Let me introduce you to Alice. She is a seven year old girl with cerebral palsy who is wheelchair dependent. Her family faces challenges eating nutritiously, due to lack of accessibility and time for preparation.
Her parents try to prepare food at home, but the problem is that there is a lack of healthy food in the neighborhood and she may be more susceptible to food allergies. Also it takes longer for her parents to prepare the food for her. Instead of bringing the family together, it takes them apart.
The two key distinctions of our approach are: (1) developing a Community Kitchen centralizes the delivery and cooking of healthy food; and (2) eating together provides social interaction for families and siblings, reducing stress and improving quality of life, and providing education about nutrition to families.
Our solution will help Alice and her family, and will also help the community because she and her family will be healthier, have less stress, reduce secondary conditions, reduce food waste and obesity, and allow families to have more time to pursue other interests.
Our solution will be paid for by local governments because they value improving health and reducing costs do to secondary medical conditions.