Holistic Bio-Waste Solution
- Kenya
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
Kenya is committed to contribute to the implementation of UN SDG Goals numbers 6 and 13 that aim to provide clean water, improved sanitation and conservation of the environment. Despite having made significant strides in respect to clean drinking water, lack of safe adequate sanitation continues to undermine these achievements. We recognize that irrespective of socioeconomic status, all humans long for and deserve safe and dignified sanitation, preferably in an environment in which they are comfortable.
According to the Government of Kenya’s Ministry of Health County Sanitation Profiles, “the commonest form of sanitation in Homa Bay County is Open Field Defecation (OFD) at 38.8%, followed by improved pit latrines (22%), non-improved latrines (20.5%) and shared toilets (18.7%). It notes that 46.3% of children in Homa Bay have stunted growth, a condition linked to poor sanitation and OFD, which in turn exposes the victims to higher premature mortality due to infectious diseases, as well as poor cognitive and education outcomes”.
Available statistics indicate that globally, 1.8 billion people live in households without water supplies on the premises. The report also shows that more than half a billion people still share sanitation facilities with other households, compromising women's and girls' privacy, dignity, and safety. It has also been generally recognized that sharing of toilet facilities reduces access and usability, often compelling reluctant users to permanent or intermittent open field defecation.
Our solution involves processing bio-waste materials (including organic waste from institutions, markets places, human faecal waste as well as urine) at the site of production using Black Soldier Fly Larvae.
For human waste, we use a non-sewered safe sanitation facility or eco toilet that is totally independent and does not require water or complex conveyance, storage or processing systems. Designed as a personal/household facility, it aims to address and bridge sanitation gaps in disadvantaged communities who live in poorly-serviced urban, peri-urban and rural settlements, especially where there is unfavorable environmental and geological factors. It is also appropriate for emergency or other situations where unplanned overcrowding (like disasters) may strain or overwhelm sanitation facilities.
The eco-toilet is portable, relatively small in size and weight, more affordable than other sanitation devices, versatile, easy to operate and is an appropriate tool to enable Kenya, and other developing nations, to bridge the discrepancy in achieving the UN-SDG 6 and 13.
Our target population include disadvantaged communities who live in poorly-serviced urban, peri-urban and rural settlements, especially in places with unfavorable geological conditions (extreme permeability and instability), and areas prone to natural disasters such as floods or drought which leads to poor or no access to conventional, dignified safe sanitation.
Challenges faced by our targeted population:
1. Lack of affordable, reliable, efficient and dignified toilet that is accessible for round-the-clock use, especially in the absence of connecting sewerage systems
2. Challenges of constructing latrines in unfavorable geological environments.
3. Lack of affordable, natural fertilizers, hence reliance on artificial alternatives.
4. Challenges in achieving SDG 6 (for governments and sanitation stakeholders)
5. Challenges of accessing clean water
Our solution offers a relatively cheaper toilet that is portable hence no digging needed. Both fecal waste and urine are separated and efficiently processed on-site. The by-products; frass and urine are used to enrich the soil for agricultural work hence promoting cyclic economy.
MFAHL, an eco-social enterprise founded in 2012 and located in Rayier Village in Ndhiwa Sub county, has for several years, been engaged in partnership with the local community in a variety of projects including environmental sanitation, biodegradable waste management, Black Soldier Fly farming, Bamboo farming and Bamboo value addition, afforestation, reforestation and conservation, and community empowerment initiatives.
In the last 4 years, Dr Kepher Mak'Anyengo, CEO of MFAHL, attempted to address the sanitation gap by developing a concept, the BUTI (for BSF-Urine-diverting Toilet Innovation) sanitation facility, that would address the sanitation problems. The concept uses Black Soldier Fly Larvae to process organic waste including fecal waste at the site of production. From 22nd November 2022, he started to develop a BSF production unit. With the support of the County WASH office, he produced a prototype of the BUTI sanitation facility which he started to use in his home. Based on the results, he eventually designed, innovated and procured a portable, affordable and hygienic eco toilet that can enable a user to have privacy, dignity and hygienic sanitation services. He has made various designs suitable for adults, children and people with disabilities with a distinct advantage over other toilets in the following ways:
It relies on the dryness of faeces so as not to produce foul odour,
It does not require water to function,
The organic waste including faecal matter is naturally processed through the natural composting action of micro-organisms within.
Dr Kepher Mak'Anyengo has made presentations to the National TWG where he talked about the use and benefits of the BUTI sanitation facility. The teams included MOH, WASH, UNICEF, Stakeholders and Private sectors.
Meanwhile Dr Mak'Anyengo with the support of the public health officer from the Ward and the local Community Health Provider, has mobilized and sensitized the local community in the Rayier Village in Ndhiwa, on the following;
Sanitation, Open defaecation and Hygiene
Use of the Black Soldier Fly in management of bio waste and human solid waste.
Use of the BUTI sanitation facility
Benefits of Byproducts of processed waste
Currently 28 members of Rayier community including men, women, physically disabled and children have been sensitized on environmental sanitation and dangers of OFD. All of them have accepted to participate in a proof of concept study, however, due to limited resources, we have started with 5 families who are currently using the BUTI sanitation facility in their homes. This will provide useful data on the proof of concept. A team of 3 supervisors including 1 Community Health Provider, and two BSF technicians have undergone training in managing the process.
- Other
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- 6. Clean Water and Sanitation
- 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- 13. Climate Action
- 14. Life Below Water
- 15. Life on Land
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
- Pilot
Below is what we have built and tested so far:
a greenhouse for rearing BSF larvae
constructed BUTI latrine model which has been in use since 2021
remodeled the toilets into different portable types to serve different needs of different people in the society including persons with disabilities
the toilets have been put in use and we have had to make improvements on them over time
demonstrated through proof of concept study that the innovation works for the intended purpose
Submitted a Patent Application for our innovation (No: KE/P/2024/4758).
At this point the innovation is ready for the piloting stage
We need:
- Technical assistance to guide us to develop a strong business model with strategies that will enable us to upscale our business. This will help us prioritize on products and processes that will enable us generate maximum revenue.
- We would love to improve on our accounting practices to enable us to pitch to investors who can provide finances to do the pilot study to upscale the business.
- Guidance to enable us establish a strong monitoring and evaluation to improve on the quality of our products and plan for future investment plans.
- Help in expanding the business in different parts of Homa Bay county and Kenya.
- Help in branding our products and establishing an effective marketing strategy using social and global media.
- Help in developing appropriate technology (software and hardware) for our business.
- Business Model (e.g. product-market fit, strategy & development)
- Financial (e.g. accounting practices, pitching to investors)
- Monitoring & Evaluation (e.g. collecting/using data, measuring impact)
- Product / Service Distribution (e.g. delivery, logistics, expanding client base)
- Public Relations (e.g. branding/marketing strategy, social and global media)
- Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design)
Our innovation BUTI Toilet (Patent Pending, No: KE/P/2024/4758) is a portable urine diverting dry toilet utilizing black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) as waste processors, to completely and safely process faeces, on-site, to valuable environmentally safe byproducts (fertilizer and animal feed). A detachable receptacle is strategically fitted inside the toilet frame to hold and restrain BSFL to commence processing the faeces immediately it is voided, until a preset period or volume is attained, when the receptacle is removed and exchanged for an empty, clean one.
It is a non-sewered safe sanitation device that is totally independent and does not require water or complex conveyance, storage or processing systems. Designed as a personal/household device, it aims to address and bridge sanitation gaps in disadvantaged communities who live in poorly-serviced urban, peri-urban and rural settlements, especially where unfavorable geology (extremes of permeability and stability), groundwater levels and natural disasters like floods or drought lead to poor or no access to conventional, dignified safe sanitation. It is also appropriate for emergency or other situations where unplanned overcrowding may strain or overwhelm sanitation facilities.
The device is relatively small in size and weight, more affordable than other sanitation devices, versatile, easy to operate and is an appropriate tool to enable Kenya, and other developing nations, to bridge the discrepancy in the current UN-SDG 6 and 13 efforts in which progress achieved in availing safe drinking water does not match that of safe sanitation
Specific innovations include features that:
Prevent escape of BSFL from the receptacle.
Control and eliminate urine and faecal odour
Short-term output:
Improved sanitation and reduce open field defecation
Reduced water wastage and water contamination
Long-term outcomes:
Reduction in waterborne diseases such as cholera
Cleaner aquatic systems due to reduction of sewage released into the water bodies
High yield of organic food because of use of frass for farming instead of chemical fertilizers
Improved economic status as a result of job creation
Address water scarcity through reduction of flush toilets and substantially reduce the number of people suffering from water scarcity
In a study published in Pubmed Nov 2022, “Growth Rates Of Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL) Fed On Fresh Human Faeces And their Implication For Improving Sanitation, demonstrated the effectiveness of BSF larvae in processing Human faeces and concluded that the use of BSFL could provide a solution to the health problems associated with poor sanitation and inadequate human waste management in developing countries (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24261901/)
The article “Use Of BSFL To Treat Faecal Sludge From Urine Diversion Toilets” by V. Maleba1 et al, University of KwaZulu-Natal Durban, states that “Since water and sanitation access problems are mostly faced by people in rural areas, waterborne sanitation is not an option. Thus strategies that improve sanitation while conserving water must be identified and implemented. Urine diversion dehydrating toilets (UDDTs) can be a solution for rural and semi-rural settlements, since they do not require water to dispose of human excreta. The use of BSFL has emerged as a possible means of treating faecal sludge from on-site sanitation systems such as UDDTs”.
An additional finding was that the protein content of BSFL produced was comparable to that reported elsewhere and suitable for use as fish meal which is a valuable product as animal feed and a potential source of income for the low income population (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/305407017).
Impact goals:
- Increase access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all and end OFD, paying special attention to the needs of women and girls and people living with disability (PLWD)
- Improve water quality by reducing pollution caused by untreated sewage
- Increase water-use efficiency and increased water access by many
- Support and strengthen the participation of local communities in improving water and sanitation management
- Increased number of people using our BUTI sanitation
- Enhanced utilization of BUTI toilet, as a result of the waste processing on-site
- Improved hygiene and clean environment
- Reduced flush toilet system
- Community members utilizing the BUTI increased by 20% by end of year 1
- Local administration and local communities taking up the initiatives enhanced
Our technology is a portable urine diverting dry toilet utilizing black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) as waste processors, to completely and safely process bio-waste including faeces, on-site, to valuable environmentally safe byproducts (fertilizer and animal feed).
A detachable receptacle is strategically fitted inside the toilet frame to hold and restrain BSFL to commence processing the faeces immediately it is voided, until a preset period or volume is attained, when the receptacle is removed and exchanged for an empty one.
- A new application of an existing technology
- Ancestral Technology & Practices
- Biomimicry
- Biotechnology / Bioengineering
- Manufacturing Technology
- Materials Science
- Kenya
- Congo, Dem. Rep.
- Rwanda
- South Sudan
- Tanzania
- Uganda
Part-time staff - 8
4 years.
Our founder member is a female with years of experience in mental health, research and community empowerment programs. Below her is the technical lead, and experts in environmental toxicology, laboratory analyst and research in neglected tropical diseases, doctors, researchers, mentors, meteorologists, environmentalists and climate change advocates. We have members comprising 4 females and 4 males ranging from 27 years to 65 years. We have on board a person with a disability who is involved in advocacy and training of the community.
This diversity helps us foster a culture of empathy, collaboration, and innovation. By embracing differences, we believe that our team can better reflect the diverse needs and interests of our customers, stakeholders, and communities.
The team consists of:
- Dr. Margaret Othieno (Founding Member - Modi Forest Accacia Homes Ltd, Researcher in HIV and Economic Empowerment of Youths, Community Sensitization and Mobilization, Mental Health Specialist, Farmer and Chair of National Health and Development Organization)
- Dr. Kepher Odhiambo Mak'Anyengo (Founding Member - Modi Forest Accacia Homes Ltd, Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgeon, Chair of the Board of Directors at Magina Hospital, Farmer, Environmental and Ecological Activist, Technical Lead in BUTI <Black Soldier Fly Urine-Diverting Toilet Innovation> project)
- Prof. Grace Adira Murilla (Lead Research & Development - Modi Forest Accacia Homes Ltd, AWARD <African Women in Agriculture R&D> Mentor, Adjunct Professor at Nelson Mandela African Institute for Science & Technology - Department of health Sciences, Pharmacologist, Toxicologist and Environmental Toxocologist)
- Dency Achieng Obiero (Meteorologist, Environmentalist, Climate Change Activist and Community Organizer and Sensitizer, Program Administrator - Modi Forest Accacia Homes Ltd)
MFAHL workshop researches, produces and fabricates the toilets and kitchen waste processor.
Currently we run a workshop in which we fabricate the toilets and kitchen waste processor. Where possible, recycled materials such as pallets (for toilet frame construction) and used plastic containers (as urine and faecal receptacles) are utilized.
We procure BSF larvae (as a biological processor) from our Rearing Unit. The BSF larvae (animal feed) and frass (organic manure) are retrieved and processed for value addition at the farm.
In-house technical teams manage sales and delivery of the products, as well as various support services. MFAHL anticipates rapid growth in the near future and have identified industry partners with whom we plan to rapidly scale production and operations.
Our Value Proposition include an integrated array of multiple products and services:
a) Products:
i. BUTI (portable dry toilet) units.
ii. Kitchen waste processor units (KWaPro); for institutions and for households.
iii. BSF Larvae (as bio-waste processor)
iv. BSF Larvae (as animal feed)
v. Frass (as soil conditioner and organic fertilizer)
b) Services and Operations:
i. Contractual services to BUTI users and units, for quality control, preventive maintenance and repairs.
ii. Events bio-waste management and sanitation services
iii. Consultancy and Support services to sanitation stakeholders (e.g. in disasters and crisis situations)
iv. Awareness creation, sensitization and education about the devices and their operations
c) Laboratory services to monitor safety of products and the environment
i. Regularly monitor products for quality
ii. Offer services to our customers, building confidence in our products
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
- The work carried out so far, supported by the organization’s resources include: the design of the BUTI Toilet, patenting, establishment of the BSFL unit, proof of concept study and sensitization of the community.
- We are currently planning the pilot stage, for which we shall require external support to produce approximately 200 units, expand the current BSFL rearing facility, establish a robust system of supply of larvae and a laboratory, modestly equipped, for testing products.
- In addition, we have identified an organization to produce the refined prototype and manufacturing firm that will manufacture the units for scaling. These units will be sold at affordable rates to the target communities.
- There are also plans to engage the county governments in waste management and this will raise funds for sustainability.
- We plan to package the by-products as organic manure for sale.
- We intend to apply for grants in the area of water, sanitation and climate change.