End to end ethnoveterinary solution for dairy cattle
Mobile application with Auto-disease BOT helps livestock farmers to diagnosis disease as per the modern system of veterinary medicine and get instant herbal ethnoveterinary remedies. Farmer opt either approved home-made preparation or validated ready to use formulations. Immediate Veterinary service reduces indiscriminate usage of Antimicrobials in food producing animals.
Dr Vijayakumar Ramalingam,
CEO & Co-Founder,
AniMeta Agritech Private Limited
- Implementation
We are trying to solve the problem indiscriminate usage of antibiotics and other chemical drugs in food producing animals. Only 45% of the sick livestocks in India were treated by professional vets and rest are carried out by quacks or self medication without any valid prescription. Huge gap in timely farm gate veterinary service causes farmers to depend more on quacks or retail chemist for diagnosing the disease and treating the same.
Farmers also not interested in discarding the antibiotic treated animal's milk till the end of withdrawal period. This end up in huge antibiotic residues in the food chain.
There is no proper mechanism to monitor the antibiotic dispensation, poor lab testing infrastructure and free availability of antibiotics aggravate the situation.
8 crore d.airy farmers in India having a average herd size of 2 to 3 cattle units. More than 2.5 crore farmers are attached either with dairy cooperatives or private dairy companies. More than 60% of dairy companies in India is trying to hold the farmers with various veterinary extension activities.
The main problem faced by all dairy companies are huge antimicrobial residues in the milk. This affects in two ways 1. the quality of value added products like cheese, panner etc get affected 2. huge loss due to milk rejection.
Dairy companies started dispensing the BOT and ethnoveterinary solution to the dairy farmers associated with them. Not only the quality of milk improved but also helped dairy companies saved huge cost in procuring antibiotics. Farmer benefited by saving ₹1500/- per treatment and improved the health of the animal quickly.
- Growth: An initiative, venture, or organisation with an established product, service, or business/policy model rolled out in one or, ideally, several contexts or communities, which is poised for further growth
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Software and Mobile Applications
Mobile app with auto-disease diagnosis BOT and vet doctor service at free of cost to the farmers.
Clinical trials and sharing the publication in peer reviewed journals.
Sharing knowledge about home-based ethnoveterinary preparation to livestock community
Economic impact-
Dairy farmers benefits by saving ₹1500/- per treatment per animals
Dairy companies benefits by reducing its cost in procuring antibiotics. Reduces milk rejection due to antibiotic residues. Helps in improving quality of value added dairy products
India having 620 organised dairy cooperatives and private dairy companies. More than 2.5 crore dairy farmers are attached to these dairy companies to market their milk. Partnering with the interested dairy companies help us to reach the ethnoveterinary solution to more number of livestocks
Our plan is to reach and impact 5 million farmers in next 3 years
Number of dairy companies on-boarded
Number of dairy farmers on-boarded
Number of dairy animals benefitted
Antibiotic usage removed in the environment(Kg)
Cost saving to farmers
- India
- Bangladesh
- Nepal
1. Training veterinary doctors to adopt ethnoveterinary solution
2. Localisation of the platform to different region
3. Fund raise for geographical expansion
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
1. Visibility of the solution to global communities
2. Mentorship
3. Fund raise
World Organisation for Animal Health