Adolescent contraceptive
Inadequate acsses of commodity and information on sexuality and reproductive health and right in adequate information on sexuality and reproductive according to WHO Data on teenage pregnancy 21million pregnancy are registered each year. 50%unintended pregnancy and 55%are unsafe abortion,in Uganda 64% of girls have sex before 18 year of age. 28% contribute to maternal death ,20%contribute to infants death, school drop out is about 22.3% in pader district 902 case of teenage pregnancy were registered within two months according to HIMS tool 105 it's local approach to end this.
Through strengthening adolescent contraceptive methods used both in the community and facilities distribution point.the organization has opened village disribution point, school and campus distribution point focal point person, online contraceptive distribution and mobile clinic to help screen and treat STI.
Adolescent age 15-19 will benefit for contraceptive methods direct and women of child bearing age. Boys and men will benefit from condoms
Aciro Winny prossy :team leader , midwife project manager: Obwona Christopher Emmy, diploma in clinical medicine. Account: Abalo proscovia okello. Akidi Alice diploma in social work and social admin.coordonator
- Prioritize infrastructure centered around young people to enhance young people’s access to SRH information, commodities and services.
- Uganda
- Pilot: An organization testing a product, service, or business model with a small number of users
200 adolescent girls every month 150 school are benefiting 90 women every month.
It is a new approach to because most of organization focus on family planning on prevent pregnancy for adolescent most of service are located in town not village level but are community based.
By 2030 all community are free for unintended pregnancies and economic growth are equally among family due to good family planning. Free community from all mthy and miss concept in the community. By one year All for equality education no school drop out.
The long acting methods of contraceptive methods is 99% will help reduce pregnancy rate very first. And with interview from our beneficiary most they used not to take because of myth , but now they are free to take any methods.
- Uganda
- Nonprofit
7 full time staffs and five part time staffs
It's now one year
The organization have team and members with different qualifications to work together to achieve goals and objectives of the organization.with no division we work with different categories of people.we commit our selves to work and achieve the goal of organization without segregating any human race with respect.
We we serve about 4000 adolescent girls and women who benefits from our services we generate at 20million from them adolescent girls benefits from contraceptive methods to prevent pregnancy. Wamen of child bearing age benefits from the methods and men and boys get condoms and information on sexual reproductive health.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
We genarate money sell of contraceptive methods , drugs and others service offer to beneficiary.donations and Grant and sometimes government support.
Team leader