CaNoxi-its uses and applications to control bacterial activity
CaNoxi is a low cost version elctrochemical device to produce "superoxidized water" a globally recognised a highly effective microbiocide used for anything from open wounds to open heart surgery to water treatment and sanitation.
Created w specifically for BOP to enable access BOP access to basic WASH programmes and more.
Myself as application specialist
- Innovation
CaNoxi / superoxidised water focuses up the route source and that is to initiate a first tier approach in removing or constraining the reproduction of bacteria themselves
The use and benefits of using superoxidised water as an antiseptic/antimicrobial is well documented but until now requires expensive, often sophisticated and technical ability to make and use.
Our approach provides a route by which and antiseptic/antimicrobial where none exist or are cost prohibitive can be produced and support by BOP persons
With an array of reactive oxidising chemistry present within the water provides a concentrate solution with an efficacy is equal to such proprietary brand as DETTOL, peroxide and chlorine . In its concentrate form allows for dilution to the desired treatment regime be it for topical application, oral, surface sanitising, water treatment or food storage and preparation.
CaNoxi is extremelly versatile in that it offers an individual through to a small community access to basic but effective treatments in controlling bacteria transmission where conventional programmes are unavailable.
Designs specifically for local manufacture, use and support it can provide basic intervention programmes for an infinite population
CaNoxi has been created specifically to enable BOP communities to take ownership and achieved by initially delivering training at a local location and thereafter encouraging and supporting peer to peer training to allow communities tofurther take ownership in line with their own customs and language.
Genuinely every community is predicted to have both general & specific needs and by using CaNoxi relative to each need the overall bacterial demand in particular to water and surface contamination can be significantly reduced.
Providing both the initial training and ongoing support the programme will provide guidance on how to address issues related to their own needs.
- Proof of Concept: A venture or organisation building and testing its prototype, research, product, service, or business/policy model, and has built preliminary evidence or data
- Behavioral Technology
CaNoxi was developed specifically for BOP use and encourages its replication and adaptation by any organisation embedded in the activity or local community as this will achieve a far greater impact in a lesser timeframe thereby helping more people than any individual organisation alone
CaNoxi is open for replication by industrial/commercial companies as the intent is to signpost the technology to a greater audience as quickly as possibly, thereby benefiting those it is aimed as helping in the shortest time possible.
Economically we must recognise that by implementing a "point of need" solution at a cost relative to the local economy it will ultimately both improve the general health of the population in conjunction with releasing funds for alternative household requirements and further stimulate economies locally and across the region. This is a whole topic in its own right and one that hinges upon recognising how CaNoixi can help and impact beyond the specific goal of antibacterial resistance itself and engage with providing a solution.
CaNoxi is s solution driven technology that is already known to provide early stage opportunities to challenge and suppress bacterial populations of all types solutions , it is simply that until now there technology has been cost prohibitive and technically to advance for use as described in this submission
The control of bacterial activity relies upon many factors and here the facts are that bacteria will remain prevalent with population survival rate increasing as they become more resistant to the present antibiotics
Firstly CaNoxi has been based upon providing multiple opportunities from a single source at a cost relative to the local economy using local materials at the same time as improving basic healthcare, food security whilst employing local personnel at the same time as engaging with educational opportunities through its implementation and support
CaNoxi is an alternative approach in anti microbial control.
Publicising our work and encouraging partners to undertake training to initiate their own programmes
Push to create an environment where the commercial initiate is undertaken by manufacturers who can provide CaNoxi at volume and cost (which will already have been established through use to date)
By expanding the range of treatment programmes to engage with avenues such as fecal treatment, sanitation both household/commercial and industrial.
Extend this further rural agriculture/horticulture, food storage and security
by offering treatments in vector control, plant health, destruction of invasive plants such as STRIGA and the detrimental effect that bacteria has.
(Research and validation work has already been complete here in the UK|)
Hand washing will be the easiest measurable
By using a CaNoxi unit to produce a bucket of DETOL equivalent each day, school children will be able to wash there hands to effectively remove surface bacteria
Water borne disease /. treatment
Simply by adding a known quantity (or more) of the Canoxi solution can remove E.Coli and/or achieve WHO drinking water standards
Vector Control
As a spray/deluge to treat plants and observe/count the reduction in thrips/ flies vs time
These are just 3 of the many uses already known
- United Kingdom
- Kenya
- Malawi
Our submission is intended to sign post interested parties to approach us to engage with each other to create a plan of "technology transfer" to themselves and their recipients wherever they may be,
Financial support is required to initiate this transfer of technology, thereafter a limited funding line to continue ongoing training and support whilst other partners are brought into the frame
- Solution Team (not registered as any organization)
CaNoxi (the technology) focuses directly upon addressing the control and suppression of bacteria/fungi themselves rather as opposed to monitoring probabilities of outcome and the selection of best practices
New technologies always require support and delivery by a larger partner to be accepted.
The Trinity Challenge is a formalised platform to alert future partnerships as to the credibility of its ability to deliver solutions on a global scale
Any agency with an extensive network of contacts through which we can provide, deliver and support peer to peer training.
Having spent several years developing, supporting, testing and field evaluating CaNoxi we have reached a point where the next stage is collaboration to introduce its use and gain acceptance on a much wider scale