"MIME" My Body Belongs to Me
Adolescents would have access to accurate and truthful information, with training in contraceptive methods, with the necessary information to prevent sexually transmitted infections and decide when to have a child or not, and women would have the necessary information about basic services that allow them to have a desired pregnancy, a safe delivery and a healthy baby. In addition, with the APP "MIME" we would eliminate geographical barriers and reach those territories that do not have access to transportation and distances to find informative services with resolution capacity and adequate referral. We would have the following:
- Universal access to sexual and reproductive health information;
- a range of safe and affordable contraceptive methods;
- Emotional counseling
- Prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV, with the goal of making "MIME" available to marginalized or hard-to-reach youth.
Through MINSA's Sexual and Reproductive Health Strategy, it is known that in 2020, MMs have increased by 42%; their causes: pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH) 20.5%, hemorrhage 17.2%, Covid-19 14.7%. There is a marked increase in violence against women. Maternal death has increased in the beginning of 2021 corresponding to what is happening with the functions in the Peruvian population and in the world, especially indirect maternal death due to Covid-19 infection, which increased from 16.6% in 2020 to 36% until the 13th . week of 2021. It is important to know that, of the direct causes of MM, hypertensive disorders increased slightly between 2019 and 2020 (from 19.5% to 21.4%, and were the first cause of direct MM), and in the The first quarter of In 2021 its incidence fell to 15.8%, being surpassed by obstetric hemorrhage (19.3%), which, however, seems to be decreasing since 2019 (25.9%).
Sexual and reproductive health should be considered a basic health need, and services to meet that need should be an integral part of primary health care systems.
Adolescents with access to comprehensive sexuality education; services to prevent, diagnose and treat STIs; and family planning counseling. It is crucial to reach those territories that have problems of access to transportation and distances to find services, as well as to have services with capacity for timely resolution and referral. In addition, with the "MIME" PPP we would be closing the inequality gap in the most excluded populations (the poorest, those living in rural areas, indigenous peoples, Afro-descendants, undocumented migrants, LGBT people, adolescents and youth.) ). . The most excluded populations (the poorest, and people affected or affected by disasters), since they do have access to a cell phone.
The target population are: the poorest, those living in rural areas, indigenous peoples, Afro-descendants, undocumented migrants, LGTBIQ+ people, adolescents and youth, and people affected or affected by disasters, as they currently do not have the necessary information to make decisions. decisions about their sexual and reproductive health, including the ability to reproduce and the freedom to decide how, when and how often.
The solution is that from their adolescence they have optimal and truthful information from their schools, that the information is not a "taboo", for this the university or the technical area of health will go to different high schools for training on these issues (sexual). . and reproductive health). At the same time we will have the mobile APP "MIME", which will be of great help to solve the questions and doubts of our adolescents who are at the stage of living their sexuality and the decisions that are associated with adolescent sexual development, many times . . have important implications for health and education, as well as for current and future relationships.
The Departmental Director of our organization in Lambayeque has been carrying out medical campaigns since 2020, but this year we implemented the "Information and Awareness Service on Sexual Health and HIV", as shown in the images of questions 4 and 6, providing free HIV tests to the population and training in sexual and reproductive health. Likewise, those who test positive are followed and accompanied by the health facility closest to the population where the citizen is located.
- Prioritize infrastructure centered around young people to enhance young people’s access to SRH information, commodities and services.
- Peru
- Growth: An organization with an established product, service, or business model that is rolled out in one or more communities
Our solution serves more than 1300 people who have benefited since 2020 in different medical campaigns carried out by our organization's work team.
As an organization, we provide both face-to-face solutions (with in-school trainings) and virtual solutions (through the "MIME" application). We know that these virtual trainings and information will be of great help to our adolescents in training by ensuring that health services and support programs are available to marginalized or hard-to-reach youth.
Virtual training and information on family planning are critical to women's empowerment and sustainable development. Today, more than 300 million women in developing countries use contraceptives, but more than 214 million women who want to plan their births do not have access to modern family planning.
With the help of the APP "MIME", in Consejería Emocional, you will be able to prevent and respond to gender violence through your call and information of women. We know that this APP will generate a great impact on our young people since nowadays technology is at the forefront and within everyone's reach.
Uso de tecnología (APP MIME) para brindar servicio y acceso a la información a la población de mujeres beneficiarias.
Proporcionar herramientas teóricas y prácticas al equipo de salud en todos los niveles de atención, en salud sexual y reproductiva integral.
Reducción de riesgos y daños.Fortalecer y crear nuevos espacios de asesoría integral en salud sexual y reproductiva.
Incrementar el trabajo adolescente con la población en el acceso a la información y la salud, garantizando los derechos sexuales y reproductivos.
Empoderamiento de la población adolescente femenina, considerándolas sujetas de derechos.
Incorporar acciones de trabajo en materia de diversidad sexual para asegurar el cumplimiento de los derechos del colectivo LGBTQ.
Contribuir al acceso integral a la salud de la población TRANS para acceder a información y servicios.
Continuar con el trabajo incesante en salud reproductiva.
Fortalecer y consolidar los mecanismos para la provisión de los insumos necesarios para la implementación de la solución en los diferentes niveles de salud.
Articular el trabajo interministerial e intersectorial.
Fortalecer el trabajo de prevención y promoción de la salud sexual y reproductiva.
Lograr un registro confiable y de calidad de los servicios de salud sexual en todos los sectores del departamento de Lambayeque con el fin de reducir el subregistro de datos, optimizando la informatización del programa.
Fortalecer el trabajo de los equipos de salud sexual y reproductiva ya que la solución está en las Áreas Operativas con su importante trabajo de campo con la Comunidad.
Capacitación a los equipos de salud del programa de salud sexual y reproductiva.
Promoción de la salud sexual y reproductiva.
La solución es sostenible porque cuenta con un enfoque inclusivo, sustentable, diverso y de base tecnológica, así como aliados estratégicos para brindar continuidad y estabilidad.
Las alianzas son un mecanismo de cooperación para garantizar la continuidad y sostenibilidad de la solución encaminada a generar resultados con un impacto positivo en la sociedad.
- Peru
- Peru
- Nonprofit
For classroom training:
- University or technical students - 20 people (part-time)
- Organizational Team - 3 people
1 person (full time)
2 people (part time)
2 people (part-time)
For the Mobile APP:
- Computer Engineer - 2 people
- Call Receiver - 1 person (Full Time)
We are working since the year 2021. With the articulation of different institutions so that the majority of districts and vulnerable sectors have access to truthful and true information on sexual and reproductive health, sexually transmitted diseases, among others.
Part of our Medical Campaigns and team are vulnerable people who have suffered discrimination for being HIV+ (1 person) or being part of the LGQTBI+ group (5 people), where there are equal opportunities for all. In addition, we seek social inclusion through training in self-esteem - Personal Development - Leadership + empowerment, where the team feels respected, supported and valued.
The proposal offers to democratize information on menstrual health, so that participants can have access to information free of stigmas and prejudices, and also provides tools for training in the monitoring and promotion of rights such as menstrual health and management, providing facilities to influence through the articulation with educational centers, universities and health facilities. In this sense, it includes the possibility of being part of a space that involves young women in all their diversity, allowing them to know their experiences and learn from the experiences of others to build initiatives or alternative solutions according to the different perspectives provided by the space.
Finally, it provides access to a menstrual management product kit that will include sanitary pads, tampons and menstrual cups, which will be delivered once participants are admitted to the training school at the beginning of the first learning session. It is essential that they have these products within their reach because they will learn about their use, advantages and disadvantages, in addition to providing them with different options to decide which menstrual management product provides them with the most comfort and adapts to their needs.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
- A magazine on sexual and reproductive health "MIME".
- Sponsorship or agreements with suppliers of contraceptive method products.
- Courses, workshops or certified trainings with our organization on sexual and reproductive health issues, among others.
- Agreements with local municipalities and regional governments.
- Donations and other improvement requests.