- India
- Not registered as any organization
Through this mobile application I am trying to solve one of the major global concern that is breast cancer. Majority of women across world suffer from this .According to statistics breast cancer was most common cancer in women in 157 countries out of 185 in year 2022
Also According to American cancer society estimates for breast cancer in US for 2024 are 310,720 new cases will be diagnosed in women
Breascan is an AI based mobile application which works on the principle of machine learning. The AI is trained to detect possible signs of breast cancer from just a click or picture by observing the possible changes in skin texture, lump formation and discharge . It also has a questionnaire which is supposed to be filled by person using it . Then from the stats and calculations the application tells the possibility of cancer. Being an application it can be used at homes by people specially women globally and tests can be done regularly and easily
We are trying to serve women community through this solution whose needs and health are often overlooked by society. Many women belong from families which are below poverty line and it gets difficult for them to undergo regular health checkups for any sign of breast cancer and also getting it checked often makes many women from orthodx backgrounds uncomfortable. In all these cases the app will be a boon for them
I think that i am the right person for this project as i hail from India which is currently considered as cancer capital also it's a developing country so we have a huge count of people below poverty line along with that most women here are also not comfortable with getting their health checked due to societal pressure and norms. Thus growing up here provided me an outlook about the situation
- Ensure health-related data is collected ethically and effectively, and that AI and other insights are accurate, targeted, and actionable.
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- 5. Gender Equality
- 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
- Prototype
Currently i have made the application training AI through images and data as much as possible. It has been tested on 5 people so far and has shown 90% accuracy. We are still in a process to develop it more and bring it to an advanced level where it can be available to everyone
The fund raising and monetary support are secondary needs for me ,the primary one are the help from technological team so that I can develop application in a much better way which would be more efficient and helpful for community along with that to also provide it's accessibility to various people across the globe
- Monitoring & Evaluation (e.g. collecting/using data, measuring impact)
- Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design)
AI is a new term in market and many enterprise along world are still trying to figure it out and it's positive uses. Thus our application uses this modern technology and brimg the best positive usage out of it. Till now only biospy was used for detection of breast cancer which is invasive and here we are using AI to solve this issue for the very first time
I expect that my solution will have a major impact in field of health as it will make women more aware about such cancers and also about self tests that can be done to save their health amd lifes
my impact goal is global health and unity. This application will definitely have an impact on global health as breast cancer is a global concern along with that it will also bring people from different communities together to fight against this disease
This application uses AI, machine learning and image processing which are modern technologies and haven't been much explored in positive term
- A new application of an existing technology
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Audiovisual Media
- Imaging and Sensor Technology
- Software and Mobile Applications
it's only me
I have been working on this project since past 6 months