The problem with my locality is lack of proper facilities for the women and girls to be served.For example health facilities for the pregnant mothers and girls.They also lack the antenatal facilities and child vaccines due to poverty and underservice from the local public health sector.The early pregnancy problem is brought about by poverty and illiteracy of the girl child.The lack knowledge and guidance and thus they fall into the trap.They are also faced with gender based violence and lack the voice to speak for their selves,due to the lack of confidence as women and the knowledge on how to go about it.Most of them end up being pushed by the harshness of life to the streets where they are faced with all sorts of social crimes and dangers.
My solution has been preparing and holding empowerment programs and workshops as well as rehabilitation and psycho social support to the affected women and girls.We usually do this in the local community in the church grounds where we have enough space and freedom.We invite different speakers,counselors and motivators to engage our women and girls.The local authorities are also invited so that they could hear the grievances and present them to the local government for support.We have been having vocational training and skills to empower the women and girls towards financial stability and independence.
The local health officials are also with us so that we ensure that the necessary and vital services are effectively and efficiently offered to our women and girls.
The target population is the women and girls.
Our women and girls in the community are underserved especially when they are pregnant or sick.Especially chronically.For example when they contact Hiv/Aids..they are stigmatized and called names such as prostitutes which lower their esteem.When they go to the government hospitals to collect their ARVs,they are not given the priority and sometimes they even end up not given.
When they face social crisis such as rape or violence,the local authorities would rule away against them especially when the accused give money to be set free.
Our women and girls end up voiceless.
Our solution will address their problems when we educate and sensitize them on their rights.Through empowerment, they'll also be civilised and knowledgeable and nobody will misuse or misguide them.Financial stability for them,would also help them out of poverty.
Myself and the team are the correct people to offer this solution because we are from this particular community,we've grown from there therefore,we understand each and every detail of the target population.We have past experiences and encounter with them and we know how to handle and deal with the problems around them.To understand the needs of this community more and better,we regularly have physical meetings, individual and group counseling and this enables us to understand more what is needed.We also have personnel working on the ground closely with the target group so as to get the necessary information and needs.The community's ideas and inputs are a driving point because they are the people we serve.So their representatives are in the organisation's meetings to air out their views,ideas and opinions.
- Prioritize infrastructure centered around young people to enhance young people’s access to SRH information, commodities and services.
- Kenya
- Growth: An organization with an established product, service, or business model that is rolled out in one or more communities
About 100.
My solution is innovative this way,we have awards for our beneficiaries who do not relapse therefore encouraging others on the program to be serious,organised and ready to learn.This motivates them to also be teachable and disposed.
Regularly,we have the local government and health sector authorities and our girls and women meetings for them to raise their grievances directly to them so that they may see and feel the depth of what they need done for them.This way,it is easier for the government to intervene and help out our women and girls.
We also have virtual links where we discuss issues affecting them,that is for the literate ones.
We use questionnaires also for them to fill out answers to the questions to ask when there are things we need to know from them .
We also hold games,sports and other fun activities regularly to spend time together as we learn from other and bench mark with other organisations.
My impact goals are to empower more women and girls and show them the way for them to take lead to mobilizing and empowering others,educating them on their rights.
We also aim at improving and making best the facilities and services needed by our women and girls to make their lives more easy and enjoyable.
We aim at empowering more women and girls to fight poverty and arrive at financial independence and sustainability.
Our other goal is to improve the literacy of our women and girls through formal and informal education.
I expect my solution to have an impact because the target population is directly involved and therefore the regular discussions we hold together give us the exact knowhow of the needs and the exact solution to offer.The interviews and encounters are also helpful because we don't guess what they might need done for them, because we already have the specific and necessary information.We are also on the ground therefore, having the first hand experience and knowledge of the challenges and needs.We also have ground personnel for proper investigations,field work and research of what might be evolving and the changes or needs arising.In the past year we have had evaluation and this has been of help to be able to identify the areas of change and improvement...where this has helped in achieving most of our goals.
- Kenya
- Kenya
- Not registered as any organization
2 full timers
3 part timers
We have been working on the solution for Three years
My approach to Diversity , inclusion and equity is that all these factors bring about unity and team work.
My solution includes different tribes,ethnicity and genders even though it is female-oriented.
I work with men too who have different roles in the organisation and are innovative and resourceful to us.Inclusion brings about love,care and sense of belonging which help foster it deeply in our vulnerable women and girls.
For us to be more diverse and team goals to be achieved,we do benchmarking with other better doing organizations from different parts of the country.
Our women and girls also interact with different women and girls from other communities and tribes for exchange programs.
I provide vocational training and skills to empower the women and girls for employment purposes and financial independence.
I have trained staff that offer the vocational training to the women and girls.The program is done daily and tests are done at the end of the training for certification.
They need these services so that they can be financially stable and also be able to set up their own businesses or be employed.
They also need the sensitization and education on human rights inorder to protect them.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
For financial sustainability,we have income generating projects which we started for financial independence in the coming years.We do commercial farming,need work in large scales,table banking,candle making,rope making,and investment and savings into Saccos.