To increase the income earning pontetial for the rural/Peri-Urban women and youth
- Uganda
- Nonprofit
They are limited: 1.0 Food security ,2.0.Nutrition, 3.0. Economic viability
90% of the target group are peasant farmers who open land by the hand hoe, that enables them have less harvest of food from their farm land which can not allow them feed through out the year and therefore making them live below the poverty line.
Having the peasantry farming that does not allow the target groups have chance to grow protein foods.The end result is malnutrition of the children in the community where we operate.
This is result of luck of the provisional skills to earn a living, target groups don't have agribusiness to enable them have the food security, nutrition and economic viability. This has led the 79% increase of the child mothers , abortions , increase by 20% of the children death rate , gender based violence. Basically the gender based violence the major source is that the women are being dependent on the men, this also leads to preference of the boy to girl child education. The increasing number of the child mothers and making the women inferior is only because they no have source of income.
Data that have been compiled in the offices indicates that 94% of the target groups have been affected in the mapped area of operation.
1.0. No provisional skills to enable them practice small scale farming of at least 1 acre to 3 acres of farming land on higher value crops .
2.0. No machinery to open land for farming like tractors at members and group levels.
3.0 No aggro-processing plants for value addition most especially maize and rice thus giving them no room to improve on their products and services offered.
4.0. No knowledge on the forming of the groups and capacity building on the business skills and this promotes on their performance in terms of the competitiveness, effectiveness, higher production, business turn over, reduction of the wastage's and production time.
5.0. Low levels of the education and the understanding for the target groups that has made them have the attitude of being inward looking on issues of the small scale farming.
The target groups in the community are turned from peasantry farming to small scale holder farming of at least 1 acres to 3acres of farming land to enable them have food security, nutrition and economic viability.
There are two soft wares used : Mobile and data profiling of the members to improve their performance in food and agricultural productivity
The mobile soft ware is for detecting diseases, fertility, the size of the garden. Data Profiling soft ware is used to capture members activities in the community,
The bulking records is for all the small scale holder farmers in the mapped area of operation that is key in determining the proper planing for the general members.
Nutrition food that is being grown by the target groups are sayo beans, sunflower, beans along side maize, rice , cassava, bananas,millet as being major force at home for feeding and getting income.
looking at the meeting the basic needs at home, value addition of the products ( maize, rice, sun flower,cassava,sim-sim) is key when selling in the open market.
The aggro-processing plants on value addition is based on the prime crops in giving better incomes for target groups . To compete with the quality products from others region in the country or out side the country the target groups will use good and agricultural practices.
Forming of the groups from the trained members who have undergone guided practicals that are market oriented to the trainees localities. This has given the groups have one voice and goal on specific issues that affect them.
The business skills entails the following topics
1.0.Initiation of the income generating activities
2.0. Management of the income generating activities
3.0 Communication skills
4.0. Negotiation skills
5.0. Elementary Marketing
6.0. Meeting Procedures.
7.0. Group dynamism
8.0. Developing of the simple work plans
9.0. Book keeping
This helps tracking of the simple business that are initiated in the community by the target groups.
It is developing the target groups into better health , life and having a sustainable community.
To have solutions that has multiple interventions in making the target groups or members to be self sustaining as seen in the above sub headings that has been discussed.
As already said in the above i will only highlight on the following.
1.0. Turning the them from peasantry farming to small scale holder farming of 1acre to 3acres of farming land.
2.0. Value addition by using the aggro-processing plants.
3,0. Business skills , crop husbandry and post harvest handling training
4.0. Forming them groups ( village savings and loans association VSLAs)
1.0. Mobile soft ware
2.0. Data profiling of the members
3.0. Bulking records on the soft ware
Rural poor and Peri-Urban Women and youth.
WHO THEY ARE: They are invisible groups who are the last 10%-to 20% vulnerable groups in the community
They live below the poverty line and who can not earn one (1) Us Dollars a day.
The rural poor/Peri-urban as put in most cases have no clear pass to their homes, the grass thatched houses where they live plants or other grasses have grown on the roof.
Meeting the basic needs at home is major challenge that leads to the malnutrition of the children, not able to pay medical bills and tuition fees for their children. 40% in the community this is an icon for poor families to force young people into marriage thus increasing the abortions and gender based violence. The gap between women and men is mostly caused by 99% which is based on the cultural values that places men in the led and who must own all the assets of the home.
The limited provision skills of the target groups has made women to be beggars in the community and most cases considered inferior to men . This becomes the grooming ground for the gender based violence . This holds no sense by not promoting the women and girls rights on the economic viability in the community.
Most of the area covered has the grass thatched house by 86% , away from the permanent house with poor sanitation and ventilation
The actors in the mapped area of operation the service delivery offered do not reach the target groups and these gaps created empowers our existence
The Target Groups Shall:
Start Income generation activities through agribusiness that will improve the living standards
Have guided practical in small scale farming that will boost their social status and self esteem and the earning power will increase annually by 40% and this will include the following:
1.0. Representation and being elected at different organizations and companies in community
2.0. Referrals for skills on income generation empowerment through basic education which is market oriented to the target group localities. What they have learnt will be replicated in their localities for causing the multiplier effect in the community.
To start simple income generating activities in the community that are feasible and viable. This will be turning points for income generation empowerment for the target groups as a force to create jobs for other youth and women.
Usage, buying and consumption for the products by the community, companies, groups,organizations and foundations.
The internal human resource pool for the project has the senior and project staff
Senior Staff
They have good at organization development, accounts and finance, programs . The team composing of the executive director, program manager, and accountant serves the management letter to the project staff. This is of great importance in keeping the project on for given project life.
Project Staff
Composition of the following:
Project manager
Project Accountant
3 Field Officers
8 community based trainers
The composition of the project staff we have specialist in agriculture, accounts and finance, social works, information technology,. Basically the community trainees are field inspectors that have the experience in using the tools developed in the monitoring work plans to capture the required data from the small scale holder farmer. They are able to handle training at group level and members at grass root.
The field officers enriches the field activities by guiding the home inspectors when handling activities at group or members. The monitoring, evaluation and learning gives an out come when the target groups are empowered with guided practicals on agriculture and business skill they perform better than even qualified personal in agriculture.
According to the data collected the target group are ably using methods of the post harvest handling to increase the yields per farmer and better farming .
The project staff have formed 94 groups at parish level in the community that are fully with functional and rotational leadership of after ever six months. They acquisition of skills business skill
- Generate new economic opportunities and buffer against economic shocks for workers, including good job creation, workforce development, and inclusive and attainable asset ownership.
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 5. Gender Equality
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- Growth
1.0. Structure for the project which is user friendly to general membership that has the button to top approach in terms of power flow.
2.0. 91 village saving and loans association and forming them into rural/Peri-Urban federations that equivalent to community based organization that are operation at sub county
3.0. Records for bulking,members fees, income generating activities
4.0. Data profiling for the members
5.0. Selected crops to be grown by each member are maize and rice as core.
6.0. Office
7.0. Feed back system to improve on the reporting based on monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL).
8.0. Financial reports 2022 to 2023
9.0. Five years business plan on maize and rice
10.0 Store for products.
11. Simple 2 aggro-proccessing plants for value additions.
13. Policies ( financial and accounting, procurement and transport manual,fraud manual , internal human resource manual,).
14. Project human resource which are credible, well known experience and qualified
Maize Section
1.0.Threshed maize grains
2.0.Maize flower number 1 & 2.
3.0. Maize Husks.
Rice Section
1.0. Threshed rice
2.0. Rice husks.
1.0. 27 institutions with average students population 360 each.
2.0. 167 local traders in and out side the mapped area of operation
3.0. 98 small groups of 30 member each
4.0. 94 village savings and loans association VSLAs each with 30 members
Purchasing of the following:
1.0. Two tractors for opening of the farm land of the small scale holder farmers.This a turning point for adjusting the peasantry farming to small scale holding farming of 1acre to 3acre farm.
2.0. Three aggro-plants on maize and rice for value addition compared to the old aggro-plant that mix diesel gas with posh floor or threshed rice that makes it lose test and color. In this way the products on rice and maize are out competed by the other products from other region in the country or out side the country. The middle men are great block in making the small scale holder farmers to earn what is required per they product , this because they buy their products at low prices
3.0. Formation of the village savings and loans associations of each of 30 members that are small scale holder farmers. These will have to under go guided practical on forming of the group including election of the executive member.
4.0. Capacity building business skills that leads to the competitiveness, effectiveness, higher production, business turn over and reduction of the wastage's and production
- Business Model (e.g. product-market fit, strategy & development)
- Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design)
At the moment we are improving on the existing products to expand on the clientele base.
This is basically on maize and rice products
1.0. The general solution we have come up with food that has the ration of food 2:3;1 the includes maize,rice and sliver fish floor . This is used to feed on the malnutrition children and the old people aged 75 years of age and above.
2.0. Forming the village savings and loans associations from the trained members of 30 members minimum.
3.0. Equipping them with skills on computer skills for proper data, management and the dissemination of the activities.
4.0. Using of the mobile soft ware is key in detecting if pastes in the garden, determining the soil fertility is a core in enabling the small scale holder farmer to select which type of the crop to be grown, able to known the cumulative total of the acreage of land at farmers, group and program level and this is basis for the getting the yield that is got annually or per season in the given year.
Data profiling of the members;
We have employed software of advancing system where 1950 farmers data profile and registrations/garden mapping was done in November-December 2019.(this was used in capturing all the farmers and currently being managed by Mobi-pay. This system shall be used to federation of the farmer groups and also register the type, performance tally, field extension reports and market updates classified in 5 units
Business skills promotes groups and members levels in terms of being accountable for the funds and 4 groups have accessed funding from service providers in finance in terms of the grants or donations . At program if groups are self sustaining according to our strategy we exit them to operate independently after being supervised by the field offer for one year or two. When five groups are independently operating in the sub county we form them in the federation of the rural poor/Peri-Urban that is equivalent to the community based organization.
The solution will have impact on the target people in the following ways:
The small scale holder farmers will be able
1. To meet the basic needs at home.
2. Retain their children in the universal education in Uganda because it the part of the hidden costs like feeding at school, uniforms, scholastic materials that majorly that keeps on making drop out of school.
3. To keep Proper records at group and simple businesses of the members
4. Form groups with feasible and viable projects in agriculture.
5. Functional literate on computer that will promote quality data, management and dissemination of the information.
6. Good health for the children and old people.
1.Construction and usage of the permanent houses away from the the grass thatched houses that cavers the mapped area of operation.
2. Servicing grandaunts as duty bearers and decision makes of different organs in government will be from the children of the target groups and other actors in the community like NGOs. This will build the social status and the self esteem.
3. 70% reduction of the gender based violence in the community as the target groups will income generating activities that will make them earn live so being suppressed by men.
4. Usage, buying and selling of the product of maize and rice in the community will be from the target groups to institutions, organizations, local traders, supper markets.
5. The target groups will be referrals on the income generation in the community.
6. Acquisition of the skills in IT and financial literate will increase their their power in getting loans and grants from the service providers with in and out side the mapped area of operation.
7. A community which is free by 80% from child mothers, abortions and child death rate.
1.0.Health and Sustainable Community: The community that is able to meet basic needs at home and medical bills. This is banked on having improved economic viability which is based on the incomes generating activities on small scale holder farming. This be good threshed products on maize and rice that is sold or posho floor, maize and rice husks,
2.0. Duty Bearer and Decision Makers in Government Offices in the community: In this aspect the target groups will able to pay tuition fees their children at all levels to university education. The serving .This will give the chance for the retention of the children in schools more especially what makes them drop out of the schools with universal education
3.0. Improved Women and Girls Rights in the Community: This means upholding the target groups rights and making the community that is free of the gender domestic violence, child mothers, malnutrition children and abortions.
4.0. Improved Food Security of Food , Nutrition and the Economic Viability: This entails issues of the small scale holder farming as key in improving the target groups living standards or by having food all round the year and one for sell to earn living. We are developing food with ratios that includes maize, rice and sliver fish which is good for the malnutrition children and the old age. The target is to increase the economic viability for all the members to have feasible and feasible projects in the small holder farming.
There are two technologies used so far mobile soft ware and data profiling of the members.
Mobile soft ware;
1.Detects diseases and pastes in the gardens, soil fertility, garden size, increased access to information, market linkages, financial inclusion, and improved resource management, access to relevant agricultural information on update of weather updates, crop prices, best farming practices, and pest
management techniques.
The availability of reliable information enables small scale holder farmers to make informed decisions, leading to enhanced productivity and
better crop yields. have revolutionized market linkages by facilitating direct connections between farmers and buyers, reducing the dependence on intermediaries, and lowering transaction costs.
Provides price transparency, allowing farmers to negotiate better prices
for their produce, leading to improved income and capturing a larger
share of the market value for their products.
Data profiling of the farmers:
- A new application of an existing technology
- Software and Mobile Applications
Senior Staff
1.Executive Director
2. Program Coordinator
3. Accountant
Project Staff
Project Manager
Project Accountant
4 Field Officers
9 Community Based Trainer
Maize section
1.0. Threshed maize
2.0. Maize floor
3.0. Maize husks
Rice Section
1.0. Threshed rice
2.0. Rice Husks
Maize section
1.0. Grinding of maize
2.0. Maize Hulling
3.0. Threshing of the maize
Rice section
1.0. Increasing in the economic viability of the target population by 80% and will be turning them from peasantry to small scale scale holder farming of 3acres to 7acres of farming land basically on maize and rice.
Providing projections showing how farmers’ incomes will increase over the next four years as a result of this project and briefly describing how we have reached the projections.
The Production Rate for 225 Farmers and 225 Acres of Farm Land on Rice a Year
Therefore: 1 acre of rice yields 360kgs for sale, for the two seasons an acre will produce 360kgs x2 = 720kgs for a year for a farmer. The total weight of rice for a year is 225 acres x 360kgs = 162,000kgs. Note: 1ton = 1000kg of rice, this makes 162 tons
Note: The threshed and unthreshed rice, the 2 tons of the unthreshed rice will be sold to the community to be used as seeds for scaling up the project. This will lead to 162ton -2 tons = 160 tons. 1 ton = 1000kgs and 160ton x 1000lgs = 160,000kg
The sacks: 1 sack = 120kgs of rice unthreshed, so that means 160,000kgs x1 = 1,333 sacks of the unthreshed rice
Threshed Rice: 1sack of rice =90kg after going through the rice huller and 30 kgs will be rice husks, therefore for
1,333sacks x 90kgs = 119970kgs of the threshed rice for a year, 119970kgs= 119.97 tons, current price 1kg = 0.8 US Dollars threshed rice and 1000kg x 0.8 US Dollars = 800 US Dollars Note: 1ton will cost 800 US Dollars
Rice Husks: After unthreshed rice going through the rice huller, 1 sack = 30kgs of the rice husks, that means,
1,333sacks x 30kg = 39,990kgs of rice husks for a year, so 1ton = 1000kg, 39,990kgs = 39.99 tons for rice husks.
The cost of kg of the rice husks is 0.114 US Dollars, 1ton =1000kg, 1000kg x 0.114 US Dollars = 114 US Dollars per ton
Unthreshed rice: there are 2 tons of rice, 1 ton = 0.286 US Dollars, 1800 Ugx x 1000kgs = 514 US Dollars per ton of the threshed rice.
1.0.Retention of their children in the universal education in Uganda that makes them drop out of school and the future leaders, agricultural, engineers that will serve the community will children of the target groups.
2.0. Social status and self esteem for the m embers in the community.
3.0. Food securty, nutrition and economic viability
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
Executive Director