Dimu service kiosk
- Malawi
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
Nowadays most business have opted to be offering their service digitally rather that the usual monthly bills which use to be happening. For instance, to have electricity in your house nowadays you just need to use a token which you normally are meant to purchase it from the electricity company shop premises mainly. This is so for many services like water phone etc.
However, in most area there isn’t enough places on which people are able to purchase these services easily on which they are meant to travel to the nearest trading centre to be able to have the service which they want. These has been a very big burden for some communities on which sometimes people are meant to live without the necessary crucial service for certain time because they can not be able to purchase it. Imagine living without water because you can not be able to purchase the token needed to top up your meter
That is the main problem which the business is mainly trying to solve which has come about because business have opted to be offering their services digitally nowsday
Dimu as the business has created a kiosk which is meant to allow so many businesses to be selling their service to the public easily. The kiosk which the business as created enable business to be selling or offering services to the public easily
The business kiosk is rented out to various agent in various location which are meant to be reaching people on different levels in the communities which their live in. the kiosk is able to also act like an agent of various financial institution as well as it is able to offer most of the government services
This kiosk is able to offer the solution of easy access of the public to the crucial service which they require even in odd hours because it is found in other areas on which the can be able to access it 24hours like in petrol station
The product is able to serve the local public in their communities making it easy for them to access the crucial services which they require these is making it easy for them to have the required service right on their door step as well as they are able to have it anytime which is not the case at the moment
At the moment most people are made to travel to the nearest trading centre which sometimes is very far form the place where the live and sometime they are made to live without because it is odd hours on which the business premises are closed.
The team which is spearheading this innovation once has personal experience of what it is to have on water in the house just because the water board offices are closed and you can on be able to access the token in good time and you had to wait until Monday because it was weekend.
Therefore when the idea came up it was mainly trying to find way on how the business can be able to solve the problem for the whole community and be able to intergrade other services to it.
- Foster financial and digital inclusion by supporting access to credit, digital identity tools, and insurance while securing privacy and personal data.
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- Pilot
The business selected this solution has it as seen so many people not being able to have some of the crucial services in some areas easily on which there are time which they are meant to live without.
There are times some people have been made to live without electricity as well as running water because they are unable to access the places which are meant to sell the token because of so many reasons
The business will like to be able to solve the problem of being able to establish a business with proper business management structure as well as have technical skills which are needed to be able to have the kiosk be well integrated with modern times
The business is based in Malawi on which there are on enough skills which can be able to have the kiosk which has been made on the android system be well be modernize. The business is still facing some big challenges which it needs to addressed for the kiosk to be able to be doing what the business what it to be exactly doing in other cases
As the country there are a shortage of skilled people as well as hardware technicians which are needed to have the main intention of the business be well achieved in terms of what it will like the kiosk to be doing
- Financial (e.g. accounting practices, pitching to investors)
- Human Capital (e.g. sourcing talent, board development)
- Product / Service Distribution (e.g. delivery, logistics, expanding client base)
The solution is innovative because it is helping to solve the problem of having access to the crucial digital service easily and at any time even in odd hours.
The kiosk is able to offer so many services to the community apart from the utility services which are at the core of the product which are needed. It is able to offer things like financial services, insurance service, government service, lottery services, subscription service etc. that is what is making the product to be so innovative
It is going to be offering all these service to the public in so many locations both urban and rural. On which in some cases they are marginalised areas because other commercial institutions are not willing at the moment to open up their branches
The innovation is going to be able to solve the problem of access these service by the public in so many ways
It will be able to make people access the services right in their communities rather that going to the nearest trading centre which is a big hassle for them on which in other cases they have to spend extra money for that
In other cases, they are going to be able to access the service in odd hours which it is not possible at the moment. They are going to be access the service in other locations which are open 24hrs everyday like petrol station which is going to be a very big relief for them
The other thing is that it is going to be able to increase trade and profit to the agents who are going to be operating it.
Therefore, this innovation is going to have a very big impact on the community
The impact goal of the project is going to be measures on the number of business which are going to be offered on the platform, the range of services which are going to be available on the platform the number of agents which are going to be operating the kiosk in various locations and the number of people who are going to be using it to be purchasing the services on the platform
The core technology which is powering the project is the Internet of things because the kiosk has been made on the android system on the tablet and it is integrated which things like card readers mobile phone etc
- A new business model or process that relies on technology to be successful
- Big Data
- Internet of Things
- Malawi
- Tanzania
- Zambia
- Zimbabwe
Dimu as the business consist of the board of director on which there are three people
Two male and one female
It has the top management team on which there are four positions
- Director
- Operational Director
- Commercial director
- Marketing Director
Which director department at the moment has got two part time worker apart of the operational director who has two contract workers
The business has been working on this concept since 2021 when it saw how hard was for people to be able to access some of the crucial service in rural areas on which some occasion there are meant to do without.
it put together the working management team in January 2022 and it has managed to come up with and MVP in October 2023.
It has manage to sign up one business who is willing to offer its services on the platform and it in touch with other on which at the moment negotiation are still on going
Dimu is headed by its founder Mr Gadi Banda who has been involving in some business already mainly involving farming and construction. he is the one who came up with this idea and approached Maria Ms Mbamba who is a computer program who has been able to come up with the MVP of the product and he is regarded as the cofounder of the business. these two people plus Mr Matias Nkosi who happens to have a degree in business administration do make the board of the business.
The two recruited Chancy Banda who is an accounted to be responsible for the accounting part of the business as well as recruited Patrica Sibale who has certificate in marketing to be mainly involve in marketing aspect of the business, because the business to be well established on the ground it shall need very good marketing work force
Therefore the business has got very good blend of people of different skills on so many levels which will make it to be able to execute the program very well
The model of business which the business has adopted is that it is going to be offering various digital products which most of the business are going to be offering on its platform through the kiosk which it is going to be placing in various location to make it easy for people to access them run by the agents
The business is going to making its revenue from the commission which is going to be obtaining from the sale of the service to the public and in other cases when the business is not willing to give out commission it is going to be charging a fee per each transaction.
The commission obtain or the fee charged is going to be shared with the agent who is going to be operating the kiosk at each particular point who has done the transaction. Commission earns or fee charged is going to be different depending on the business which is offering the service.
The more the business are going to be able to offering their service on the kiosk the more the transaction are going to be done on each kiosk which mean the more the revenue the business is going to be able to make
The business independently will also be able to be offering some service on its own on the platform like it is planning to be able to be offering lottery services to the countries which it is going to be operating in which will enhance it social service because it is going to be using some of the funds from this lottery service for community development
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
The business project is going to be financial sustainable in future because it is going to be ale to earn enough income of from the commission as well as the fee which it is going to be obtaining from the service which it is going to be offering on the platform
The more the services are going to be offered on the platform the more the people are going to be using it in various location the more the business is going to be able to make its revenue from the transactions
There is enough evidence that business which are able to earn some form of commission on service which they are offering on behalf of other business are able to be financial stable in so many ways as long as they are able to be innovative and move with times. It is the intension of the business to be able to offering even more products in future which can be able to made and well-integrated on the kiosk which is able to make it attract more business to be using it as well as more customers to be opting to be purchasing products from