Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) are most clearly defined in the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) Cairo Consensus. Among the elements clearly outlined in the program of action are voluntary, informed and affordable family planning services, prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted infections, sexual health information, education and counseling to enhance personal relationships and quality of life. SRHR assumes that all people have the right to have a healthy, safe, consensual and enjoyable sex life, and have sufficient information to use in making decisions and seeking healthy behaviors. A big lack of youth-friendly information and services also leaves adolescents and youth in Rwanda, with a SRHR knowledge gap which consequently makes them seek SRH services only when something goes wrong. To solve the lack of friendly information and services, public and private institutions need to invest in sexual and reproductive Health, it needs a strong, creative and sustained solutions in SRHR information delivery to adolescents and youth. Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) industry has been undermined for many years ago which causes many troubles to adolescents and it is causing much to cover the gap .Globally, there are nearly 1.2 billion adolescents aged 10 to 19 years old, representing about 16% of the world’s population. About 789 per 100,000 adolescents suffered adverse maternal outcomes in 2015, and nearly 3000 adolescents die each day from preventable causes related to sexual reproductive health (SRH). Adolescents from Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) are still being affected by sexual and reproductive health problems. This makes the industry of SRHR opens to ancestors as the market is still wide and open.
Sexual and reproductive health challenges are among the key problems affecting the wellbeing of girls and women in particular. Young people in Rwanda comprise the majority of the population, yet are still facing challenges in accessing SRH information and services, especially contraception. According to the latest Demographic and Health survey 2019-2020, there is a high unmet need for contraception amongst young unmarried sexually active women between the ages of 15 and 29(59%).Adolescents in Rwanda face significant barriers to access to SRHR information and services. This is due in part to the belief that adolescents should not engage in sexual activities and thus should not need access to SRHR information and services without parental consent.
Furthermore, parents of adolescents tend to hold to conservative beliefs that make discussion around their child’s sexual and reproductive taboo. In schools as well information about SRHR is often incomplete and teachers are not equipped to deliver comprehensive sexuality education in a non-judgmental, stigma-free way.Reserch shows that in lieu of seeking advice from parents adolescents tend to rely on their peers and social media for information on sex and sexual health. This can lead to misconceptions and risky sexual behavior. Teenage pregnancy in Rwanda is on the rise.Now, more than ever we must recognize that unrestricted access to SRHR information and services is key to preventing early and unwanted pregnancies, HIV,STIs and other SRHR issues.
Urungano Initiative is a youth-led innovation founded by young talented medical doctors.We provides reliable and evidence-based sexual and reproductive health information and services to adolescents including those living with disabilities. We avail evidence and true story based sexual and reproductive health information and services through URUNGANO Bestfriend Book, Urungano Online Clinic and Urungano Research Hub. Our contents are developed by professional and qualified medical doctors.
- URUNGANO Best friend Book is a storyboard book providing reliable information on sexual and reproductive Health and Rights: Our book has two main version
- URUNGANO Online clinic: Online clinic will be available on our website and android application. Adolescents will be given a chance of consulting medical Doctors in an anonymous way and every adolescent will have his/her profile on our website in order to tract consultation and their follow-up.
- Podcasted storyboard book which provides SRHR information through played and podcasted stories and written articles. The book is made by small podcasted theater and covers most of the topics in sexual and reproductive Health mainly family planning methods, Safe Abortion, Sexual transmittable diseases, Human anatomy and physiology etc.
- Video-reading book with a sign languages :we will created videos of our book with sign languages which will be used by people living with hearing loss.
. Those with vision loss will be listening to our audio-reader version of podcasted book
3. URUNGANO RESEARCH HUB: This is a hub which will be built in rural areas with engaging games and book where girls and Boys meet and learn about sexual and reproductive health. The hub will help for continuous education and research on sexual and reproductive health.
At this hub, we will train teachers in primary schools and equip them with evidence-based sexual and reproductive health information
4. URUNGANO TAILORED MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: We are currently providing mentorship to 22 adolescent girls and boys who accidently go unintended pregnancies. We mentor them for personal development, entrepreneurship and job creation. We have a team which helps these adolescents to re-integrate in the society and their schools.
Urungano initiative is an diverse innovation which targets a diverse group of adolescents with priority of marginalised adolescents.
The following are our targeted group of adolescents:
1.Adolescent girls and boys who experienced consequences of unprotected sexual intercourse
2.Adolescent girls and boys in Rwanda and East Africa
3.Students in primary and High schools
4. Primary and High schools will use our URUNGANO Book to educate adolescent about sexual and reproductive health and mental health.
5.Private and public organizations
6. Parents will use our books to teach their kids about sexual and reproductive health
7.Adolescents with disabilities mainly deaths and blinds
Our Impact:
Urungano Initiative is a youth-lead initiative founded by talented ,innovative and creative changemakers.Our services and products are designed to fill the gap in SRHR area .
We have a target of impacting 100000 adolescents in Rwanda by giving them evidence-based and research based SRHR information by December 2024.The above change will be achieved in the following sequence:
75000 adolescents will get eveidence-based and research based SRHR information through our website(www.urungano.rw), Youtube Chanel(Urungano Initiative) and Urungano application
5000 copies of Urungano Bestfriend Book will be sold to 5000 adolescents
6000 adolescents will consulted in our online clinic
4000 adolescents will get access to our online pharmacy
We are building a long term SRHR conduicive environment where they will have full rights on SRHR services and products.Our Project will empower adolescents across the Africa in increasing awareness on SRHR .Our online services helps to eliminate descrimination ,self stigma and it helps adolescents in preventing all consequences related with inadequate information on sexual and reproductive health and rights and poor access to SRHR services and products.Our project will open discusions in families which will allow us to change people's beliefs that affect accessibility of adolescents to SRHR services and products.
We are experienced staff of medical doctors and we have been implementing the projects related with SRHR. We get a chance to deal with people with SRHR problems during our daily practices and we know where those kinds of people can find help. As many adolescents do not consult because of social stigma, we bring an online clinic which provides secret and effective consultation. We are educating using true cases from our generation with real outcomes and possible available services
Our product is unique, accessible and affordable to all people. We are medical doctors and we have been exposed to adolescents with SRHR problems. Our team is made by the community activist and we work for the interest of the community.
Before designing our innovation,we have done a design challenge and design thinking of our innovation where we have conduted a community based survey.Through the survey,we have interviewed 120 adolescents from 6 different schools and basing on their responses,we created a blueprint and storyboard of our innovation.
We went back to the beneficiaries,we presented our innovation storyboard and basing on their feedback we produced a prototype
A prototype were presented to our targeted group which helped us in tasting it.
After tasting our prototype,we started developing final products and services.
As our innovation is based on true-stories from adolescents,we have also designed it for people.
The voice of our beneficiaries is the priority.
- Prioritize infrastructure centered around young people to enhance young people’s access to SRH information, commodities and services.
- Rwanda
- Growth: An organization with an established product, service, or business model that is rolled out in one or more communities
Our mentorship Hub is mentoring 22 adolescents
We have trained 16500 adolescents through physicla campaigns
53 people have bought our story board book
10000 people use our Website
155000 people uses our Youtube Channel
In Total,our innovation has impacted the life of 181575 adolescents
Our storyboard and podcasted book avail SRHR information to all categories of adolescents. We brought a confidential online clinic which helps adolescents especially victims of inadequate SRHR to Overcome its consequences. From our book and Clinic, we educate, and provide advices on family planning methods, Safe abortion, Sexually transmitted diseases, etc.
Our solution is being implemented by experienced medical doctors and we have been implementing other projects related to SRHR. We deal with people with SRHR problems during our daily practices and we know where those people can find help. As many adolescents do not consult because of social stigma, we bring an online clinic which provides secret confidential consultation. We have collected 30 different true stories, first book is at the stage of publication. From our website, we have published different articles on SRHR and we are currently working on online clinic.
Our product is unique, inclusive, accessible and affordable to all people. We are medical doctors and we have been exposed to adolescents with SRHR problems. We are community activist and we work for the interest of the community.
We provide inclusive SRHR products and services where we also serve adolescents living with disabilities specifically those living in GATAGARA rehabilitation centers.
7.8:Launch of online pharmacy NIYOYITA Bonaventure URUNGANO INITIATIVE x x Community not familiar with e-commerce development of a strong markteing plan Activity 8:Research ,collection and storing data on main problems o SRHR 8.1:Getting SRHR data NIYOYITA Bonaventure URUNGANO INITIATIVE 8.2:Evidence-based data NIYOYITA Bonaventure URUNGANO INITIATIVE
Urungano Initiative is a youth-lead initiative founded by talented ,innovative and creative changemakers.Our services and products are designed to fill the gap in SRHR area .
We have a target of impacting 100000 adolescents in Rwanda by giving them evidence-based and research based SRHR information by December 2024.The above change will be achieved in the following sequence:
75000 adolescents will get eveidence-based and research based SRHR information through our website(www.urungano.rw), Youtube Chanel(Urungano Initiative) and Urungano application
5000 copies of Urungano Bestfriend Book will be sold to 5000 adolescents
6000 adolescents will consulted in our online clinic
4000 adolescents will get access to our online pharmacy
We are building a long term SRHR conduicive environment where they will have full rights on SRHR services and products.Our Project will empower adolescents across the Africa in increasing awareness on SRHR .Our online services helps to eliminate descrimination ,self stigma and it helps adolescents in preventing all consequences related with inadequate information on sexual and reproductive health and rights and poor access to SRHR services and products.Our project will open discusions in families which will allow us to change people's beliefs that affect accessibility of adolescents to SRHR services and products.
- Rwanda
- Burundi
- Rwanda
- Uganda
- Other, including part of a larger organization (please explain below)
We work as a social enterprise
Full-time staff:5
We started our innovation in May 2022
Below is our team since the start of our Innovation
Our innovation is based on diversity and diversity is a key point in our daily operations.
Our organization structure is based on diversity as we promote women and girls and also people living with disabilities.
In our Team we have 4 women and one people living with hearing impairment.
we consider diversity as a source of capacity and great ideas.Diversity gives us great ideas and our daily ethos are based on diverse ideas and activities.
We plan to increase our team and we will add more people living with disabilities and they are left behind in Africa
- URUNGANO Best friend Book is a storyboard book providing reliable information on sexual and reproductive Health and Rights: Our book has two main version
- URUNGANO Online clinic: Online clinic will be available on our website and android application. Adolescents will be given a chance of consulting medical Doctors in an anonymous way and every adolescent will have his/her profile on our website in order to tract consultation and their follow-up.
- Podcasted storyboard book which provides SRHR information through played and podcasted stories and written articles. The book is made by small podcasted theater and covers most of the topics in sexual and reproductive Health mainly family planning methods, Safe Abortion, Sexual transmittable diseases, Human anatomy and physiology etc.
- Video-reading book with a sign languages :we will created videos of our book with sign languages which will be used by people living with hearing loss.
. Those with vision loss will be listening to our audio-reader version of podcasted book
3. URUNGANO RESEARCH HUB: This is a hub which will be built in rural areas with engaging games and book where girls and Boys meet and learn about sexual and reproductive health. The hub will help for continuous education and research on sexual and reproductive health.
At this hub, we will train teachers in primary schools and equip them with evidence-based sexual and reproductive health information
4. URUNGANO TAILORED MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: We are currently providing mentorship to 22 adolescent girls and boys who accidently go unintended pregnancies. We mentor them for personal development, entrepreneurship and job creation. We have a team which helps these adolescents to re-integrate in the society and their schools.
The following chart represent our revenue Model:
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
Urungano Initiative is a long-term registered youth-led innovation with a strong and experienced team of medical Doctors.
We are currently working in partnership with Imbuto Foundation through its iAccelerator program, RISEUP-Youth Champion Initiative , and Kamonyi District through Kamonyi Youth Center,Wells Mountain Initiative,KOICA and UNDP.
Apart from the grants that we get from our partners, our project also makes profit by selling URUNGANO best friend book, Online Consultation fees, Subscription fees on our website and YouTube Channel, and Subscription fees on our Podcasts.
We have a working website and Youtube Channel where we publish our teaching articles and video .We have already designed and wrote our first book and it is now at the stage of publication. Our online clinic will be soon launched to the adolescent with two weekly days of consultation
With our experienced team, good communication and commitment, we always work hard to grow and expand our solution because we want it to be the first SRHR solution in East Africa.
We are currently approaching SAVE the Children and REB for Memorandum of Understanding about our URUNGANO best friend Book because we want to integrate it in primary and secondary schools.