empowering women and girls to protect their sexual and reproductive health rights.
It implore the use of reproductive health services.offer family planning services.
They will know their sexual and reproductive health rights, decide when to have childrem
we have midwives, nurses and doctors who are well trained .they have acquired knowledge and skills to do the work
- Strengthen the capacity and engagement of young innovators in the development, implementation and growth of solutions addressing their SRHR needs.
- Cameroon
- Scale: A sustainable enterprise working in several communities or countries that is focused on increased efficiency
one million people.
It is innovative in the sense that new methods of contraception are not available in our communities.We will train our community health workers on these modern methods.We will make them available for use especially in communities with refugees.Students and adolescent will use them free.
Offer family planning services free .Empower youths to protect their sexual and reproductive health rights.Over services and distribution of materials free.Sensitization on the use of family planning services without discrimination.
Women and girls of reproductive and child bearing age will decide when to have children.Use family planning service free and with confidence.
- Cameroon
- Cameroon
- Nonprofit
16 years
Training and sensitization.Invoving everybody in the reproductive health program including disabled , lesbians, gay and LGBTQ people.Ensure gender equity and sensitivity inclusion(GESI).Everybody will be involved irrespective of gender, religion, race and sex.
training and provision of materials.Provide counselling services to clients to make or take informed choices about the family planning methods of their choice.This is done through by informing them about all the methods of family planning , their advantages and disadvantages.They choose the one of their choice.
Empower women and girls in income generating activities, while promoting the education of the girl child.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
Carry out income generating projects, contact other donor agencies for sustainability of our projects.