Reduce incidence of teenage pregnancy incidences
The rate at which teenage girls are getting pregnant in Petauke district in Zambia is very worrying. According to the district health office the 7/10 women attending first antenatal booking are adolescents and young people. 5/10 clients who undergo termination of pregnancy are adolescent girls and young women. 8/10 deliveries conducted by skilled personnels are adolescent girls and young. 6/10 caesarian section deliveries are adolescent girls and young, and are because of poor maternal effort, cephalopelvic disproportion, pre severe preeclampsia and many other maternal anomalies. The adolescent component of the population is 64,600 in the district. 90% of the district area is covered by rural areas excluding numerous farming communities and villages. It appears nobody is talking about this problem and no sustained program is this area. It is time we launched a project against teenage pregnancy in the Petauke district in Zambia.
The overall goal of the solution is to improve and advance the SRH rights of in- and out-school adolescents and young people through the provision of appropriate education and linkage to access services. More specifically, the project seeks to;
• To reach every adolescent and young person with SRHR information.
• To ensure that every adolescent and young person has access to SRHR services.
• To train adolescent girls and young women to negotiate safe sex.
• To reduce teenage pregnancy rate among adolescents in Petauke district.
• To help teenage increase teenager family planning acceptor rate.
• To support teenage mothers to acquire vocational skill/ go back to school in the Petauke district within one academic year.
• To monitor activities of adolescent clubs and health workers in the project communities.
• Organize capacity building workshops.
• Organize advocacy activities and community durbars.
• Improve adolescent clubs in Schools and Communities.
• Provide family planning outreach services.
• Provide skills training program for school dropouts and teenage mothers.
• Do condom distributions.
• Care and support services (School kits, school uniforms etc.).
• Get male involvement in SRHR issues.
the target population are adolescents and young person inclusive the community. Since the solution is community centred we wish to have full participation of adolescents and young persons.
The following activities that will be carried out to achieve the project objectives.
• Hold pre-implementation meeting with key stakeholders.
• Hold consultative meetings with school authorities and various clubs.
• Undertake community entry consultative meetings with traditional leadership.
• Hold ten (10) community durbars in project communities.
• Organize TOT (trainer of trainers) /capacity building workshop for twenty (20) health workers on adolescent reproductive health and services.
• Capacity building workshop for thirty (30) adolescent club patrons.
• Organize video /film shows in twenty (20) sampled sites/project communities.
• Radio advocacy monthly media campaign.
• Adolescent sexual reproductive health and right (asrhr) club activities.
• Organize twenty (20) free family planning outreach services.
• Condom distributions.
• Skill training workshop.
• Teenage mothers empowered to go back to school.
The solution we are submitting is on reducing the incidence of teenage pregnancy in petauke district in zambia. We are working with adolescent girls, young people and the community so that we take the SRHR services to the community and as close as their door step. Because this is the gap we noted in terms of SRHR service delivery to our adolescents and young people
- Prioritize infrastructure centered around young people to enhance young people’s access to SRH information, commodities and services.
- Zambia
- Pilot: An organization testing a product, service, or business model with a small number of users
491 adolescents
The solution is new in our district and can significantly improve the SRHR services because we are going directly to the community to ensure the SRHR Information and services are reached to every adolescent and young person. It will impact positive change because there will be no sex segregation, socioeconomic status segregation and other factors that create a barrier to access SRHR services.
Whilest doing the the project we will ensure that we have income generating activities that will help us push forward and continue our program/project. • A network of Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Advocates (TRPA) would form a permanent human resource base in which will continue to reduce the teenage pregnancy mothers and ensure their empowerment in the project areas. Happy faces Foundation will continue with the education and awareness drive and always collaborate with stakeholders for continuation of the advocacy at school and community level. Happy faces foundation will liaise with other member organization working in thematic areas such as sexual Reproductive Health and rights (SRHR) for project continuation. Adolescent club members and leaders will forge active partnership with trained adolescent health providers and community stakeholders especially; local associations, traditional and religious leaders, local NGOs and CSO s, women groups to continue to disseminate the messages of Reproductive Health and Rights. Trained community stakeholders, health workers, peer educator, educational institutions will be used to maintain the project and build strong linkages and collaboration with our civil society organization for different referral services to continue serving the communities. Also through;
• Donations
• Grants and subsidies
• Fundraising Events
Out solution will have a great impact because we want to reach every adolescent and young person where in school or out of school. Majority of local organization are using health facilities and schools as entry point to spread SRHR Information and services. But us we want to take the services directly to the ensure there is full participation of adolescent girls and young women.
- Zambia
- Zambia
- Nonprofit
I am working with 15 adolescents girls, 20 young women, 10 adolescent boys, 6 young men, 3 religious leaders, 2 teachers, 4 health personnel’s and other influential leaders that have volunteered to work with me on the adolescent health program.
6 months before the challenge for 4her power was put up
For this project we seek to work with adolescents, young people, community leaders and influential people since the services are going to the community. And also ensure the is no sex segregation or orientation, socioeconomic status segregation just to mention a few.
Direct Beneficiaries: Adolescent girls and young women
Indirect Beneficiaries: Parents & the rest of the Community
We will provide the groups of People with SRHR Information and services and also equip them with knowledge by training them in SRHR/adolescent health are peer educators and adolescent health providers.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
Through fundraising activities, income generating activities, grants and subsidies and donations.