The Perseus Structure
- Spain
- Not registered as any organization
The biggest problem of all is the perspective of human beings, who are essentially the source of most problems, and in turn are (potentially speaking) the solution to all of them. If humans did not exist in the world, it would probably be a paradise of beings living in harmony; however, we exist, and that makes us humans: either the best or the worst thing the planet can have and everything essentially depends on the quality of thought that one or a group of humans could have or come to have. The world, even today in the 21st century, continues to be a huge set of problems of all kinds: human trafficking, child slavery, large sectors living in extreme poverty, entire countries with a level of consciousness worthy of the Middle Ages, climate change, wars, and many other types of problems of severe gravity.
To have access to a tool as powerful, extensive and versatile as the Digital Industry and to continue using it in such a limited, almost rudimentary way, is something very close to a crime, not only in terms of the level of aid and/or utility it could have for many sectors of the global general population, but also if we speak from an economic point of view. The amounts of money and other resources that move through this industry are immense; however, making optimal use of the digital industry will allow those figures to double, triple and could even become exponential, In turn it will allow us to improve existing digital tools and create new ones that will make life simpler and more bearable for many people on the planet.
The solution is quite simple: To make better use of the Digital Industry.
The Digital Industry has the power to solve, contribute, empower, or influence a problem, a need or almost anything in a fast and satisfactory way. By utilizing this powerful tool (The Digital Industry) in a more appropriate manner, we will be able to create the necessary impact in multiple ways and from multiple angles so that, even by making use of existing digital tools, the solutions provided will be even more optimal, more comprehensive, scalable and with exponential results.
The solution I propose is The Perseus Structure, a digital infrastructure that, if properly developed, would not only allow for broader and more effective use of the Digital Industry but would also achieve a much more significant outcome: showing the world how to use the Digital Industry more effectively. As a general rule, people tend to imitate innovative things, especially disruptive elements, which would cause the effects of the Perseus Structure to have an exponential impact globally
Initially, it would help specific niches of the general population. It is difficult to name exactly which niches, as this would require an extensive explanation; however, due to the very nature of how the digital industry behaves, it would eventually have a global impact.
What kind of impact would it have?
Multiple types: Economic, environmental, coexistence, and many others.
It's simple: making optimal use of the Digital Industry allows the results obtained to be progressive, scalable, and exponential. This can be easily seen in the way people interact with social networks, video platforms, etc. The essence of the results is the same, only a little more powerful.
We are the right people because the elements that make up The Perseus Structure are designed based on the work area in which we have been involved for more than a decade continuously. In my particular case, it would be more than 21 years working continuously and uninterruptedly in these work areas. It could be said that we know our target audience considerably well.
- Generate new economic opportunities and buffer against economic shocks for workers, including good job creation, workforce development, and inclusive and attainable asset ownership.
- 4. Quality Education
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- Concept
It is a concept because it is in an initial phase.
The truth is that I arrived at this Solve Challenge by chance, my sole objective is to get this information to those people interested in helping sectors of the general population, if possible on a global level, or to people who really have the intention of creating something that helps benefit the planet and make it a better place for everyone. I want to believe that if someone reads my words and understands the essence of them, that person will be able to realize how limited the way the Digital Industry is used and the enormous opportunity that is presented to them with just having a slightly higher perspective than traditional, if this were the case and the person can understand these words, very probably they can create something of great value that helps the world and can empower their creation by making a more optimal use of the powerful Digital Industry.
As for us and The Perseus Structure, I hope that in the near future we can be allies of all those people and companies that want to do something beneficial for the world, since our ultimate goal is simple:
To help as much as possible, as many people as possible, in the most efficient way possible
- Financial (e.g. accounting practices, pitching to investors)
- Human Capital (e.g. sourcing talent, board development)
- A new application of an existing technology
- Audiovisual Media
- Internet of Things