Functional Soil Microbial inoculam for Traditional genotypes of Paddy
- India
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
Chemical fertilizers, especially Nitrogen fertilizers in its active form are known to release nitrous oxide. This gas is 300 times more potent than carbon di oxide in global warming. Paddy is one of the crops grown in large quantities across the globe, around 166 million hectares is under rice cultivation. Paddy requires around 120-200kg of Nitrogen fertilizers per hectare. The voluminous amount of N2O released is leading to a global climatic crisis.
Traditional and indigenous paddy cultivars consume less chemicals and sustain harsh environmental conditions. Traditional rice varieties contain nutrients essential to curb metabolic disorders. They also exhibit antioxidative, anti-inflammatory, and anti-carcinogenic effects. Minimal land coverage with poor yields has increased the cost of consumption of traditional rice varieties. Today the yield is only 10% as compared to conventional paddy crops. If suitable scientific practices are implemented the cost of cultivation and the yield will increase, which in turn can be scaled to huge acreage of land. Traditional cultivars do not have recommended dose of chemical fertilizers unlike hybrid varieties. Native microbes are known to be well associated with the rhizosphere of the cultivars. So far not much work has been done to identify these microbes and use them as an inoculant to improve yield and soil quality. By using these inoculants the chemical fertilizers can be eliminated or reduced. Hence, native soil inoculants specific to the soil conditions of the rice varieties can address the issues mentioned. Soil Eh and pH are critical parameters for plant growth (Jeremy Cottes et al 2019). Soil microbiome is influenced by the pH of the soil (Daihua qi et al 2018). A core microbiome analysis by metagenomics and correlation with Eh and pH of soil using a pourbaix plot, can lead to functional soil inoculum with plant growth promoting activities.
A core consortium will be isolated from the native rhizospheric region of traditional paddy varieties Karuppukavuni and Mapillai Samba. The consortium will have the capability to improve nutrient absorption, reduce chemical inputs and improve productivity. Soil microbiome analysis will be used as a tool in identifying the core consortium in different varieties and regions of the crop. Analysis of the core consortium for basic functionalities such as ACCD production, IAA production, P solubilzation and Nitrogen fixation would help determine the efficacy of the consortium as PGPR. The consortium from different regions will be correlated with the Ph and Eh of the soil using Poubaix plot. The functional inoculum performing the best under various soil conditions will be identified and formulated for specific regions and soil conditions. The consortium, thus, acts as a functional soil inoculum in regions of traditional paddy cultivation, based on its soil conditions and help improve the soil quality and increase yield.
Traditional paddy-growing farmers will be directly benefitted by the solution. The land acreage under traditional paddy cultivation is very less and the yield is only 10% of commercial rice production. There are no standard practise or recommendation for traditional cultivars. Traditional cultivars are known to survive drought and other stressful environmental hazzles. They are also known for disease resistance. The farmers are reluctant to cultivate traditional varieties for the above reason. If a suitable functional soil inoculum is identified, to increase the yield of traditional varieties under varied soil conditions, the cost benefit ratio of cultivation will improve. This in turn will drive the farmers to cultivate traditional paddy and increase the acreage under cultivation. An increased production will lead to consumer affordability. Traditional paddy is known to prevent metabolic disorders and with affordability the market will scale significantly.
The vision of 1000 Farms Agritech is to enable farmers deploy innovative biological solutions in their farms to improve yields and soil quality. This in turn can curb the harmful effects of chemical fertilizers, improve soil quality, and retrieve the natural ecosystem in the soil. Innovative solutions, such as light-weight biofertilizers with high pay-load are marketed by the organization. The on-ground challenge in growing traditional cultivars, can be addressed by scientific solutions combined with traditional knowledge. The team is a mix of scientist, farmers, and business veterans, which makes us one of the best in the globe to identify and provide suitable solutions. We have done preliminary studies to identify the functional microbiomes associated with the rhizoshpere of two indigenous paddy varieties, namely karupukavuni and Mapillai sambha. We have identified the core consortium of microbes, which can be inoculated in these varieities, to improve the yields, and promote disease resistance. They also are known to improve the climate change resilience of the cultivars. Apart from the above, the team has been implementing eco-friendly way of farming. The chemical fertilizers are reduced by 50% of the original practice in around 2 lac acres in the last two years. Use of microbial inoculam, is very promising in reduction of chemical fertilizers and hence, I believe we are the best to implement this change.
While working on-ground, we identified the need for genotype specific identification of microbiome. Hence we started exploring the soil microbiome associated with indigenous varieties of paddy using a metagenomic approach. We have now isolated and assigned around 9 types bacteria associated with traditional cultivars Mapillai Sambha and Karupukavuni in Southern part of India. The idea is to identify a common consortium based on the Eh and pH variation, which can be applied globally.
- Enable a low-carbon and nutritious global food system, across large and small-scale producers plus supply chains that reduce food loss.
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- 13. Climate Action
- Prototype
The solution is to provide plant genotype-specific microbial consortium as soil inoculum. This helps to improve the Eh and pH of the soil and in turn, will correct the microbiome of the soil and drive it to the natural ecosystem, irrespective of the long-term chemical usage. The retrivation will help in better soil quality and nutrient absorption. Therefore, we can reduce the use of chemicals. The quality of traditional rice and the yield will be improved.
We have currently done the microbiome of two traditional paddy varieties of South India, namely Karupukavuni and Mapillai sambha. We have identified 9 functional bacteria and we have isolated the same. This consortium is also correlated with soil and environmental factors. This consortium is the product.
We are using this as the biofertilizer in 100 acres of the traditional paddy, to explore its effect on crop yields, soil quality, and grain quality. Since we are only testing the initial consortium, we are applying at the prototype stage.
Further work has to be done, to identify a consortium, which can be crop agnostic and performs well in any geoclimatic and soil conditions. The consortium should be able to drive the Eh and pH conducive for the growth of the crop and also for the establishment of the write microbial community, close to the natural ecosystem.
The solution, that we are proposing is intended to be a consortium of bacteria and fungi, which can act on any soil type or geoclimatic conditions and drive the soil to establish an ecosystem, that can help reduce chemicals and grow climate-resilient crops.
Considering the above, we must connect to other partners, working towards climate challenges and trying to mitigate the same in agriculture. In this context, we are looking forward to collaborating with other solvers, in a similar space.
Technically, we will have access to soils across the globe. This will help us to develop a common community of bacteria. We will also have access to test the product under different climatic conditions and fine-tune the solution. Apart from the above, we would have a market outreach that would help us scale in a better way. During the SOLVE program, we will also have a better understanding of the global regulatory landscape and we will try to comply if needed.
- Business Model (e.g. product-market fit, strategy & development)
- Monitoring & Evaluation (e.g. collecting/using data, measuring impact)
- Product / Service Distribution (e.g. delivery, logistics, expanding client base)
Improved rice varieties have exhausted soil fertility more rapidly than traditional ones (Vellaikumar S et al 2021). There is no specific nutrient recommendation for traditional rice varieties. Native strains of rhizospheric bacteria are known to improve the biomass of traditional rice varieties, compared to chemical fertilizers (Baldani JI etal 2013). The interaction between the rice genotype and the strain is very important for a positive effect on yield improvement. Hence, a biofertilizer inoculation program for traditional rice varieties should consider the genetic interaction between strain and rice variety (Baldani JI etal 2013)
Organic manures are a rich source of microflora and they contain enzymes and growth hormones, which will increase the Physio-chemical and biological properties of the soil. Since the microflora are non-specific and inconsistent, there arises a mandate to understand the soil-microbial community.
The information on rice-soil-microbial community structure and diversity for traditional paddy is severely limited. Understanding soil microbial diversity and species abundance is essential in modifying the agro-input recommendations in terms of quantity, and frequency of application for enhancing crop productivity, and maintaining overall soil health. Soil metagenomic approach has made it possible to identify untapped microbial reservoirs of soil in terms of abundance and diversity of microbes.
A core consortium will be isolated from the native rhizospheric region of traditional paddy varieties Karuppukavuni and Mapillai Samba. The consortium will have the capability to improve nutrient absorption, reduce chemical inputs, and improve productivity. Soil microbiome analysis will be used as a tool for identifying the core consortium in different varieties and regions of the crop. Analysis of the core consortium for basic functionalities such as ACCD production, IAA production, P solubilization, and Nitrogen fixation would help determine the efficacy of the consortium as PGPR. The consortium from different regions will be correlated with the Ph and Eh of the soil using the Poubaix plot. The functional inoculum performing the best under various soil conditions will be identified and formulated for specific regions and soil conditions. The consortium, thus, acts as a functional soil inoculum in regions of traditional paddy cultivation, based on its soil conditions, and helps improve the soil quality and increase yield.
Commercial biofertilizers are available in the market widely and are used across various crops and regions. However, traditional paddy warrants an interaction with specific bacterial strains harboring PGPR activity based on its genotype. Hence there is a mandate to develop functional inoculums with varied crop and region specificity to enable multi location inoculation. Identification of such a consortium can help improve the yield of traditional paddy and provide an improved cost benefit to the farmer. The consumer awareness on health benefits of traditional varieties can be leveraged to increase the scale. As more farmers shift to traditional paddy cultivation, the need for a functional soil inoculum will increase. The existing infrastructure for biofertilizer production can be used to ramp up the scale of production of the functional inoculum to meet the demand.
A core consortium with clear plant growth promoting activities, will
A core consortium of bacteria with plant growth-promoting ability will be identified. This consortium when used will trigger the natural ecosystem of the soil. The soil microbes will be enhanced overall and the soil pH and redox potential will become favorable for plant growth. Nutrient absorption of the plants will improve and 50% of the chemical fertilizers of the original recommendation, will be sufficient to improve the yield.
The core consortium will be crop agnostic and can perform in different soil conditions and climatic conditions. they will improve the yield and quality of climate-resilient indigenous varieties and hence promote the cultivation of the traditional cultivars.
With the improved yield of traditional cultivars, the market outreach for these varieties can be scaled due to customer affordability. Consumption of traditional varieties is known to curb metabolic disorders in humans.
A core consortium will be isolated from the native rhizospheric region of traditional paddy varieties Karuppukavuni and Mapillai Samba. The consortium will have the capability to improve nutrient absorption, reduce chemical inputs, and improve productivity. Soil microbiome analysis will be used as a tool for identifying the core consortium in different varieties and regions of the crop. Analysis of the core consortium for basic functionalities such as ACCD production, IAA production, P solubilization, and Nitrogen fixation would help determine the efficacy of the consortium as PGPR. The consortium from different regions will be correlated with the Ph and Eh of the soil using Poubaix plot. The functional inoculum performing the best under various soil conditions will be identified and formulated for specific regions and soil conditions. The consortium, thus, acts as a functional soil inoculum in regions of traditional paddy cultivation, based on its soil conditions, and help improve the soil quality and increase yield.
- A new application of an existing technology
- Biotechnology / Bioengineering
- Manufacturing Technology
- Materials Science
- India
- Italy
The research and Development includes 3 full-time scientists and two research assistants. Apart from them, we also have field-level staff to implement the solutions.
The research team is versatile in Biochemistry, Molecular biology, Microbiology, and Chemistry. We are also supported by Scientists in microbiome research from reputed universities in the country.
The team has been working on this solution for two years now. We have done the soil microbiome analysis using a metagenomic approach in the rhizospheric region of two traditional varieties, namely mapillai samba and karupukavuni.
We are also working on the soil microbiome of tea, cotton and maize.
We have isolated 9 microbes with plant growth-promoting functions, such as nitrogen fixation, phosphate solubilization, and potassium mobilization. The consortium is also correlated with physiological parameters such as Eh, pH, NPK, Organic Carbon, and other microbes to understand its interaction. The consortium that drives the soil to the most favorable Eh and pH is the suitable bioinoculam.
We have built a leadership team with cultural diversity. The team includes people from various disciplines of education, right from Engineering and Science to Manufacturing and design. The team has people speaking different languages and hailing from different regions of the country. The cultural and climatic differences help us understand the nation better and also pave the way for better solutions to nationwide issues. We participate in farmer events across the globe. We ensure that our solution addresses issues in different parts of the globe. We work with different countries and are more keen to offer solutions wherever possible.
We are inclusive in that, we have team members from different socioeconomic statuses and different strata of the society. We celebrate all festivals with equal zeal. The organization has been very balanced in having 50% of women employees. The employees are taken complete care, of to ensure their mental and physical well-being. The organization is led by a women entrepreneur, who owns more than 50% shares in the promoter's share.
Apart from the team, we have been working with Women self-help groups, to enable them on sustainable livelihoods. We support women's self-help groups, by supporting their businesses. We provide breakfast and lunch to all our staff and this is supplied by Women's self-help groups. Skill development is imparted to marginal women farmers. We also fund women employees for the education of their kids. We also allocate funds to women and lower economic groups to be used in case of emergencies.
The company policies are made in such a way that they support and benefit all the employees of the organization without disparity.
1000 Farms is currently marketing innovative gel-based commercial biofertilizer inoculants (patented technology) in certain districts of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, and Maharashtra. The B2C segment comprises FPOs, farmer-producing aggregators, and farmers through foundations. In the B2B segment, we have initiated trials with corporates and plantations. Their distribution channels will be used for last-mile delivery of the product. In the last financial year, 1000 Farms had a market reach of over 100,000 acres and made sales on approximately 20,000 acres.
The technology developed will be deployed initially in the traditional paddy-growing regions of Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh The existing sales structure or the current product portfolio will be utilized to demonstrate the technology. Post which the business will be expanded to other cultivars and regions within the country and overseas. Over two years, we plan to have a market outreach of 2 lakh acres, considering the demand for traditional cultivars grown organically.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
We are building our B2C market and have an outreach in four states of the country. We have an on-ground 40-member team. In the last two years, we have made a revenue of 0.3 Mn USD in 25000 acres. In the next two years, we are planning to increase our crop-based market outreach through the dealer and distributor network within the country. We will also deploy our crop-specific solutions and increase the product portfolio to increase revenues. We are planning a revenue of INR 1.2 Mn USD this financial year.
We are looking for funding to increase our scale to a production of 1 lac units/annum. We will also be deploying the S&M team to sell the products in over 4 lac acres within the country in the next two years. We are raising government bank loans to achieve the same.