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Last Updated October 26, 2023
4HerPower Challenge: Innovating for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
Mobile Application of SRH for Beginners
Team Leader
Berthony Pierrin
Solution Overview & Team Lead Details
What is the name of your solution?
Mobile Application of SRH for Beginners
Provide a one-line summary of your solution.
The purpose of this project is to design a mobile application that aims to improve access to sexual and reproductive health information, services, and products, with a specific focus on girls, adolescents, and young people.
What specific problem are you solving?
How can we ensure that girls, adolescents and young women have the possibility to fully participate in informed decision-making and access to sexual and reproductive health in a safe, confidential and non-discriminatory manner? One answer is to extend sexual and reproductive rights to all.
From there, comes another question which would be:
How to extend sexual and reproductive rights to girls, adolescents and young people?
Well, the answer to this second question can be found in the proposed solution provided in this document.
What is your solution?
The purpose of this project is to design a mobile application that aims to improve access to sexual and reproductive health information, services, and products, with a specific focus on girls, adolescents, and young girl.
This project allow address the need for comprehensive sexual and reproductive health support in this demographic by providing a user-friendly, accessible, and reliable platform for information and services.
The justification lies in the necessity of providing a comprehensive, confidential, and accessible platform to empower these demographics promote informed decision-making in matters of sexual and reproductive health.
Components of the mobile application
General Objective: To improve access to sexual and reproductive health information, products and services in Mexico to ensure informed decision making and comprehensive sexual and reproductive health care.
Specific Objective: To offer integrated sexual and reproductive health education where our information is safe and effective.
Our goal: To disseminate information on an ongoing basis to every girl, adolescent and young person from an objective perspective based on sexual and reproductive health rights.
Who does your solution serve, and in what ways will the solution impact their lives?
This infrastructure can play a crucial role in promoting sexual and reproductive health in Mexico by improving access to reliable information. It is an inclusive approach that can address the needs of girls, adolescents and young people in terms of access to information.
How are you and your team well-positioned to deliver this solution?
Launch public dissemination campaigns for the mobile application highlighting the importance and availability of the information it provides about access to information, sexual and reproductive health products and services. Collaborate with schools, community organizations and health professionals to make use of the application in comprehensive education on sexual and reproductive health.
Which dimension of the Challenge does your solution most closely address?
Prioritize infrastructure centered around young people to enhance young people’s access to SRH information, commodities and services.
In what city, town, or region is your solution team headquartered?
Mexico City, District fédéral, Mexique
In what country is your solution team headquartered?
What is your solution’s stage of development?
Concept: An idea for building a product, service, or business model that is being explored for implementation; please note that Concept-stage solutions will not be reviewed or selected as Solver teams