Data shows 27% of girls aged 15-19 have begun child bearing in Tanzania (UNFPA, 2017). One cause of this is inadequate access to SRH service and unfriendly environment for adolescents, also poor attitudes of parents, guardians and health service providers. These challenge lead adolescents to practice unsafe sex which results to sexual transmitted diseases, HIV/AIDS and teenage pregnancy to girls. Teenage pregnancy subsequent girls school dropout, and have negative impacts in their health and educational development. In addition 4 out of 100 girls miss school for 6-7 days in Tanzania due to lack of Menstrual Hygiene products (I4ID,2019)which is bad for their education.
This made me think “Access to multiple Sexual Reproductive Health products can be costly, what if we can bring all in one package?” which will be affordable, convenient, friendly and safe for adolescent. Moreover will ensure youth are well equipped with SRH information and maintains menstrual hygiene.
My solution focuses on creating groups of girls out of school (10 each aged 15-19). I equip them with Sexual Reproductive Health education and entrepreneurship skills focused on how to make reusable pads. Moreover, I gave them working facilities such as sewing machine and materials to make pads using my brand name “MaishaPackage”. I buy these pads, add value (other products such as underpants, SRH Note, Urine PH scanner, and other products for customised packages which are requested by NGO's and charity organisations) and sell out. Through this project I created SRH champions who are guiding other adolescents about SRH right information and services hence with no time teenage pregnancy will decrease in Tanzania, Also I created a working space for these girls to be financially independent.
In every single pack of MaishaPackage adolescents finds Sexual Reproductive Health products at once. There are three types of MaishaPackage which are, MaishaPackage plain, Plus and customized package. MaishaPackage Plain includes sanitary pads (either reusable or disposable), underpants, menstrual calendar, SRH short note with link to expert so that adolescents can ask right Sexual Reproductive Health information in friendly way. MaishaPackge plus include the entire MaishaPackage plain including condom. And customized package depends on the needs or requirement of customers (commonly used for projects). This means in every package one will access right SRH information and get safe menstrual products.
MaishaPackage is tangible product; all the products inside except reusable sanitary pads are from partnered manufactures/suppliers. After ordering them we create MaishaPackage and make it available for our customers. We produce reusable sanitary pads ourselves and SRH contents are from UMATI and UNFPA Tanzania, the trusted organizations about SRH.
My solution serve adolescents girls, from my package they get access to SRH right informationand safe menstrual products for affordable price. Also my solution impacts out of school girls and teenage mothers who not only become advocates of Sexual reproductive health but also they get working space to generate income and become financially independent.
Idda Joseph - Team Lead: She is academician at Moshi Cooperative University and Co-founder and CEO of Maisha Package. She is responsible for overseeing the strategic direction of organisation, implement changes and proposed plans, engage in media obligations and public relations, monitor company performance, carry out different organisation projects.
Kelisa Bernard - Sales Lead: focus on sales, inventory and marketing.
Kitu Mode - Financial Lead: manage all financial activities, payments, budgeting and taxes
Zabihuna Salum - Production lead: quality assuarance coordinates MaishaPackage end products
Ramadhani Abdul - Research and consultation
This is unique capable team because have good leadership, communicate well with each other and offer supports; focus on goals end results, well organized and diverse.
- Prioritize infrastructure centered around young people to enhance young people’s access to SRH information, commodities and services.
- Tanzania
- Pilot: An organization testing a product, service, or business model with a small number of users
We have been able to reach more than 5000 adolescents girls in different schools. Moreover we have been able to work with UNFPA Tanzania, three NGO's and 5 charity organisation who request customised packages. additionally we have created 5 groups of teenage mother's and out of school girls (10 each = 50) who are SRH champions and equipped to produce reusable pads for 'MaishaPackage'
It is one package for all sexual reproductive health information and products
Over the next year we expect to attain $25,000 revenue. Expand in 2 more regions of Tanzania with high teenage pregnancy rate and low menstrual hygiene awareness and facilities.
over the next 5 years we expect to attain $150,000 and expand in 8 more regions of Tanzania. Furthermore purchase 3 sewing machines, 1 automatic machine for making biodegradable disposable sanitary pads, and rent big space office with enough storage. Moreover attract 20,000 new customers from new and old targeted regions; also hire 4 more staff skilled in finance, marketing, public health and project management. In addition, giving our staffs scholarships for training to build competencies and accommodate current trends to satisfy customer needs and solve social challenges on menstrual hygiene and sexual reproductive health.
to alleviate teenage pregnancy and girls missing school due to lack of menstrual products
- Tanzania
- Tanzania
All solutions available focus on one challenge which is either menstrual hygiene management or sexual reproductive health. Our solutions combined all challenges in one package after thinking to have access to multiple sexual reproductive health products can be cost full in terms of money and time. The solution is to have a single package that contains all products that will be safe, accessible and affordable. Currently there is no this package in the country hence our competitors are sanitary pads suppliers.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
MaishaPackage is tangible product, therefore selling products is our common revenue model for becoming financially sustainable. Customer are willing to pay much more as what is embedded in the package. For instance a package with disposable pads is more affordable that with reusable. Moreover a package with reusable pads is more affordable than customized one. This make customer to make choice and pay for what they value among the packages. However most of girls choose packages and their parents pay for it. Customer are willing to pay much more regarding package and quality of the products. In addition from customer segment NGO's are paying much more according to their needs because their package is more customized hence includes number of different products. Product selling contribute 80% of my total revenue and partnership contributes 20% of revenue