- Tanzania
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
Globally, deforestation remains a critical environmental challenge, with an estimated 10 million hectares of forest lost each year. This loss of forests has severe impacts, as they provide vital ecosystem services like carbon sequestration, biodiversity protection, and regulation of water cycles.
The problem is particularly acute in Tanzania, which has lost 19% of its forest cover over the past 30 years. Tanzania is home to 61.1 million hectares of forests and woodlands, but has experienced an average annual deforestation rate of 469,000 hectares between 2010-2020. This equates to the loss of 11.6 million hectares of forest, an area the size of Belgium.
This rampant deforestation in Tanzania has had devastating impacts. Approximately 70% of the country's 60 million people rely on forests and natural resources for their livelihoods and wellbeing. The loss of these forests has disrupted critical water cycles, contributing to worsening floods, droughts, and water scarcity that threaten the food and water security of millions. It has also devastated Tanzania's rich biodiversity, with the Eastern Arc Mountains being one of the world's most important biodiversity hotspots.
The key drivers of deforestation in Tanzania include unsustainable logging, agricultural expansion, and a lack of large-scale reforestation efforts to keep pace with forest loss. Traditional tree planting methods are often labor-intensive, costly, and struggle to achieve high seedling survival rates, especially in Tanzania's remote and hard-to-access regions. This has resulted in a widening gap between the scale of deforestation and the ability to meaningfully restore forests.
GreenSky's solution is a precision drone-powered reforestation service that enables large-scale, cost-effective restoration of Tanzania's degraded forests and landscapes.
At the core of our approach is the use of specialized drones equipped with high-resolution mapping sensors and precision seed dispersal technology. We first conduct detailed aerial surveys of target reforestation sites, using the mapping data to analyze terrain, soil conditions, and other factors that inform optimal planting locations and seed selection.
Our drones are then outfitted with custom seed pods containing a mix of native tree species and essential nutrients. During deployment, the drones can accurately and efficiently disperse up to 100,000 of these seed balls per flight, covering large areas that would be difficult to reach through traditional manual planting methods.
This precision approach allows us to reforest degraded sites in a targeted and cost-effective manner, even in remote or inaccessible regions like Tanzania's rugged Eastern Arc Mountains. By selecting the right species and planting locations based on site-specific data, we can maximize seedling survival rates and ensure the long-term sustainability of the restored forests.
In addition to the drone technology, GreenSky provides a comprehensive suite of reforestation services. This includes pre-deployment site assessments, detailed planting plans, and post-planting monitoring and maintenance support to track seedling growth and address any challenges. Our goal is to deliver a turnkey reforestation solution that achieves high survival rates and meaningful, lasting impact.
Scaling the deployment of our drone-powered reforestation services across Tanzania's 61.1 million hectares of forests and woodlands has the potential to make a substantial contribution to reversing the country's deforestation trends. By restoring degraded forests, we can enhance carbon sequestration, protect critical watersheds, support biodiversity, and create sustainable livelihoods for forest-dependent communities.
GreenSky's precision drone reforestation solution primarily serves the rural and forest-dependent communities of Tanzania, who make up approximately 70% of the country's 60 million people.
These communities are among the most vulnerable to the impacts of deforestation and climate change. As forests are lost, their livelihoods and food/water security become increasingly precarious. Flooding, droughts, and soil degradation stemming from deforestation threaten agricultural productivity and access to clean water. The loss of biodiversity also jeopardizes the availability of traditional medicines and other forest resources that are essential to these communities.
Unfortunately, these vulnerable populations are often underserved when it comes to large-scale reforestation efforts. Traditional tree planting methods tend to be labor-intensive and costly, making it difficult to scale up efforts to match the pace of forest loss. Projects often struggle to achieve high seedling survival rates, especially in Tanzania's remote and rugged terrain.
GreenSky's drone-powered reforestation solution directly addresses the needs of these underserved communities in several key ways:
1. Scalability and cost-effectiveness: Our precision drone technology enables us to reforest large degraded areas rapidly and cost-effectively, far surpassing the reach and efficiency of manual planting efforts.
2. Targeted, data-driven approach: By mapping site conditions and optimizing planting locations, we can maximize seedling survival rates and ensure the long-term viability of restored forests, providing lasting benefits to local communities.
3. Accessibility in remote areas: The drone deployment allows us to reforest even the most inaccessible regions, including Tanzania's Eastern Arc Mountains, where traditional methods often fail.
4. Ecosystem service restoration: By reviving degraded forests, we can reinstate critical ecosystem services like watershed protection, biodiversity conservation, and climate change mitigation - all of which are essential for the food, water, and livelihood security of rural communities.
5. Sustainable economic opportunities: Restoring Tanzania's forests can create new green jobs and sustainable income streams through ecotourism, agroforestry, and community-based forest management.
GreenSky's innovative drone reforestation solution has the potential to directly and meaningfully improve the lives of millions of Tanzania's rural and forest-dependent people by addressing the root causes of their vulnerability and environmental challenges. This aligns closely with the goals of the MIT Solve Climate change challenge to support solutions that build community resilience.
GreenSky is led by a diverse team of Tanzanian innovators and social entrepreneurs with deep roots in the communities we serve. Our CEO, Catherine Mwanjisi, is a forest ecologist who has worked extensively with rural villages in the Eastern Arc Mountains, understanding firsthand the devastating impacts of deforestation on local livelihoods and ecosystems.
Our CTO, Omari Suleiman, is an aerospace engineer who has developed custom drone technologies for precision agriculture applications in Tanzania. He has collaborated extensively with smallholder farmers to design solutions that address their unique needs and constraints.
Jackline Lema, our head of community engagement, is an environmental activist from the Kilimanjaro region. She has spent years working alongside forest-dependent communities, amplifying their voices and advocating for sustainable land management practices.
Lastly, our operations manager, Rajabu Mwakyusa, is a seasoned forester who has implemented reforestation projects across Tanzania. He brings invaluable expertise in nursery management, seedling care, and working with local authorities to navigate land tenure and permitting challenges.
This diverse team, representing different regions and backgrounds across Tanzania, is deeply embedded within the communities we seek to serve. We have built strong relationships and trust with village leaders, farmers, and other local stakeholders. Our solution design and implementation are guided by their input, ensuring that our drone reforestation services directly address their needs and priorities.
For example, during the initial site assessment phase, our community engagement team works closely with villages to understand their historical land use, identify degraded areas in need of restoration, and incorporate traditional ecological knowledge into our planting plans. We also collaborate with local nurseries to source appropriate native tree species that align with community preferences and end-use requirements, whether for timber, fruit, or ecological services.
Furthermore, our post-planting monitoring and maintenance protocols are developed in partnership with community members, who play an active role in tracking seedling growth, mitigating threats, and maintaining the restored forests. This approach not only ensures long-term sustainability, but also creates green jobs and empowers communities as stewards of their own landscapes.
By centering the voices and leadership of Tanzanians like Catherine, Omari, Jackline, and Rajabu, GreenSky is uniquely positioned to deliver a drone reforestation solution that is culturally appropriate, environmentally sound, and truly transformative for the communities we serve.
- Adapt cities to more extreme weather, including through climate-smart buildings, incorporating climate risk in infrastructure planning, and restoring regional ecosystems.
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 6. Clean Water and Sanitation
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- 13. Climate Action
- 15. Life on Land
- Pilot
Pilot: The GreenSky solution has been launched in a pilot phase, where we have successfully tested our drone-powered reforestation approach in several rural communities within the Kilimanjaro, Iringa, and Dodoma regions of Tanzania.
Through these initial pilots, we have:
- Conducted high-resolution aerial surveys and soil/terrain analysis of over 13 hectares of degraded Miombo woodland in the Iringa region and coastal forests in the Dodoma region, using the data to optimize planting locations and select a mix of native tree species including Brachystegia spiciformis, Julbernardia globiflora, Pterocarpus angolensis, and Afzelia quanzensis.
- Deployed our custom drone technology to disperse over 12,000 nutrient-rich seed balls containing a blend of these tree species across the pilot sites, covering areas that would be extremely difficult to access through manual planting.
- Worked closely with local Chagga, Hehe, and Gogo village leaders, as well as forestry officers from the Kilimanjaro, Iringa, and Dodoma Regional Catchment Forest Offices, to incorporate their feedback and traditional ecological knowledge into our reforestation approach.
- Monitored the growth and survival of the planted seedlings, achieving an average 6-month survival rate of 78% - significantly higher than the 30-50% survival rates typically seen with manual tree planting methods in the region.
- Established partnerships with regional tree nurseries in Moshi, Njombe, and Kongwa districts to source appropriate native tree species, and built a network of local technicians trained in drone operations and sustainable forest management practices.
While still in the pilot phase, these early results have demonstrated the viability and impact potential of GreenSky's drone reforestation solution. We are now seeking additional funding and support to scale our services across Tanzania's 1,200 hectares of forests and woodlands for the next 5 years, with the goal of restoring degraded Miombo, coastal, and Eastern Arc Mountain forests, enhancing community resilience, and contributing to the country's national reforestation targets.
GreenSky is applying to the MIT Solve Climate change challenge as we believe the program can provide critical support to help scale our innovative drone reforestation solution across Tanzania.
Firstly, we are seeking the mentorship and technical assistance that Solve's cross-sector community can provide. As we look to expand our operations beyond the pilot phase, we would greatly benefit from connections to experts in precision agriculture, forestry management, drone technology, and community engagement. The opportunity to learn from and collaborate with other Solver teams tackling similar climate challenges would be invaluable.
Similarly, Solve's network could open doors to important strategic partnerships - whether that's with local NGOs, government agencies, or multinational corporations invested in nature-based solutions. Leveraging these relationships would help us overcome legal and cultural barriers, secure land access and use rights, and integrate our services with existing reforestation initiatives in Tanzania.
In terms of market development, the Solve program could shine a spotlight on GreenSky's work, amplifying our impact and helping us attract new customers and stakeholders. The $10,000 grant, as well as potential access to additional funding through Solve's partners, would also provide crucial seed capital to support our growth plans.
Ultimately, the holistic support package offered by Solve - including the flagship events, personalized coaching, and cross-sector network - aligns perfectly with GreenSky's needs as we seek to transition from a successful pilot to a scalable, sustainable social enterprise. With Solve's backing, we are confident we can accelerate the restoration of Tanzania's degraded forests, build community resilience, and contribute meaningfully to global climate action.
- Financial (e.g. accounting practices, pitching to investors)
- Monitoring & Evaluation (e.g. collecting/using data, measuring impact)
- Product / Service Distribution (e.g. delivery, logistics, expanding client base)
- Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design)
What makes the GreenSky solution innovative is our unique integration of drone technology, data-driven precision, and community-centric approaches to drive large-scale and sustainable reforestation in Tanzania.
The core innovation lies in our use of custom-built drones to rapidly and efficiently plant native tree species across degraded landscapes. By dispersing over 12,000 nutrient-rich seed balls from the air during our pilot phase, we are able to reforest areas that would be virtually inaccessible or prohibitively labor-intensive to tackle through traditional manual planting methods. Our drone technology allows us to cover up to 30 hectares per day, at a cost that is 30-40% lower than conventional approaches, and with an average 6-month seedling survival rate of 78% - significantly higher than the typical 30-50% seen with manual tree planting.
But GreenSky's innovation goes beyond just the technological aspect. Underpinning our drone reforestation model is a deep commitment to data-driven decision making and community engagement. Through high-resolution aerial surveys and advanced soil/terrain analysis of over 13 hectares of degraded forests, we are able to meticulously map these areas and select the optimal species, seed densities, and planting locations to maximize ecological impact.
Just as importantly, we work closely with local Chagga, Hehe, and Gogo village leaders, as well as forestry officers from the Kilimanjaro, Iringa, and Dodoma Regional Catchment Forest Offices, to co-design our reforestation plans. By incorporating their traditional ecological knowledge and prioritizing the needs and aspirations of the people who depend on these forests, we are able to build a deep sense of local ownership and long-term sustainability.
This holistic, community-centric model sets GreenSky apart from many top-down, technology-driven reforestation initiatives. We believe it has the potential to catalyze broader shifts in the landscape, inspiring other social enterprises, NGOs, and government agencies to adopt more inclusive, data-driven, and scalable approaches to ecosystem restoration.
Furthermore, by demonstrating the commercial viability of drone reforestation through our hybrid business model, which has already generated over $21,000 in revenue, we hope to spur greater private sector investment and innovation in this space. As the market leader, GreenSky can help drive down costs, improve technical capabilities, and showcase the immense climate impact potential of these nature-based solutions.
GreenSky's theory of change is built on the premise that by deploying innovative drone technology and data-driven precision in service of community-led reforestation, we can drive transformative, scalable, and sustainable impact in addressing deforestation and forest degradation in Tanzania.
Here's how it works:
- Conduct high-resolution aerial surveys and soil/terrain analysis to identify and map degraded forest areas
- Design and implement customized reforestation plans using native tree species and drone-based planting techniques
- Engage with local communities, village leaders, and regional forestry authorities to co-create reforestation strategies that align with local needs and priorities
- Establish regional nursery networks to supply high-quality, certified seedlings for planting
- Rapid, cost-effective reforestation of degraded landscapes, with the ability to plant over 30 hectares per day using drones
- Increased survival rates of planted trees (78% in our pilot) compared to conventional manual methods (30-50%)
- Strengthened community ownership and stewardship over reforestation efforts through inclusive engagement and capacity building
- Expanded access to affordable, native tree seedlings for individual farmers, community groups, and larger-scale afforestation initiatives
- Restored forest ecosystems, resulting in enhanced biodiversity, watershed protection, and climate change resilience for local communities
- Increased carbon sequestration to contribute to Tanzania's national climate action goals and global emissions reduction targets
- Sustainable livelihoods and income-generating opportunities for community members engaged in nursery management, drone operations, and forest monitoring
- Improved food security and agricultural productivity through the restoration of degraded lands
The evidence supporting the strength of these links comes from several sources:
1) Our 6-month pilot project, which demonstrated the technical and commercial viability of our drone reforestation model, as well as the positive community response.
2) Academic research on the carbon sequestration potential and ecological benefits of restoring degraded forests in Tanzania.
3) Interviews with local village leaders and forestry officials, who have expressed enthusiasm for our inclusive, community-centric approach.
4) Data on the costs and limitations of traditional manual tree planting methods compared to drone-enabled reforestation.
By addressing the core drivers of deforestation - including unsustainable agricultural practices, timber extraction, and rapid urbanization - through this innovative, scalable, and community-oriented solution, GreenSky is confident that we can catalyze transformative and lasting change across Tanzania's vital forest landscapes.
GreenSky's core impact goals are centered around three key areas:
1. Ecosystem Restoration
Goal: Restore 20,000 hectares of degraded forests and woodlands in Tanzania by 2027.
- Total area of degraded landscapes reforested through drone-based planting
- Survival rate of planted seedlings after 6 months and 1 year
- Increase in native tree species diversity and density within reforested areas
2. Climate Change Mitigation
Goal: Sequester 1 million tons of CO2 through GreenSky's reforestation activities by 2030.
- Total metric tons of CO2 removed from the atmosphere, calculated using established forest carbon accounting methodologies
- Percentage contribution to Tanzania's national greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets
3. Sustainable Livelihoods and Community Resilience
Goal: Engage and empower 10,000 community members, with a focus on women and youth, in GreenSky's reforestation and nursery operations by 2027.
- Number of community members (disaggregated by gender and age) directly employed or contracted by GreenSky
- Increase in household incomes and food security for communities participating in GreenSky's programs
- Percentage of leadership roles held by women and young people within GreenSky's community partner organizations
To measure our progress towards these impact goals, we have established a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework that combines both quantitative and qualitative indicators.
For the ecosystem restoration and climate change mitigation goals, we leverage drone-captured high-resolution imagery, ground-truthing surveys, and satellite data to precisely map and monitor the reforestation process over time. This allows us to track key metrics like survival rates, biomass growth, and carbon sequestration with a high degree of accuracy.
To assess our progress on sustainable livelihoods and community resilience, we collect data through household surveys, focus group discussions, and participatory evaluations with our community partners. This provides us with rich insights into the socioeconomic impacts of our programs, as well as the level of local ownership and stewardship.
Furthermore, we have partnered with researchers from the Sokoine University of Agriculture and the Tanzania Forest Research Institute to conduct rigorous impact evaluations and publish peer-reviewed studies on the efficacy of our drone reforestation model. These third-party assessments not only validate our internal M&E findings, but also contribute to the broader global evidence base on nature-based climate solutions.
By consistently tracking and reporting on these key performance indicators, GreenSky is able to transparently demonstrate our progress, iterate on our approach, and ultimately achieve our ambitious goals for ecosystem restoration, climate change mitigation, and community empowerment in Tanzania.
The core technology that powers GreenSky's reforestation solution is a custom-built fleet of drones equipped with specialized seed ball dispersal mechanisms.
At the heart of our drone system is a high-precision flight control and navigation software that allows us to accurately map degraded forest areas, plan efficient flight paths, and execute seed dispersal with centimeter-level accuracy. This is paired with advanced sensors that provide real-time data on terrain, soil conditions, and vegetation health - critical information for informing our site-specific reforestation strategies.
The seed balls themselves are a crucial innovation. Developed through a collaborative research process with local forestry experts and communities, these seed balls contain a mixture of native tree seeds, nutrients, and binding agents that protect the seeds and provide them with the optimal conditions for germination and early growth. Our drone-based seed dispersal process enables us to distribute these seed balls across large, inaccessible areas at a rate of over 400 per hectare.
The versatility and scalability of our drone technology is what truly sets GreenSky apart. Unlike traditional manual tree planting, which is labor-intensive and often limited to accessible areas, our drones can cover up to 30 hectares per day, even in rugged, remote terrain. This allows us to reforest degraded landscapes at a speed and scale that simply cannot be matched by conventional methods.
But GreenSky's innovation goes beyond just the technology itself. We have also developed a robust data management and analytics platform that enables us to optimize our reforestation efforts through evidence-based decision making. By integrating the geospatial data collected by our drones with ground-truthing surveys, satellite imagery, and community input, we can build highly detailed models of forest health, soil composition, and biodiversity - all of which inform the species selection, seed densities, and planting locations for each project site.
This data-driven, precision-focused approach is a core part of our value proposition. It allows us to maximize the ecological impact and long-term sustainability of our reforestation work, while also providing our community partners and government stakeholders with valuable insights to guide their broader land use and climate adaptation strategies.
- A new application of an existing technology
- Big Data
- GIS and Geospatial Technology
- Imaging and Sensor Technology
- Robotics and Drones
- Tanzania
- Kenya
The GreenSky solution team currently consists of 9 members:
- 4 full-time staff
- 3 part-time staff
- 2 contractors or other workers
The full-time team includes our CEO, CTO, head of community engagement, and operations manager. The part-time staff are specialists in areas like drone technology, nursery management, and forestry monitoring. We also have 2 contractors who provide additional capacity for aerial surveys, data analysis, and local community outreach as needed.
GreenSky has been working on our drone-powered reforestation solution since December 2022.
Our team, led by CEO Catherine Mwanjisi and CTO Omari Suleiman, has collectively over 15 years of experience in fields like forest ecology, drone technology, community engagement, and sustainable land management.
However, the specific GreenSky enterprise was founded just 15 months ago, when we came together to develop an innovative, community-centric approach to addressing deforestation and forest degradation in Tanzania.
The initial pilot phase, where we have tested and refined our drone reforestation model, has been running for the past 6 months.
Diversity, equity, and inclusion are core values that are deeply embedded in GreenSky's organizational culture and hiring practices. We believe that building a diverse, representative team is essential for developing climate solutions that truly meet the needs of the communities we serve.
At the leadership level, our CEO Catherine Mwanjisi and CTO Omari Suleiman bring complementary expertise and life experiences that reflect the diversity of Tanzania. Catherine is a forest ecologist from the Kilimanjaro region, while Omari is an aerospace engineer from Dar es Salaam. Our head of community engagement, Jackline Lema, is an environmental activist from the Chagga community, and our operations manager, Rajabu Mwakyusa, is a seasoned forester from the Maasai region. This blend of regional, cultural, and professional backgrounds ensures that our solution design and implementation are guided by a multitude of perspectives.
Beyond our leadership team, we have made a concerted effort to build a diverse workforce that is representative of the communities impacted by deforestation in Tanzania. Our recruitment process deliberately targets underrepresented groups, including women, youth, and indigenous populations, providing equal access to opportunities and removing systemic barriers that have historically excluded these groups from the environmental and technology sectors.
We have also implemented inclusive HR policies and practices, such as flexible work arrangements, comprehensive benefits, and career development support, to create a welcoming and supportive work environment for all our team members. Regular trainings on topics like unconscious bias, allyship, and inclusive communication further reinforce our commitment to fostering a culture of belonging.
Additionally, we have forged strategic partnerships with local NGOs, community-based organizations, and educational institutions to expand our talent pipeline and provide mentorship and upskilling opportunities, particularly for young women and girls interested in STEM fields.
As we continue to scale our operations, we are committed to maintaining and strengthening this diversity, equity, and inclusion focus. Our goal is for GreenSky to be a model of inclusive, community-driven climate action - where the voices, leadership, and lived experiences of marginalized groups are centered and empowered to drive transformative change.
GreenSky's business model is built on the dual principles of environmental impact and financial sustainability.
Our primary customers are local communities, regional forestry authorities, and national conservation initiatives within Tanzania. We provide them with an innovative suite of drone-enabled reforestation services, including high-resolution aerial surveys, optimized seed ball dispersal, and ongoing forest monitoring and maintenance.
The core value proposition of these services is twofold:
1) Ecological impact: Our drone technology and data-driven approach allows us to reforest degraded landscapes at a scale and speed that is simply not feasible with traditional manual planting methods. This translates to accelerated carbon sequestration, habitat restoration, and enhanced community resilience to climate change.
2) Cost-effectiveness: By leveraging drones and automating labor-intensive tasks, our reforestation services are 30-40% more cost-effective than conventional planting, making them an attractive option for cash-strapped government agencies and NGOs. We can also offer bundled packages that integrate nursery seedling production and community engagement, further boosting efficiencies.
Beyond the core reforestation services, we have also developed a complementary revenue stream through the sale of native tree seedlings from our network of regional nursery partners. These seedlings are in high demand from individual farmers, community groups, and large-scale afforestation initiatives.
In our pilot phase over the past 6 months, this hybrid model has enabled GreenSky to generate over $21,000 in revenue - a promising start as we work to transition from a grant-dependent social enterprise to a financially sustainable business.
Looking ahead, we see tremendous potential to scale our services nationally, tapping into the Tanzanian government's ambitious reforestation targets and the growing appetite for nature-based climate solutions from international donors and impact investors. By continually innovating our technology, optimizing our operations, and strengthening community partnerships, we are confident that GreenSky can become a market leader in affordable, equitable, and impactful reforestation in East Africa.
- Organizations (B2B)
To further strengthen our financial sustainability, we are actively pursuing a combination of grant funding, impact investment, and service fee revenue streams. We have secured a $50,000 grant from the Tanzania Forest Fund to support the scaling of our drone reforestation operations over the next 2 years. Additionally, we received a $12,000 grant from the Sahara Ventures accelerator program to support our pilot phase. We are also in advanced discussions with several impact investing funds that are excited about our model's potential for scalable, measurable climate impact, though we have not yet secured any impact investment commitments.
Looking ahead, our goal is to achieve 70-80% of our total revenue from fee-for-service reforestation contracts and nursery sales within the next 3 years. This would allow us to gradually transition away from grant dependence and position GreenSky as a truly self-sustaining, market-driven social enterprise.
The early traction we have gained through our pilot phase, generating over $21,000 in revenue, combined with the robust pipeline of funding and revenue opportunities, gives us confidence that our financial sustainability plan is viable and replicable. With the support of Solve, we believe we can further refine and accelerate this strategy, unlocking the transformative potential of our drone reforestation solution across Tanzania.