Madang Cocoa Solutions
- Papua New Guinea
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
We are what we eat that we also need to know where what we comes from. Cocoa production mostly come from small holder farmers needed on rural Societies abd my Cooperative cocoa no exception.
My solutions is to develop a Digitized system enabling transparency and strong structures that is linked to the Cocoa value chain. The proposed solution is advocating for these inclusion in our current story.
My Middle Ramu Cooperative Society was liberated as the Middle Ramu District Cooperative Society here Madang Province of Papua New Guinea. We are linking sone Cooperatives in the province therefore our solutions is now The Madang Cocoa Solutions Project to deliver this Cocoa value chain embracing Digitized Cocoa Economy. Inclusively farmers are linked and empowered in the Digitized Systems that will develop portals to be transparent by actors also adopting the required standards of quality, financial, internal and external control systems hence creating a cocoa story that should create enabling opportunities in the cocoa economy. Stakeholders that are connected to us should know our story and be part of our Cocoa family embracing on standards adopted locally and globally. Climate Smart farming systems is one if those standards that we have adopted and needed certification.
From where we are from our previous engagement and history we are growing our cocoa industry to be a revolutionslised platform from the currently system that do not portray our standing with our stakeholders.
Our current system needed to be upgraded and strengthened adopting the required standards to boost moral of my farmers and like minded partners who we csn join hands to understand each other for a win win envionment to all actors on the cocoa industry.
from this solution we will be Globalized to be empowed to improve on for better farming systems identifying opportunities for scaling from subsistance to literally globalized systems through communication, computer literacy, data collation and compiling, interactions and learning, collaborating and standing together as a global family. From our solution in this write up we be organically certified to the Standards of the certification. We are practicing organic farming but not certified.
The Growth solution is projected and seen an intervention more practically taken for the benefactors to be part of the solutions developed from respective portals of the system.
Thr Middle Ramu Cooperative Society (MRCS) originates from the Ramu river, inaccessible by viechle driven road. The only travel route is to and fro along the Ramu river to nearest road accessed to our Madang town where there iscacsea port.
This Growth type Madang Cocoa Solutions optimizes Solutions to advocate on poverty issues enhancing systems empowering the benefactors from subsistence to globalized systems through the Digitized world
The project is not only to serve Middle Ramu Cooperative Society, other linked Cooperatives in each Distrtct of the Madang province are networked to the Digitised solution.
The Digitized solution to be developed here incorporates portfolios transparently through SOLVE linkages that is compatible and adopted to us as the Proponents.
The Madang Cocoa Solution is developed embracing on these outcomes;
1. Transparency within Middle Ramu Cooperative Society corporate governance, the management, the operations and the Cocoa Value Chain System that is to be developed.
2. Data input is traceable for tracking and timely delivery of goods and services.
3.Developing a financial system that that can be easily built into operating systems that is accessible.
4. Certification standards adopted for strengthening with control systems.
5. Introducing savings, building cash assets for farmers future security borrowing.
6. Farm records are progressively updated for inclusive participation.
7. Zooming , google call and conducting meetings
8. Reports are timely done for the updated records.
These outcomes then empowers the local farmers to increase house hood assets that in turn increases likelihood secuirty leading sustainable living standards.
Our farmers needed to come of age to adopt to the changing technologies through this innovation.
The Cooperative Society Management and Governance systems is revolutionalised allowing the Society to be effectively manage the operations of the Society.
The implementation of digital solutions is seen to help many streamline and improve processes from the farm to the market. With challenges relate to data collection, productivity, traceability or access to finance, it is important that we select and identify the right digital tools that match these needs, and the right partners to implement them. The following are principles needed to be adopted;
- Understand what web digitalisation can do for Cooperative Societies and the farmers
- Use data and digital tools to improve cocoa farming practices
- Improve internal processes by using digital tools
- Increase traceability by joining blockchain initiatives
- Use digital tools to increase access to financial services
- Increase market attractiveness through digital experiences
- Monitor and improve quality with digital support
- Use digital marketplaces to optimize marketing
- Connect with organisations that help embark on our digitalisation
- Use Digitized tools to identify and manage natural disaster and impacts.
The above web site principles needed to be develoed to prepare ourselves from our current base level of operating scaling up to standards required.
MRCS is the Middle Ramu District Cooperative Society. Because the District is geographical denied since there are no roads accept the use of the Ramu River, a Digitized solution will be of convenient from our current service reach.
The Distrtct has 4 Local level Governments but we have been engagrd with two LLGs where Cocoa geographically adopts well. The two are Arabaka and Josephstaal LLGs.
We have registered members in the two LLGs that we serve with mobilizing cocoa stock to our central shed in Madang Town. From there the stock is sorted from where the stock is assessed, inspected, fumigated meeting export standards before shipped out to contract buyers overseas.From our capacity we export 240 bags per month.
Income earned from this cocoa is saved in Village Savings Banks for future financial obligations. A local scheme develoed to provide the service of saving.
The families from the two LLGs depend entirety on the Society for their financial obligations.
We provide extension services in training, maintained fossil fuel generated energy for drying cocoa, supporting in bank loan applcations and dissemination of farm management husbandry practices.
We also network with parthers establishing partnerships with World vision, Department of Agriculture and livestock and the Cocoa Board of PNG in the Productive Partnerships in Agriculture Program ( PPAP) from 2016 to 2019.
From this upscaling activities we continued supporting the registered 600 families in Training, marketing. We also have a team of casual bud graters that support other families in the Cocoa Diversification Program with nursery developments and bud grafting cocoa clones.
As a Cooperative we are acces to local communities with issues like effects of climate change etc. We are moreless a link between our local Communities to the outside world.
From the two LLGs, the Arabaka is faced with inland flooding of the Ramu river. That flooding has impacts to the social well being of the people especially with food insecurity.
The river floods over the banks reaching food gardens, homes snd cash crops. These leave behind food insecurity and impacts to the whole livelihood status quo of families. The Middle Ramu Cooperative Society had embraced on various incentives however not on a scale to move us forward due to short falls and isolation.
The Society plays a linkage role to the outside world highlighting the very vulnerable challenges the communities are faced with. The Health and Education issues, diseases frequency, the environmental situations, food insecurity are addressed t9 be addressed. Should this Solution is apprioved, a base line will be carried out giving a clear picture to underlining issues solutions.
Developing this web site obviously creates opportunities at the same time measuring indicators on how far the communities have progressed arriving towards achieving targets of UN respective Sustainable Development Goals in this geographical locations.
The Middle Ramu Cooperative Society has always been self supportive addressing these Socio economic issues impacting members and non members.
Other emerging and existing Cooperstives are networked into our database for inclusion in the Digitized economy.
The Middle Ramu District 's Arabaka LLG is located along the Ramu river of which this Middle Ramu Cooperative Society was formed. The Society originates from the middle section of the Ramu river while the upper section in the Usino Bundi District and lower Ramu river in the Bogia Distrtct.
My team had been exporting cocoa to Europe and Asia until the out break of Cocoa Pod Borer that scaled down our operations. We therefore are familiar with the procedures of Cocoa exporting in the Cocoa value chain. As such we have been engaged with;
- Agree on the terms of payment with your buyer
- Agree on delivery terms with our buyer
- Make clear agreements on export insurance
- Drafting contracts
- Have your export documentation.
- Well informed on import customs procedures
- Invest in good-quality packaging and transportation
- Organise transport and logistics efficiently
- Knowing our rights as a cocoa
- Negotiating payments and dealing with overseas currency transactions and budgets..
How ever we were operating through brokers in Australia.
My team had been struggling because of lack of improved systems equipped with technology that can strengthened us to move over the barriers. We are at times impaired and stucked to move forward.
As locals we have the ownership obligations and drive to move forward on our own however we needed like minded stakeholders to empower and build capacity to upscale from our current bbase level in the digitized cocoa economy.
We have sustained eith struggles however had not given up as we have this strong driven will power that motivate us to support our members who are registered and look forward to us for supporting them.
Originating from a remote geographical location is challenging however experienced a norm to us as we have delivered global contracts on a monthly basis while exporting cocoa. Now with the investment through the PPAP, we needed innovative solutions to bring us forward meeting standards of local and globalization within the industry perceptions.
Having taking ownership of our aspirations since 2008, we have the potentials within our cultural values and inspired from our endeavors however the effectiveness of our endeavors to our members and stakeholders at large has been dragged due to lack of empowerment from such solutions applying for.
This proposed solutions when honored by MIT SOLVE opens the opportunities that are not identified and discovered. We have resources like rich and fertile Soils, rivers and lakes that naturally support us. We are also mindful of climate crisis that these solutions give opportunities to deliver mitigation programs.
Having a team of educated Staff of 4 female and 5 male employed who has the local knowledge and stint globally in our cocoa export business, the team can adopt to innovation from our solutions from training, coaching and mentoring. The culture of our business is a strength to us to easily adopt to our proposed solutions from our globalization stint.
- Foster financial and digital inclusion by supporting access to credit, digital identity tools, and insurance while securing privacy and personal data.
- 1. No Poverty
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- 4. Quality Education
- 5. Gender Equality
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- 13. Climate Action
- 15. Life on Land
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
- Growth
Cooperatives are formed by primary producers that needed to be rised up to the next level to be exposed to innovative solutions like the Digitised world.
A more transparent and inclusive cocoa value chain needed to be developed using digitized tools to Digitize the Cocoa Economy from physical farm production records, tracking and tracing, storing, transportation, pricing certifications to a paper less system that should be available to our stakeholders when required.
The Middle Ramu Cooperative Society was exporting cocoa from 2008 to 2014, invested in 270 hectares with 170,000 cocoa clones in World Bank Program and needed effective monitoring the on going activities hence this Digitized Solutions replicate. These objectives rely the Digitized Solutions.
The Digitized Systems enables growth of which enables transparency, confidence, accuracy and accessibility of information to the Society, stakeholders and members when required.
Secured, concrete and accurate data is required for historical reporting.
Currently the Society does not have a website and this solution shall develop the website through from which data will be migrated and consumed.
A Digitised Econony is built not specifically to cocoa alone however migrated to other sectors with their own portals.
The solutions is cheap as for monitoring purposes, drones and other equipment are used for effective tracking, tracking and movements minimizing risks.
The platforms or strategies of MIT SOLVE are objectively demonstrated best tools used in identifying solutions initially presented for audience before the solutions are accepted and rolled over.
My group, from a developing country with no policy in place to support and strengthened Cooperative Societies like us, leaving us on our own although seen a driving tool chanelling development in areas like the Middle Ramu District and Madang province.
The Middle Ramu Distrtct is yet reached by road to main sea port. We travel to and fro through the use of the Ramu River with our cargo to town warehouse shed.
Climate Change caused inland Ramu river floods over flows to the banks reaching Food gardens, education and health institutions, filling drinking well water putting people at high risks for movement and access to clean water. Untimely flooding from the climate change effects is common disturbing gardening patterns that is controlled by dry and wet season. This leaves food insecurity issues a concerned.
Families are forced to migrate to urban areas seeking better lives in urban squatters. More socail problems are arised.
Mitigating systems improving food Security levels through Climate Smart farmkng, stopping urban drifts, suppling clean water, building mosquitoe proof homes, generating cash from cocoa income needed to strengthened in minimizing escalating Climate change issues.
This proposed Madang Cocoa Solutions shall deliver these mitigating activities.
The benefactors can adopt this skills, innovation and opportunities created within the environment of the solutions for sustainability.
Web based data is concrete and facts are loaded timely and more secured and reliable. Historical data is relied for accurate decisions.
The members of the Society have been aroused through the the World Bank intervention for eradication of the Cocoa Pod Borer epidemic through "The Middle Ramu Cocoa Diversification and Marketing Project". The project exited prematurely leaving behind programs of upscaling that MRCS shouldered .
MIT SOLVE is invited with this concept note from this solution to rationalize through partnership linkages.
MIT SOLVE advocates on UN SDGs of which within the Cooperative Society envionment, the SDGs become guiding principles integrated in programs of the Societies. Cooperatives like ours is members based who are cocoa producers that can be directly linked to measure their indicators of our progress measured against targets of the SDGSs.
In such geographical area, the innovative solutions gives opportunities to MIT SOLVE in such settings as models to do research and recommendations to be adopted to other similar settings for similar solutions.
Such growth stimulate opportunities for stakeholders and state agencies to intervine delivering services that are not in existence. This solution triggers growth prompting spin offs in Small, Micro to Medium Enterprise giving equal opportunities to girls, mothers and youths.
The current gap after the PPAP project left, there is a need for upscaling of the project replicating the skills learnt to other Aravaka LLG wards and the Josephstaal Local Level Government in the Middle Ramu District.
- Business Model (e.g. product-market fit, strategy & development)
- Financial (e.g. accounting practices, pitching to investors)
- Human Capital (e.g. sourcing talent, board development)
- Monitoring & Evaluation (e.g. collecting/using data, measuring impact)
- Product / Service Distribution (e.g. delivery, logistics, expanding client base)
- Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design)
The Middle Ramu Cooperative Society (MRCS) is the Proponent of the Madang Cocoa Solutions. MRCS unlike other Cooperatives had beside challenging environments had been operating in the space of cocoa exporting not experienced by indigenous Madang.
We have also partnered with stakeholders in the World Bank and GoPNG funded PPAP program.
We are a model to other Cooperatives as we take courage optimizing on solutions to our challenges. It is therfore we are now leading Cooperatives through out Madang Province in the proposed Digitized Cocoa Econony that is being proposed.
This solution if it is developed to fully operational, MRCS will be the core partner with MIT SOLVE. The innovation will then migrated to other Cooperatives that hold hands with us. From this Digitized economy, a Madang based Digitized Cocoa Econony will be developed linking Cooperatives and their members.
Madang province will be the province linking all Cocoa farmers in the Digitized world with improved structures delivering from improved standards to the next level inviting overseas chocolate makers to establish cocoa factory in Madang.
Should we have Cocoa factory built there is total transparency with internal control systems for monitoring; The control system embraces;
1. Production - production comming from respective Distrtct from respective Cooperative and respective farmer is traced .
2. Quality- Quality of the productions of the Cocoa for processing.
3. Price - price information is transferred to farmers.
4. Data is progressively updated in a timely manner to all Districts.
5. Financial services- Village Banks are established at Farmers accessibility for savings. These groups are linked to commercial banks for banks for savings.
6. Farmer's access to bank loans is easily negotiated with with the banks.
7. Government tax, derivation and levies are closely monitored.
8. Farmers feel the taste of their own cocoa chocolat bars. ice creams products and beverages .
My solution is innovative as it leads provide information on market and share analysis, Growth trends and forecasts.
Develops operations of the major segments including;
1.Cocoa Bean Production
2. Sourcing and Trading
5. Manufacturing
6.Distributons and retailing to consumers.
This is an impact solution that influence and triggers opportunities and open corridors for a sectoral package building structures to minimize workload to be more strategic moving the Society, stakeholders and Cocoa farmers forward.
We have learnt from our experience as Cocoa exporters that the level of communication, the illiterate we are in the Global trading we have been denied contract value. The price of cocoa offered to us was no where close to leveraging our competitors on the Cocoa stock purchase. Our Competitors were paying higher price than contract price offered to us. That suppressed us to delivering one FCL Container. Members were selling to companies offering high price.
This is lack of transparency and our illiteracy because of the system we were trading with.
The Digitized Cocoa econony to be developed has the value within the Cocoa vakye chain.
We had no transparency in our operations from when we started in 2008 until today that impacted us in;
1. Lacking the capacity to effectively comuincate with stakeholders.
2. Cannot match the level of communications and langauge used
3. Were denied contract value offered to us then the contract value offered to our brokers.
4. The manufactured products out of our Cocoa were not known to us.
5. The quality story of those manufactured cocja products was not known to us.
6.We had no access to global prices of cocoa auctioned at Life and New. York transferred to us.
7.locally we are still on conventional systems however compared globally thr Digitized economy is now a global movement going more popular.
8. High risks of the conventional systems especially with ribbing.
9.We cannot even go closer to matching the UN SDGs from our current conventional systems.
10. Us as a Cooperative needed to rise from years of being suppressed and missed opportunities that come our way. We can also MIT SOLVE opportunity like I missed the one last year 2023.
11. Missed opportunities locally and Globally for partnetship linkages.
12. Global certification standards are not being adopted like Organic and Fair trade certifications.
14.lack Global climate change mitigation and resilience programs.
The logframe of the description of my solutions highlighting objectives to the areas mentioned above, the qualitative and quantitative indicators along with the risks can Cleary come to analyze where we are and where we should be.
It is projected that we are going miles from the innovative solutions are applying here for inclusion.
What the Digitization can do for the members of the Society who rural are farmers;
1. Digitized Solutions on farm mapping identifying farm area, production output and farm descriptions.
2. Provide stakeholders like buyers thr information on production, origion that may encourage buyers to purchase from specific small suppliers.
Linking of producers and buyers information on products and origion.
2.Improve Cocoa Farming practices
Specific tools helping improve farm productivity and profitability. Thus information helps in farm management, weather information.
3. Internal Processes using Digital tools
Enhance Internal processes and monitoring and monitoring by collecting data and monitoring farm activities and internal management systems in connecting with producer groups and sales.
4. Increased traceability using Block Chain.
By using block chain technology tool, it increases accountability, transparency and traceability along the supply chain. An open system for data tracking and storage, meaning that it records transactions in a verifiable and permanent way.
Each actor in the value chain joins the block chain technology for effective traceability and transparency including profit margins from farms end. Lowers risks and strength and increase chances of producers for loans.
Consumers profit because they are better informed, the journey, origion and sustainability of their products.
5. Increases chances of their financial services.
Accessing financial services is often challenging for farmers. Risks related to production, low financial literary and transportation costs are seen obstacles to financial services vti cocoa farmers. These obstacles are minimized through the use of digital tools.
From the Middle Ramu Cooperative Society mission statement" Increase House hold Assests from Incomes received from Sustainable Farming Systems in a preserved and Conserved Biodiversity"
From our Mission Statement our goals are measured in line with the UN SDGs.
1. Poverty Incidence
Families secured financially for nutritive diets. Therefore investing on Agriculture leads to ending poverty
2. Zero Hunger
Linking the small holders into income generating streams and introducing innovative solutions giving them opportunity to participate in the economy supporting themselves. Effective linking and networking leaves no one behind and that is where our digitalisation solution is required.
3.Good Health & Well Being
Agriculture plays a key role in preventing diseases and improving health. Better farms improve family health ability to produce, purchase and consume more food with essential nutrients
4. Good Education.
Lack of access to nutritive food prevents students from concentrating during class thriving accedemically. By boosting rural income, more children access and take full advantage education.
5. Gender Equity
Women involvement in the sale of produce at the markets, they gain financial independence to Agriculture solutions locally.
Our women/mothers have maternal rights over land that gives them the cultural authority for Agriculture investment through Climate Smart farming systems.
7. Clean Water & Sanitation
Rural farmers have the potential to protect and manage water resources at low cost.
The SDGs can be aligned into logframe for effective coordination, monitoring delivering outcomes. This is where we can drive the global UN SDGs forward progressively achieving our targets.
The introduction of Digitized tools, monitoring Portals, tracking of the Value Chain and physical monitoring of project activities on a regular basis are new to my organization. However the following are some technologies that I feel compatible to our Solutions;
1. Block Chain.
A tool that can decentralize distributed ledger or data and stories that record the ownership of digital assets.
Any data stored or block chain is insbne to be modified making the technology legitimate disrupter for industries like payments,cyber security and health care.
Used more in;
- fraud, financing, terrorism and money laundry.
- intellectual property rights.
- Education services
- Financial Markets
- Smart contracts.
2. Cloud Computing.
In the delivery of computing services including servers, storage, database, networking, software,analytic and intelligence over internet.
The Cloyd move faster, innovation, flexible, resource and economic side of scale.
3. Artifical Intelligence
This soft ware is used by IT Manager in business analyst who would understand how AI can be successfully implemented. It is good to understand how AI works before deciding the software.
4.Internet of things.
Refers to collective network of conected devices and technology that facilitate communication between devices and the cloud as well as devices themselves.
- Data collection, monitoring and storing is done digitally using drones, satellites or sensors.
There are other IT technologies needed to be identified before selecting which IT soft ware is applicable.
5. Mobile
Mobiles are commonly used for communication and applicable with simpliest forms that are now available and very handy to communicate.
- A new business model or process that relies on technology to be successful
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Blockchain
- Crowd Sourced Service / Social Networks
- GIS and Geospatial Technology
- Imaging and Sensor Technology
- Internet of Things
- Manufacturing Technology
- Software and Mobile Applications
The Society had been operstung since 2008. Staff have been employed and left . Currently we have me (Pius Mimpi) as the Manager, one Operations, Field Coordinator , one Accountant and Administration, one logistics Clerk and 3 Field extension officers. We have casuals seven.
These employees at times are laid off and re employed from peak times.
Employment is open both to male and female.Our proposition is 4 female and five male staff. We create a lot of opportunities for casual work like soils filling in our cocoa nursery work where women are engaged.
Since 2008, after obtaining our legal Cooperative Society certificate, we formalized our systems holding meetings and we started. We then exported our cocoa with first 8 slings of 25 bags to Germany through broker , Andreas Lombardozzi of African Pacific, Australia whom I meet in 2007 from a trade workshop in Bali, Indonesia.
External Intervention was the PGEP of which Andreas Lombardozzi was the mentor and the PPAP supported by GoPNG and World Bank purposely toeradicate the Cocoa Pod Borer in PNG. Through that program, we field Planted 120,000 grafted cocoa clones from 600 family as model plots.
MIT SOLVE mission is seen human centered of which my Society embraces with shared values.
Originating from a remote geographical denied envionment, we initiated the Middle Ramu Cooperative Society. The over all mission of the Society is to " Increase House hold Assets from income generating activities from a conserved and protected natural envionment."
To arrive at our mission cocoa farming was centralized forcing me to resigned from being employed as Agriculture officer with the Government of PNG to support the Middle Ramu Cooperative Society.
The Society created opportunity generating income from exporting cocoa to Europe and Asia bringing in the required cash. Our structures collapsed in 2014 from the attack of the Cocoa Pod Borer in the Country and we only supported our farmers locally.
We are from a remote setting however being strongly motivated by our culture of achieving goals, that embraced us to sustain our operations. Although prices offered were not conducive as we were trading through brokers, our farmers sold at what price offered as that was the only hope to pay for education, Health and other basic like clothes etc was through thrvsale of cocoa.
Our diversity as a Society stands from our prominence being the only producer Cooperative invloved on the exporting of Cocoa abroad.
We established relations with African Pacific and Holland Commodoties of Australia, the two companies were our brokers.
Our partnership relationship with World Vision for the World Bank and GoPNG also had impact on us strengthening us to be invloved in the implementation of the World Bank Project.
The Society had come this far putting farmers first on our agenda as their socio economic obligations is our upmost. We provide transport from out Board motor along the Ramu river and owns a truck that delivers delivering cargo to Central ware shed.
We support families who cannot afford to send their children to higher learning universities or colleges, we subsidize fees and even laptops to students.
We are driven by our vision to reduced poverty through economic empowerment. We sweat to earn to live for better tomorrow. That is clearly stipulated in our mission statement. Our vision,our mission establishes our direction in supporting our farmers.
We are here to adopt to opportunities for innovation and game changing to get us forward more through stakeholder partnerships.
As a Cooperative Society, our core business on Agriculture practices farm production, processng and marketing of cocoa. We endeavor to develop a sustainable economy on the Cocoa industry both Locally abd abroad.
Originating from a developing country, we are a model as Cooperative Society movement formed liberally by people with common interest. My Cooperative Society is Agriculture based involved in the the cocoa cash economy since 2008.
Farmers are supported with Cocoa Diversification and expansion programs, training for cocoa farms husbandry and agronomy aspects into post harvest management systems, processng and marketing.
Our incentives has promoted Authorities at the PNG Cocoa Board, Department of Agriculture and World Bank into the world bank program in cocoa investment through the Productive Partnership on Agriculture Program (PPAP).
Through this intervention an investment of 270 cocoa clones planted are now bearing increasing production to 1000 to 1500 tons annually. With this increased volume of Cocoa we are also onto plans of cocoa down stream processing.
We have been invited by Bear millls Foodtech GmbH of Germany to process our beans to Cocoa liquor. Our downstream processing plan should evantuate after building capacity through the Digitised technology that now we are proposing.
Being the pioneer Cooperative Society we delivery programs supporting rural communities, our vision to minimize poverty and that is our driving factor. Guided by our traits of honest, transparent, strongly motivated and God fearing, we for most prioritise our rural communities. Rural Communities should be given opportunities to come out from their remoteness and equally participate in empowering themselves from the opportunities we are offering.
The Sociey is certified by the Cocoa Board of PNG with licenses that enables us at foor step purchase of farm produce. The Society then freight the stock to our main shed for processing and exporting. Decentralized warehouse sheds are also licensed and fumigated for local inspections and accepting the beans. Payment made when double check on town after freightung.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
Establish loyalty and trust from members is very important. Members trust the Cooperative System inorder to support the Cooperative Society taking part to the Operations towards the mission and vision of the Society.
The mission of this solution is develop a system building confidence to the members of my Society and from the success, it is replicated to other Cooperatives in seven Districts of Madang Province.
The Sociey being empowered develops the Digitized cocoa economy throughout Madang Province through Madang Cocoa Solutions.
From the Digitised Cocoa Solutions, each Distrtct is given target to increase production qualifying for a mini cocoa downstream processing factory to process cocoa liquor.
With the current cocoa bean selling at US 10,000 per tone beans, cocoa liquor price will be higher.
My Society becomes the model to establish this mini cocoa factory processing at 300kg/ hour processing 201.6 tons of cocoa bean and 161.28 tons of cocoa liquor.
The business spreads and links SME's on the local economy.
SME' to be contracted include;
- Transportation- to freight cocoa stock for processing.
- builders contracted to build warehouse sheds and tools sheds.
- Cocoa dryer contractors contracted to hold cocoa dryers
- An accountant or a local accounting SME does the accounting work for all the SME.
- A financial SME provide the services of Village Banking.