Solar Media for Children in Off-Grid Areas
Among the 7 billion people on earth,1.1 billion BOP(Bottom of Pyramid)have no access to electricity or no constant electricity and have to reply on candles or Kerosene lamp. The stopgap solution is hurting both human health and environment. Another serious problem for BOP is education issues, millions of children find themselves on the margins of the education system and do not benefit from learning . Above all, BOP are facing even bigger challenge since they have no access to education and medical information. They don't know how to protect yourself from illnesses and what to do when infected .
Based on these conditions ,we create solar media basically want to set up the channels for BOP access to of health care information and provide basic school education to remove illiterate rates. In addition to perform video playing function, it also power lighting and mobile phone charging.
According to UNICEF, more than 72 million children of primary education age are not in school and 759 million adults are illiterate and do not have the awareness necessary to improve both their living conditions and those of their children.
Sub-Saharan Africa is the most affected area with over 32 million children of primary school age remaining uneducated. Central and Eastern Asia, as well as the Pacific, are also severely affected by this problem with more than 27 million uneducated children.
What make things worse,as they have no access to health education and basic school education,diseases continues to be a major public health issue for Sub-Saharan Africa areas.
My team are developing solar Media product since 2017. with the screen education video can be played by BOP children. The product will be powered by solar panel, makes it accessible for off grid area children.
Work for BOP with green energy, solar media save lives and remove illiterates!
Solar media is mostly designed for sub-Saharan Africa area with over 32 million children of primary school age remaining uneducated.
My team has been working for BOP with green energy for 10 years, and will visit rural areas in developing countries every year. I feel so sad when I saw children there cannot go to school and have no access to education. Then l work with my team to develop a product can delivery education to them. Foundations and NGOS, such as WHO and UNICEF, have made videos about early education and diseases protection, but how can they play the videos in rural areas where no TVs or electricity. Solar media is designed with a screen to play video and power by solar energy, perfect choice for no electricity area.
Solar Media is designed to provide video play in areas with no electricity or no constant power supply. It is designed to use solar power to maintain continuous power supply to give children access to both education and health information. The 7” built-in display can be used to embed video about polio and related issues such as routine immunization, sanitation, and child health. And the video content can be updated by replacing the SD card, when there is no local broadcast channel and medium. In addition to perform video playing function, it also provides power for lighting and mobile phone charging.
To make the solar media affordable for BOP, solar media is built in with pay-as-you-go system,which means BOP can get the solar education devices by monthly payment.
- Reduce barriers to healthy physical, mental, and emotional development for vulnerable populations
- Decrease inequalities, stereotypes, and discrimination, from birth
- Pilot
- New business model or process
Solar Media is the first product combines education with solar energy.
Solar energy means no CO2 emissions, environment friendly and Sustainable .
It meets BOP ‘S more than one need ,lighting , education and health care.
Solar media is designed to use solar power to maintain continuous power supply to give less education people access to both education and health information.
The 7” built-in display can be used to embed education video and health issues, the video content can be updated by replacing the SD card, when there is no local broadcast channel and medium. In addition to perform video playing function, it also provides power for lighting and mobile phone charging.
- Blockchain
- Big Data
- Internet of Things
- Social Networks
I and my team have been working with BOP for 10 years and built long term relationship with local agents from 63 countries. We had research about the market and talked with both the agents and end users before launching the project. Our local agents have confident in this products and we both belive this product can improve the life of BOP.
- Rural Residents
- Very Poor/Poor
- Low-Income
As still in the pilot period, people served less than 100,
our goal is 10,000people in one year and 1 million in 5 years.
We have limited resources in term of finance and resources link.
We need more funding Grants for pilot and marketing promotion
We need connections to NGO and foundations such as
Actively fund raising.
Apply to receive government or institutional grants.
Participate in competitions, presentations, and conferences to build partnerships.
- For-Profit
106 persons
I always relate BOP with my own experience when i was young, it was a very difficult time for my family. I can feel the same thing they feel. All my team member are willing to do something for BOP and some of them have been in this team more than 10 years.
We supplied solar products for UNICEF and UNDP in past years through a third party company.
We are distributing solar lighting products worldwide , means we will cooperate with local agents, and local agents in charge of wholesale in the country and set up distribution channels.
For solar media with built-in PAY-AS-YOU-GO software, we will be partner with telecom company and mobile payment companies to establish software platform. With the software platform,local agents can work with MFIs (Micro finance Institutions) and allow the end users do the payments by monthly. Thus, scale up the market and provide more BOP people with green energy.
The company operates as a commercial company and supply solar products for local agents in different countries.
We want BOP’s education problem get more attentions and more people work together with us .
Also we want to get finance and resources support.
- Distribution
- Funding and revenue model
- Media and speaking opportunities
We want to work with UNICEF , UNDP and WHO.
Such organizations will need equipment to play their video about health care and education, solar media is what they are looking for no electricity area.
Solar Media is designed to provide video play in no electricity or no constant power supply area. It can provide aftersale knowledge about solar products to help BOP woman walk out the door and get a job to increase their incomes. Also provide channels for women and girls to get the access for information of healthcare to protect their life.
The prize will be used as start-up capital for solar media pilot.