don’t get the access to primary education, here are some more sensitive facts. Mostly under-privileged section across the Globe, mostly in third world developing countries, even in the first world. This is worsened post pandemic leading to almost one-third of the children population don’t have the access to very basic life need called primary education. This is because of Digital divide (Mitra et al 2020, Mitra et al 2019), annexed by mal-nutrition, hunger and health concern. The target geographical region of this work is identified to be primarily, South-East Asia -Indian subcontinent, North-east Africa – Egypt, Sudan, Mid-West US among Mexican migrated population – YES! deprived of primary education (Illustrative, not exhaustive). Six different language variation is also taken into consideration viz. English, French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese.
Learn with Noodle is a music driven intelligent educational model that is not only dedicated to outcome-based education but also addressing digital divide. The module NOODLE is intended towards digitally equipped affordable children population whereas LEARN is typically intended towards under privilege financially deprived children population. In this era of ubiquitous and pervasive computing, the cost of the digital devices is scaled down. various Government funding Agencies and NGEOs here in this regard can play their roles responsibility and accountability in order to extend the digital device support to the underprivileged children which is mandatory for virtual learning.
The proposed interactive virtual learning and communication process has been enhanced by advanced wireless virtual learning and mobile technologies. One of the most significant innovations that has transformed the educational process is virtual technology, which allows us to introduce our digital platform options and resources. The digital learning environment is completely novel. Students can access their content, such as audio, video, and text-based documents, using Internet-connected mobile devices. During the Covid situation, digital learning provided us with more information about appropriate activities for students or children, and parents. Carers, teachers, school leaders, and others are better prepared to assist their children with social, emotional, and academic needs. Parents, particularly in third-world and developing countries, are powerless to engage their children owing to poverty, and many of the youngsters are identity less orphans. This digital divide initiative is nearly identical to the United Nations' World Literacy initiative. (For more information, see https://doi-org.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/10.16920/jeet/2019/v32i4/145520). In terms of production, Outcome Based Education has been limited to one- sixth of the world's children (Reference: our paper https://doi-org.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/10.1007/s10639-019-10043-z). On the other hand, Cloud computing is a significant issue in our flexible dynamic environment, and it is an important research subject for a researcher.
In proposed LEARN with NOODLE model, LEARN is for victims of digital divide whereas NOODLE is for rest. Learn - Earn Academic Relaxed Network (LEARN) with New-normal Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment (NOODLE) The only relaxation to a larger group of this children labour is music. Audio has higher capabilities of knowledge transfer comparable to text (Reference: Radio Garden http://radio.garden/ ). Music is a universal language and also available offline. It brings relaxation, recreation even at the time of work and productivity enhancement with it is a proven fact (Reference: our work https://doi-org.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/10.1016/j.procs.2020.05.151).
Coincident to their work place, the knowledge transfer learning resources are to be build in catchy and attractive way fit to their working condition with topic objective and outcome (Reference: our work
The NOODLE sub-model is to get rid of digital divide in virtual learning. In this proposed work, the objective is to provide this LEARN with NOODLE hybrid model with catchy learning resources employable to both physical and virtual environment. Dependencies will be the support of the Govt. and Laws of the land and implementable through UN bodies like UNICEF, UNCPD etc.. Proposed Circuit diagram of NOODLE: It will be same to the other general mobile device, but our proposing research work is expected to do education more effective for the students conducting private network settings also helpful and it will be low cost. That device will be facilitating with automatically recording facility of online teaching and learning session and student cannot stop their audio and camera throughout the session. This automatically recording, audio and camera activation will be supervisory password protected. Also social applications and network activities if we can restrict for this teaching learning device, then data usage will be low, it can control the network cost. This resolution may be adjuvant for worldwide students along impoverished and unconsidered and will be helpful through Virtual learning.
In this new millennium, there are numerous options for teaching and learning. Activity-based learning is gradually replacing traditional chalk-and-talk learning. The pattern of interactive teaching from monologue to dialogue is not simply contained. Hands-on learning has a significant impact on the next generation of learners. The new generation of trainees is self-sufficient in terms of the curriculum offered by the teacher. Learners rely on Web contents (such as Wikipedia, You Tube, and Google, among others) because they are more comprehensive than individual content. Blend Space, Screen Casting, My Simple Show, and other large corporate-driven portals provide customized learning aid for students. Furthermore, learners' or students' participation in and contribution to social networking sites increases their social awareness and understanding. Because not all web content is real, pupils still need the guidance of a teacher. Teachers are rapidly becoming a student's Guide. The facts presented above are based on the Outcome Based Education (OBE) framework. Outcome is expected to be optimistic in equity action for child education; it may change the perception of education among underprivileged children; it may bridge the GAP between underprivileged and affordable children; and it may reduce the digital divide; all of this is likely the first integrated attempt to use music as a tool on a large scale.
- The impact may result into narrowing the gap between the digitally divided under-privileged children deprived of primary education
- Equality action in terms of racial, economical, linguistic (as multi-lingual framework has been planned) and even gender is expected to be improved.
- Learner’s aspiration may properly be addressed.
This work depicts an effort to provide primary education to underprivileged youngsters. Three diverse socioeconomic-demographic regions from different subcontinents were studied experimentally. A device design prototype is offered for broad virtual instruction. Annexed problems such as nutritional needs and mental health are also taken into account. Music instruction benefits pupils by preparing them to learn [3], improving fine motor abilities, preparing the brain for achievement, fostering superior working memory, and cultivating improved thinking skills. South-East Asia – Indian subcontinent, North-east Africa– Egypt, Sudan, Mid-West US among Mexican migrant population – YES! deprived of primary education (Illustrative, not exhaustive). Six languages (English, French, German, Spanish, Japanese, and Chinese) are used to explore the work's enormous global perspective span. If this initial endeavor evolves to the appropriate degree of compliance, there is tremendous possibility for subsequent research in other industries. There is ample scope of improvement. LEARN is a conceptual model whereas NOODLE is a prototype. As such LEARN is a process NOODLE is a product. As such, there is a lots of scope of further expansion both conceptionally and practically.
- The LEARN model is designed. (Fig. 2)
- intelligent system software design of the LEARN with NOODLE model is complete. Implementation is in progress.
- NOODLE circuit is designed (Fig. 3). The fabrication and product development are under progress.
- The GUI of the NOODLE OS planned to be in android primarily is dine.
Overall, the design of constituent components is in place. Implementation are depending on the availability of funds.
- Ensure that all children are learning in good educational environments, particularly those affected by poverty or displacement.
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- 4. Quality Education
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- Prototype
Step 1. Design of the LEARN model i.e. to impart primary education to the under privileged children through musical education.
Sub-step 1.1: Design sub-vertical one, Primary education module (viz. course structure, curriculum and syllabus of primary education.
Sub-step 1.2: Design sub-vertical two, Musical education module (viz. what will be the relaxed network content through music)
Sub-step 1.3: Develop multi-lingual content (primarily six translated multi-lingual content has been taken into consideration) in view of the targeted region i.e. South-east Asia, North East Africa and Mid-west US.
Step 2. GAP Analysis though thorough data analysis. Employing Machine Intelligence and Machine Learning.
Sub-step 2.1: In view of completion of step 1, collect determine parameters and
performance indicators to collect background information of the targeted learners of the three identified regions.
Sub-step 2.2: Make a thorough nutritional need analysis of the targeted under-privileged children from their nutritional needs. Construct a remedial plan.
Sub-step 2.3: Perform a thorough Mental health check-up of the identified children for knowledge transfer. Perform GAP Analysis and convey appropriate NGOs for remedial measure.
Step 2 is crucial and must be substantiated by data collection-data simulation - data analysis and data representation with proper machine learning approach (viz. confusion matrix, hit map etc.)
Step 3: Design of the NOODLE device to address educational need of the under-privileged children with minimal affordability. A set of parallel children having minimal affordability of a smart phone can also afford this musical education.
Sub-step 3.1: Design circuit diagram of the NOODLE describing each of its component explicitly with purpose.
Sub-step 3.2: List basic minimal application, primarily with Android (later on having its own OS), play-store application downloads with disclaimer wherever necessary.
Sub-step 3.3: fabrication and productization of the device NOODLE with virtual learning apps and virtual learning platforms.
Step 4. Design of the Intelligent system LEARN with NOODLE to integrate Step 1,2 and Step 3. The entire software planning, design and implementation.
Sub-step 4.1: Planning and Design of the Intelligent systems LwN. Two sub-components. First: Musical education transfer model at NOODLE.
Sub-step 4.2: Second, Musical education model for digitally divided through public address system viz. radio, TV etc.
Sub-step 4.3: Integration testing of complete LEARN with NOODLE model with multi-lingual facilities.
Step 5: Technology Transfer and Product commercialization.
The four modules namely Developing an Intelligent Systems, music driven knowledge transfer, designing own customized prototype to address digital divide and even developing a parallel module of through public address system for those who even can’t afford the low-cost NOODLE are neither fully sequential nor fully interconnected graphs. So, integrating the steps mentioned in the previous section is important for proper functioning of the entire systems. The steps mentioned are all pre-requisites and will take complete shape after compliance of all their sub-steps.
- LEARN with NOODLE is an intelligent System that imparts primary education to the under privileged children, through own designed device NOODLE or Public address system.
- The module LEARN provides the music driven primary education and that’s why a relaxed network. Course curriculum, syllabus design and their transformation is musical context is essential.
- NOODLE is a designed and dedicated for musical education transfer in the virtual learning mode only. Its embeds both virtual learning app as well as virtual learning platforms.
- Annexure pre-requisites viz. Mental Health and nutritional needs are embedded in the data analysis part of choice of appropriate parameters and performance indicators. This means the regions or locations decided for knowledge transfer must go through these compliance models for all its under-privileged children determined for knowledge transfer.
- Financial (e.g. accounting practices, pitching to investors)
- Product / Service Distribution (e.g. delivery, logistics, expanding client base)
Innovative components:
Intelligent Systems in Virtual learning is circulated in the literature even imparting educaion through music also circulated in the literature, hwoever,
- Developing an intelligent system for imparting primary education to under privilged children through music is yet to be applied or circulated in the literature.
- The proposed the model Learn Earn Academic Relaxed Network (LEARN). Here Earn indicated child labour can earn while they learn. Relaxed dics through Music.
- Patent published for the proposed cost -effective device: New-normal Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment (NOODLE) to address Digital divide
In this new millennium, there are numerous options for teaching and learning. Activity-based learning is gradually replacing traditional chalk-and-talk learning. The pattern of interactive teaching from monologue to dialogue is not simply contained. Hands-on learning has a significant impact on the next generation of learners. The new generation of trainees is self-sufficient in terms of the curriculum offered by the teacher. Learners rely on Web contents (such as Wikipedia, You Tube, and Google, among others) because they are more comprehensive than individual content. Blend Space, Screen Casting, My Simple Show, and other large corporate-driven portals provide customized learning aid for students. Furthermore, learners' or students' participation in and contribution to social networking sites increases their social awareness and understanding. Because not all web content is real, pupils still need the guidance of a teacher. Teachers are rapidly becoming a student's Guide. The facts presented above are based on the Outcome Based Education (OBE) framework. Outcome is expected to be optimistic in equity action for child education; it may change the perception of education among underprivileged children; it may bridge the GAP between underprivileged and affordable children; and it may reduce the digital divide; all of this is likely the first integrated attempt to use music as a tool on a large scale.
- The impact may result into narrowing the gap between the digitally divided under-privileged children deprived of primary education
- Equality action in terms of racial, economical, linguistic (as multi-lingual framework has been planned) and even gender is expected to be improved.
- Learner’s aspiration may properly be addressed.
We have clear Activity Timeline and Action Budget plan to comply the impact goals such as:
- Imparting primary education to the children one sixth of which is deprived of according to a GARTNER statistics pre-pandemic. Post pandemic it grows more serious with emergence of hybrid learning due to digital divide. LEARN with NOODLE model impart primary education with an equity action plan.
- Digital divide comes as a challenge in Virtual learning due to affordability factor largely for the background of the children. Particularly NOODLE proposed by the solution address this challenge.
- Primary education is closely linked with two major issues: nutritional need and mental health. Proposed solution addresses both. Proposed model address these challenges.
- Overall providing and intelligent system to integrate these multi-dimensional work is a technological challenge and proposed model has been aimed to comply that.
It is typically an Artifical Intelligence / Machine Intelligence application in which an Intelligent System is built to transfer musical driven education to under-privilged children. Here AI is employed to identify through data collection-simulation-analysis and representation for the Training-need Analysis of the under-privilged children. AI also detrmines from their background baseline information through appropriate parameters and performance indicators that in which category of the Digital Divide they belong.
If they can afford NOODLE they are classified as haves. Otherwise they belong to HAVEN'TS. LEARN is for both category . NOODLE is for who can afford and Public address system for digitally divided who can't afford. NOODLE is a hardware technology designed by us and fabrication underway.
Machine Learning classifiers are used (mainly Neural Networks and Decision Tree in some cases) right from categorizing through training need anlaysis, Addressing nutritional needs to detrmining mental health state.
Pythin is chosen as programming language and MTLAB for simulation. So, its Machine Intelligence -Machine Learning Application with Hardware Technology
- A new application of an existing technology
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Software and Mobile Applications
- India
- Nepal
Prof. Somsubhra Gupta, Professor and Dean-Science as Project Coordinator
Dr. Manisha Maity, School of Allied Health Science as Project team member
Dr. Titlee Majumder Modak, School of Allied Health Science as Project team member
Dr. Nilanjana Mitra, School of Allied Health Science as Project team member
Mr. Alok Roy, School of Computer Science as Project team member
Mrs. Paromita Das, Research Scholar MAKAUT as external entity
Over two years in this partucular mission, however, over two decades in this domain. Following are the compliance:
- Published patent as inventor (Applicant: previous Institution) entitled: “System for medical treatment following music therapy and the method thereof” (Appl. No. 20 / KOL / 2014) in the Journal 6 / 2014.
- Published patent entitled “Interactive Technology driven Low-cost Virtual learning Devices NOODLE for equity to address digital divide”, (Appl. No. 202331012519A)
- Published patent entitled “MUSIC THERAPY DEVICE FOR DEAF AND DUMB”, (Appl. No. 202331085483 A)
in extension to over ten publications in high end journals on various facets.
The University is concerned about equity actions and load balancing. So once granted, this project won't be hard to implement.
Prof. Somsubhra Gupta, is a Professor from School of Computer Science of the University is the Coordinator Team lead and having established work in Artificial Intelligence/ Machine Intelligence who is accountable for intelligent system integration. This system is supposed to impart education either through NOODLE or Public address system
Mr. Alok Roy as a Project Team member, is a Guest faculty by Profession and a research scholar from School of Computer Science of SVU who will look after design and implementation of NOODLE device. He is instrumental in designing the circuit. The work is in progress to give it a complete shape through design, development of this product.
Mrs. Paromita Das as a Project Team member, a research scholar and Assistant Professor of another University is an external member of the team is instrumental in design and implementation of the LEARN model of imparting education.
As is has been stated that the set of children aimed from imparting education especially with digital divide come from very ordinary socio-economic background. So considering their state of living, imparting education can only be feasible if the following two needs of the livelihood is taken into considerations:
- Food and nutrition
- Mental Health
Dr. Manisha Maity is a Project team member is from School of Allied Health Science of the University who a nutritional scientist. She is instrumental in addressing the basic minimal and above nutritional need of the group of children subjected to this knowledge transfer through this model. A thorough nutritional need analysis of the under privileged children subjected to the imparting education is an integral part of this research project.
Dr. Titlee Majumder Modak is a project team member, form School of Allied Health Science of this University who is expert in Medical Laboratory and Radio Imaging Technology and also mental health Expert. She is concerned abut both physical and mental health of the under privileged children.
Dr. Nilanjana Mitra as a Project Team member, from School of Allied Health Science of this University is a lead researcher of Development psychology domain. Mental health concern linked to imparting education is her priority in this project allied to imparting education.
This team will take full responsiblity of whatever claim has been made in this rpoposal with Coordinator being the person accountable.
Model description and dimension:
Component description:
- The LEARN model is designed. (Fig. 2)
- intelligent system software design of the LEARN with NOODLE model is complete. Implementation is in progress.
- NOODLE circuit is designed (Fig. 3). The fabrication and product development are under progress.
- The GUI of the NOODLE OS planned to be in android primarily is dine.
Following is the dimension of challenges of the problem:
- Imparting primary education to the children one sixth of which is deprived of according to a GARTNER statistics pre-pandemic. Post pandemic it grows more serious with emergence of hybrid learning due to digital divide. LEARN with NOODLE model impart primary education with an equity action plan.
- Digital divide comes as a challenge in Virtual learning due to affordability factor largely for the background of the children. Particularly NOODLE proposed by the solution address this challenge.
- Primary education is closely linked with two major issues: nutritional need and mental health. Proposed solution addresses both. Proposed model address these challenges.
- Overall providing and intelligent system to integrate these multi-dimensional work is a technological challenge and proposed model has been aimed to comply that.
In this new millennium, there are numerous options for teaching and learning. Activity-based learning is gradually replacing traditional chalk-and-talk learning. The pattern of interactive teaching from monologue to dialogue is not simply contained. Hands-on learning has a significant impact on the next generation of learners. The new generation of trainees is self-sufficient in terms of the curriculum offered by the teacher. Learners rely on Web contents (such as Wikipedia, You Tube, and Google, among others) because they are more comprehensive than individual content. Blend Space, Screen Casting, My Simple Show, and other large corporate-driven portals provide customized learning aid for students. Furthermore, learners' or students' participation in and contribution to social networking sites increases their social awareness and understanding. Because not all web content is real, pupils still need the guidance of a teacher. Teachers are rapidly becoming a student's Guide. The facts presented above are based on the Outcome Based Education (OBE) framework. Outcome is expected to be optimistic in equity action for child education; it may change the perception of education among underprivileged children; it may bridge the GAP between underprivileged and affordable children; and it may reduce the digital divide; all of this is likely the first integrated attempt to use music as a tool on a large scale.
This proposal is more of sociel responsibility driven rather than profit or revenue driven. However, in order to achieve high end goals and comply to the claims revenue is required. Scope for Technology Transfer and commercialization of the products remains. If the funding agencies come forward, this onus is open for handing over.
LEARN is more of a Service model whereas NOODLE is a product.
- Organizations (B2B)
The finances so far available (e.g. Patent grant / publications etc.) are mostly seed grant provided by the University.
In temrs of common revenue models, definitely many business houses predictably will put their expression of interest at the proposal fallls in common basic needs of human life viz.: Food, Dress, Home, Education and Health. However, commercialization of the products are not in the our immediate priority. The immediate focus is to successfully comply the claim and technology transfer to the funding agency for further revenue generation. Howevr, for further sustainability issues some roylaties will be expected out of this work.

Director -R&D Cell and Dean -Science