Solution for Climate Change Affects in Bangladesh
- Bangladesh
- Not registered as any organization
In the southern coastal region the target union Nilgonj Union has already been diagnosed with increasing effects of different slow onset stressors such as rising temperatures, salinity intrusion and sudden climatic shocks such as cyclones, floods, storm surge etc. . It is likely that for climate change this region is going to be affected high tide, tidal bore, cyclone, flood, mostly salinity etc.
There are huge possibility to crop diversification and many other crops and vegetable which can also be considered as cash crop can be got. Diversification into vegetable crops and increasing commercialization can support the development of the agricultural sector in several ways.
For climate change, the water holes and ponds will become saline and is very difficult to purify surface water. So, this is the biggest challenge Bangladesh have been facing ever and immediately some measures should be taken before the position is worsened further. So , the intervention for supply fresh water and healthy sanitary latrines can enable the target poor rural coastal vulnerable people to get fresh water and healthy sanitation practice can be ensured as well as hand washing, nail cutting, disposal of wastes can be ensured and the hygiene, safe water , sanitation and preparation of organic fertilizer can be ensured for the poor target people who use to suffer from various water borne and infectious diseases.
As the water sanitation position of this target Union is so poor , people of the most of the target union suffer immensely from water borne diseases. There are inadequate facilities for safe water supply mainly Target people often are compelled to drink from contaminated water source like ponds & rivers or canals and people of most target rural areas are most likely pass human excreta under the open sky, thus spreading infectious diseases like diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, typhoid, hepatitis and every year diarrhea spreads in an epidemic. The health position of this union is mainly deteriorated by frequent attack of water borne diseases. Water borne diseases often are the main reason for less financial capacity of the poor people because most of the people of this coastal rural area live on their labor and due to frequent attack of water borne diseases , they miss their work and earn less and thus it is a reason for their poverty as well.
In this area, the water and sanitation issue is the major health concern for the target people . There are inadequate supply of safe drinking water and maximum people don’t follow the healthy sanitation practices. So, the water borne diseases become epidemic in most years. The main problem people are not aware of their unhealthy practices so, motivation to people is so crucial and the local government agencies as Union Parishad (UP- union council ) are not much active to solve water and sanitation problems and UPs has no special program to develop the water and sanitation conditions.
Food security Policy as well as agriculture program and sustained government investment in irrigation facilities, rural infrastructure, agricultural research, and extension services has been helping Bangladeshi farmers achieve dramatic increases in agricultural production. The process of agricultural production is, however, underpinned by the increasing use of ago-chemicals and multiple cropping. is one of the best program to adaptation in climate change affects. means of supplying necessary food staff after the disaster strike. In this area most of the lands are under water for several months a year and in rest of the month people grow one crop or paddy and thus the position of the marginal farmers is very devastating. They have to suffer from food shortage all through the year and after disaster as a result of climate change, there is no way that people can have their food staffs and thus after the disaster most of the poor household suffer from starvation and malnutrition as well as often some water borne diseases are broken out and there may be huge causalities. To include the concerned Union Parishad ( UP ) as the main stakeholder can be of effective solution of food security , adequate nutrition supply, livelihood based on agricultural economy and sustainable water and sanitation intervention policies
Advocacy program and in Union level activities can be operated to aware the grassroots level local authorities, Government authorities, elite, media to enable Bangladesh Government and other development agencies to draw comprehensive plan to make dams , agriculture , food security, fish production, sustainable agriculture, livelihood promotion and WATSAN issue . In these workshops all union, Upazila concerned authorities can be invited along with local leaders, elite, media personnel. In such workshop the vulnerable position of the locality can be discussed on the possible affects due to climate change and recommendations can be drawn to protect this coastal belt region from submerging due to raise of sea level ensuring men & women participation equally . Experts opinion can be obtained discussed and all recommendation that can be drawn in these workshops will be directed to concern authority and media concerns especially for TV and newspaper broadcast and comments to draw greater people’s and authorities attention.
Social mobilization is the most important factor to involve and engage the beneficiaries by themselves in Food security program , Sustainable agricultural & fish production, capacity building training, livelihood promotion, formation of Union level task force, formation of village people’s group, conduct of courtyard sessions and promotion of WATSAN in equitable gender friendly perspective. In every village courtyard session can be operated to aware people of climate change affect, on their measures to be taken after and before disaster strike, food preservation, fish culture options, WATSAN issues and agricultural development. In each village one or two courtyard sessions can be operated and through these courtyard sessions VPG with 12 men and women equally can be formed
Our area of research is on food security of people living in southern coastal area most vulnerable to climate change affects and natural disaster. The target area Nilgonj Union in Kalapara Upazila ( sub district ) Patuakhali district, Bangladesh just on the mouth where the Rabnabad Channel meets Bay Bengal on the southern coastal belt edge of Bangladesh, ultimately is one most vulnerable area of Bangladesh to encounter natural hostilities like flood, tidal bore, salinity, gradual raise of Sea or Bay water level as an affect to climate change .
The target area Nilgonj Union in Kalapara Upazila ( sub district ) just on the mouth where the Rabnabad Channel meets Bay Bengal on the southern coastal belt edge of Bangladesh, ultimately is one most vulnerable area of Bangladesh to encounter natural hostilities like flood, tidal bore, salinity, gradual raise of Sea or Bay water level as an affect to climate change . The inhabitants of the area are most under the poverty line and neglected in comparison to other areas of Bangladesh . The community people of the proposed area is mostly fighting poverty, illiteracy, leading unhygienic life which is directly affecting their life towards a worsen situation prevailing and more polluted environmental situation are gradually increasing. Beside this, deforestation is also influencing environmental degrading towards an imbalanced ecological condition.
Sustainable adaptation process in climate change affects to make the vulnerable areas stand erect in the face of natural disaster , some appropriate urgent steps to be taken People vulnerable to climate change affects have already been suffering from great miseries and as this coastal region, is vulnerable to affects due to climate change. In this target Union area, the people have been mercilessly hit by flood, river erosion and cyclone. For climate change , the target area will be in front of natural disaster like submerging by saline water, cyclone, flood etc. So, it is urgently required to put these areas on the top of the priority list to save from natural disaster created due to climate change. They should have to adapt with the change suppose to be caused by climate change.
Most of the activities of the project will be implemented among the beneficiaries at office , or indoors as well as few at field level . we will work will work closely with beneficiary, community people, and relevant government departments such as agriculture/food security/ livestock/fisheries/social welfare/ WATSAN/ environment as well as civil society groups to strengthen capacity of small holder farmers for risk management, biodiversity conservation, advocacy, development of soil health for sound environment
SWEET Bangladesh has developed guideline and set up grading criteria for beneficiaries’ grading and classified component wise beneficiaries as grade A, B and C. Direct 3,000 beneficiaries . Beneficiaries for the specific project interventions for the Project will be selected among the inhabitants of the project area by a baseline survey . The beneficiaries will be selected from vulnerable groups who suffer from frequent food insecurity because of Covid-19 and frequent natural disaster, suffer from the climate change affects. For this reason the livelihood, environment and earning source of the poor inhabitants of this target area have gradually been harmed . As a result extreme poverty, immature death, and epidemics will gradually be broken out. More people will be uprooted from their living place and the number of migration of these vulnerable people has gradually been increased . The traditional species of fishes are on the threat of being eliminated for saline contamination in surface water and the water herbs as well. The rivers will be filled with the silt from sea water and flood. The great natural disaster will take place if effective proper and timely action is not taken.
- Strengthen coastal and marine ecosystems and communities through the broader blue economy, including fisheries, clean energy, and monitoring, reporting, and verification.
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- 5. Gender Equality
- 6. Clean Water and Sanitation
- 7. Affordable and Clean Energy
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- 13. Climate Action
- 14. Life Below Water
- 15. Life on Land
- 16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
- Concept
- To keep the rural economy sustained and to encounter the challenges of Climate Change affects with food security, sustainable agriculture, WATSAN and public health
- To ensure food production by diversification of crops
- To develop the agricultural approach by using of organic fertilizer, preservation of seeds, marketing support
- To build permanent habit by changing health related behavior through motivation, awareness building and training
- To expand the coverage of safe water supply by sinking DTWs and installation of healthy sanitary latrines
- To operate advocacy so that concerned government departments take measure for dam construction or repairing to protect the area from submerging for climate change affects.
The project will be implemented in In the southern coastal region the target union Nilgonj Union in Kalapara Upazila ( sub district ) of Patuakhali district. Sustainable adaptation process in climate change affects to make this vulnerable Union so that they can stand erect in the face of natural disaster , some appropriate urgent steps to be taken for people vulnerable to climate change affects have already been suffering from great miseries and as this coastal region, is vulnerable to affects due to climate change. The inhabitants of the Union is very poor and neglected in comparison to other districts. The community people of the proposed union are mostly challenged by agricultural based livelihood , poverty, food & clean drinking water scarcity, unhygienic latrine & environment which is directly affecting their life towards a worsen situation prevailing and more polluted environmental situation are gradually increasing.
The proposed project stressed on the importance of ensuring that the people of the area will be acquainted with a proper management of effecting climate changing adaptation practices for their own need to produce pollution free, healthy lives, equitable access to crop diversification & agricultural progress, food security , clean drinking water, hygienic latrines, cleanliness, and promotion of other environmental & ecological conditions
There are threat to submerge of lands in this region following the gradual affect of climate change. As a result, the crops, fish, livestock, wild animals, biodiversity, and inhabitation are in a great risk for natural disaster like flood,, draught, salinity, increase of temperature, increase of sea level, tornado and cyclone. The livelihood and earning source of the poor inhabitants of this area have gradually been demolishing. As a result, they are in gradual grip of extreme poverty, immature death, food shortage, lack of clean drinking water, unhygienic sanitation practice and epidemics.
- Financial (e.g. accounting practices, pitching to investors)
- Monitoring & Evaluation (e.g. collecting/using data, measuring impact)
- Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design)
The adaptation to climate change affects on the southern coastal belt region will get new innovative perspectives to people living in this region which is the most vulnerable to climate change as well as natural disaster and the people living in this region are constant victim of poverty,
There are threat to submerge of lands gradually in coastal belt region for the gradual affect of disaster. As a result the crops, fish, livestock, wild animals, health, fuel, infrastructure for mills & industries, biodiversity, and habitation are in a great risk for natural disaster like flood,, drought, salinity, increase of temperature, increase of sea level, tornado and cyclone. The livelihood and earning source of the poor inhabitants of these areas will be demolished. As a result extreme poverty, immature death, and epidemics will break out. The traditional species of fishes and turtles will be eliminated. The water herbs will be abolished and the water of rivers and marshlands will be empty of sweet water traditional fishes. The forest will be abolished especially Forest will be abolished and the safe habitats for wild animals and honey bees will be reduced or eliminated gradually. The rivers will be filled with the silt from sea water and flood. The great natural disaster will be taken place if effective proper and timely action are taken.
Sustainable adaptation process in climate change affects to make the vulnerable areas stand erect in the face of natural disaster , some appropriate urgent steps to be taken People vulnerable to climate change affects have already been suffering from great miseries and as the coastal region, these marshland areas are vulnerable to affects due to climate change. In these areas, the people have been mercilessly hit by flood, river erosion and cyclone. For climate change , salinity, the target area will be in front of natural disaster like submerging by saline water, cyclone, flood etc. So, it is urgently required to put these areas on the top of the priority list to save from natural disaster created due to climate change. They should have to adapt with the change suppose to be caused by climate change. They have to adapt with the change and be resilient to whatever the position is or will be.
Food security still remains a major development issue. There are traditional methods for cultivation in the target areas still. People are not aware that real poverty alleviation and adaptation to after-affects of the disaster is the best process, crop diversification and many other crops and vegetable which can also be considered as cash crop can be got. Diversification into vegetable crops and increasing commercialization can support the development of the agricultural sector in several ways. Commercialization is characterized by households moving from subsistence systems into semi-commercial and commercial systems (with the main objective of achieving food self-sufficiency), thereby maximizing profits and generating surplus (Pingali and Rosegrant 1995).
If people can be trained enough they can produce other crops like Papaya, Pani Kochu, Holud, Banana and hybrid fish Talapia can be cultivated. Vegetable provides an ample opportunity for men and women folk of the disadvantaged groups. gourd
Coastal region will be highest harmed by the climate change affects. While the sea level raising day by day, there is huge threat to submerge most of the lands.. So in order to save livelihood, habitat, infrastructure, establishments, biodiversity, crops etc. a comprehensive planning process by Bangladesh Government , local people or authority and other private agencies are required. In this comprehensive planning safe dam and enclosure should be made, there should be initiative to save and deposit rain water, fish culture in locked water & water bodies are required. On the dams flood friendly trees will be planted .
Water & Sanitation program for adaptation of the climate change affects : Adaptation to increased salinity due to climate change: In few years the coastal belt region of Bangladesh will go under saline water or frequently will be attacked by natural disaster for climate change affects. The prevalence of flood, tidal bore, high tide will make the conventional water and sanitation system to become unusable or inoperable. In Coastal belt area it is found that a huge number of people have been suffering for inadequate sources of safe-drinking water. And at present, 90% shallow tube-wells have been found arsenic and saline contaminated and fully unusable for drinking and daily work. Poor people are facing various health hazards. . In 5 months such as February, March, April, May and June, the rate of saline presence in river water is above 3000 PPM (DPHE and PR Japan 2011 ) which is completely undrinkable and after June when as rainy season comes, the level of salinity decreases and people can somehow drink from river . So, shortage of safe drinking water is the main health concern of the people this leads to poor hygiene practice and results in high spread of contagious
Cleared off from ponds, tanks on fish culture and lands on bearing crops and if immediately houses & cow shades are repaired, the agriculture, fishes, livestock and most of all people’s lives are saved after disasters have stricken . So, there should be volunteer at rural level. They will be provided necessary training from this project and materials from government level . They will reduce the threat on rural economy by the frequent hit of natural disaster. In the following form the volunteer groups will be formed and trained for this project as Volunteer group : To keep the rural economy sustained and to head the challenges of food security & livelihood disaster : As the national man power is limited to deter the damage cause by unwarranted disaster , the inclusion of local volunteers is very urgent because during disaster like tornado, flood, cyclone, drought etc. , fish resources, livestock and agriculture resources are affected or destroyed. In maximum cases as storm or cyclone destroys forest resources, and as these trees or branches is blown down into the ponds or ditches, the water of the ponds is polluted and affect of fish resources. The cattle shades or houses are blown down and the livestock are in major harms and human fall in great distress and miseries by loosing their houses. All men, women and children fall into extreme post- disaster affects. The rural economy become crippled. After loosing their investment poor people become more poor .
Organize and training of Volunteer Groups ( VG ) : Union level volunteer groups will be organized . 3300 volunteers, 20 volunteers from each VG will be trained and respective Ups administration will arrange to supply materials for disaster to each VG. The UP’s authority will be spread the VGs to Ward and village level and UPs will actually will operate the VGs and all 11 representatives from each UP will also be trained with the VG members.
The coastal-belt region of Bangladesh, mostly composed of Char characteristics , Upazilas are inhabited by multi millions of vulnerable people who have the experience on repeated strike by natural disaster like cyclone, river erosion, flash flood , tidal bore etc. In a recent study it is found that number of hardcore poor people in Char area is three times more than other area of Bangladesh. So, almost 75% of the population living in the coastal Upazilas & unions can be considered as people living under the poverty line. They are isolated from any economical , health facilities and the concerned Union Parisahd ( UP) and other local government institutions ( LGI ) fail to extend any effective assistance and support for their poverty alleviation and disaster mitigation. So, these people are disadvantaged, neglected and suffer from immense miseries following the repeated disaster strike on their lives and belongings.
There are less cyclone shelter to accommodate victims during disaster , so, more cyclone shelter to be constructed to save people’s lives, and local adaptation to disaster
a) People affected by salinity for climate change will be aware by conducting of village level courtyard sessions to provide proper awareness on hygiene, safe water and healthy sanitation process so that they can be able to adapt to good health, proper hygienic process, safe water and healthy sanitation practice in normal lives and during & after disaster and aware people to depend on rain water and lessen their dependence on river & canal water to families.
b) To facilitate monthly WATSAN committee meeting in every target union parishad ( UP )
c) To construct rain water harvesting system (RWHS) to use rain water for drinking
d) To install low cost healthy slab latrines above the flood water level to the target people for ensuring their requirement for healthy latrines and sanitation so as to manage preventable diseases.
e) To provide care taker training to RWHS users
The Union level Community Organizers will evaluate the position of total hygiene, water and sanitation situation of the target unions and will make a report for the UP where they will specify the due responsibility of UP and Ward Committees to ensure total hygiene, water and sanitation situation and UP cooperation and active will be ensured for this project during implementation of this project. The Village Development Committee (VDC) will be formed in local level as much as required especially in Village level so that the representation and participation of villagers’ representative can be ensured. The VDC will select the spots for the RWHS to be constructed and the latrines to be installed. The caretaker training will be organized for the RWHS user ( 2 per RWHS ) and sessions will be operated for latrine users and the representatives VDC will participate in RWHS constructing, care taker training and latrine users’ sessions. In the school level the teachers and students will be aware of total hygiene, water and sanitation . In this way UP representatives, Ward Committees, VDC school students and community will be involved in the implementation process of this project. So, the project will be implemented fully in participatory way so that the whole community, Union Partisahad leaders & representatives, School students & teachers, market authorities can be involved directly and assist to make the project effective. United efforts for water, sanitation and hygiene will make the project sustainable and people, leaders, authorities and teachers will be more concerned on hygiene, water and sanitation
In this project, fresh water and healthy sanitary latrines will enable poor rural coastal vulnerable people to get fresh water and healthy sanitation practice can be ensured as well as hand washing, nail cutting, disposal of wastes will be ensured and the hygiene, safe water and sanitation will be ensured for the rural poor people who use to suffer from various water borne and infectious diseases.
- A new business model or process that relies on technology to be successful
- Manufacturing Technology
Executive Director (for overall Coordination he will be involved partial time)
Project Coordinator - 01
Upazila Supervisor cum Trainer - 02
Union Facilitator-05
Other staffs: ,05
3 years
Diversification of crop agriculture is a key approach in addressing climate change, Diversification should be coupled with the revitalization of local varieties that have a greater resilience to extreme climate events. Improved rice production, produce and use of organic fertilizer to avoid the negative impacts on soil life and improved agricultural production . Household and community assets can be reinforced through alternative livelihood options such as homestead gardening, horticulture, and handicraft production. Increasing assets and diversifying livelihood options are key components in ensuring that communities are able to adapt to meet the challenges that climate change brings. Information on pest control and methods to protect vegetables . Seed banks can be established to ensure that varieties remain available following disaster periods. Awareness raising on strategies for building adaptive capacity and the implications of climate change. Initiate saline tolerant or saline friendly crop verity can help effectively for adaptation in agriculture. Increasing supply of fresh drinking water, ensure healthy sanitation , The prevalence of flood, tidal bore, high tide will make the conventional water and sanitation system to become unusable or inoperable . So, there should be new system to ensure safe water and healthy sanitation. One of the best operation to install both DTWs, RWHS and slab latrines on higher land can save people’s lives by clean water supply and epidemic attack can be prevented by promotion of healthy sanitation practice and cleanliness.
The proposed project stressed on the importance of ensuring that the people of the area will be acquainted with a proper management of effecting climate changing adaptation practices for their own need to produce pollution free, healthy lives, equitable access to crop diversification & agricultural progress, food security , clean drinking water, hygienic latrines, cleanliness, and promotion of other environmental & ecological conditions
Proposed project to make able the beneficiaries at certain level for building capacities and reduce risk from adverse effect of Covid-19 and climate such as higher temperatures, enhanced monsoon precipitation, increasing cyclone intensity, which would aggravate the present achievement that had already impeded the food security , livelihoods & water & sanitation in project area.
SWEET Bangladesh will work closely with beneficiary, community people, and relevant government departments such as agriculture/food security/ WATSAN/ livestock/fisheries/social welfare/ environment as well as to civil society, groups to strengthen capacity of small holder farmers for risk management, biodiversity conservation, development of soil health for sound environment
The project will reflect on Action Pillar/s we have identified , adopting , upgrading relevant revised policies and leveraging, inspiring and building capacities, developing skills , educating by imparting of the catalytic role to the beneficiaries for appropriate and innovative adaptation to the climate change affects
Most of the activities of the project will be implemented among the beneficiaries at office , or indoors as well as few at field level . we will work will work closely with beneficiary, community people, and relevant government departments such as agriculture/food security/ livestock/fisheries/social welfare/ WATSAN/ environment as well as civil society groups to strengthen capacity of small holder farmers for risk management, biodiversity conservation, advocacy, development of soil health for sound environment
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
The proposed project stressed on the importance of ensuring that the people of the area will be acquainted with a proper management of effecting climate changing adaptation practices for their own need to produce pollution free healthy lives, equitable access to land, water and other natural resources for their adaptation to climate change & natural disaster as well as sustainable income generation for poverty alleviation thus promotion of livelihood and sound environment & ecology.
The water and sanitation issue is the major health concern for the target people . There are inadequate supply of safe drinking water and maximum people don’t follow the healthy sanitation practices. So, the water borne diseases become epidemic in most years. The main problem people are not aware of their unhealthy practices so, motivation to people is so crucial and the local government agencies as Union Parishad (UP- union council ) are not much active to solve water and sanitation problems and UPs has no special program to develop the water and sanitation conditions.
People will be enough skilled, well informed and capable to meet all the challenges they have been facing due to climate change and the results will be sustained as they go into more and more practice by themselves