Smart Village to Fight Climatic Changes
- Bangladesh
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
Bangladesh will be among the most affected countries in South Asia by an expected 2°C rise in the world’s average temperatures in the next decades, with rising sea levels and more extreme heat and more intense cyclones threatening food production, livelihoods, and infrastructure as well as slowing the reduction on poverty, according to a new scientific report released today by the World Bank Group. Water levels in the North are receding to dangerous low levels. Areas are becoming arid and rugged with the lack of water. Rivers are drying up and plantation of rice has stopped in many locations, where farmers are looking for alternatives. People are resorting to crops that require less water and less humidity. Rice production with the dwindling prices and lack of needed water is giving rise to Water Mellon plantation and Mango Gardens. This trend if continued, the vast patches of Barendra (Delta) will soon turn into barren lands.
We need to develop long term sustainable solutions that shall help us alleviate some of the problems we are facing in terms of Water sufficiency, Energy solvency, use of renewable energy, stopping the water from the rising seas and the change in weather patterns. People are feeling pinch of the changes that are already taking shape and creating people vulnerable.
There is the problem of water sufficiency at the time. Being a Riverine Delta, Bangladesh is losing their surface water and the underground water is depleting due to overuse. Soil salinity is increasing in the coastal areas making it unbearable, energy production and distribution is getting out of control, the water ways is drying up by the lean season. Agriculture is being affected by the lack of water and the use of chemical fertilizers, use of wood and gas used for cooking is increasing the Carbon Footprint. Our underground water has fallen below 140 feet without being recharged, a riverine delta cannot survive without water. It is an existential threat to the country.
There shall be 5 line components of the Project overlooking Education, Water, Energy, Food and Agriculture, and Income Generating areas. These 5 components shall be supported by two horizontal components that will cut across all 5 components and support their functions. Management Information Systems shall provide the necessary information to monitor performance and evaluate the set targets. In addition, a research and development component shall gather adequate data from the local sources to ascertain the needs analysis for each of the components.
This Smart Village shall be the proof of concept for a zero carbon emission project and that is needed so much not merely for Bangladesh but all countries of South Asia. If we cannot do it now, we may not have a second chance as these are existential threats to the Nation that is crisscrossed by some 700 plus rivers.
Our solutions involves 5 different technologies to fight the ill impacts of the climatic changes.
Managing Water Smart: (Harnessing Rain Water to Recharge Underground Water)
Economy of Bangladesh is heavily dependent on water resources supporting the major crops and the industrial base. Currently, Santhia is facing serious problems with the receding ground water levels with its two main rivers drying up due to upstream water diversions. Santhia will showcase the following endeavors to harvest rain water and become self-sufficient in producing clean water for domestic usage and for irrigation as well.
Harvesting Rain Water:
Rainwater Harvesting is the direct collection of rain water and to channel it through pipes to pre-defined storage points. The rainwater collected is then stored & filtered for immediate use or for recharging the groundwater to be used later though bore-wells. We generally receive rainfall in heavy showers followed by dry spells.
- Create a Prototype in Santhia for Injecting Rain water into the Ground and redirecting the surface rain water into various Ponds and Lakes. This project will collect the roof rain water and store them in large tanks through PVC pipes and making them available for later use for household purposes. Parts of the stored water will be injected to the Ground Water using porous injecting pipes connected to the Tanks and injecting wells. The current rain water is lost to the drains and then to the Rivers. These drains will be reconstructed and linked to various ponds and lakes in the area for later use.
- Creating additional Rain Water storage Capacity by digging the large Bils and connecting them by narrow canals. This project intends to dig „Ghugudaha“to increase the capacity of water storage and connecting them by narrow Canals to keep each area in balance with rain water harvesting and their storage. The canals will be used for irrigation purposes during the lean season. The total length of such canals will be around 100 kms.
Processing Waste to Generate Bio Gas and Bio Fertilizer
RDA, Bogra will assist in setting up the proposed community based Bio Gas plant in Santhia to better solid waste management. The proposed capacity of the plant is 130m3 supplying a total number of 100 households the slurry (fermented cow dung & Kitchen waste) produced from bio-gas plant will be processed as organic manure. The proposed model is one of the most environment friendly cheapest renewable energy resources. It will play an important role for enhancing the productivity of agricultural land and rural livelihood as well.
Setting up a Wind Turbine
This new Technology operates in urban settings on either rooftops or mountings speeding up the prevailing winds to 4 m/s minimum speed using a converger and then feeds the Turbine. The design that is based on the Jet propulsion theory as opposed to propeller fans. The convergence part of the unit can transform 2.5 m/s winds to 4 m/s before it is fed to the turbine.
Our solution targets the vulnerable population in 3 peripheral areas including Dhamoirhat in the North West, Haor in the Sylhet division and Vobodoho in the South in Jessore District. They are prone to flash floods and water logging with scarcity of the underground water. Most of the population are poor due to water logging producing only one crop per year. They remain under water 8 months of the year. This project is will change the lives of some 500,000 people with better opportunities, better standard of life, and new job creation. This will bring Energy self-sufficiency, food security, better and cleaner environment, water self-sufficiency and a better education for the future citizens.
Dhamoirhat Upozila
Dhamoirhat Upozila is located in North Western part of Bangladesh of Naogaon district with a total area of 300.80 sq. km, surrounded by Western Bengal (India) in the North, Badalgachhi and Patnitala Upazilas in the southern region, and Joypurhat Sadar Upozila in the East. Dhamoirhat (Town) includes two Mouzas (Administrative Units) with an area of 4.60 sq. km. The city is inhabited by men; 53.5%, women 46.5%. The solidity of inhabitants is 1,116 per sq. km. The literacy rates among city dwellers is 42.5%. Total population is 1, 84,778. The picturesque Shal Bon, Alta Dighi Lake and Jogoddol Bihar define the very architecture and tranquil settings of the location.
SANTHIA Upazila is third and second largest upazila in respect of area and population in PABNA district. Santhia Thana was promoted to upazila in 1984. Total area of the upazila is 331.56 sq. km. It is located in between 23°57' and 24°08' north latitudes and in between 89°25' and 89°37' east longitudes. It is bounded by FARIDPUR (pabna) and SHAHJADPUR upazilas on the north, SUJANAGAR upazila on the south, BERA upazila on the east, ATGHARIA and PABNA SADAR upazilas on the west. Main water bodies of this area are ICHAMATI, BARAL, ATRAI river, and GHUGUDAHA Beel.
Vobodoho Problems
At least 10 lakh people of 200 villages South West Bangladesh will be directly affected due to the waterlogging. Croplands and schools, colleges and madrasas will go under water.
Bhabadah's water-logging problem began in the early 1980s when all its rivers started drying up, after the construction of embankments and sluice gates in the region. The embankments and sluice gates were built to prevent saline water from intruding into the beels. The saline water stopped, and so did the natural flow of currents in the process.
The problem of water logging has been ongoing for hundreds of years since the creation of a Railway line hindering the flow of Ganges and since then the problem has only compounded with down the stream river siltation and the mudding of the low lying areas from the tides. Some of the problems have worsened with human interventions and wrong design of the Bridges in the South. Then water percolating down streams is mostly toxic posing a danger to fisheries and agriculture
Our Team has been working in the area all along to minimize the suffering of the people and providing them with the much needed support to keep them afloat during the water logging seasons. Our Team includes the local activists, the civic societies, the NGOs working in the field and the Water Management Board of the Government of Bangladesh. Our team includes the local experts who have been working with the community in alleviating their problems and the academia providing expert support for a long term sustainable solution. We have conducted several meetings with the local population. Our Team of Experts come from various specialties bringing knowledge and experience in the Water and socio economic fields to provide a comprehensive solution to various entities. Ours is a PPP format of alliance that brings together all facets of social and administrative organizations working together for a common purpose.
Our knowledge of International interventions is kept at the highest levels with advisors coming from Canada, the US, Germany, the UK and Australia. This international Networking capacity gives us a window to get the best practices used in other countries that can be easily adapted to suit the local needs of the vulnerable areas of our choice.
We have grouped together several organizations working hand in hand to bring the best possible solution to institute the long term sustainable solutions for five distinct tasks including:
- Harnessing rain water to recharge Ground Water
- Institute Renewable Energy Sources to become self-reliant Smart Village
- Manage Waste to create Biogas and Bio Fertilizer
- Make Agriculture resilient against climate change
- Create a life based Education System
We have created a Consortium using the PPP format to include NGOs, Universities, Rural Development Academy, and other Government Agencies working with Water along with an Advisory Board bringing international best practices to support developing a sustainable solution to elevate the marginal people of Bangladesh.
We also provide ample gender equity in developing our Team and include most of the Minority members of the society to make it more representative of the overall mix of the population in the targeted areas.
Our intent has always been to engage the local people from all walks of life including the local administration in our day to day communications and making them part of the decision making for the targeted solution. This brand of Grouping gives us the access to the brightest of the breed coming from the local area with members from all minorities.
We involve local administration and local community in making the final decisions in key areas of project implementation. We involve Police leaders, area administrators, Members of Parliament, religious leaders, and civic society in the decision making process.
- Adapt cities to more extreme weather, including through climate-smart buildings, incorporating climate risk in infrastructure planning, and restoring regional ecosystems.
- 4. Quality Education
- 6. Clean Water and Sanitation
- 7. Affordable and Clean Energy
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- 13. Climate Action
- 15. Life on Land
- Pilot
We had started a research project in the said areas and had spent some 3 years to conduct the research to find out the underlying causes for the waterlogging and scarcity of the underground water. This reasearch report was done with direct interviews with the affected populace, the administrators, the local leaders (Political, Civic Societies, religious, police administration, local government officials and the water authorities of the area). The outcome gave us the understanding of the roots causes and the probable solutions for the problem.
- Excavate and Dredge
- Inject Logged Water into the Ground Level
- Develop a Prototype for Tidal Resources Management (TRM):
- Treat Water Toxicity:
- Remove Infrastructures Obstructing the Flow of the Rivers:
- Rehabilitate Displaced People and Restructure a Peoples Mobility Program:
- Long-Term Solution:
- Create a Coastal Levi Project to protect the surging water of the Sea
- Remove Salinity of the Lands in the South;
Immediate Plan of Action:
- Create a Prototype for Injecting Rain water logged into the Ground and redirect the surface rain water into the Ponds and Lakes
- Creating additional Rain Water storage Capacity by digging the large Bils and Connecting them by narrow canals.
- Dredging the rivers
- Building dykes and canals in the Coastal areas
- Conduct Tidal River Management (TRM)
Currenetly, we are in the process of conducting a pilot project with Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST) to taste out the recommendations made in the research project. The Pilot project shall carry the following benefits for the University:
- Creation of a Center of Excellence: The project aims to establish a Center of Excellence at MIST, focusing on Alternate Energy and Water Management, enhancing the institution's reputation and contributing to its academic standing.
- Soft Support in Curriculum Development: MIST will receive assistance in developing the curriculum and content for both undergraduate and graduate degrees in Alternate Energy and Water, ensuring alignment with industry standards and best practices.
- Online Mirror Center of MIT OpenCourseWare: The establishment of an online mirror center will provide MIST students with access to the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology's OpenCourseWare, facilitating a rich and diverse learning environment.
- Higher Education Opportunities: MIST staff will have the opportunity to pursue higher degrees at St. Lawrence University in Canada and MIT in the US, enhancing their knowledge and expertise.
- Student Exchange Program: MIST students will have the chance to participate in a 3+1 student exchange program at MIT and St. Lawrence University, leading to a joint degree and fostering international collaboration.
- Successful Water Recharge Program: The implementation of a rainwater harvesting program will contribute to a successful water recharge initiative, addressing the critical issue of depleting groundwater.
- Reverse Osmosis Filtration Program: MIST will benefit from a successful Reverse Osmosis filtration program for drinking water, ensuring the availability of clean and safe drinking water on the campus.
- Wind Energy Production: The project will lead to the successful establishment of a wind-harnessing turbine, providing MIST with a sustainable and cost-effective source of electricity.
We intend to bring international experts to provide guidance, technology, best practices, and the know how in the areas that we have targeted. The Advisors shall have the expertise and knowledge of similar projects in a setting of a developing Nation where similar work has been conducted. We intend to install the OCW Program of MIT at the Pilot University to make the students participating in the project conversant with the recent technologies, best practices and the content of some of the key lectures.
We shall need expertise in the renewable energy and water management aspects of the Project, who can guide us and monitor our activities in terms of Quality and strategic planning and conduct startegic audits to ensure that the project is advancing in the right direction meeting the needs of our clients.
We would need some funding from some sources to augment our own funds that we plan to raise in due course. We would require some support on the matter to gain access to international sources of funding.
- Human Capital (e.g. sourcing talent, board development)
- Monitoring & Evaluation (e.g. collecting/using data, measuring impact)
- Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design)
Climate change is real and present danger for Bangladesh, as one of the worst hit countries affected by Climate Change. The rising seas and the slow decapitation of surface water, dwindling underground water, flash floods, salination of the lands, and the change in temperature are some of the indications of our vulnerability. It is our intent to guard against our existential threats that are sustainable in the long term. We intend to create a prototype "Smart Village" that would have a 0 carbon foot print and a solid Guard against the negative fallout of the climatic changes. The model if and when proves to be successful shall be replicated around the country.
We shall follow a zero-based approach to applying technology in our prototype that would address all facets of carbon emission and make the village self-reliant in Water, Agriculture, Energy, Education, Waste Management and Transportation following 0 carbon emission policy.
Underground Water Table of Santhia and other areas is receding fast with the main rivers of Ichamoti, Boral, and Atrai are drying up due to upstream damns diverting water into other regions. Even the large lake Ghugudaha has been drying up as well due to climatic conditions. This has been having serious consequences on its Bio-Diversity and threatening the main agricultural setups, forest of its kind in the area and seriously damaging its agricultural patterns being the main source of the local economy. In order to maintain its bio-diversity, Santhia needs to harvest rain water to recharge the ground water, create alternate energy sources and embark on organic farming to rejuvenate its soil and make the environment friendlier for its populace.
We intend to use the cow dunk and other perishable waste to create Biogas to support household cooking. This process shall create adequate bio fertilizer as a byproduct that we shall use in developing bio agriculture.
We shall use solar and wind power to produce electricity for local consumption
- Install 5 solar roofs in Santhia as a prototype to developing a community based energy supply system that will produce electricity of up to 200 KW each and meet the needs of Santhia School and College and other emergency services. Additional production shall be uploaded to the Grid.
- We shall institute a wind based power generation technology that is quite new and effective in harnessing wind power in a low speed wind area. The main purpose of this concept is to institute and test out a prototype of wind turbine that has a new unique design that accelerates prevailing wind before it is fed to the turbine. This technology is appropriate for Bangladesh given the speed of the prevailing winds being 2 m/sec not sufficient to turn a traditional propeller. The proposed technology is a jet propulsion theory, where the wind is pulled in due to a pressure difference created between a converging inlet and a diverging outlet thereby speeding up the inlet wind to 4 m/sec sufficient to turn the rotor turbine with highly efficient blades.
These are challenges facing us over the past 200 years and creating obstacles to our National development. This solution was tried in other countries in the past with very positive outcome especially in Germany, where the southern part got rid of the waterlogging problems using borehole forced water injection to the underground water. The solution is quite a simple equation that is linier in nature. We have unnecessary water on the surface and a depleted underground water creating a whooping gap under the surface making the fate of millions vulnerable god forbid should a major tremor occur. Cleaned logged water can be drawn into the borehole and then pressurized to get injected into the aquifer underground.
We have taken the solution to a test in one of the districts in Northern Bangladesh, digging a borehole and the outcome is near perfect. This was undertaken by Prof. Dr. Sarwar Jahan of the Geology and Mining Department of Rajshahi University. Over a passage of 2 years, the borehole was able to raise the level of the underground water by 2 feet. We are now in the process of creating a prototype at the Military Institute of Science and Technology to understand the variables that can make our performance even better with the addition of a pump to create a better force of the water to be injected.
Our Research team has visited all the areas and had Group and individual sessions with the local people including the civic society, community and religious leaders, local administration, and informed private citizens about the matter and had gotten positive feedback from all sources about the financial and technical viability of the solution. We have discussed the solution with international experts including Mr. Volker Thomsen of Germany, Mr. Arcie Mizelle of the US, Mr. Ghulam Jillani of Pakistan, Mr. Protik of India, and Prof. Dr. Habibul Ahsan of the US. They all have given a thumbs up.
This is a tested solution with proper backing from the Induistry and as such, we are quite sanguine of success and may also become one of the best practices around the world with so much going on Water.
The project has been designed to sustain the transition of Bangladesh from an underdeveloped country to a developing nation with regard for our Earth to heal its misuse that are driven by greed and over use of its resources. Based on our National Target set for a developed Nation by 2042, we have designed the following Critical Success Factors to attain the set Goal by 2042. Our Target is 0 Carbon Footprint in Bangladesh by 2030.
Being an agricultural driven economy and being a Riverine Delta, water is a survival commodity here and that we have defined 5 critical success factors and 5 Key Performance Indicators to monitor their progress. Attached are the list of those factors:
CSF 1: Water being naturally available for all seasons of the year
CSF2: Natural and Renewable Energy available to meet the needs of the villages and towns
CSF3: Make Agriculture as Thrust 1 sector and utilize bio fertilizer
CSF4: Use degradable waste to produce energy and fertilizer
CSF5: Make Education a Thrust Sector and follow a life based Education Systems
Our Key Performance Indicators for the Project:
KPI 1: Harness 40% of Rainwater and Inject into the Ground by 2030
KPI 2: Create a Reservoir of Water using a downstream dam including 3 major Rivers Padma Jamuna and Meghna at Chadpur. Connect the 3 rivers by a Canal.
KPI 3: Clean up surface water by 2030
KPI 4: Stop salination of soil in the South by 2035
KPI 5: Use Levis to deflect sea water by 2030
Our impact targets are based on the strategic intents set for the project and those are:
- Be self-reliant in our Water Management.
- A Zero Carbon Footprint
- Renewable energy for the villages and rural towns
- Self sufficiency of Water by harnessing rain water
- A natural and bio agriculture free of any chemicals
- A life based technical education for the kids
We shall have continuous input into our Big Data systems and that all CSF and KPIs will have been monitored every month and all deviations will have been reported and corrective measures implemented. Major deviations shall be monitored with AI application looking at the data warehouse with predefined routines looking into the exceptions. We shall ensure that all processes of the proposed project shall have best practices stored and a continuous improvement model shall be created to set desired targets. Any major deviations shall be identified and reported onto the dash board for immediate corrective measures to be deployed on time.
We shall use an AI application to diagnose any future issues and risks that might be posed for any unseen factors and we shall measure its impact and possible disaster management techniques to minimize the negative impact of the event. The Team shall ensure that all impacts are also monitored which are positive in nature and reported for management to understand the progress and judge its future fallouts.
Technology, as we see it, is not merely a machine focused activity rather is an ingenuity of a human to use their talents most effectively to do something in the best possible manner and in expected quality in a given time and with a given cost. Ours in our project, is going to be the best mix of both the human talents and the AI applications to understand the outline of the future to come. Our activities are fivefold and that each group shall have its own core technology applied:
Water: A system that monitors and confirms the quality of the water as needed and predefined for each category of use. We shall use an AI powered application to check for water quality and check for all the variables of water flow including the flow rate, the pressure, the temperature, and the level of the underground water being elevated after the recharge.
Water Quality: We shall use the natural sources of water purification that is used by a tree and use the same technology to purify our drinking water called the “reverse osmosis”. We shall install this processing units at various kiosks, where ordinary people can come to collect drinking water at an affordable cost.
Irrigation Needs: Before any season the process should be able to forecast the approximate productions needs by category and also the total arable lands required for the projected production and its irrigation needs shall also be defined so that the farmers would know what to expect and how the quality of the crops shall be maintained.
Agriculture Management: We intend to use a Farm Management Software that will help farmers plan their crops and estimate their costs and their expenses including the types of services that will be needed to estimate the top down costs and their integration at the District, Divisional and National Level data.
Harnessing Wind power: The prevailing wind conditions is not appropriate for its use to create energy. We shall use such a technology that will accelerate the prevailing winds to be recharged and accelerated to at least 4 m/second and then fed to the turbine to produce maximum affect. This new Technology operates in urban settings on either rooftops or mountings speeding up the prevailing winds to 4 m/s minimum speed using a converger and then feeds the Turbine. The design that is based on the Jet propulsion theory as opposed to propeller fans. The convergence part of the unit can transform 2.5 m/s winds to 4 m/s before it is fed to the turbine.
Powering the Villages and Towns with Solar Power: The project shall use the rooftops of the village huts to install high power solar panels to produce electricity to be supplied to the village and community homes for their use. We also plan to develop a mobile solar power station that can be moved around very easily.
- A new application of an existing technology
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Big Data
- Software and Mobile Applications
- Bangladesh
- India
- Pakistan
- Egypt, Arab Rep.
- Prof. Dr. Mizanur Rahman +8801729097093
- Mr. Tanvir Rajib +8801704717702
- Mr. Md. Shafiul Alam +8801552475558
- AHM Abdur Rahim KHan +8801707850082, +61467380763
- Dr. Sarwar Jahan Sojol +880 1972-612142
- Mr. Volker Thomsen +49 176 99734909
- Ms. Nur Nigar Sultana
- Humayon Rashid Talukder +880 1713-005488
- Md Sohel Khan +8801715413996
- Mr. Arcie Mizelle +1 912 678-1346
- Mahdi Mahfuz Alam +8801575321154
- Mohammed Sahafaat Ahsan +14168566551
- Nazmun Nahar Hasan +8801711021260
- Md. Abdullah Al Alvi +8801745225412
- Abu Yousuf Zobayer Ullah. +8801711177837
- Mr. Mamun Shaikh +8801754608112
- Mr. Khurshid Alam +8801733809578
- Mr. Hasan Shaikh +8801518977277
- Mr. Shovon Kumar Goswami +8801710243058
- Mr. Ganesh Mondal +8801718629525
- Rijvee Ahmed +880 1771972313
We have been working on this project for over 6 years with 3 years being spent on Research and Feasibility. The Research was aimed at 4 major locations in Bangladesh to assess the critical nature of the ill effects of Climate Change that is affecting the standard of lives of the mass especially the unprivileged ones. The four areas of our Research were done on the following issues:
- Water Scarcity and its integrated management
- Agriculture Production with the use of Bio Fertilizers
- Education of the unprivileged
- Salinity of the lands with the encroaching sea water
- Bio Gas and Renewable Energy
We strongly believe as an Organization, that Diversity is a strength and that we ought to take full advantage of our diversity to broaden the periphery of our knowledge and wisdom. Our value system is driven by the facts of equity, diversity and equal opportunity.
Think and Talk Straight
- Be Compassionate and Empathetic
- Deal People with Respect and Honor
- Be Agile and Timely
- Always Smile No Matter How you feel Inside
- Change is the only constant
- Never Give up No Matter What
- Value diversity
Our hiring policy strictly adheres to the principles of equity and diversity and ensures the participation of all minority groups be that gender, religion, visible minorities and the likes thereof. Our training and development are also geared to the same principles. Our promotion, remuneration and appointments also follows the same principles.
We conduct cultural variety shows in the office to display various sub cultures that are put together as a mosaic art for all to understand the values of other cultures belonging to the minorities. We also conduct faith based discussions on issues of social parity and promote all religious festivities from all religious faiths and exchange pleasantries. This enhances the senses of unity and integrity.
One of our main strategic direction is to include people who are unprivileged and do not get the chance to demonstrate their skills and knowledge. We have school and college programs where we choose such meritorious students and provide them with financial support so that they can finish their education like any other and provide opportunities in our company to get integrated with the rest and help them change their family standings. We provide state of the art training to instill leadership skills among them and let them get recognized in the social circles.
There is a quota system for the visible minorities that we adhere to in all cases of hiring and promotion. They are all equal participants in our strategic direction and can contribute to the intended changes.
- Inculcate a new culture of Quality at heart that will drive the process of Change in the targeted fields of operations
- Create short term Quick Fixes in the Education, Power and Water Sectors to draw the attention of public at large
- Target Poverty and use jobs creation to create entrepreneurship skills among the new graduates coming out of the Universities
- Create models of a Rural and Urban Development structure and create at least 6 success stories around the country for each that can get replicated throughout the country if proved successful.
- Empower women and initiate changes in the society about their early marriage, self-reliance and income generation practices.
- Create future leaders of the society ready to take charge for the critical developmental activities around the country.
- Start a massive training campaign around the country about the roles and responsibilities of each in the set targets for the Nation.
Our strategic intent is meant to provide value to the changing demography and fighting changing climate to better our chances of making this world better with our targeted projects. The underlying intent is to create a 0 carbon foot print and ride the natural forces to meet our energy, agricultural, and water needs. Our solution is geared to the General Mass and their betterment of life. Our focus is not money rather we look at solving social and community based problems. Money shall follow its course. Our financial model is to create fund from Private Investors to create the initial portfolio needed to support our needs. Our return from the projects would suffice to breakeven and get reinvested to broaden the portfolio.
Some of the needed funds shall come from the Banks to support our Project Needs. The total funds needed for our Pilot Project is around 1 Million US Dollars that we shall secure from Private Investors and about 40% shall come from the Bank Loans and the rest shall come from the donor agencies supporting our Climate Change Projects.
Our projected revenues will suffice our intended project expenses and marginal profits that shall get reinvested into the Company. The revenues shall come from National Projects for the Government and parts of the Revenue shall come from various agricultural farms owned by Individuals and other Agencies that require portable solar plants. This will be a cash cow for our portfolio as the mobile solar panels.
Our target Clientele are the remote communities that are vulnerable to Climatic Changes and provide them with our solutions of Rain Water Harnessing, Solar and wind power stations, Bio Gas Plants, Bio Fertilizers and a life based Education System. The value we add to our clientele is better life for the less fortunate in the periphery, who does not come into focus by either the Banks or the Government.
Once our services have met and exceeded the client needs, we shall have the Government pay for our services. These services are crucial for the success of National development and as such, the Government shall have the incentives to pay for our services. Our financial risks are minimal as we plan ahead for all our future expenses and make sure that they are properly balanced with our revenues. Our revenues shall get reinvested into the community to further upgrade their lives through Social Responsibility.
The ongoing green transformation leads to several economic, regulatory and structural changes, which effect most industries. A greater focus on green business models can ensure that our business is prepared for future legal requirements, customer requirements, energy supply’s, scarce resources, waste handling systems etc. However, experience and insights are required when the opportunities in the green transformation are to be exploited successfully.
Furthermore, the increasing focus on the limited resources of the earth, and how to use them effectively without damaging the environment, makes it necessary to rethink habits and ways of production, consumption and removal.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
We do not focus on money as resource rather as a tool for national development. Our focus is Green energy that will turn the very face of our Economy and will drive our future plans for a Smart Bangladesh. We have a tight five year financial plan that shall be followed properly and any deviations shall be corrected before they occur. Most of our money shall come from Angel Investors who are looking for a charitable activities that are community based. These funds may be or may not be a grant. We shall target a marginal profit of our interventions and ensure that we shall cover our costs and also have a marginal profit to be reinvested into our activities. We are driven by our senses of human lives improvement rather than being a money making machine. So we shall sustain ourselves financially targeting green technologies.
We shall lobby with the Government to start investing into Green Technology using a quasi-Government Agency that shall target infrastructure development in the Green area and shall make loan with gracious terms and conditions and make it accessible for the Green businesses. Bangladesh Government has already created such an Agency called IDCOL (Infrastructure Development Company Limited) to finance green initiative in the Country. We hope to get their support in making our initiatives sustainable.
Local Banks are still very conservative when it comes to financing the Green initiatives because of the fear of non-payments and loan recovery. This fear needs to be liquidated with Guarantee support from the State Bank of Bangladesh. We shall target international lending agencies to get us some long term soft loans that we can use to develop our Infrastructure and support our initiatives. We intend to approach our community Banks as well to get some funding that will be soft loans. Community Banks are more open than the conventional commercial banks to support our cause.