Adolescent pregnancy is a global phenomenon with well-defined causes and health, social and economic impacts for the
individual, the family and society. Moreover, it is important to realize that the total number of teenage pregnancies includes
cases of sexual violence. According to WHO, 24 %( percent) of adolescents aged 15-19 have not been able to get
adequate information on Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights in the different societies where they live. Lack of such key
information on SRHR that could have encouraged them to overcome other avoidable risks such physical or sexual violence
in their lives. By 2030, our innovation will disseminate adequate information on Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights to
both adolescent girls and women if our solution is implemented in the 14 focused districts in Uganda
For example Adjumani stands at 14% and in yumbe District alone from the year 2021-2022 about 9134 adolescent girls aged( 15-19) were victims of
early or unwanted pregnancy this is because the relevant information on sexual reproductive health and rights were not
given to the vulnerable group (adolescent girls) hence this unwanted pregnancy. This innovation will provide adequate
information on Sexual Reproductive health and rights which also helps to shape other cultural beliefs e.g. Exchange of girls
for money and once a girl begins to menstruate, they believe she is ready for marriage and most times they say two
women can’t stay in a house which forces the adolescents to get married prematurely hence putting the adolescent girls at
a high risk of teenage pregnancy and its associated outcomes. Our solution once roll out in the focused districts will
continue to have more sessions and follow-ups where the stake holders are playing part to ensure such vices are mitigated
for the well-being of adolescent girls and women by 2030.
Through facilitated film screening a method developed by the youth and for the youth i.e. nexus youth initiative Uganda
developed a method known as the facilitated film screening where a film is directed in line with the problem identified eg. the
teenage pregnancy and scripts written to shoot a short clip that runs for about ten to thirty minutes at most. This short film
is acted by the local people from the community (adolescent girls and boys, women and men) using the local languages in
such areas or English so that the conversation between the community members (adolescent girls and boys, women and
men),stake holders and the facilitators provides a clear ground for all the (adolescent girls and boys) women and men to
understand into details issues discussed and open up to other problems they face which leads to teenage pregnancy in the
communities. This innovation provides a ground for the adolescent girls and boys, women and men to interact freely with
the health workers and others stake holders during the session, and this creates a common language in mitigating the
rampant rate of teenage pregnancy for example creating of by-laws because this discussions bring live examples that have
been burning them for a while which helps in prevention and response techniques when they share such experiences. This
is because this innovation is cantered in the local context ie.use of the local languages and English. the local language
used in the communities aimed at making the local people to understand and actively participate during the sessions. This
makes the community members to come up with testimonies that can generate working solutions to mitigate the high
prevalence rates of teenage pregnancy in this selected districts in Uganda, our solution is also favourable for the minority
and other diverse groups of adolescence girls ands boys(some vulnerable groups) because it is both visual and audio
which cuts across to so many group of people in the communities, it can also favour both the hosts and the refugees when it
gets to disseminating information on SRHR and other form of information(communication) in the communities which leads
to teenage pregnancy . and with the help of the district health department we shall also SRH services and supplies during
our session and also involvement of demonstration of how some of this service and supplies are properly used.
our idea is a great one in communities that still believing in cultural and religious believes we can carry out a sessions with
this leader to make them under the call of action to mitigate this vice because the men and woman are our secondary
Our solution is a community base approach solution so serve the young people (15-19) ,youth men and women in our solution we shall be using the community members and capacity build them with SRHR information which we shall later train them on how to act so that we can create the short films on SRHR topics using the local language and later we take it to the community to through the involvement of the community member and the stakeholders which helps to trigger emotions for communities to set their own solutions to the problems affecting their communities for the cultural believes during our outreaches and also post them on our social media handles to reach out the the communities who are able to access the internet which will bridge the gap of inadequate information on sexual reproductive health and rights in the communities because we shall be using the local context and also document stories of survivor's in the community to help in strengthening their mental health because a lot of young people are going through a lot so will this we be working together with locals leaders. The community will benefit through access to SRHR information's and also capacity building on advocacy and film making skills and acting coz films are loved in Africa it will help in building their career for the one who love cinematography industry.
our team is made up of both refugees and the host communities that have understood the life style of their communities, we have tested the idea and the people welcomed it positively and wish us to continue with more films from different areas of interest of the community where there are facing problems for example in one of the community they request us to make a film on drug abuse cause it was very common among the young people and its another rude cause of so many problems in the that community. we do a lot of pilot studies with the communities to understand our problems better in the community before coming up with this films, we engage them in almost every part of the innovation because we designed the idea for them which helps to make them own the idea and we provide the technical support.
- Improve the SRH outcomes of young people and address root cause barriers to SRHR care.
- Uganda
- Growth: An organization with an established product, service, or business model that is rolled out in one or more communities
we are different in a way that we use the local people to act in local language to bring out the message out very clearly while
having sub titles in English to also reach to other people who don't understand the local language because we are enrooted
to the local context.
we also facilitate the communication so that the community come up with their own solutions to the biting problems in their
community in the presence of some of the stakeholders ie local leaders, religious leader etc
we also do produce short and educative films that brings the message out clearly which triggers the audients to pour out
their hearts to the problems affecting their community. we also have well trained community film facilitators who have
experience in engaging the audience during the session.
our sessions can be done both on line and also in the communities(physically)'
our solution also helps in empowering the young people(women and men) who are involve in acting this films to in the
world of cinematography which still growing in Uganda.
And we also plan to have podcast which are both audio and visual which can be a good platform for passing out
information with the help of our online platforms and the local radios.
during our implementations in some areas both host and in the settlements people love what they watch on the screen and
they relate it to what is happening within their community and which makes them to ask for more films for screening in their
community eg some audiences request for a film on drug abuse because the youth in that area where becoming addicted
to alcohol and marijuana (opium) which has lead to the high increase in teenage pregnancy in yumbe district.
on that we have also develop an OnLive tv which can be streamed on on varies social media and most use using the for social media only so we have decide to take this messages to them on their handles and also do some live broadcast.
So by 2028 our innovation will be able to achieve the following as an impact of the implementation of the project of the hack
It will help in shaping the cultural and religious attitude, value and beliefs which has been causing a lot of harm to the
adolescent girls and boys which encourages early marriages or denial of family planning services.
The adolescent girls and boys will be capacity built about sexuality education which most parents fear talking about.
Our innovation will foster power in the grassroots of the selected districts to advocate for the mitigation of teenage
pregnancy and forced marriage, raising awareness in the consumption of SRHR services like family planning and creating
important personnel relationship with stakeholders like the health worker, local leader etc.
It also gives our audiences a different view of the society that they are used to, broadening their thinking and making
them think about the problems which leads to the increase of teenage pregnancy and others affecting them in the new way.
Our innovation will acts as the mirror reflecting the hopes, aspiration, frustrations and contradictions of the young girls
who are victims of teenage pregnancy or other related problems leading to SRHR issues in the society.
Through the acting and the use of the camera the innovation will capacity build the young people in acting so that they
becoming better actors and actress and camera men and woman because this innovation is for the locals.
our facilitated film screening enables the adolescence girls
and boys to access information on sexual reproductive
health and rights so as to be inform on sexual reproductive
health and rights thought our online platform and also community out reaches into the areas that would be able to asses internet and also have no power. because we release most youth people are in love with the using of the media and also love watching films so we when ahead to shooting of short topical films on SRHR and GBV because we got the poor parent was one of the reason to high teenage pregnancy so we also involves the parents in all our activities so as to create a good ground for the young people to share their problems .
- Uganda
- Uganda
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
We have eight staffs that working towards the project
3 full time staffs
2 part time staffs
1 mentor
our solution has been in the market for the last 2 years and the team of the founders(organisation) have been together for five years now
•Human Right Based Approach
•Youth - led and community -led humanitarian and development interventions.
•Gender specific and inclusive programs for gender transformed communities.
•Integrated programming .
•Internal and External multi-stake holders’ inclusive project and activities evaluation meetings.
•Equitable, accessible and affordable quality service delivery for ALL human kind without discrimination against gender, race, religious and political affiliation.
1.According to our research, most youth IN WESTNILE have developed a lot of love for watching films and because of this we want to use this hobby to pass out information on SRHR .And films are both visuals and audios, so we want to reach out to all categories of people in the target population including the PWD.
We use the local people and the local language in making these films and during the session of the community facilitated film screening when engaging with the communities and also share this information on our online platforms
We build our idea mainly on film making so we make money through videography and photography after making films for private companies and some partners who love to use videos as a reporting tool and also from our individual customers .We also have streaming services if some partners who wants to have webinars.
Skilling youth in ICT, videography AND photography at A cost so that they can use it as an advocacy tool and and also make money for themselves.
- Organizations (B2B)
we have been making money through hiring of our videography and photography and streaming services and also getting funds from partners like for example we are the beneficiaries of the way project funded by the government of Holland and also making money from the our daily customers