FTCSD Fruit Tree Cooling Device
- China
- Not registered as any organization
FTCSD 採用非洲當地的竹子製造,顯著降低了安裝成本並提供環境效益。它對自然資源的利用使得經濟困難地區也能利用自然資源,使更多農民能夠共同應對氣候變遷帶來的挑戰。該設備的頂部採用雙層結構,第一層是竹編網,可在夜間有效捕獲露水。收集到的露水透過第二層的導水功能輸送到內部儲水盆中,儲水盆內襯可回收材料,以節省水資源和保護環境。當高溫來襲時,農民只需踩在底部的竹竿,啟動FTCSD的噴霧器即可為周圍降溫。透過霧氣的蒸發,降低區域溫度,有效減輕果樹的熱壓力。
FTCSD 有以下兩個主要特點:
FTCSD 利用非洲本地採購的竹子,實現了成本效益和環境效益。它利用收集的露水進行霧化,降低果園溫度,促進果樹健康生長。
- Enable a low-carbon and nutritious global food system, across large and small-scale producers plus supply chains that reduce food loss.
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- 13. Climate Action
- Concept
- Business Model (e.g. product-market fit, strategy & development)
- Human Capital (e.g. sourcing talent, board development)
FTCSD 採用非洲當地的竹子製造,顯著降低了安裝成本並提供了環境效益。它對自然資源的利用使得經濟困難地區也能利用自然資源,使更多農民能夠共同應對氣候變遷帶來的挑戰。該設備的頂部採用雙層結構,第一層是竹編網,可在夜間有效捕獲露水。收集到的露水透過第二層的導水功能輸送到內部儲水盆中,儲水盆內襯可回收材料,以節省水資源和保護環境。當高溫來襲時,農民只需踩在底部的竹竿,啟動FTCSD的噴霧器即可為周圍降溫。透過霧氣的蒸發,降低區域溫度,有效減輕果樹的熱壓力。
FTCSD 有以下兩個主要特點:
FTCSD 利用非洲本地採購的竹子,實現了成本效益和環境效益。它利用收集的露水進行霧化,降低果園溫度,促進果樹健康生長。
Since the Industrial Revolution, greenhouse gas emissions have led to a gradual increase in global temperatures. In recent years, temperature records have been consistently broken worldwide, indicating that future global temperatures will worsen. High temperatures cause droughts, affecting agriculture, fisheries, animal husbandry, and human health. Many fruit trees suffer from heat damage, impacting their development and harvest. Additionally, frequent droughts increase the demand for agricultural water.
High-Temperature Climate:
The highest temperature records from 1980 to 2020 show a steady rise in temperatures. Meanwhile, high temperatures lead to frequent droughts and cause heat damage to fruit trees. The cause of heat damage in fruit trees is when the plants experience insufficient water absorption, injury, or other factors leading to stomatal closure, interrupting transpiration. At this point, plants can only dissipate heat through thermal radiation or natural airflow, but in high temperatures, thermal radiation accumulates in the surrounding atmosphere, limiting further heat dissipation.
A region in Africa cultivates many fruit trees, contributing significantly to global production, making it a critical area of concern.
Cooling can be achieved through various methods, with the cheapest being mist cooling. However, the water source poses a challenge, hence the consideration of dew-catching nets to capture water vapor.
Moreover, humidity is crucial as it affects the amount of water captured. With humidity levels in Africa mostly exceeding 70%, it's suitable for installing dew-catching devices, and many dew-catching net systems are set up in Africa to address water resource issues.
Therefore, the FTCSD was developed based on the aforementioned issues and design analysis.
氣候變遷對我們的環境產生了深遠的影響,氣溫升高,乾旱變得更加嚴重。尤其是果樹,面臨嚴重的熱應激。 FTCSD 憑藉其獨特的捕獲露水和提供冷卻霧的能力,減輕了對果樹的熱害,為當地社區創造了經濟價值。 FTCSD的顯著特徵在於能夠捕捉露水並噴灑冷卻霧,有效減輕果樹的熱壓力。在炎熱的天氣裡,FTCSD 為果樹提供涼爽的環境,促進其健康生長。
FTCSD 也致力於解決緊迫的全球挑戰並推動聯合國永續發展目標。
SDG 2:透過噴霧實現區域降溫,FTCSD 保護果樹免受熱害,使其成功生長,並幫助農民克服熱災造成的經濟損失。
SDG 11:FTCSD 具有避免果樹受熱損害的好處,減少了對受影響農民的影響,並最大限度地減少了經濟損失。而且,該裝置由竹子製成,性價比高,可廣泛應用於各果園,為當地經濟發展帶來新機會。
SDG 13:FTCSD 正是在這項緊迫挑戰中誕生的。它增強果園對熱壓力的抵抗力,幫助果樹適應日益變化的氣候,維護其生態環境。
- A new business model or process that relies on technology to be successful
- Ancestral Technology & Practices
- Biomimicry
- Manufacturing Technology
- Materials Science
Name: Zhen-Yan Zeng
School: Ming Chi University of Technology
Major: Industrial design
Name: Wen-Yeh Shiao Lin
School: Tunghai University
Major: Industrial design
Name: Yi-Shan Zheng
School: Tunghai University
Major: Industrial design
Name: Prof. Kai-Chu Li
Job title : Senior Design adviser & Visiting Assistant Professor
ver the course of six months, the project underwent extensive design research and exploration, leading to the adjustment of numerous plans and manufacturing processes to facilitate easier and more convenient installation by assemblers. During this period, we confirmed the properties of bamboo, the distribution of bamboo cultivation, and explored design solutions, ultimately verifying the potential for bamboo to effectively capture dew.
Our team is a collaborative effort across multiple schools, led by the Industrial Design Department of Ming Chi University of Technology. Through discussions involving students from different schools and disciplines, we have generated many unexpected innovative design solutions. Additionally, under the guidance of Professor Li from the Industrial Design Department at Ming Chi University of Technology, students from both schools were able to collaborate more effectively and execute this project efficiently.
By employing technology transfer, we enable bamboo processing factories to manufacture and sell the FTCSD in agricultural areas where there is demand. Additionally, FTCSD can be established through government projects. We cover the material and processing costs incurred during this process, and profits generated subsequently can be shared through profit sharing arrangements.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
This product provides assurance for cooling fruit trees, ensuring the survival of crops and consequently increasing agricultural yield. This improvement in yield enhances farmers' profitability, leading to profit-sharing arrangements as a long-term income source. Furthermore, it contributes to achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2, 11, and 13 by promoting economic development in agricultural regions, strengthening positive relationships between urban and rural areas, and demonstrating commercial viability.