Hush no more
The Seychelles Global School-based Student Health Survey conducted in 2015 showed that whilst 40% of students between the ages of 11-17 were sexually active, only 31% of students reported that their parents or guardians understood their problems and worries. Considering that sexual activities pose great risks to teenagers it may be argued that the exposure to sexual activity at an early age, without easy access and information to related issues may mean that these teenagers are getting their information from peers and other inappropriate sources. This may result in aggravated sexually transmitted disease such as HPV; increase in teen suicide (the same study quoted that 21% of people within that age group have suicidal ideation); decrease in school performance; increase in teenage pregnancy amongst others.
“Hush no more” is foremost an affordable and easy preventative approach that, within the right structure may further develop to integrate other healing aspects.
It is to be noted that issues related to sexual health can possibly affect a person's health holistically. This means that years after the event, a person may still be affected emotionally, physically, socially and this may make it difficult for such a person to achieve their highest level of functioning. To this end, in addition to helping teenagers discuss and access sexual-health related information, this platform may also provide assistance to adult women who have not yet addressed sexual issues that they have faced and may still be facing, as this subject is also taboo in the adult world.
“Hush no more” aims to bridge the generation gap that often leaves teenagers with unresolved sexual and psychological difficulties by encouraging discussion about issues relating to sexual health in a manner that is healthy, relevant and necessary.
Flip Consultancy comprises four Seychellois women with background in the media industry (radio, television & print media) determined to use our skills to bring about necessary changes within our community.
Being an emerging Media Consulting firm we hope to produce videos in Seychellois-Creole, a language that the majority of Seychellois can speak and understand. These videos will tackle different issues pertaining to sexual health for young people by young people.
It is important to note, that a group of people who are often left out of such discussions are those with special needs, and as such, this video will also comprise sign-interpretation in “Lalang Siny Seselwa”.
The project will be done in three main phases:
Phase One - Release your trauma and save a generation
Many issues pertaining to sexual health are treatable or avoidable if there is early detection, however, the taboo that exists around these issues, often means that these issues are swept under the rug, until it is too late.
In this phase, through an existing anonymous on-line platform, adult women will be encouraged and asked to share their stories related to sexual activity in their teenage years. This may be anything from dating older men, not using condoms with boyfriends or being abused by family members. These stories will then be compiled for later use.
To note, these are not easy subjects to discuss, therefore, anonymity remains an imperative aspect of this process, with that said, resources for help will also be provided for the women, who may have never sought help for such issues.
Phase 2 - Read a secret, walk a mile in my shoe
In this phase, a workshop will be organised for a group of teenagers, whereby they will read the anonymous stories shared by the adults on camera. (The setting will be such that it is clear that these are not their stories and they will be allowed to comment on what they have read). This workshop will be facilitated by a person with background in the Psychological field, to ensure that if the discussions or issues being read serve as a trigger to those present, they will be assisted.
Phase 3 - Hush no more, let’s dialogue
The filmed videos will be edited and put on memory sticks for use at schools all over Seychelles. These videos will be packaged in two different ways:-
As a 15-minutes video addressing different subjects related to sexual health
One video per issue (for instance, if a Teacher wishes to address the subject of HPV, she will have the possibility of making use of that particular video).
As is often the case with innovative ways of doing things, it is often not widely adopted. To this end, a workshop will be organised with relevant Teachers and stakeholders, to ensure that they understand how this tool may be used. They will thus be able to understand that this memory stick can be used:-
At youth Health Centres when they are addressing these issues
As a mean of initiating debate about related subjects in the Personal and Social Education classes in schools
For relevant youth workshops (for instance on World AIDS day)
To encourage this discussion with teenagers with Special needs
During Peer Counsellors training in schools
Teenagers (13-19 years old) often feel unable to relate to older adults, with the increase in technological use, this gap is further widened as young people tend to engage more on their gadgets than with adults around them. Whilst they are able to obtain information from the internet and other sources, Seychelles, being a small island-nation often differs from the ways of bigger cities and they may thus not be able to access relevant information and access useful resources.
Through these discussions these young people will not only have a better idea of the impact of their actions and think more positively about their future, but will also be aware of where they can seek needed assistance.
Whilst teenagers are the direct group that will benefit from such a project, the nature of the solution is such that adults who may have unresolved issues will also have the possibility of seeking help. Many adult women may still be struggling in their daily lives due to past trauma or may have been exposed to certain Sexually Transmitted Infection that they are yet to test for. By attempting to break the taboo in a nurturing environment and facilitating Psychological help, they may also benefit from this.
Being women in the media field we are engaged in such work on a daily basis. Our background differs, but beautifully complements each other in such a way that together we will be able to bring this solution forward.
The Team lead, Madiha Philo, has covered News in Seychelles for over 10 years, she is therefore well known in the country and within different communities. The second team member, Betty Mondon was the Host of an all female talk show, so she is used to discussing similar issues. Patsy Edmond, our third member has been very involved within her Church's Youth group whereas our fourth member, Stephanie Remie, used to teach Social Work Courses at the University of Seychelles and has produced similarly sensitive programmes in her line of work.
In addition to the above mentioned, we are women ourselves with an understanding of the taboo of not speaking openly about sexual issues, especially in our teenage years. We also have our own bad experiences and are able to thus empathise with how these girls and women may be feeling.
- Improve the SRH outcomes of young people and address root cause barriers to SRHR care.
- Seychelles
- Prototype: A venture or organization building and testing its product, service, or business model, but which is not yet serving anyone
Producing video is not something complex to us, it is essentially what we do everyday. Therefore it is not merely an idea that cannot be realised but a simple solution that with the right support we will be able to realise and better the lives of a great number of young people.
The solution, whilst simple will be the first of its type in Seychelles. Being a small country (with a population of about 90,000) we are often consumers of solutions, as such, models that have worked in bigger countries, does not always work in Seychelles due to our unique circumstance. This solution allows young people to see people similar to them, speak in their language and they may thus be better able to relate to it.
In addition to that, we make use of online platforms allowing women to connect and heal themselves to the extent in which they feel comfortable doing so, thus providing help and assistance whilst respecting their privacy.
It is to be noted, that considering the target audience, this type of solution will have a wide reach, whilst not costing much.
To create a platform that bridges the gap between young people and older generations allowing them to discuss and solve sexual issues in a relevant and healthy manner.
To create a platform that allows adult women to discuss and address issues pertaining to sexual health that may have impacted them.
Addressing these issues are in line with sustainable development goal 1,3 4 and 5 as these early experiences may impact women in different ways. it
The solution provides a tool that has direct outcomes such as more access to resources and better understanding of sexual health and issues pertaining to sexual activities. However, its outcomes are far-reaching depending on how the tools may be used, for instance, at present there does not exist much for people with special needs, considering that this will also be in sign language, it may provide them with an ideal way to bring the necessary information to this group so that they may also access the necessary resources.
In addition to that, should this tool be used for group therapy or workshops for older teenagers, whilst it may be difficult to quantify its effects, it will undoubtedly bring positive change.
- Seychelles
- Seychelles
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
At present there are four people (part-time), namely Madiha Philo, Betty Mondon, Patsy Edmond and Stephanie Remie.
This year.
Seychelles is a multicultural society, often referred to as a melting pot of cultures, as such the notion of diversity in terms of race is not quite relevant, however, there are certain groups that may benefit from better access. One such group is those with Special Needs, hence why we hope to have all our videos in Sign language. In addition to that, we will start by providing our solution to the Government School (free of charge and accessible to all) in this way, a greater number of people will benefit from the proposed solution.
At present we provide video services to any company that may require such services, however, being women we do prefer to work for the benefit of children and young people.
- Organizations (B2B)
The project is such that it will not require constant influx of capital, its success depends on the relevant organisations taking ownership of the project (using the videos for their purpose).