Kyrgyzstan is a young country where almost half of the population (48.9%) is under the age of 25. The presence of a large young population is a demographic resource that requires significant investment in the well-being and development of children. The strategic importance of further investment in children, youth and families reflects the country's development prospects.
There are young people who do not have access to information about sexual health, and especially, guys from remote regions of our country. It's great that now technologies have become more developed, now there is the Internet in villages, but problems with "forbidden topics for conversation", reproductive health of people remain there. Young girls get married early, not of their own free will, sometimes get unwanted pregnancy early, are subjected to all kinds of violence and femicide... Young people from the regions did not have knowledge about their body, health, rights and thus, this application will provide access to reliable, high-quality information to all people of anyone, so that they have the opportunity to easily get information related to sexual health, but if they did not find the answer to their question, you can seek advice. In addition, in the application you can get acquainted and make an appointment at a friendly clinic providing reproductive health services, and it is important to mention the last direction of "community volunteers", warm meetings, organization of events, trainings, sessions, etc., contributing to the development of the leadership and human potential of young people.
This app provides access to friendly youth services (reproductive health and rights counselling), tolerant and friendly clinics, events, training, volunteering, access to reliable information about sexual health and rights.
Currently, our solution consists of three main components.
First, access to free reproductive health and rights counselling. Previously, this was practiced by our team. Now, I think it would be a good decision, since there are a lot of different news in the media about the health, risky behavior of adolescents, violence against them, etc.
Secondly, access to the services of tolerant and friendly clinics is a comprehensive component of peer sex education. Here we help girls, women to get high-quality, professional help in a friendly clinic. What does it mean? In our country, going to a gynecologist is considered a "taboo, a bad thing", a person is condemned for it and spread a lot of bad news, considered slutty and dirty. Although it is very important to visit a specialist regularly to keep your health in order.
Thirdly, access to the services of the volunteer community: organization of events, training, volunteering, access to reliable information about sexual health and rights (in the application and at training events). At the moment, we are spreading this aspect through Instagram: through digital educational and entertainment content on various topics of sexual and reproductive health.
This solution serves young people, especially teenage girls and young women, as well as young people in general, including those in remote regions of Kyrgyzstan. This decision has the following impact on their lives:
1) Awareness-raising: young people gain access to high-quality and reliable information about their sexual and reproductive health, which allows them to make informed decisions and avoid undesirable consequences, such as unwanted pregnancy and violence. 2) Reducing stigma and barriers: so that young people are not afraid to seek help or advice from friendly clinics. 3) Problem solving support: access of young people to counseling and friendly clinics, which helps to solve emerging problems related to reproductive health. 4) Education and development: educational activities, trainings and volunteering, which contributes to their development, skills development and leadership potential. 5) Community and Support: A person can join a community of volunteers (a supportive environment).
Our team successfully positions this solution as follows:
1) With an emphasis on accessibility and awareness: the solution is designed to ensure the availability of critical information and services on sexual and reproductive health. This allows young people to make informed decisions and take care of their health. 2) Bias towards fear and stigma: the role of the solution in reducing stigma and fear related to health issues, and that it is a safe and confidential space. 3) Community Building and Interaction: The team emphasizes the importance of creating a community around this solution. This allows young people to interact, share experiences and support each other. 4) Emphasizing education and development: the role of solutions in the education and development of young people, which helps them develop skills and awareness. 5) Joint efforts and intersectoral cooperation: cooperation and partnership between various structures and interest groups.
- Prioritize infrastructure centered around young people to enhance young people’s access to SRH information, commodities and services.
- Kyrgyz Republic
- Growth: An organization with an established product, service, or business model that is rolled out in one or more communities
During the first half of this year, about 500 people were covered and trained offline, about 50 000 people saw informative, educational videos, posts from the organization's Instagram and tiktok pages.
We try to conduct basic training 2-3 times a year, in this case, for one basic training, 20-30 people take a full course of training for free on all important and necessary topics about sexual reproductive health and rights.
Our solution is innovative for several reasons:
1. Digital technology: the solution is based on an application that provides access to information, services, education and advice on sexual and reproductive health. This use of modern digital technologies makes the solution more accessible and convenient for young people.
2. Service integration: the solution combines several key components, such as consulting, access to friendly clinics, event organization and education, in one application. Integrated solution - simplifies young people's access to all the necessary services and information in one place.
3. A wider range of services: the solution is not limited only to information, but also provides the ability to make an appointment at the clinic and participate in events. This creates a comprehensive solution for young people.
4. Youth participation: the solution actively involves young people in the development and implementation. This contributes to the development of their leadership skills and an active role in improving their own environment.
5. Capacity for scaling: if our solution is successfully implemented and proves its effectiveness, it has the potential to scale and spread to a wider audience, both in Kyrgyzstan and in other countries with similar sexual and reproductive health problems.
Next year, our impact goal will be:
Goal for 1 year:
Provide access to our sexual and reproductive health app for at least 10,000 young people in Kyrgyzstan.
To achieve this goal, we will take the following steps:
1) Scaling and promotion: Actively promote our application among young people through social networks, educational institutions and youth communities. We will also work with local organizations and schools to implement the application in the curriculum. 2) Feedback and improvement: Analyze user feedback and make improvements to the application based on their needs and suggestions. 3) Cooperation with partners: Establish partnerships with medical and other institutions to ensure access to professional advice and services.
Over the next five years, our main goal of exposure will be:
Goal for 5 years:
Improve the overall standard of sexual and reproductive health and youth rights in Kyrgyzstan by reducing the rates of unwanted pregnancies, infections and violence.
To achieve this longer-term goal, we will take the following steps:
1) Expanding the impact: Scale our solution to reach a wider audience of young people in Kyrgyzstan. 2) Social education: Develop educational and information campaigns for adolescents and young people in schools and universities, as well as among youth communities. 3) Cooperation with authorities: Cooperate with government authorities to integrate our decision into national reproductive health strategies. 4) Research and monitoring: Conduct research and monitoring to assess the impact of our decision on the health of young people and adjust our actions based on the data obtained. 5) Building partnerships: Strengthen partnerships with medical organizations, non-governmental organizations and other stakeholders to work together to improve the sexual and reproductive health of young people.
Our 5-year goal is related to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, such as Goal 3 (Ensuring a healthy life and promoting the well-being of all aged), Goal 5 (Achieving gender equality and strengthening women's position) and Goal 17 (Partnership to achieve the goals). We will strive for a transformational change in the field of sexual and reproductive health and the rights of young people, as well as to support the broader goals of sustainable development.
We expect our decision to act as a catalyst for change, covering key aspects of youth's sexual and reproductive health: 1. Increasing access to information: our application will provide young people with high-quality and reliable information about sexual and reproductive health. 2. Reducing stigma and barriers: providing confidential advice and access to clinics will help reduce stigmatization, which often prevents young people from receiving the necessary care. 3. Youth participation in the process: young people will be actively involved in the development and implementation of the solution, which will allow them to become more responsible for their own health and actively participate in the transformation of society. 4. Improving the quality of life: improved sexual and reproductive health of young people will reduce unwanted pregnancies, diseases and violence, which will lead to an increase in overall well-being. 5. Changing cultural norms and making systemic changes: Gradually, our application helps to change cultural norms and reduce stigmatization around sexual and reproductive health, which creates a more favorable environment for young people. Our activities and data collected can also affect sexual and reproductive health policies and practices, leading to changes for the better. 6. Reducing unwanted pregnancies and infections: By increasing awareness and access to reproductive health services, our solution contributes to the reduction of unwanted pregnancies and the spread of infections.
- Kyrgyz Republic
- Kyrgyz Republic
- Nonprofit
There are many employees in the organization itself, but only some of them will be involved in this project.
1. I, Tiukebaeva Bilima, Chairman of the Youth Committee
On narrow, specialized issues, will be attended by:
2. Executive director -Chirkina Galina
3. Coordinator - working with young people, Asylbekova Zhamila
4. Project Manager - Aida Maatkazieva
5. Mobile and content manager - Eduard Mirbekov
And all volunteers of our branch will be involved in the implementation of the tasks and objectives of the project
I thought about this decision for about 5-6 months, at first I thought only about the concept of work, visualized the working part, wrote sketches, consulted with specialists.
Our approach to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) is a fundamental aspect of our work in the Alliance for Reproductive Health. We are deeply committed to creating a diverse, fair and inclusive environment within our organization and in the projects we carry out. Here's how we approach DEI issues:
1. Diverse leadership: we actively strive to diversify our management and team, realizing the value of different points of view and experience. Our goal is to ensure that people from different cultural and social groups have a voice in the decision-making process.
2. Inclusion in programs: in our projects and programs, we prioritize inclusion. We develop our initiatives taking into account the diverse needs and challenges faced by different communities, especially those on the sidelines. Our solutions are designed to be accessible and relevant to everyone.
3. Equal access: We aim to ensure equal access to all information, services and resources related to reproductive health and rights, regardless of gender, age, ethnicity or location. Our work is aimed at reducing barriers and promoting equal opportunities for all.
4. Interaction with communities: we actively interact with the communities we serve to understand their unique needs and challenges. We work with local leaders and organizations to work together to create solutions that address specific issues and promote inclusion and inclusion.
5. Education and training: we provide education and training programs that promote diversity, equity and inclusion both within our organization and among our partners and society as a whole. (we develop cultural competence and contribute to the creation of an environment of respect and understanding)
6. Cooperation and partnerships: we are looking for partnerships with organizations and individuals who share our commitment to DEI issues.
7. Continuous training: We understand that working on DEI issues is a continuous process. We owe it to continuous training, self-assessment and improvement of all our DEI-related practices.
Our approach to DEI is inseparable from our mission to promote reproductive health and rights. We recognize that diversity and inclusive efforts lead to more effective solutions and a long-term positive impact on society.
Our key clients and beneficiaries are young people, especially adolescent girls and young women, who need access to reproductive health and rights information and services. Our value is to provide them with access to this important information and services that can improve their health and well-being.
Our model includes a mixed approach, where a free mobile application and educational activities are available free of charge, and consultations and medical care are provided for a fee, which ensures the financial sustainability of the project and its sustainability on a long-term basis. The business model includes several key elements:
1. Mobile application: we provide a free mobile application that allows access to friendly youth services in the field of reproductive health and rights. 2. Consultations and medical care: we provide access to reproductive health and rights consultations through a mobile application. This allows people to get professional advice and help if necessary. Consultations will be paid to maintain the sustainability of the project. 3. Friendly clinics: we provide access to a friendly clinic that provides reproductive health services. Our application helps users make an appointment for the desired procedure or service. 4. Community and volunteering: we promote the education and participation of young people in reproductive health activities. Other organizations can also order training from us (paid). 5. Content and education: we provide quality educational content through the application and training activities.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
Our financial sustainability plan includes the following sources of income:
1. Counseling and medical care: We provide reproductive health and rights counselling services through our mobile application. These services are provided for a fee, and part of this income goes to finance our activities.
There will also be days of free consultation, 2-4 times a month, but the consultant will have to pay for his work, this will be taken into account when requesting sponsoring from donors.
2. Partnerships with friendly clinics: We cooperate with clinics that provide reproductive health services. Part of the funds received from clinics for the provision of services also goes to support our work.
3. Sponsorship and grants: We are actively looking for sponsorship and grants from organizations interested in our goals. These funds allow us to expand our activities, organize useful events and improve the quality of services provided.
4. Training events and sessions: We conduct training events commissioned by other organizations, sessions and trainings for young people, their volunteers and professionals (in the field of reproductive health and not only). Participation in these events also involves a fee that supports our work.
5. Additional donors and investors: we also plan to attract investments and additional donors, especially if our partner projects are successful.
Our revenues from these different sources will be used to ensure our financial sustainability and maintain our long-term goals.