Climate smart agribusiness for vulnerable
- Tanzania
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
Smallholder farmers constitute a significant portion of the world's population, with an estimated 450–500 million smallholder farmers worldwide, representing 85% of the world's farms. Smallholder farmers are also estimated to represent half of the hungry worldwide and probably three-quarters of the hungry in Africa. Consequently, the fate of smallholder farmers will largely determine whether or not the world succeeds in reducing poverty and hunger worldwide and meeting the Millennium Development Goals.
Across the tropics, smallholder farmers already face numerous risks to their agricultural production, including pest and disease outbreaks, extreme weather events and market shocks, among others, undermine their household food (harvesting 1tonsnstead of 3tons per acre) and income security (living under $2). Because smallholder farmers typically depend directly on agriculture for their livelihoods and have limited resources and capacity to cope with shocks, any reductions to agricultural productivity can have significant impacts on their food security, nutrition, income and well-being.
Climate change disproportionately affect smallholder farmers by further exacerbating the risks that farmers face. Moderate increases in temperatures cases negative impacts on rice, maize and wheat, which are the main cereal crops of smallholder farmers. Climate change alter pest and disease outbreaks, increase the frequency and severity of droughts and floods, and increase the likelihood of poor yields and crop failure and pushing more than 800 million people goes to bed hungry. Many of the countries hardest hit by climate change are tropical countries with large populations of poor, smallholder farmers.(FAO, 2022)
Production and distribution of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers is energy intensive, contributes carbon dioxide emissions between 5-10 percent of the world’s total emissions whereby energy required to produce one litre of pesticides is 10 times compared to one litre of nitrogen fertilizer. Excess application of nitrogen fertilizer in the soil and use of fumigant pesticides contributes 1-2 percent of nitrous oxide emissions which lasts in the atmosphere for over 100 years and warms the planet 300 times as much as carbon dioxide. Increase in greenhouse gases leads to increase in temperature- causing drought condition and stress to plant leaving them more vulnerable to pests, stimulates insect population growth and increase the demand of pesticides, speeds up pesticides degradation and increased ability of weeds to outer compete with crops hence decline potential crop yields by 50% resulting to hunger. Climate change and pesticides & fertilizer forms viscous cycle. (UNEP,2021)
On other hand The use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers inhibit microbe’s activity in the soil results to lack of organisms to decompose soil organic matter and bind soil particles, the soil structure is damaged easily by rain, wind and sun lead to rainwater runoff and soil erosion, removing the potential food for organisms. The effects of soil erosion go beyond the loss of fertile land to increased pollution and sedimentation in streams and rivers thus clogging these waterways and causing declines in fish and other species. The land also become less able to hold onto water which worsen flooding.
Ngwala Inventions up cycles organic wastes (animal urine, molasses, peels damaged fruit & vegetables, kitchen wastes) using renewable energy/enzymatic processes, microbes and green nanotechnology to microbial enzyme, a high quality low cost two-in one environment friendly organic pesticides & fertilizer (Vuna Fresh Bio-pesticides). Vuna fresh controls pest, disease and fungi as well as provides nutrients to cereals, vegetables, legumes, fruits and cotton crops. Vuna Fresh active ingredient include Bt crystal (Cry) δ-endotoxin proteins produced by Bacillus thuringiensis that form crystalline inclusions during sporulation. Cry proteins bind to receptors and insert into the membranes of insect midgut epithelial cells, forming pores and causing cellular lysis and fatal damage to the midgut epithelium. Among others the product consists of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) which changes community of microbes makes half of the organic matter in the soil, improves soil fertility leading to sustainability as the soil become able to hold on water in drought conditions and deliver nutrients more efficiently to plants promoting plant growth and yields from 1 to 3 tons per acre. It contains RuBisCo assimilatingCO2 into the biosphere retaining over 90% of the carbon dioxide emission but also nitrogenese enzyme that reduce nitrous oxide (N2) to useful ammonia (NH3) at ambient temperature and pressure. Vuna fresh contains nano chips supporting tracing and digital transmission of impacts data on plant heath, carbon sequestration, environment conservation and protection of product counterfeit.
We distribute and monitor the use of Vuna Fresh through digital decentralize system using automated solar powered organic pesticide and fertilizer machines. The machines performs crop pest & disease and soil analysis before dispensing/delivering in house and third part organic pesticides and fertilizer direct to smallholder farmers on time, on farm, on demand, on pay as you farm, on credit, at lowest cost and on refilling replacing singe use containers. The dispensing machines are connected to a data base facilitating digital storage of farming data but also integrated with a mobile app to allow smallholder farmers track expenditures, quantities, and impacts. They delivers high-quality organic pesticides and fertilizers provides easy access to farm inputs, allowing small holder farmers pay using electronic cards and mobile money receiving the exact quantities and refill containers for zero waste farming (pay as you use/farm). Ngwala system involves online platform that offers training to farmers (women and youth) on effective use of our products and climate smart agriculture practices using FAO approved agro-ecological curriculum thus help farmers adopting to climate change resilience. The platform consists of registered extension officers allowing farmers to pick and call nearby extension officer when in need but also consists of registered buyers connected and buy crops directly to smallholder farmers without intermediaries. Results in reduction of transport costs, saves time for farmers, increase 3 times yields and income hence improves the living standard of small holder farmers from $2 to over $5 per day, eliminates harmful chemicals, supports zero waste farming, promote soil fertility, protect loss of biodiversity, conserve environment and support climate sequestration.
Climate change threatens the natural resource base across much of the developing world. Climate change accelerates ecosystem degradation and makes agriculture more risky. As a result, smallholder farmers, who are so critical to global food security, are facing more extreme weather. Small-scale farmers are impacted more immediately by droughts, floods and storms, at the same time as they suffer the gradual effects of climate change, such as water stress in crops, coastal erosion from rising sea levels and unpredictable pest infestations. Smallholder farmers and their families are particularly vulnerable because they have few assets to fall back on and limited ability to recover from climate extremes. Exposure to such shocks trap small-scale farmers in poverty and undermine their efforts to escape it.
Needs addressing -
Vuna fresh bio-pesticides boosts soil heath and activates organic matter, this improves soil fertility, leading to sustainability. It conserves natural resources and offers safety of human being & biodiversity. Its active ingredients cry proteins and rhizobacteria protects pests and changes the community of microbes boost soil heath and improves soil fertility making half of the organic matter in the soil able to hold on water in drought conditions leading to sustainability. It contains RuBisCo assimilatingCO2 into the biosphere retaining over 90% of the carbon dioxide emission and nitrogenese enzyme that reduce nitrous oxide to useful ammonia. Products offers health benefits with nutrients-rich crops which are pesticide free. It improves the overall heath and reduced the consumption of chemically grown yields. Supports soil fertility leads to increase in yields hence eliminates hunger & poverty among smallholder farmers and communities. Cuts the cost of farm inputs to half, increase 3 times yields, double income while conserving the environment and promoting climate sequestration.
On other hand the machine through AI performs crop pest & disease analysis, soil analysis together with testing active ingredients within the bio-pesticide and bio-fertilizer before dispensing in house and third part organic pesticides and fertilizer to smallholder farmers on time, on farm, on demand, on pay as you farm, on credit, at lowest cost and on refilling replacing plastic packages that are sources of water and land pollution (chemical exposure of pesticides and fertilizer). The dispensing machines are connected to a database and App makes Ngwala digital system facilitating digital storage of individual farmer and genera farming data including quantity of organic pesticides and fertilizer used, amount spent, size of the farm, pest controlled, yields harvested, climate and environment impacts created by each individual farmer that helps farmers and stakeholders to plan better in future. Ngwala system also involves an online platform that offers organic farming training to farmers and allows sharing of organic farming knowledge among farmers and stakeholders. The platform consists of registered extension officers allowing farmers to pick a nearby extension officer when in need but also consists of registered buyers connected and buy crops directly to smallholder farmers without intermediaries
Apart from working with my parents who are peasants, In 2020, I volunteered for six months working with Upendo Farmers Group (UFG) doing vegetable, cereals, legumes and cotton farming on small pieces of land with low capital averagely $50. These farmers were vulnerable to climate change. Through UFG group I Interacted and connected with other 10 groups of small holder farmers getting a chance to observe and conduct interviews. Followed with data collection and use their recommendation for designing and improving idea. In 2021, I started developing Vuna fresh bio-pesticides followed with innovating automated solar powered bio-pesticides and bio-fertilizer digital dispensing machines. The solution is human centric made using combination of tools obtained from small holder farmers who are real beneficiaries
Our hierarchical organization structure is comprised of 10 outstanding passionate, authentic, community contributors and award winning international team members with professional from diverse field of studies having an average of 20 years’ experience in climate smart agriculture, agro-ecology, electronic & software, Artificial intelligence & machine learning, bio-technology and environment. The team has excellent history of creating smart, safe, heath and sustainable communities with consideration on environment conservation and carbon sequestration and Nitrification.
1. Edmond Ng’walago is a Cofounder. He is a logistician cum climate smart agribusiness. He has 6 years of experience in climate smart agribusiness.
2. Engineer Karimu Khatwabi is an agro-input software programmer and developer and ICT specialist. He has 4 years of experience in agribusiness data engineering 3. Ms. Elizabeth Sizya is a director of operations a young researcher with passion in agro ecology
4.Dr. Elibariki Nsami is a Director of Research and Development. He worked as a Secretary of Bio control Agents Subcommittee for over 20 years.
5. Dr. Nteranya Saginga is our business advisor and General Director of the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture. He is among outstanding group of International Directors with 10 years of experience as a global mentor in agribusiness and more than 30 years of experience in Agriculture Research.
6. Dr. David Meyers is our business advisor. He is an Executive Director at Conservation Finance Alliance. He is an environmental finance expert and entrepreneur with more than 25 years of experience in sustainability, business strategy and management, environmental economics, international conservation and development, environmental impact assessment, training, education and research in ecology and evolution. From 2012 until 2018, David was a Sr. Technical Advisor for the Biodiversity Finance Initiative (BIOFIN/UNDP). David has launched and managed various companies including a financial services company providing online marketplaces for impact investing and environmental assets, a triple-bottom-line bamboo-flooring manufacturer in Madagascar, and a technology incubator. At the CFA David has led the creation of the CFA Incubator and the Investment Plan for the Global Fund for Coral Reefs. David has spent well over a decade in Madagascar and has worked in 47 countries. In Madagascar, he helped the country plan and execute a doubling of the area under conservation, including establishing the Makira Natural Park 370,000 hectare protected area using REDD+ financing.
- Enable a low-carbon and nutritious global food system, across large and small-scale producers plus supply chains that reduce food loss.
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- 5. Gender Equality
- 7. Affordable and Clean Energy
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- 13. Climate Action
- 14. Life Below Water
- 15. Life on Land
- Pilot
1. We have registered our two-in one organic pesticides and fertilizer and produced thousand litres of two-in one organic pesticides and fertilizer / Vuna fresh bio-pesticides
2. We have partnered with United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and United Nations Capita Development Fund (UNCDF) through Funguo Program supporting us with seed funding and training that enabled us to expand from lake zone to Southern highland zone and Northern high and zone in Tanzania.
3.The product and service had helped 30,000 of registered smallholder farmers in our data base using our digital systems that enabled farmers to lowering cost of organic farming, increasing yields from 1ton to 3 tons per acre, double income and improve their living standards shifting from living under $2 to over $5 per day while conserving the environment (water bodies, land, air and biodiversity) and enhancing climate sequestration.
4. We have made an annual revenue of annual revenue- $537,600
5. Designing, manufacturing and installation of 10 automated solar powered dispensing machines connected to data base facilitating registration of farmers and digital storage of farming together with integration with a mobile app to allow smallholder farmers track expenditures, quantities, and impacts. Furthermore online platform that offers training to farmers and allowing sharing of knowledge among farmers. Making a total of 10 digital decentralize two-in one organic pesticides and fertilizer in Mwanza, Shinanga, Pwani, Singida, Simiyu, regions.
1. We are highly in need of technical mentorship for developing and improving our product technology (automated solar powered bio-pesticides and bio-fertilizer machines), this is a golden chance to us. So participating this incubation program will catalyzed the journey of our start up success reaching billions of small holder farmers globally.
2. Since Ngwala Inventions is looking for talents in software, electronic, artificial intelligence and machine learning technology skills and knowledge, we are sure through this incubation will be possible and this will support fast expansion and success of our start up.
3. Networking with agritech and climatech stakeholders as the strategy of creating international markets for small holder farmers in Africa who for long period have been producing a lot of organic food products but no assured market for their products
4. Broadening my entrepreneurship, cultural and innovation skills as well as acquiring effective practices in digital climate smart agriculture and use it in exploiting idle agriculture resources in Africa benefiting poor people from rural community while preventing loss of biodiversity, conserving environment and climate changes, solving hunger and eradicating poverty.
5. Participation and sharing digital climate smart agribusiness knowledge, skills and experiences with fellow incubatee discussing sustainable development challenges and opportunities in relation to youth from my country in exchange with the experience from their countries.
6. Contributing digital experience, skills and expertise on Agro Input Distribution to MIT Global Innovation challenge program before becoming an ambassador of the program in Africa and out of Africa.
7.Passion, commitment and self-confidence. I always work hard to archive best results in any task comes in front. I will continue with the same spirit for the success of the program and for the best of my business succession. I promise to become an outstanding ambassador of the the conference in Africa and globally.
- Business Model (e.g. product-market fit, strategy & development)
- Financial (e.g. accounting practices, pitching to investors)
- Human Capital (e.g. sourcing talent, board development)
- Public Relations (e.g. branding/marketing strategy, social and global media)
- Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design)
Vuna fresh Bio-pesticides contains cry protein and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria which control pests and changes community of microbes makes half of the organic matter in the soil, improves soil fertility leading to sustainability as the soil become able to hold on water in drought conditions and deliver nutrients more efficiently to plants promoting plant growth and yields from 1 to 3 tons per acre. It serves as fertilizer and pesticides therefore cuts the cost of farm inputs by ½ per acre. Vuna fresh contains RuBisCo assimilating CO2 into the biosphere retaining 90% of the C02 emission and nitrogenese enzyme that reduce nitrous oxide to useful ammonia.
The distribution of the product is through decentralize system using automated solar powered vending machines to rural farmers. The digital dispensers support the delivering and selling of in-house and 3rd party organic pesticides and fertilizer direct to farmers on farm, on pay as you farm, on demand, on credit and on refiling replacing single use containers allowing farmers pay using mobile money and electronic cards receiving the exact amount. Results in reduction of transport costs, saves time for farmers, increase 3 times yields and income hence improves the living standard of small holder farmers from $2 to over $5 per day, eliminates harmful chemicals, supports zero waste farming, promote soil fertility, protect loss of biodiversity, conserve environment and support climate sequestration.
1. Farmers purchase and use an environment friendly two in one bio-pesticides and bio-fertilizer ((Vuna Fresh) that saves as pesticides and fertilizer. Vuna fresh bio-pesticides keeps pest away from crops but at the same time adds nutrients to crops. Crops becomes health resulting to increase yields from 1 ton to 3 tons per acre and income with positive impact on their living standard from $2 to over $5 per day, environment conservation and climate sequestration.
2. Farmers purchase and apply an environment friendly two-in one organic pesticides and fertilizer (Vuna Fresh) to their farms which boost soil heath and activates organic matter and increases Ribulose bisphosphate Carboxylase-Oxygenase (RuBisCo) assimilatingCO2 into the biosphere retaining over 90% of the carbon dioxide emission and nitrogenese enzyme that reduce nitrous oxide to useful ammonia. Results increasing environment conservation and climate sequestration.
3. Farmers purchase and apply an environment friendly two-in one organic pesticides and fertilizer (Vuna Fresh) to their farms. The more farmers use Vuna fresh the more they activate organic matter and microbes in the soil. The soil become fertile and able to hold water in drought conditions and deliver nutrients more efficiently promoting plant growth. Results increasing yields from 1 ton to 3 tons per acre and income with positive impact on their living standard, environment conservation and climate sequestration.
4. Ngwala Digital Dispenser are installed on farm to deliver bio-pesticides and bio-fertilizer to farmers on demand, on time, on pay as you farm, on refiling and at lowest cost. The dispensers saves time, reduces travel distance and operation cost hence encourages more farmers increasing the use of environment friendly Vuna fresh bio-pesticides. The more farmers use Vuna fresh the more they activate organic matter and microbes in the soil results in cutting organic farming cost to 1/2, increasing yields from 1 ton to 3 tons per acre and income with positive impact on their living standard, environment conservation and climate sequestration.
We conducted a simple research to determine our customers farmers benefits from digital delivery system of using Ngwala Digital Dispensers
Impact goals-
• To produce two-in ne environment friendly organic pesticides and fertilizer (Vuna fresh bio-pesticides) replacing synthetic pesticides and fertilizer therefore, cut the cost of farm inputs to half, increase 3 times yields, double income improving living standard from $2to over $5 per day and creates youth & women employment in farming.
• To offer health benefits with nutrients-rich crops which are pesticide free. Improves the overall heath and reduced the consumption of chemically grown yields. Supports soil fertility leads to increase in yields 3 times hence eliminates hunger & poverty among smallholder farmers and communities.
•To assimilate CO2 into the biosphere retaining over 90% of the carbon dioxide emission and Nitrification using nitrogenase enzyme reducing tons of nitrous oxide to useful ammonia
• To activate half of the organic matter in the soil, changes the community of microbes boost soil and improving soil fertility leading to sustainability. Conserves natural resources and offers safety of human being & biodiversity.
• Reduce the cost of farm inputs to ½ per acre
• Increase yields from 1 ton to 3 tons per acre
• Increase income per small holder farmer improving living standard shifting from living under $1 to over $ 5 per day
• Saves farmer’s time and cost for up to $500 per season per acre
• 100% increase health benefits with nutrients-rich crops which are pesticide free. It improves the overall heath and reduced the consumption of chemically grown yields
• 100% supports soil fertility leads to increase in yields hence eliminates hunger & poverty among smallholder farmers and communities per season
• Retains over 90% of the carbon in the soil and changes the community of microbes boost soil heath and improves soil fertility making half of the organic matter in the soil able to hold on water in drought conditions leading to sustainability per season.
Vuna fresh bio-pesticides is a two in one low cost environment friendly organic pesticides and fertilizer made through enzymatic process microbes and green nanotechnology. It uses renewable energy microbes that converts organic raw materials (molasses, animal urine, damaged fruits &vegetables, peels, farm wastes) to Vuna fresh bio-pesticides through an acid anaerobic releasing energy. Vuna Fresh active ingredient include Bt crystal (Cry) δ-endotoxin proteins produced by Bacillus thuringiensis that form crystalline inclusions during sporulation. Cry proteins bind to receptors and insert into the membranes of insect midgut epithelial cells, forming pores and causing cellular lysis and fatal damage to the midgut epithelium. Among others the product consists of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) which changes community of microbes makes half of the organic matter in the soil, improves soil fertility leading to sustainability as the soil become able to hold on water in drought conditions and deliver nutrients more efficiently to plants promoting plant growth. Vuna fresh contains nano chips supporting tracing and digital transmission of impacts data on plant heath, carbon sequestration, environment conservation and protection of product counterfeit.
The distribution of Vuna fresh is through decentralize systems using automated solar powered bio-pesticides and bio-fertilizer dispensing machines connected to a data base/server facilitating digital storage of farming data, integrated with a mobile app to allow smallholder farmers track expenditures, quantities ,and impacts, It has global system for mobile communication (GSM) that transfers data from the machines to the online data base/server facilitating small holder farmers pay using electronic cards and mobile money receiving the exact quantities and refill containers for zero waste farming (pay as you use/farm), integrated with an online platform that offers organic farming training using FAO approved agro-ecological curriculum to farmers and allowing sharing of farming knowledge. The platform consists of registered extension officers allowing farmers to pick and call nearby extension officer when in need but also consists of registered buyers connected and buy crops directly to smallholder farmers without intermediaries
In general Ngwala systems uses microbes( Bacillus thuringiensis, plant growth promoting rhizobacteria), acid anaerobic releasing energy, nano chips, renewable energy technology/solar, machine learning, artificial intelligent, imaging and sensors technologies, internet of things, big data technologies, SMS technologies, software and mobile applications.
- A new technology
1. Our two-in one environment friendly organic pesticides and fertilizer (Vuna fresh bio-pesticides) is full registration given by Tanzania Plant Heath and Pesticides Authority (TPHPA) obtained after three consecutive seasons of research to determine efficacy of the products. The efficacy was done in different locations involving farms of small and large scale farmers. farmers.
2. More than 30,000 farmers have been registered to our systems and given electronic cards that currently they use to purchase two-in one environment friendly bio-pesticides and bio-fertilizer from Ngwala Digital Dispenser and while continuing accepting new customers / farmers every day.
3. We conducted a research to determine our customers/farmers benefits gain from using Vuna fresh bio-pesticides and digital delivery system / Dispensers
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Big Data
- Biotechnology / Bioengineering
- Imaging and Sensor Technology
- Internet of Things
- Manufacturing Technology
- Software and Mobile Applications
- Tanzania
- Burundi
- Kenya
- Rwanda
- Tanzania
Total 16, 8 full time, 6 part time &2 causal labors, 9 female &7 men
3 years.
Ngwala Inventions is a private limited Company registered in Tanzania since 2021 with the mission to become the leading regional producer and distributor of organic pesticides & fertilizer through an innovative digital delivery system that supports rural farmers. Since establishment we have created smart, safe, heath and sustainable communities. We had helped thousands of small holder farmers lowering cost of organic farming, adopting to climate change resilience, increasing yields from 1ton to 3 tons per acre, increase income and living standards shifting from living under $2 to over $5 per day, enhancing climate sequestration and conserve environment.
Diversity, Equity and inclusion are NgwaIa Inventions vision, mission and strategy. We believe that having a diversity of cultural backgrounds, identities and disciplines in our teams is the best guarantee for maximal social, environmental and business impact. Through our tailor-made and participatory co-creation approach, we adapt our bio-pesticides and bio-fertilizer to each and every specific niche market. This varies per region within a country and per country globally.
Ngwala Inventions core team currently consists of 16 individuals, all with different international backgrounds and expertise. Our hierarchical organization structure is comprised of 10 outstanding passionate, authentic, community contributors and award winning international team members with professional from diverse field of studies having an average of 20 years’ experience in climate smart agriculture, agro-ecology, electronic & software, Artificial intelligence & machine learning, bio-technology and environment. When recruiting individuals, Ngwala Inventions pays particular attention to cultural diversity and gender balance. Regarding cultural backgrounds, our team consists of experts from Africa, Europe and America. Africa represent many people in the team since Ngwala Inventions is based in Africa, but this is changing. Our 2 newest members from the team come from USA, and London. The team consists of 7 men and 9 women, thus having a rather equal gender balance. As our team expands in the future, we will make efforts to at least keep and preferably improve this balance. When contracting people for our projects, we proactively search for female labors.
Our project teams consist almost solely of labourers and other experts from the communities and markets we work in. Through our inclusive partnership model we put particular emphasis on involving disadvantaged groups. Concrete examples include our close collaboration with:
1. Global Youth bio-Diversity Network (GYBN), YOUNGO and Ye community volunteering on offering vocational skills
2. Farmers associations & groups like Upendo farmers Group which is a Group of farmers with disabilities connecting us with workers having disabilities.
We strive to actively involve and empower each team member equally in our projects. We do this to create an inclusive and diverse workplace where everybody feels safe and welcome. We have an agile working environment with little hierarchy in which all team members are stimulated to work proactively, taking ownership over their own tasks and responsibilities, while involving other colleagues where needed.
By creating an inclusive and diverse workspace with respect for different perspectives, potentials and unique needs of every individual team member, Ngwala Inventions aims at offering people a safe work environment where everybody feels equally involved, appreciated and supported. We believe that this results in a variety of benefits for both our team members and the company. For example, an inclusive and diverse workplace creates deeper trust and more commitment from our employees. This creates a workspace where everyone feels safe and free to share and discuss ideas or other possible contributions which enhances both the innovative product and the business development of our company.
• Digital dispensers are installed at strategic farming locations supporting the delivering and selling of in-house and 3rd party organic pesticides and fertilizer direct to farmers on farm, on pay as you farm, on demand, on credit and on refiling replacing singe use containers results in eliminates harmful chemicals, reduce travel distance, saves time to farmers, supports zero waste farming, promote soil fertility, protect loss of biodiversity and climate sequestration.
i/ Business to Customers(B2C),Selling in-house and 3rd party two-in-one organic pesticide and fertilizer (Vuna fresh bio-pesticides) direct to cereals, vegetables, legumes, fruits and cotton small holder farmers aged 15 to 45 years living in rural areas under $2 per day through Ngwala digital dispenser on refilling basis at $7 per litre which is $2 less than our competitors).
ii/ Business to Business (B2B), collects 10% of $7 as a commission per each litre of organic pesticides and fertilizer paid to us by organic farm input manufacturers using Ngwala Digital Dispensers delivering their products to smallholder farmers.
•Today the bio-control segment in which biological products are used to supplement and replace chemical pesticides to control insects and microbial disease is a five billion dollar-market while the bio-yield segment in which biological products are used to enhance plant nutrition and/or to stimulate plant growth is three billion dollars. Both biological markets are growing; bio-control is the fastest growing and forecasted to experience double-digit growth for the foreseeable future, doubling in about five years. We are targeting vegetables, cereal, fruits, legumes and cotton small holder farmers aged 15 to 45 years living in rural areas under $2 per day. 500 million small holder farms worldwide; more than 2 billion people depend on them for their livelihoods (World Bank, 2022). Currently our company competes with other industry players including but not limited Pant Bio defenders, Dudu Tech, Tanzania Biotech Products Limited (TBPL), Sustainable Agriculture We have acquired only 5% share of the total market with expectation to reach 40% share in three years coming / 2028.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
Ngwala Inventions creates sustainable products (Vuna fresh bio-pesticides) and service of digital decentralize supply using automated solar powered bio-pesticides and bio-fertilizer (Ngwala digital dispensers) where demand exceeds the supply in the market. Since started operations in 2021, Ngwala Inventions has been making profit from selling Vuna fresh bio-pesticides and services. The business survives on its own cash flow without putting finance from other external sources. Ngwala Inventions has strategies to win its competitors by offering low cost high quality products and services, use of modem supply and deliver technology which is fast, secured, environment friendly, advertisement on social medias, platform, website and televisions, participating in local and International trade exhibitions, forming partnership and product awareness programs. Participating to MIT Global innovation challenge enables us gain traction attracting large investments.
For the business expansion in future the company’s financial projection are profitable and its products are scalable attracting investments. The business generates profit and reuse for reinvestment although still faced with limited financial for expansion. Making profit from selling in-house and 3rd party two-in-one organic pesticide and fertilizer (Vuna fresh) direct to small holder farmers through digital dispenser on refilling basis at $7USD per litre and collects 10% of $7 as a commission per each litre of organic pesticides and fertilizer paid to us by organic farm input manufacturers using Ngwala Digital Dispensers delivering their products to farmers.

Chief Executive Officer and Cofounder