Garage clubs
Our Solution addresses limited access to accurate comprehensive information on sexuality .
In Uganda,young people make more than half (about 70%) of the total population.(SURE report 2012) This population is still challenged with vast sexual and reproductive health problems such as teenage pregnancy, early marriage and infection with sexually transmitted diseases.The Uganda Demographic and Health Survey most recent statistics show high rates of child marriage at 34%,25% for teenage pregnancy, 18% early sexual debut(about the age of 15) and 28% unsafe abortions among women aged 15-24 years .1 in 4 girls in Uganda gets pregnant before their 18th birthday (UNFPA) This is attributed to limited access to sexuality education as most parents are busy working to make a living leaving their children to the teachers in schools who are also focused on completing the syllabus hence no time to teach children about sexuality .This leaves adolescents and young people to become victims of unhealthy and unguided sexuality information from peers and some internet sources. Despite the evidence of effectiveness of sexuality education, there is less clarity on how it can be incorporated in the school curriculum due to cultural and religious limitations.This leaves young people and adolescents at a disadvantage.
Our Solution is Garage Clubs .
Clubs have proven to be an important part of school extra-curricular activities where students are able to obtain knowledge and skills beyond what is given in the classroom. Garage clubs are a network of spaces for young people in schools through which experts in sexual and reproductive health can be directly or indirectly in touch with young people and give them accurate and age appropriate information on sexuality .Directly through organised visits by professionals to these clubs and indirectly through animation stories that are easily understood and are interesting to young people. These clubs are in three age appropriate structures through which accurate ,healthy and age appropriate information on sexuality is passed to the young people .This program aims to achive the following objectives;
a)Primary Garage (age 8-13)
Provide basic information on health and reproduction to presecondary children in an age-appropriate manner.
Foster a supportive and open environment where young people can ask questions and seek guidance.
Develop foundational knowledge about sexual and reproductive health to build a solid understanding for future learning.
b)Secondary Garage
Impart professional health knowledge to secondary school-going children on sexuality and its challenges.
Facilitate mentorship from father figures to promote positive relationships and healthy role models.
Educate about family planning to empower youth with tools to plan their future responsibly.
In conclusion, the Garage Clubs represent holistic approach to improving young people’s lives through sexual and reproductive health education and mentorship. By providing age-appropriate knowledge and mentorship on sexuality, we aim to empower youth to make informed decisions and create a positive impact on their health and relationships. Through this program, we envision a healthier and more enlightened generation with zero teenage pregnancy,child marriage and sexual abuse that can build a better future for themselves and their communities.
Young people aged 8 -20years are the main beneficiaries of this solution.
Age appropriate sexual and reproductive health education is a source of accurate and comprehensive information for these young people.More over it is conveyed using animation stories which are easily understood and are interesting to young people.It provides them with knowledge that their minds are able to comprehend about their bodies, relationships, and overall health, enabling them to make informed decisions and lead healthier lives. Specifically, accurate age appropriate sexual and reproductive health education equips young people with accurate information about puberty, reproductive anatomy, sexual health and the changes they will experience during adolescence. Such knowledge helps them to demystify the topics and promote a better understanding on their bodies and how they function.
More so, our programme of sexual and reproductive health education includes discussions on communication, consent, dating and healthy relationships. Understanding these aspects helps young people to develop positive and healthy relationships with their peers and others.
Young people also learn about contraception methods, their effectiveness, and how to use them correctly. This knowledge empowers them to make informed choices and reduce the risk of teenage pregnancy.
Understanding their bodies can boost self confidence among young people and they can develop a positive self-image which is very important in decision making.
Sexuality education spaces help to reduce the stigma and shame associated with discussing sexual and reproductive health topics, making it easier for young people to seek information and services like family planning from appropriate sources .
In conclusion, sexual and reproductive health education tailored to the developmental stages of young people lays a strong foundation for responsible behaviour and positive attitudes towards sexual health throughout their lives.
Garage Clubs spearheaded by our team stands as an innovative and impactful solution aimed at addressing the persistent challenge of limited access to comprehensive sexuality education.
With a dedicated team comprising of medical experts, peer educators, gender and sexuality education researchers and a software engineer, we have solidified our position as an unstoppable force to undertake and successfully execute this critical mission. With the expertise of our medical personnel, we ensure that accurate and up-to-date information regarding sexual and reproductive health is disseminated effectively through the Girl Garage Clubs. The technical proficiency of our software engineer Ms. Atugonza Tess is key in enabling us to integrate innovative digital tools seamlessly, enhancing the accessibility and engagement of our youth audience through immersive platforms and captivating animation stories.
At the forefront our endeavors is Dr. Viola Nyakato, a distinguished mentor whose extensive experiences in grassroots community engagement is complemented by an impressive academic pedigree. With a Ph.D. in Developmental Studies, specializing in Sociology and Public Health along with a Master of Public health. Dr. Viola’s profound knowledge and expertise in the areas of gender dynamics and maternal health are pivotal in driving the Girl Garage Clubs forward. Her research portfolio not only delves into gender equity barriers but also emphasizes the empowerment of women through improved access to education, healthcare and economic opportunities. Dr. Viola’s deep-seated commitment to adolescent health and development serves the guiding force behind the Girl Garage Clubs, ensuring that the clubs remain rooted in the fundamental principle of inclusivity and sustainable progress.
Our team’s strength lies in our fruitful relationships with District Health Officers, Village Health Teams and various organizations with in the domain of sexual and reproductive health. This collaborative approach is important in integrating a holistic and community –centered perspective into the Girl Garage Clubs, ensuring that our efforts remain deeply embedded within the fabric of the local community.
Furthermore, our collaboration extends to a dedicated cohort of peer educators from institutions such as Mbarara University of Science and technology in Uganda. These peer educators being integral members of our team, play a pivotal role in the Girl Garage Clubs, as their first hand experiences and insights into the challenges faced by young people in the community serve as a powerful in shaping our approach.
In summary, our team’s unyielding commitment, multidisciplinary expertise and transformative community engagement underscore our position as a trailblazing force in ensuring comprehensive sexuality education.
- Prioritize infrastructure centered around young people to enhance young people’s access to SRH information, commodities and services.
- Uganda
- Growth: An organization with an established product, service, or business model that is rolled out in one or more communities
we are testing our product with about 76 users now .
Garage clubs are a form of extra curricula activities and club activities are tailored in a way that is interesting to the young people especially through animation stories that are interesting to watch . This will give young people a space to learn beyond the class room with guidance from school health teachers and occasional interaction with health professionals from the Girl Garage team .
Our Solution is different because it can easily be incorporated into the school system and structures and also it is managed in a way that the information in animation stories shared is age appropriate to fit the intellectual understanding of young people and different stages of development.
Our Solution is leveraging an existing technology of animations but this time specific to drive accurate healthy messages on sexuality.Basing on the fact that teachers and parents do not have time to mentor their children on sexuality. This information in animations will also be available online for the young people to watch and ask questions from experts.
Forget the one off workshops and lectures carried out by different organisations and individuals in schools on reproductive health, Garage clubs are a sustainable and continuous network that is here to shape the future of the next generation of young women and men .
In the next one year, 70% of the young people will be well versed with the basic information on sexuality. This will be assessed through quarterly assessment questions about reproductive health done by these young people .
We also expect a reduction in teenage pregnancy by 10% in the schools we shall work with as well as school drop out and child marriage. The indicator for this impact is school statistics on teenage pregnancy, child marriage and school drop out .
We also expect young people to embrace their sexuality and to be able to seek reproductive health services where there is need .Atleast a 5% increase in young people seeking reproductive health services in the next five years of our work .This will be assessed using statistics from health centers surrounding where these young people stay .
For such a long time,young people in Uganda have lacked organised ,sustainable and continuous ways to give them reproductive health education. These young people are hungry for platforms like Garage clubs that give them safe spaces to discuss the difference challenges that affect them .The animation stories shared in Garage club meetings are very interesting as they use existing examples to convey sexuality messages to the young people which enhances their understanding of this information.
Moreover, parents and teachers too do not have time to teach young people on sexuality, even those that do,they don't have enough information to give them, these stories and the information they convey will be helpful and a good resource for parents and teachers as they try to guide young people on sexuality .
An online platform that is available 24/7 anables all time access to information to young people and also interaction with reproductive health experts on what could be bothering them .Young people prefer to be anonymous especially when they are talking about issues on sexuality, this platform will enable them to ask questions and be answered and guided hence creating a difference in their lives .
- Uganda
- Uganda
- Nonprofit
6 people as full time staff
20 people as part time staff
one year
Our Solution caters for people from all sorts of cultures,religions and background. Uganda is a country with about 7 different tribes speaking different languages unified by English as a common language .Girl Garage Foundation as a team itself is made of people from different cultures and religions including a moslem.We embrace every one as long as we share a common goal of uplifting a young woman. The information shared in our solution especially through animation stories will be translated in different languages to suit the audience and enable understanding by all cultures .
Our Solution also caters for marginalised groups as they can be able to access them .These animations cater for the deaf as they are visual and also the blind because the sounds can be heard.
All members and groups from whatever backgrounds can use our solution as we respect and welcome everyone without a specific colour of interest .
Our Solution is tailored to be age appropriate to be easily understood by young people of different age groups.
Animation stories shared in Garage clubs are adolescent friendly and use existing examples.
The app on which we share these animation stories can be accessed at any time by any one .
The stories are translated jnto different languages to enable easy understanding of the information being conveyed.
The school children shall be required to subscribe to the clubs at an affordable annual subscription that will see a team from Girl Garage Foundation do occasional visits to the clubs to have in person sharing with the young people at to share customised animation stories with them.
Garage clubs are a safe space that young people need to be able talk about the issues that affect them and to get advise .The clubs are the way out to avoid misleading information from peers and Internet.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
An annual subscription from each member of the club is required to be able to sustain the activities of the club .with this annual subscription, the different resources that the garage clubs need to effectively serve young people will be catered for.This subscription is as affordable as $3 which will be paid in segments of three ,$1 per term of study . This makes the clubs very affordable and also sustains the activities of the club.
Also donations are another way that we expect to sustain our activities and upgrade them to serve adolescents and young people better .
Machandise like stickers, calenders,capes and umbrellas with sexuallity messages are also made and sold to generate revenue to sustain the activities of the clubs.