OMICS ESKAPE+ : UI and database for timely treatment of sepsis cases.
OMICS ESKAPE+ user-friendly web based interface to upload fastQ data of AMR Panel sequenced from any platform, analysed utilising a custom pipeline and compare the result with database maintained locally so as to come up with the appropriate antibiotic to be utilised based on previous research or clinical reports.
Dr. Beena P.S. Director & Chief Scientist, OmicsGen LifeSciences Pvt Ltd holds a Ph.D in Biotechnology. She has 20 years of experience in Genomics, Proteomics, Molecular Biology.
- Innovation
Sepsis cases require immediate attention. NGS though available, not been used by clinician as the bottle neck is data analysis. Hence an user-friendly web based analysis interface is required which can solve the problem to an extent globally. Other problem we foresee is though the data is analysed, pathogen determined with out culturing, AMR gene responsible found out with out doing a susceptibility study ( which reduce the overall usage of antibiotics to determine specific antibiotic globally) the effective antibiotic dose or combination of it for specific infection need to be made available to clinicians researchers. No research reports are being considered by clinicians to take a decision. No clinical reports are available for researchers to come up with conclusion though both groups works a lot individually. A database to maintain clinical and research results need to be maintained and utilised for determining the therapy. Hence a database for reference need to be maintained with realtime data analysis through UI and updation of information from research publication routinely.With introduction of an UI for clinicians and a database with clinical and research information can help a lot in life saving purpose of sepsis cases and overall decrease in antibiotic usage.
For clinicians and researchers working in the area of antimicrobial resistance, the main bottle neck is utilising NGS for testing is analysis. This is solved by web based user interface where they can upload the fastQ data and get the report out. Clinical data is not available for researchers and research data is not utilised completely by clinicians to come up with conclusion. This issue is also solved by this database and interface. More than that we reduce the usage of antibiotic globally by shifting the general method of antibiotic susceptibility test to NGS Panel and there by decrease the antibiotic load globally.
- Growth: An initiative, venture, or organisation with an established product, service, or business/policy model rolled out in one or, ideally, several contexts or communities, which is poised for further growth
- Big Data
- Biotechnology / Bioengineering
- Internet of Things
- Software and Mobile Applications
1. Effective and affordable solution for sepsis cases.
2. Analysis and interpretation the main bottleneck for clinician to utilise big data has been solved with an user friendly web based interface.
3. A database common to clinical data and research data for a better understanding of AMR cases.
4. Updation of database regularly so as to make the analysis interpretation and awareness effective.
1. Sepsis cases and ICU cases will get immediate treatment instead of lag in culturing, susceptibility test and gene miss in real time PCR detection.
2. Clinicians and the patients will get the tangible impact with this solution.
3. Ultimately, the culturing and susceptibility tests decreases which inturn decrease the global load of antibiotics utilised.
In next year all regulatory compliances will be sought. In next three years the product and tool should be utilised by 1 Lakh clinicians all over the world.
- Product Launch in market under Research category- Q1-2024
- Application for ICMR Approval, CDSCO Approval, ISO Certification - Q2 2024
- ApplIcation for CE IVD- Q3 2024
- Patent Application (Process Patent)- Q1- Initiated - Q3 2024
- Product Launch in market under Diagnostics- Q4 2024
- Capture Indian Market Q1- Q2 2025
- Establish export market Q3- Q4 2025
- India
- Malaysia
- Singapore
- United Arab Emirates
The specific barrier we see is financial, since we are a start up and already took a loan of INR 25 lakhs from KSIDC to reach up to clinical trial, the regulatory compliances are costly affair and marketing also seems to be costly , we find the bottle neck as financial barrier. More over current server space is limited we are looking for better server, the financial barrier stops us from purchasing it. Depending on cloud for storage also a costly affair, which increases the cost per test. Hence we foresee a financial bottle neck.
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
Trinity challenge genuinely look up on exact solution for the needs and hence applied. If a funding is obtained, regulators can be obtained soon and can bring the product to market at the earliest. We are running short of financial resources for it. If Trinity challenge select us, it will help a lot to give clinicians awareness on the utility of kit and tool and will be easy to establish the reliability of the technique.
We are open collaborate with any one who can offer mentoring and other resources to solution.