Metle Metlik
According to the National institute of Health and WHO, 35% of women have pain during intercourse, STD have doubled in 10 years, 25% of women suffer from post partum depression, 2 out of 5 pregnancies are non desired... and the list goes on and on about the catastrophic statistics of reproductive and sexual health in the Middle East.
The reason for these stats is clear: LACK OF EDUCATION and KNOWLEDGE because reproductive and sexual health is taboo, especially in Arabic language.
Sex ed at school is absent or irrelevant in most MENA region countries. Online information is difficult to find, sometimes even inaccurate. Myths and legends have been perpetuated for centuries around the reproductive health of women.
This leads to physical suffering of course, with conditions that are not properly treated, but also psychological and social. Women can be isolated, unable to share their struggles.
In addition there is so much shame around these topics that women may not even be able to share their concerns with their healthcare providers.
Women need to be educated about their bodies, their health, to be able to detect when something is wrong, to feel better about themselves but also with their partner.
We are a digital platform offering resources in Arabic language, about reproductive and sexual health form women. We provide quality resources guaranteed by healthcare experts. But it is also a safe space where women can learn, ask questions, discuss with healthcare providers, but also discuss with other women going through he same thing.
We accompany women through all life cycles, from first discoveries, to pregnancy and motherhood, challenges (hormonal, sexual....) all the way to maturity (aka.m menopause)
We operate on a FREEMIUM model - providing FREE articles, blog post and tips all through our life cycles. But also PAID pre recorded programs, that go in depth into certain topics such as preparation to delivery, bridal boot camp, vaginismus treatment, sexuality 101.....
A program is around 4 h of videos, and PDFs to further explore the topic. In addition with an extra fee she can access a healthacre provider to ask more personalized questions.
And finally on the long term we would like to provide chat rooms where whe can chat with other women going through the same thing, because we believe that peer to peer support is also essential.
The fact that our programs are pre recorded is an advantage because women can watch the videos multiple times, at their own pace, in the comfort of their home. It is much more convenient and practical that having to watch a master class live at a certain date and time.
We are targeting Arabic speaking women mostly in the GCC to start with (13 millions of women) but ou solution can be expended to all Arabic women eventually.
We cover a wide variety of topics, in Arabic language. So every women should find something helpful on our platform. Our age group is mostly 25-50 because they are the women that are the most "connected" but we don't exclude that older age group will benefit from our solution as well since we develop the "maturity" section as well.
Our programs are either exclusive on our platform where we target very specific TABOO topics that cant be found any where else in such depth. Or topics that are already well established but not accessible to all because either have to be attended in person(if you live in a remote area you cant attend) or online but live which is not practical to all if working or busy with house chores.
Dr Gael Abou Ghannam is an OBGYN and Dr Sandrine Atallah is a sexual medicine specialist. We are both doctors with more than 10 years experience in clinic, caring for women with different pathologies and we noticed that their questions are mostly similar. In additon we both have a huge community on Instagram (Dr Sandrine 470K and Dr Gael 42K) with whom me exchange regularly, we understand their doubts, their questions and their fears.
We also know the topics that interest them and where they need more info
And finally we are women, so we tend to understand ore our target population.
We have interrogated our communities to study our market better and got more than 900 answers - 94% are looking for info online and more than half cant find what they are looking for. 68% are ready to pay for accurate information on certain topics, and 2/3 would rather watch the videos at their own pace.
- Prioritize infrastructure centered around young people to enhance young people’s access to SRH information, commodities and services.
- Lebanon
- Prototype: A venture or organization building and testing its product, service, or business model, but which is not yet serving anyone
We are launching the platform in November. Metle Metlik instagram page already has more than 3000 followers. We are planning on launching the first 3 programs in Jan 2024
Most of the programs already exist IN PERSON or as LIVE workshops, but our innovation is that they are pre recorded. Nobody has done it yet (in arabic)
we are directly working on the indicator of GOOD HEALTH and EDUCATION
A woman that is educated about her body is less likely to suffer from pathologies, (physical and psychological) less social isolation, more control over her reproductive life, more independence
- Lebanon
- Saudi Arabia
- Syrian Arab Republic
- United Arab Emirates
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
Full time staff 2 (Dr Gael and Dr Sandrine)
Par time social media specialist and web site developper
2 years
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
By selling courses to individuals we would be able to finance more courses, to be able to offer free/discounted courses to NGOs
Our courses are prices between 49 and 69$ depending on the depth of the information and the exclusivity
The advantage of the model is that the course of created once and sold multiple times. Basically the only cost we have (except for maintenance of the platform) is to create new courses and market for them.