PAL (Personal Advanced Learning)
PAL (Personal Advanced Learning) is a toy, wich aims to reinforce and monitor the learning activities and progresses of the child. Every child's development is unique and individual, and it is crucial to focus particularly on the first years of life.
Milions of children right now are at risk, due to many causes. Providing a friendly toy wich will determine in a way structured around the child itself, when and in what way activities, challenges and games will be proposed aims to reach the child's full potential. It is important to underline the neutrality of the learning process with PAL as well, fighting discriminations and stereotypes.
It is an useful tool in any area of the world, and in any family, helping alongside parents, caregivers and teachers children's growth, giving feedbacks on the child's progresses and lacks, and particularly important for those living in difficult conditions, or experiencing learning difficulties.
Right now milions of children are at risk due to poverty, conflicts, natural disasters and neglect. In order to develope strong and peaceful communities we need to believe in innovation. Innovation might seem a work of hope, and indeed innovation takes place in one of the most hopeful and educative stages of one's life: early childhood. The problem is so many young children don't have access to the education and the care they need to succeed and to lead an healthy life. Indeed, as shown by FPG's Abecederian Project and The Perry Preschool Project a better and richer development under the age of 5 determines surprising effects regarding the physical and mental health of the individuals thirty years after taking part to the projects.
PAL is programmed to work for any child, expecially those living in vulnerable and disadvantaged settings, giving them the help they deserve, and for the ones facing learning problems. It could be scaled globally, and work alongside parents, teachers and caregivers, focusing on the psychomotor, cognitive and socio-emotional development, providing pre-primary education and a wide rage of activities. It aims to stimulate curiosity, and explorations in a learning by playing, and by doing experience.
PAL is an impactful tool, specifically created for children under the age of five, in wich over 1 million neural connections are formed every second.
Yet, so many children fall behind their peers, expecially in under developed countries. Some of them don't even receive the opportunities to get an education. This has tremendous impacts on the future society. PAL addresses their needs to be followed and monitored in their growth, valuing each child's personality. The interaction with the child will determine his/her needs, focusing the games in the most individual way possible. PThe learning experience that it provides is completely neutral, indeed traditional and relational learning is strongly imbued by gender stereotypes, and other discriminatory factors such as race, class, religion and socio-economic background, forming a society and a world shaped only around very few of its citizens. PAL proposes instead models of inclusivity and openess, looking at a future society of curios, strong individuals able to break the cycle of poverty, violence and discrimination within families and communities.
PAL (Personal Advanced Learning) is an algortihm-based toy, wich provides a learnig experience shaped on each child's interaction. It aims to reach each one's full potential, valuing personality, creativity, uniqueness and authenticity.
It plays a peculiar role in particular for those children living in areas affected by conflicts and disasters, and for those coming from low socio-economic backgrounds. It aims to give the possibility to get a valid pre-primary schooling, breaking the cycle of poverty through education. Learning by playing is a key, expecially at such a young age.Furthermore, often parents, teachers and caregivers strive to find the best ways to support their children's growth. PAL monitors, using a side by side experience, the progresses the child is making, and gives feedbacks, thst could be very useful for pediatricians as well, regarding learning and health-wise development. It then selects those areas in wich there needs to be improvment and those in wich there needs to be encouragment to reach an even higher level.
This teddy bear uses a software to give the best outputs to the child, and to shape an experience that can be as personal as possible. Even though it looks just like a simple toy, it is able to give a rich and wide rage of outputs, and could be particularly useful for children having learning disabilities, who so often need a specific, and individual help to overcome their difficulties, and reach their full potential in a playful and friendly setting.
Being a 16 years old, I vividly remember some of my experiences under the age of 5, and I am starting to understand the impact thos had on my overall growth, curiosity and personality. That is a crucial time, and there needs to be a big improvment globally to work alongside the youngest and most vulnerable of us, so often living in extremely hard conditions. To solve this problem means to have incredible consequences socially, economically and helath-wise; shaping a future community that overcomes violence, discrimination and social malpractices.
This is the aim of PAL.
- Reduce barriers to healthy physical, mental, and emotional development for vulnerable populations
- Decrease inequalities, stereotypes, and discrimination, from birth
- Concept
- New application of an existing technology
Innvation, and looking with different eyes to what exists already are the key of progress. PAL uses machine learning to give every child a specifically tailored experience, all in just a teddy bear. There are not toys available on the market that can offer something such as this, wich has an incredible potential, being able to be specifically codefied for particular disabilities as well. Machine learning can help the interaction to become even more individual, and producing more specifics feedbacks to the caregivers. It uses a little artificial neural network that offers a wide variety of experiences and possibilities to master each child's development.
It is a playful and innovative approach to early childhood learning, that can be scaled world-wide, in particular in those communities who have been forces to live in difficult situation, not allowing a right development, that remains truthful to everyone's personality. PAL innovates children's play unlocking the unfulfilled potentialities of each, in order to create a more equal and stable society, regarding economical aspects as well as mental and physical health.
PAL is mainly based on machine learning to provide each a personalized experience that offers a wide rage of different educational possibilities. It uses an artificial neural network, to monitor the child's progreses and development, and develop different types of games and proposals that are able to highlight each's potentials and make sure that every child reaches the same goals that are needed at such age. The machine learning ables PAL to help children with learning disabilities as well, giving them a personalized education that works alongside the caregivers, reinforcing their efforts and monitors the progresses and the state of the disability.
- Artificial Intelligence
- Machine Learning
The playful activities that are being proposed are personalized, in a short term they encourage and instill playfulness, self confidence, and cosciusness, prodecing to unlock the enormous potentialities that each child has, learning what the specific child needs, and what are his/her possibilities of growth at such a young age. This personalized system fullfills the long term mission for a better development and early childood growht. It is also able to tackle learning disabilities focusing on each's needs, and monitoring the progresses that are made.
The more educational games are focused on pre-schooling education and abilities that enable children's coming from any background not only to perform at their best, but to grow in curiosity, and be school-wise at the same levels of their peers. In the short-term curiosity, and the deep interest in new knowledge will be explored and enhanced, proceeding learning by playing and by doing, without ever feeling forced or under pressure to fullfill and pass certain levels. In the long-term the children will have received a good and personal pre-scholling education that is specifically keen to valorize ther own personalities and authenticity.
- Women & Girls
- Infants
- Rural Residents
- Peri-Urban Residents
- Urban Residents
- Very Poor/Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Refugees/Internally Displaced Persons
- Persons with Disabilities
Currently, being only 16 years old, the barriers I aim to overcome are mainly financial and technical. I do not have the financial capabilities to sustain my projects at the moment, however by learning more about technology, and understand deeply the ways in wich they can positively impact milions of lives still, I aim to have a larger impact, thinking and creating new systems wich can lead to a better health and education globally, an particularly I aim to help children living with disabilities to live an easier life, and have the same opportunities as their peers.
- Not registered as any organization
Luce Bauleo is the only component of the solution team wich proposes PAL (Personal Advanced Learning)
Solve is a bright community, and the financial, technical and exposure help is crucial to develop a project at its best. To be an active partecipant would make my work advance, making PAL become the impactful toy it aims to be, being produced at its best, and being globally-scaled to help the children of the most suffering comunities, being distributed among them.
The possibilities of my work would grow enormously being able to bring my vision and my mission in action, in the products and globally, and being able to work along side children, developing an happier and ever-evolving society.
The help that Solve can give to PAL is incomparable. PAL like Solve, aims to create a better society, tackling those issues that make different areas, and so different populations, proceed at different speeds.
The community of Solve is bright, and innovative and being able to be part of such a changement for our world would make PAL advance and become what it is designed to be, a children's and caregiver's helper that gives each the attention, the care, the possibilities they deserve, to live positevely and with curiosity, and change the world.
- Technology
- Distribution
- Funding and revenue model
PAL is a project wich aims to partner with UNICEF, UNCHR and Save The Children, providing an educational toy to the children in the most vulnerable settings, and to those facing learning disabilities, so that they can all reach their full potential and be easily active partecipants of a more fair society.
PAL could be a key in the education of younger children around the globe, particularly in the most complex living situations, due to poverty, violence, wars and natural disasters.
This partnerships would help the distribution of this toy to children living such an hard existence in the first years of their lives. It is extremely impactful and it could change milionsof refugee lives, giving them a little bit of hope, and pre-schooling education and early childhood development they so desperately need.
The AI Innovations Prize would give PAL the financial help and the exposure that it needs to be fully developed and unlock all of its potentialities. Indeed PAL (Personal Advanced Learning) is a machine learning-based teddy bear, wich aims to reinforce and monitor the learning activities of the child, and to be able financially to make the best version of this project, means to create a better, more equal, healthier, and richer future society.
PAL uses machine learning and artificial neural network to provide each the best activities to grow and discover with curiosity and an open heart. The AI Innovationd Prize would provide whole the funding needed to develop this project and the media exposure to produce something that can be easilly scaled world-wide and help in particular those communities forced to fleed from their homes, as well as children facing learning disabilities, being able to generate activities tailored around them, and everyone's personality.
PAL (Personal Advanced Learning) proposes models of inclusivity and openess, fighting playfully social pressures and gender stereotypes that are evident from such a young age. PAL proposes a neutral learning, so different from the traditional and relational one. Indeed the activities and the future that is so often designed for young girls, is so different and limited from the one proposed to their opposite-sex peers. To show equality, and the potentiality that each girl has, like any boy, in such a crucial, forming stage shapes a different, equal, free society, in wich everyone's voice has, needs and deserves to be heard.
PAL (Personal Advanced Learning) is a machine learning based teddy bear, wich aims to reinforce and monitor the learning activities of the child, and wich correlates the positive use of relatively new technologies to years of pedagogist researches, wich will have a strong economical, social, educational, and health-wise impact. The prize doesn't only lead to a great, and crucial media exposure, but enables to create the best version of this project, unlocking many potentialities, such as specific PALs, designed for children struggling with learning disabilities.