Me Aware
- Australia
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
Suicide is a serious global public health issue.
According to the W.H.O. there are more deaths due to suicide than to malaria, breast cancer, or war and homicide.
More than 700,000 people die by suicide every year. Globally a suicide attempt is made every three seconds, and a suicide death occurs every 40 seconds.
While the global age standardized rate of suicide mortality is approximately 10/100000 population there are countries where the rate is far higher (Lesotho-72.4, Guyana-40.3, Eswatini-29.4, South Korea-28.6, Kiribati-28.3, South Africa-23.5.)
The majority of mental health support focuses predominantly on the point of crisis, but early-stage prevention is lacking. Much effort is focused on late-stage critical incident suicide intervention, but more recognition must be given to the fact that Suicide is a symptom NOT a cause and the underlying contributing factors must be addressed if we are to see significant change.
We believe the situation in Victoria, Australia is representative of the situation in most of the rest of the world. The final report from the Royal Commission into the Mental Health System in Victoria stated that "On the whole, suicide prevention initiatives have not resulted in a reduction in suicide numbers." Innovation is essential if we are to see individual, organizational and community transformation.
While doing as much as possible to mitigate suicide risk should be encouraged, it is not rational to think that risk can be removed because there are too many factors that cannot be controlled.
We contend that more focus MUST be given to understanding and encouraging enhanced suicide safety. This requires much earlier involvement in addressing the gaps in underlying protective factors that establish more robust suicide safety.
The Me Aware Digital Wellbeing program, powered by Helpnet A.I. provides users with access to real time tailored Mental Health, Wellbeing and Suicide Safety findings and recommendations with actionable steps. It provides a comprehensive and much more timely response (than any program currently available) based on real-time data. It forensically identifies gaps in mental wellbeing, resilience and suicide safety not necessarily consciously known by an individual, entity or group based on cross platform integration and/or cross dataset correlation.
The program creates a definition of prophylactic measures that influence subconscious wellbeing, mental health and suicide risk and tendencies for the purpose of early prevention. The program offers achievable evidence-based recommendations categorized by individual and community pillars based on peer reviewed published findings from around the world. By highlighting underlying contributing risk and safety factors early individual users, organizations and decision makers can mitigate these factors providing substantial potential for reductions in intensive clinical support and the frequency of critical incidents.
The W.H.O. approach to suicide prevention, includes the following key recommendations for effective evidence-based prevention.
Foster socio-emotional life skills
Early identification, assessment, management and follow up of anyone who is affected by suicidal behaviors.
These recommendations coupled with situation analysis, awareness raising, capacity building, monitoring and evaluation are characteristics of an effective prevention strategy.
Me Aware effectively supports these recommendations.
The program can also be delivered to enthnographic, vocation specific and geographic groups and provides aggregated information regarding the complex contributing risk factors that affect mental wellbeing, suicide safety along with community connectedness and cohesion. By providing an analysis of these patterns, trends, and risk factors, the data empowers researchers, clinicians, and policymakers to tailor interventions, allocate resources effectively, and shape evidence-based mental health strategies.
A recent study published by the National Centre for Biotechnology Information "Health managers often do not have adequate information for decision making on what strategy makes an effective impact on suicide prevention. Despite the availability of global Suicide Prevention Programs (SPP), no previous investigation has developed combinations of a review study with expert opinions."
Me Aware's real-time data-driven approach not only enhances the precision of mental health care but also facilitates early detection, intervention, and ongoing monitoring, contributing to a more responsive and effective mental health support system.
Results from previous deployments have seen dramatic improvement in the number and outcomes of critical incidents.
See Me Aware operating at the following link.
Me Aware is (currently) available to any English-speaking participants over 18 years. (We anticipate translation into several other languages in due course)
The program is device agnostic - uses any internet connected device.
Can be used whenever and wherever users require it.
Results to date have shown that individual users.
- Become more aware of suicide risk.
- Understand how mental wellbeing and resilience can be enhanced.
- Expand and enhance capacity to build suicide safety with direct impact to their families and the wider community.
- Receive easily actionable, tailored real-time recommendations.
- Practically act to strengthen their own wellbeing.
Leaders and decision makers in geographic or corporate deployments
- Receive locations specific complex aggregated real-time data not previously available.
- Can make far more informed and strategic decisions and thereby creating potential for reductions in intensive clinical support and the frequency of critical incidents.
- Effectively target resources to areas of immediate need.
- Capacity to be more responsive and flexible response to community need.
And generally
- The program enhance access to information.
- Contribute to greater awareness and mindfulness that encourages engagement in activities that strengthen suicide safety.
Both individual users and key leaders / stakeholders have exhibited a sense of increased empowerment and hopefulness after the program has been delivered.
Helpnet current target deployments include Web based release for individuals, Northeast Rural Victoria, and Suva, Fiji.
We have all experienced the loss of multiple people in our close groups. We all feel the same way - it didn’t have to happen. That means we are all motivated so that, as much as it lies within our capacity, we will do everything we can to stop it from happening again.
We have all experienced the loss of multiple people in our close groups. We all feel the same way - it didn’t have to happen. That means we are all motivated so that, as much as it lies within our capacity, we will do everything we can to stop it from happening again.
We have all experienced the loss of multiple people in our lives, and feel an emotional connection and responsibility to act.
Our team is unique. Leaders and innovators in their own fields. We have come together for a common purpose, a difficult but achievable goal of having meaningful impact to suicide and mental health statistics in individuals, communities, and nations.
We serve the communities we live in - with our diverse personal backgrounds aiding our ability to identify with a broad range of people groups. Beyond our own personal experiences, the strategies we live by, are built from the ground up around accessibility to all.
The best example of this is Me Aware. Me Aware is not constrained by the requirement for feet on the ground or geographic limitations. Whether the program is used for individuals or deployed across a region it is available from any web connected digital device, and extraordinarily easy to use.
While systems such as Me Aware are designed to be widely accepted, Helpnet also provides bespoke solutions and adaptations, due to ongoing feedback and consultations with community groups, leaders and governments.
The unique characteristics of regional and corporate deployments include:
Early-stage community consultation (virtual and, where possible live).
Pre-deployment agreement with local stakeholders and representatives.
Effective broad-based communication through local partnerships
Working with such a vast demographic spread, all systems must be approachable, safe, and intuitive. Helpnet’s systems are built with this approach and tested broadly. We must think differently, we must engage differently, we must communicate differently.
Our organisations and the individuals within it, have a vision to be a catalyst for transformation in individuals, organizations and geographic regions.
- Ensure health-related data is collected ethically and effectively, and that AI and other insights are accurate, targeted, and actionable.
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- Pilot
Deployments to date include:
Education based delivery in 11 campuses across Australia and Malaysia - statistics since deployment - 1 incident in 10 years.
Social media youth peer support suicide prevention page comprising 23000 members - 98% critical incident retrieval rate.
Regional deployment across 1000sqkm in regional Victoria (where the suicide rate was dramatically higher than the rural average) - over the ensuing 32 months post program there have been no further incidents,
All previous deployments have seen dramatic improvement in the number and outcome of critical incidents.
Estimated beneficiaries exceed 29,000.
Me Aware is the first and only product in this niche or functional area. To our knowledge it is a world first. We have many challenges we must overcome to ensure that the potential of such a groundbreaking and innovative undertaking is realised.
Our application is based on the following possible support requirements.
- Better understanding a “global market” that, until now, really never existed.
- Developing stronger relationships in data science and applied psychology
- Greater comprehension of diverse cultures represented in target markets.
- Guidance on establishing presence/profile and awareness globally.
- Input into further developing Me Aware’s sophistication and user optimization.
- Business Model (e.g. product-market fit, strategy & development)
- Human Capital (e.g. sourcing talent, board development)
- Product / Service Distribution (e.g. delivery, logistics, expanding client base)
- Public Relations (e.g. branding/marketing strategy, social and global media)
Early-stage "up-steam" prevention measures are essential if we are to see a consistently effective transformation in risk and safety dynamic in individuals.
Me Aware is unique, in that, to our knowledge, Artificial Intelligence software has never been used before in the context of in suicide safety / risk assessment initiatives either individually or for groups of any size to analyze the underlying complex contributing risk factors.
For groups, Me Aware categorizes these risk and safety factors into various required sub-categories within the area allowing for identification of place-based sub-group risks. Me Aware provides recommendations based on unique individual and/or group characteristics.
The use of this innovative leading-edge technology ensures the best possible outcomes both socially and economically. The communication and awareness aspects of the program (including the publishing of findings) also creates a level of individual and community hope, empowerment and mindfulness that supports community safety and is a catalyst for local organizations and individuals to undertake initiatives that support the program findings and recommendations.
Findings and recommendations are drawn from a database of international peer reviewed published articles which continues to be updated and expanded.
The foundational assumption of the Me Aware program is that suicide is a symptom. In order to create the potential for individual and large-scale transformation we need to deal with root causes.
Theory of Change
There is increasing consensus that current suicide prevention/intervention undertakings are inadequate. Innovation is essential.
The following excerpts reflect this.
“Suicide is influenced by a variety of psychosocial, biological, environmental, economic and cultural factors. AI can be used to explore the association between these factors and suicide outcomes. AI can also model the combined effect of multiple factors on suicide, and use these models to predict individual risk.”
“the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning offers new possibilities to significantly guide risk prediction and advance suicide prevention frameworks.
AI and ML applications hold unique promise to enable precision medicine in the prevention of suicide, particularly given their ability to handle large and complex datasets.”
“machine learning models outperformed the benchmarks set previously by traditional clinical, theoretical and statistical suicide risk prediction models. They correctly predicted 66 per cent of people who would experience a suicide outcome and correctly predicted 87 per cent of people who would not experience a suicide outcome.”
Me Aware logical framework.
Input - User survey biographic, situational and demographic data collected. User interaction and behavior tracking captures mouse movement, keyboard input and any other user interaction with the software. Behavior tracking captures changes in answer, backwards navigation through the survey, length of decision and any other user behavior.
Activity - User responses are aggregated, sanitized and, analyzed. Responses are weighted, trends/patterns are identified, human and artificial intelligence define, identify and refine indicators. Analytical data fed through AI analysis engine for new indicator learning and insights.
Output - Stored output from analytical data fed through recommendation engine to connect recommendations to triggered indicator definitions. Outputs are produced based on report definitions that display triggered indicators, recommendations, and patterns/trends visualization for target individual, organization or population group.
Outcome - During a public presentation a mother asked, “What do we do?” the answer given was “We don’t know.” Understanding that we don’t really know, rather than guessing or having a general idea is the first step to finding out.
The program has consistently taken users from not knowing to having a clear understanding of their personal and/or corporate circumstances based on real-time data, supported by achievable, actionable, evidence-based recommendations.
Impact to date has been excellent.
There has been a consistently observed increase in confidence, and a renewed sense of purpose and control over one's own life and circumstances. This has been hope-enhancing
For many, program completion has been hope enhancing, encouraging the generation of goal thoughts, creating effective pathways leading to goal attainment, and the motivation to pursue goals, and overcome barriers.
Feedback clearly illustrates this.
The findings and recommendations produced, exceeded expectations... Dr L Munro – Perception Psychology
The information and support provided have helped us rebuild resilience and connectedness. D Twigg – Area Manager Snowy Hydro
Software clearly identified exactly what the underlying issues were in relation to the unprecedented loss of life and empowered us to take positive action to reinforce suicide safety. Ps G Van Brummelen - Corryong Baptist
Foundational goals
To strengthen mental wellbeing and resilience in individuals, organizations, and geographic regions.
Reduce the occurrence of suicide across the world by implementing protective factors before individuals become symptomatic.
In so doing we will reduce deaths by suicide and suicidal behavior.
This will be achieved by
Making Me Aware for individuals available as widely as possible.
Pursue opportunities for large scale deployments of Me Aware that support a whole-of-community approach to suicide prevention and extend and enhance public understanding.
In all cases provide understandable actionable options for users to build resilience and the capacity for self-help.
Supporting community strengthening, resilience and capacity in suicide prevention through the effective deployment of the software.
Produce and make available real time findings which enhance or inform the establishment of better understanding around mental wellbeing, resilience, and suicide safety.
Measuring Impact
We will primarily measure impact by reduction in suicide completions in areas we have targeted through available statistical data and information derived from repeat individual surveys.
In the larger context we will measure impact via re-assessment of corporate and population group distributions which would reflect a downward trend in identified risk factors from the first assessment.
Compiling Data
We intend to significantly improve the evidence base and understanding of early-stage suicide safety and prevention.
This will be achieved by developing and compiling a massive data base of quantitative and quantitative mental wellbeing and suicide safety information that can accessed to provide much better comprehension of individual and aggregated contributing factors across vocational, ethnographic, demographic and geographic groups.
Me Aware Assessment is powered by AngularJS and .NET Core software framework. As part of the data capture software Helpnet has and is continuing to develop behavioral tracking functionality that tracks and monitors user behavior (such as change in answers, eye focus tracking, screen hot spots and alike). This data is fed through AI models to enable the platform to make a determination on answer accuracy and provide a weighting for each answer given coupled with it's actual value it contributes towards our mental health categories.
The Me Aware results and recommendations are also powered by Helpnet A.I. Helpnet AI is a set of evolving ML/AI models that utilize both captured and resourced data to make determinations on risk factors and recommend actions to improve protective (or reduce risk) factors. These models are constantly evolving as we continue to provide more data.
- A new technology
Operational Feasibility.
Staged deployments have established the software works as anticipated and is producing the expected results.
Documentation that supports the program's efficacy can be found here.
Financial Viability
Once we have achieved a substantial footprint, the cost to implement and deploy the program far outweighs the social and economic cost of suicide to the community.
Statistics collected from England have established the overall economic cost through the loss of life to suicide far exceeds One Million Pounds per incident ($1.2 Million USD). Further cost impact on the community occurs through incidence of self-harm.
A summary of statistical information from England can be found here.
Market Feasibility
Early market share can be achieved in countries that exhibit three unique characteristics.
1. A recognized significant problem.
2. A willingness to adopt new technology.
3. A developed economy.
It is our intention to use a part of profits to support program expansion into countries that only exhibit the first two characteristics.
Once efficacy of the model is established, potential market in the 18 identified countries that exhibit all three characteristics could conceivably exceed 100 million dollars.
Long term market size calculations in target countries can be found here.
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Behavioral Technology
- Big Data
- Software and Mobile Applications
- Australia
- Fiji
- Malaysia
- Canada
- India
- South Africa
- United Kingdom
- United States
3 full time employees and varying contractors
Full Time Staff
Drew Gormlie - Chief Executive Officer
12 years delivering innovative prevention initiatives. Previously involved in the financial sector.
Michael Findlay - Head of Technology
Solutions architect able to adapt technology to fit emerging needs. Previously responsible for the national early childhood development survey.
Nate Ward - Operations, Communications and Media
With over 2 decades executive level experience in marketing and communications
Current Contractors
Rhianna Perkin
Senior Consultant Psychologist, Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Trainer.
Dr Gregory Hill PhD, BSc
Data Management, Strategy and Analytics expert.
We began work on elements of the solution in 2012. Individual Foundational concepts were developed and tested through various charitable undertakings.
Helpnet (as a company) was established in July 2015 and intensive development commenced immediately. Earlier iterations of the program were field tested in 2019-2021.
Deployments are now under way through web-based release for individuals, in Rural Australia and Suva, Fiji,
As a company that wants to realize the full potential, we are proactive in taking action to create safe and inclusive workplaces.
This starts by emphasizing the importance of diversity and inclusion.
We consistently ensure that our company values recognize and work to understand and alter unconscious bias.
We will
- make every effort to recognize exclusion.
- use inclusive language.
- encourage self-expression.
- ensure remuneration equity.
- use enterprise perception and staff experience to assess performance.
In order to distribute the program extensively we must engage with diverse cultures internationally in our efforts to achieve our goals. This starts with the culture within the company and will mean that as we expand it will be increasingly important to ensure equitable staffing reflecting the various groups we endeavor to serve.
The Me Aware software itself is reflective of our culture as a company.
The Aware initiative does not promote any dogma. It automatically incorporates inclusivity by empowering all users regardless of their social or economic circumstances, ethnicity, gender, worldview, or political affiliations.
Understanding the unique perspectives of our diverse user group ensures the program we provide will become more and more effective in identifying and meeting the needs of those we serve.
Embedded Business Model
- The business and the social program are the same.
- The business is created to serve users and participants (central to the mission)
Customer segments
Individuals, community groups, charities, businesses, research institutions, third sector organizations, civic and government entities.
Distribution channels
Web based digital delivery, social media, 3 party website landing pages (affiliate/white label)
Partners and Stakeholders
Influencers, advocates, collaborating organizations, payers, service providers and those as listed in the customer segments.
Current collaborating partners include.
- Redeeming our Communities U.K.
- Saltbox Staffordshire, U.K.
- Love Suva Foundation, Fiji.
- Upper Murray Thrive Committee, Victoria, Australia
Knowledge Partners
- Florida State University Laboratory for the Study and Prevention of Suicide-Related Conditions and Behaviors
- University of the South Pacific
- Federation University Australia
- Fiji National University
Intensive awareness campaigns through various social media platforms.
Active engagement with decision makers, entities that serve target markets, health and wellbeing entities (private and government)
Establishing productive ongoing dialogue and advocacy with global, national and local peak bodies.
Financial – monetary, research, further software development, monitoring and evaluation.
Physical - Data management equipment
Web - Cloud Servers, Project management, CRM, ERP, HRM and messaging.
Value Proposition
Low cost, high sophistication = creates desirability and usefulness
Easily accessible in spite of location
Creates better understanding, engenders hope and creates a sense of empowerment.
Easily adaptable and infinitely scalable
Offers a level of understanding not currently available from any other existing program (that we are aware of).
Benevolent Emphasis
A percentage of net revenues will be directed to same sector charitable undertakings in places or serious need.
Large scale impact measures
Reduced suicide rates
More connected and cohesive groups and communities
Alleviation of pressure on health expenditure.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
Market research
Research in, and enquiries from, target markets substantiate high demand for the program due to its early prevention characteristics and ease of use.
Web based.
Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of this web-based program is increasing attractive due to the migration to online services and resources.
(Partly due to the COVID's impact regarding online activities)
No inventory
Minimal dedicated workspace requirements
No physical materials only requirement is computer access.
Easy to update with relatively lox expenditure.
Revenue Streams
We continue to develop a hybrid structure with a range of revenue streams. Including
- Fee for service
- Subscription
- Bundling (other Prepare 365 resources currently in development)
- Affiliate
- Co-branding White labelling
Can be geofenced and modified to match the economic situation in specific target locations.
High Profit margin.
As a digital product increased use/traffic does not substantially increase overheads.
Implementation of multiple/simultaneous deployments is relatively easy
We will partner with like-minded organizations that have similar goals.
Local partnerships are an all-important part of our success and then may take on the role of post-program recommendation implementation.
Encourages increased receptivity in target markets.
Fosters greater communication, creativity and productivity.
Supports better decision-making and problem solving.
Ensures much better understanding of local characteristics that need to be understood for deployment.
Raising Funds.
Targeted equity capital raising if and/or when required.

Chief Executive Officer